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Dramatis Personae

High Priest:- (Lord Buffalo Wearsakilt) High Priestess:- (Lady High Priestess Moon
Goddess) Ritual Celebrant 1:- (Caller for East), (Spirits ), (This Rabble), (Keepers of
the TOAKHID) Ritual Celebrant 2:- (Caller for South), (That Rabble), (Clueless Jane)
Ritual Celebrant 3:- (Caller for West ), (Other Spirits ), (Rabble Rouser), (Third
Challenger) Ritual Celebrant 4:- (Caller for North ), (Other Spirits), (The Other
Rabble), (Second Challenger) Random Volunteer 1:- (Person who draws circle with
sword) Random Volunteer 2:- (Novice) Random Volunteer 3:- ("Tim")
Drawing of the Circle
Lord Buff will pick out a volunteer before the ritual, who will draw the Circle before
the invocations begin. Lord Buff will start this off by doing a brief, quiet focusing
meditation in front of the circle, using his athame prominently. Then he will ask for
the circle drawing volunteer to come forward, ask him/her if s/he is ready to draw
the circle, and then, saying 'Here, use this," hand them a big honking broadsword to
'weave' their way around the circle. The smaller and younger the volunteer, who
can hold the sword up even so, the better.
Cardinal Invocations
Guardians of the Watchtowers of the Powers of East, Element of Air,
Season of Spring, Hour of Dawn,
We invite thee, we invoke thee, we summon thee.
Bring to us the breath of bright ideas, the sweet zephyrs of inspiration,
The winds of intelligence, the storm fronts of epiphany. Be here now!
Guardians of the Watchtowers of the Powers of South, Element of Fire,
Season of Summer, Hour of Noon,
We invite thee, we invoke thee, we summon thee.
Bring to us the flicker of inspiration, the BBQ lighter of commitment,
The bonfire of passion, the blast furnace of transformation. Be here now!
Guardians of the Watchtowers of the Powers of West, Element of Water,
Season of Autumn, Hour of Evening,
We invite thee, we invoke thee, we summon thee.
Bring to us the dew drops of understanding, the waves of wondering,
The rip currents of emotion, the torrents of renewal. Be here now!
Guardians of the Watchtowers of the Powers of North, Element of Earth,
Season of Winter, Hour of Midnight,
We invite thee, we invoke thee, we summon thee.
Bring to us the seeds of change, the kudzu of organization, The mighty bonzai of
growth, the tectonic plates of stability. Be here now!

Lord Buff: "Old Ones of the-"

Spirits: "Spirits!"
Lord Buff: "Old Spirits of-"
Spirits: "We don't get old, you know."
Lord Buff: "I beg your pardon?"
Spirits: "Well, you can't age if you're immortal, now can you?"
Lord Buff: "I was just trying to address you properly, with respe-"
Spirits: "And how would you know the proper terms of address?"
Lord Buff: "Well, I am Lord Buffalo Wearsakilt, 3rd Degree High Prie-"
Spirits: "And who made you a High Priest, O Lord Baboon-on-stilts?"
Lord Buff: "Why none other than Moondream Whalesong, who was initiated by
Happy Fairy Corvidcanine, who was initiated by the honorable Raymond Buckland,
who was himself initiated by none other than Gerald Gardner, who was initiated by
the indisputable Old Dorothy, herself a witch in an unbroken tradition handed down
from grandmother to second cousin since the time of the Ice Age cave painters of
Lascaux, France!"
Spirits: "You don't really expect me to believe that, do you?! Religious and spiritual
authority isn't a simple matter of whom begat whom begat whom begat whom
begat whom. You have to be chosen by the SpiritsOther Spirits: "Not that everyone is chosen by the Spirits."
Other Spirits: "True, but if you're chosen, then you've definitely been Chosen - if you
know what I mean."
Other Spirits: "Oh, yes, no mistaking it. You're right there."
Other Spirits: "And don't forget it takes a lot more than just being Chosen."
Other Spirits: "True, true. But if you're chosen, at least you're know you're Chosen."
Spirits: "RIGHT! As my compatriots here agree , you have to be chosen by the
Spirits, not by some contrived rite of passage cobbled together from Masonry,
Malaysian customs, and the never-before-published writings of Aleister Crowley!
Lord Buff: "Now just wait a minu-"
Other Spirits: "Oh! And what about this 'Be Here Now!' nonsense? Properly
addressed, indeed! If I told my great, great, great uncle, seven times removed, to
'Be Here Now!', he'd send me off to feed the hounds of Hades with nothing but
myself and an empty bowl. For that matter, who are the 'Guardians of the
Watchtowers' and where do you fi-"
Lord Buff: "Enough already!!" "Old Ones of the Earth and Sky,"
Spirits: "Oh no, you don't!"
Lord Buff: "Ancestors of all that crawls and runs and flies,"
Other Spirits: "Oh, now we're 'ancient', are we?"
Lord Buff: "Wise keepers of the hidden lore,"
Other Spirits: "Well, that's better."
Lord Buff: "We humbly invite you to-" Other Spirits: "Taken the hint, I see."
Lord Buff: ".to join our circle and share your wisdom wi-"
Other Other Spirits: "Share our wisdom? And what do we ge-"
Lord Buff: "In exchange for our heartfelt thanks and this precious token of our

