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Dont Let Diabetes Ruin Christmas!

| Jangan Biarkan Diabetes Merusak Hari Natal

The festive season can be a tough time of the year for people with diabetes, but it
doesnt have to be bad news. You can have fun without allowing blood-sugar levels to
spiral out of control it just takes a bit of planning and some good recipes.
Hari-hari libur bisa menjadi hal yang buruk bagi pengidap diabetes. Namun, Anda
masih bisa bersenang-senang tanpa membuat gula darah kita melejit. Yang Anda
butuhkan hanyalah beberapa rencana dan beberapa resep yang baik.
Here are 6 practical tips to help make it a good, good day:
Berikut adalah 6 hal yang bisa Anda lakukan:
1. Choose wisely, where you can. Give pastries, deep-fried foods and too much salt
a miss which means a little less stuffing, dressing or sauce on your plate!
Remember the easy guideline for portion sizes: 1/4 meat, 1/4 low-GI starch and
1/2 vegetables and/or salads.

Perhatikanlah makanan yang anda konsumsi. Hindari kue-kue kering, gorenggorengan, dan makanan yang mengandung garam dalam jumlah tinggi.
Perhatikanlah porsi yang tepat: 1/4 bagian daging, 1/4 bagian low-GI starch dan 1/2
bagian sayuran.
*GI: glycemic index. Glycemic index yang rendah membuat glukosa dalam makanan
diserap secara perlahan-lahan.
2. Stick to a normal meal schedule, which means that you shouldnt miss breakfast
or nibble all day. If you watch your portion sizes, you dont have to eat
differently to the rest of the family. Where you can, choose the lower GI options
on offer.

Pertahankanlah jadwal makan Anda. Jangan sampai anda meninggalkan

sarapan kemudian makan makanan kecil seharian penuh. Jika anda memperhatikan
porsi makanan Anda, Anda bebas makan bersama keluarga Anda.
3. Timing is everything. If the family is sitting down to eat later than usual, make
sure you have a healthy snack to keep your blood glucose levels steady. If you
take insulin injections, speak to your doctor before changing your injection


Pengaturan waktu sangat penting. Jika keluarga Anda tidak makan sesuai
jadwal, pastikan Anda memiliki sebuah snack sehat untuk mempertahankan tingkat
glukosa di dalam darah Anda.
4. Be mindful of what you drink. Steer clear of sweet, non-alcoholic drinks and
remember: alcohol is high in kilojoules, so stick to a little dry wine with your
meal. Make sure that you have some iced water flavoured with lemon slices on
hand, and artificially-sweetened cold drinks in the fridge


Hindari minuman non-alkoholik yang manis. Alternatif yang baik adalah air
dingin dengan resapan lemon.
5. Add some delicious vegetable dishes to your festive table think about lightlydressed salads or grilled non-starchy vegetables. Theyre full of nutrients, low-GI
and filling.


Sediakanlah sayuran di atas meja Anda! Contoh sayuran yang tidak akan
menambah tingkat gula darah Anda adalah selada dengan saus yang tidak terlalu
6. Get some exercise between meals this is the perfect time to take a walk with
the family, to have one of those back-lawn cricket matches, or to shoot some
hoops in the drive. Just get everyone moving before the next course!

6. Usahakanlah untuk tetap berolah raga, seperti jalan-jalan santai bersama keluarga,
dan bermain games yang menyenangkan untuk seluruh anggota keluarga.

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