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10 December 2015

Miracles: The Great

What is Gods mind concerning

Hey there ive thinking of starting a blog for a while now, and it
has always concerned me why people are quick to dismiss
things of the spirit and why it is now harder to believe in
miracles than in biblical times, so Ive decided to share with
you my thoughts on this great debate concerning the truth in
today miracles.
Concerning spiritual things do not be ignorant, the Bible warns
us in 1 Cor 12:1. This is to say that it is very unwise to walk away
from such matters without seeking understanding. So lets get
into it them.
Are miracles
real? YES!
The absolute
thing that we
have to first
agree on is
instant or any
type miracles
are very real.

10 December 2015

The very existence of us as humans, the process of birth

growing are all miracles, even our creation alone was a miracle.
Knowing this you can note that our very foundation is based
on miracles hence we are also sustained by miracles.
I have heard people saying I dont need to look for a miracle or
that miracles are not important. This seems wise and
intelligent when someone is saying it. But if you look at Jesus
ministry you can see that most of it was based on miracles and
people were attracted to him because of the miracles He did.
For Christianity to be where it is right now it is because of
Jesus and Jesus was synonymous with miracles. Someone might
say people were attracted to Jesus because of His Word. This is
very true but what you need to understand is what the Word
can achieve. In Mark 16:20 it is written And the disciples
went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked
through them, confirming what they said by many
miraculous signs. So the Lord will always confirm his word
with miracles, the word and miracles work hand in hand.
Matter of fact this is another way you can see if the word is
from the Lord, through its confirmation.

Relevance of miracles
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
raise the dead, cast out devils:
freely ye have received, freely
give. Matt 10: 8

Now coming to modern day miracles and the confusion that

surrounds this. Guys, Jesus did relevant miracles period! He
was relevant to the people at that time and he was relevant to
His audience. Thats it. If you meet someone whos hungry and
that is a problem to him you give him food. If a man ordained
by God meets you he has to address YOUR problem, and your
problem is unique to you. One mans meatSo if some is
barren and its a problem to her the man of God has to address
that it doesnt matter to you it doesnt seem like a problem. Just
so you were wondering im saying the man of God because God
gave them that mandate James 5: 14 Is anyone among you
sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over
them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
This the new testament talking about oil, anyway thats a blog
for another day. So if im overweight and its a problem to me
God has to address that, no matter how crazy the miracle is.
Jesus did some crazy miracles but now we believe them because
they are now written in a book. If you were there would you
have believed someone said to have died and rose after 3 days ?
or the prophet Isaiah who died before his prophecy on Jesus

10 December 2015

was fulfilled. Many would have said he was a false prophet

because they too died before that prophecy was fulfilled. But
we now believe this because its in the Bible.
Now the problem is that with every genuine thing, fakes will
also come. This however should not be the reason why you
should stop believing in miracles. It is your job to figure out the
truth from the lie and follow the truth. Being stuck on middle
ground will get you nowhere. The only time Jesus talks about
distinguishing a the false and the true man of God was when
He said you shall know them by their fruits. This is to say what
they are up to away from pulpit. Investigate their character not
their miracles this is what Jesus is saying. The character will
reflect on the miracle.

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