Spirits: "O! Well, then!" "I see you do know the proper terms of address, after all.
Carry on, then. I'll just, um, take this back to share with the fellas, eh?"
Lord Buff: "Now where was I?"
Deity Invocations
Lady Moon: (Hathor)
Het-Hert, known as Hathor, Lady of drunkenness, music, dance, Of frankincense and
the crown, we call your name in love! We ask you to thrust back darkness and make
merry with us. May you help us find wisdom thru laughter, And take your fill of joy in
our sport.
Lord Buff: (Bes)
O Bes, mid-wife's aid and children's protector, Great Dwarf of dance and drums and
merriment, We bid you welcome and ask that you Ward our circle and inspire us
with your music. May you delight in our hospitality And find pleasure in our revels.
Circle Casting
Lady Moon:
Spiel About MidSummer
Lady Moon:
Rabble Rouser: "Is there a novice here? Does anyone know if someone here is a
Rabble Mob:
This Rabble: "Here's one! Here's a novice!"
Rabble Rouser: "A Novice!"
That Rabble: "Yes, a novice!"
The Other Rabble: "A Novice! A Novice!"
Rabble Rouser: "We have found a Novice! We must initiate her/him!" That Rabble:
"Yes, initiate her/him!"
The Other Rabble: "Initiate her/him!"
Lady Moon: "How do you know s/he is a Novice?"
Rabble Rouser: "'Cause s/he acts like one!"
That Rabble: "Yes, s/he acts like one!"
This Rabble: "Initiate her/him!"
Lady Moon: "And just what do Novices act like?"
Rabble Rouser: "They ask lots of questions!" The Other Rabble: "They don't talk very
much!" "
That Rabble: "They buy books published by Llewelyn!"
This Rabble: "They dress in black and wear silver jewelry!"
Lady Moon: "Don't experienced pagans also dress in black, wear silver jewelry, and
buy books by Llewelyn?"
Rabble Rouser: "Uh. Oh. Right."
Lady Moon: "Do you know how to initiate someone?"

Rabble Rouser: "Tie her/him up!"

That Rabble: "Hold a sword to her/his neck!"
This Rabble: "Make her/him swear an oath!"
The Other Rabble: "Shove her/him into a gingerbread oven!"
Lord Buff: "No! No! And, no! You initiate someone by showing them how to be a
true, bona fide, genuine, and verified Pagan. You give them the tools of their craft,
challenge them to surpass their limitations, and. and. um. and send them on their
merry way! "
Rabble Rouser:
"Wait a minute! How do you if you're a true, bonfired, genuflected, and ratified
Pagan?" The Other Rabble: "I haven't surpassed my limitations."
That Rabble: "And I haven't been given any tools."
This Rabble: "I'm not a real Pagan!"
The Other Rabble: "I need to be initiated, too!"
This Rabble: "Me, too, please!"
That Rabble: "Oh, yes, I want to be initiated!"
This Rabble: "Make me into a real Pagan, pleeeaaaasssseeeeee?!"
That Rabble: "Don't forget me!"
Lord Buff: "Oh, very well. Come this way, everyone!"
Beginning of Initiation

