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The Secret of Galactic Forces in Short, With Mohammad Shoaib Quraishi

The Ultra Galactic core is surrounded by Unknown & Unprecised Terrestrial Objects in The Universe. The
Objects are Surrounded by Dusts & Clusters, while they makes it opaque to see whats behind. The
Galaxies and the outer space remnants are combined and so related with the gravitational pull of its
The core of the galaxy, are proportionally held with the
huge cloud of the gases, across its ends, this shows a
spiral shape, throughout galactic body with the blur
The remnants are so heavy, pushes their clusters one
after another horizontally, while inter core pulls the
sides thus its sideways of revolving forms a spiral
Albert Einsteins Theory Relativity shows that the space
and time were interwoven into a single continuum
known as space-time. Events that occur at the same
time for one observer could occur at different times for another.
The galactic mass objects are omnipresent even on bare land of any planet of the universe; reason
behind is the historical Darwins theory, which describes it precisely.
With every good news comes the hollow side of the discovered enigma, here it is very serious and most
extra hazardous if left unknown, or if known but not complete. With all discoveries of various scientists,
paleontologists, mythologists, and cosmologists, it is very cleared that the universe is expanding and the
as its expanding its internal masses are consequently changing, whereas Planets have not showed any
The Space, Time and Gravity are 3 Side of the Universe Existence, in every Galaxy Stars have been born
and demolished by its own internal gravitational pull, which results in two ways, A Neutral Star or a
corpse body or A Supernova.
A Supernova is the Biggest and Brightest Explosion in The Universe, Where all powers are combusted in
its own gravitational sucker and form a new extra-terrestrial and extra-massive creature of every galaxy,
A Black Hole.
According to theory of relativity, of the universe, anything that fall beneath this massive creature,
cannot be survive. This massive creature can be as minute as a 2mm of golf ball to the thousand times
bigger than our own sun and it will keep feeding itself without a burp. A Super Massive Black Hole can
suck up to more thousands of sun in our universe and it will keep getting bigger, huge, enormous, and
gigantically dangerous.
A Black Hole, works as similar as any surface of the planet do, but its gravitational pull is so hard and It
pulls any object like a vacuum pump sucks dust to its nearest sucking mouth. A Black Hole can consume
molar masses in the space, like light, asteroids, stars, planets, dusts and cluster remnants, where dusts
and remnants dont possess, any molar mass, but its mass is much lighter than the weight of a Black
Hole. Its tidal energy of pulling objects towards it sucking gravitational field, is as powerful that it can
insistently stretch the object body and if the surface is too hard to stretch, it will get swallowed in a
glimpse of an eye.

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