First Challenger
Keepers of the TOAKHID: "The Goddess is Alive! And Magick is Afoot! The Goddess is
Alive! And Magick is Afoot!"
Lord Buff: "Who are you, that you confront us like a Trickster, challenging our
assumptions and piercing our comfortable, mundane existence?"
Keepers of the
TOAKHID: "We are the Keepers of the Tome of Arcane Knowledge Hidden in
Darkness! Wielders of the Sacred Phrases 'Merry Meet', 'Merry Part ', and 'So mote it
Lord Buff: "O Keepers of the Tome of. O Keepers of the Book, we seek your wisdom
and guidance upon the Pagan path, and would be honored if you grant us but a
glance within your Tome."
Keepers of the TOAKHID: "Those who would look upon the one and only Tome and
who would speak the sacred phrases must surrender to us a sacrifice!"
Lord Buff: "O Keepers of the Sacred Text, what must we surrender?"
Keepers of the TOAKHID: "What will you give up in exchange for the power of
knowledge?! Name to us this sacrifice and with your words, let your first charm be
taken from you and given up as a sign of your commitment."
< Ritual celebrants start the answering, and the Keepers accept the offerings. If any

silly offerings are made, the Keeper has the discretion to accept or refuse - if
resfused, a participant must return with a more appropriate sacrifice. Once all
sacrifices have been offered and accepted, the HPs will begin leading the Circle past
the Keepers and on into processing around towards the next Challenger. As each
participant passes, the Challenger hands them a copy of 'Yore Verye Owne One und
Onley Olden Tome of Arkane Gnowleje Hidden in Darkenesse'>
< During Tim's performance, Clueless Jane, wearing a 'Clueless Jane' sign now,
begins interjecting and commenting on the ritual - including answering her cell
phone, which will be called by a cell phone concealed by another celebrant.>
Tim: "HALT! Go no further unless you be Pagan peoples of true heart and soul!"
Lady Moon: "And who art thou to bar our path and question our intent?"
Tim: "It is not I who bars your path or questions your resolve. No, it is not I at all.
There are those who know me as. Tim."
Lady Moon: "I ask you again, O Tim, why do you block our pa-"
Tim: "Beware the Enemy Within! Each and every one of you carries the seeds of
your own discontent, your own shortsightedness, your own unease, your own
failure! Verily! Your worst enemy is yourself! Pass me if you dare, for doubt,
discomfort, and drivel await you all with ignorant, pointless interjections!"

Second Challenger

Keepers of the TOAKHID: "O Sister Keeper, I bring to you seekers upon the true
path, who have made great sacrifice that they might receive wisdom from us and
peek within the Tome of Arcane Knowledge Hidden in Darkness. Yet, knowledge
alone is not enou-"
Clueless Jane:
Keepers of the TOAKHID: "Knowledge alone is not enough. What else do these
humble folk need?"
Second Challenger: "The mind may be misled by too much knowledge. The heart
may be troubled by fear and doubt, by cell phones and dinner plans, by day
planners and stock market forecasts, by email and snail mail, by-"
Clueless Jane:
Second Challenger: "What troubles you, child? Are you not at ease among your
fellow seekers? Do you seek excuses and distractions to avoid the work of becoming
a true Pagan?"
Clueless Jane:
Second Challenger: "Sister Keeper, consult the Tome of Arcane Knowledge Hidden in
Keepers of the TOAKHID: "Tome of Arcane Knowledge Hidden in Darkness, Chapter
9, Exercise 55: Smaller Expulsion Ceremony and How to Find the Center of Your

Spiritual Tootsie Pop, page 178, paragraph 1, second phrase: 'You are in your safe
space - a place in which you are in touch with your inner power. Now turn & face the
East. Attend to what you see & hear & feel & sense. Pause. Now turn & face the
South. Attend to what you see & hear & feel & sense. Pause...'"
Second Challenger: "Skip ahead, please, Sister."
Keepers of the TOAKHID: "'Take your bell and ring it once, like so (see diagram 81).
Now listen to the bell. Feel the sound of the bell as it fades into silence. Pause. Take
a deep breath. Pause. Inhale. Pause. Exhale. Pause. You are now ready to begin your
Second Challenger: "Thank you, Sister. Remember this simple meditation and
ponder its power as you meet your second challenge on the pagan path. Surrender
your second charm, and answer me this: 'What distracts you from your path?'"

Third Challenger
Third Challenger: "Greetings, O Seekers! Knowledge and power you may have. But
you must also learn compassion and determination if you would wield your power.
These things we cannot teach you. You must learn them by the example of others
and by your own mistakes. Yet, we can point the way. Behold the sacred flame of
pure intent, divine inspiration, and creative passion.
Third Challenger: "Seek the sacred fire within you."
Third Challenger: "Nurture this fire and let it sustain you through life's lessons. As a
symbol of the flame within, surrender your third charm to me and answer this
question: 'What ignites your passion?'"
End of Initiation
Lord Buff: "We have faced our challenges and been granted the tools of our craft.
We have but one last task before us. Each of us must answer one final question.
After splitting into three groups, we will each approach, one at a time, one of the
former Challengers. Each Challenger will ask the same question of each of us, in
Lady Moon: "So each asks a question of the Challengers. Three groups per
Ritual Celebrant: "You mean, we each ask the Challengers a question and then
divide into three groups?"
Lady Moon: "No, no, no. Three groups of questions."
Lord Buff: "Thank you! Thank you! I think we've got it all sorted out now. Thank you!
That's enough." "Is everyone ready?" "Alright. Now it is time for us to be serious, to
end our jester's dance, and prepare ourselves in silence." "Approach the nearest
Challenger, one person at a time. After you have given your answer, return to the

circle around the may pole and wait quietly for the others to finish."

Cakes and Ale

Or, rather, Cupcakes and Ginger Ale! ;-)
Deity Devocations
Lord Buff: (Bes)
Merry-maker, guardian, wise child of play, We thank you, Bes, for your gifts, caring
and festive, And for your presence in our revels. With words and smiles both, we bid
you farewell.
Lady Moon: (Hathor)
Golden One, Het-Hert, thank you for bringing us your love, protection, and laughter.
May the lessons learned here - of playfulness and solemnity - remain ever in our
hearts. In gratitude and reverence, we bid you farewell.
Cardinal Devocations
Spirits of the Earth and Sky, we thank you For your gifts of wisdom and your lessons
in respect. 'Be here' if you wish - come and go as you will; We bid you farewell.
Spirits of the North, we thank you For your gifts of change, growth, and stability. 'Be
here'.if you wish - come and go as you will; We bid you farewell.
Spirits of the West, we thank you For your gifts of understanding, renewal, and
wonder. 'Be here'.if you wish - come and go as you will; We bid you farewell.
Spirits of the South, we thank you For your gifts of passion, challenge, and
transformation. 'Be here'.if you wish - come and go as you will; We bid you farewell.
Spirits of the East, we thank you For your gifts of inspiration, intelligence, and
delight. 'Be here'.if you wish - come and go as you will; We bid you farewell.
End of Ritual
Lord Buff:
If we mortals have offended, Then with this off'ring, all is mended: As all our antics
have inspired, And mirth with wisdom here conspired, So, gods and spirits, we offer
you This drink of grain and honey-dew, That, with behavior most uncouth, Reveals
in laughter hidden truth. Thus we end and so reflect, And laud you with sincere
Note: You may also want to include the use of two cups (or coconut halves) so that
you are properly prepared for travel as needed during the ritual.

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