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University is an institution of higher learning providing facilities for

teaching and research and authorized to grant academic degrees;
specifically one made up of an undergraduate division which confers
bachelor's degrees and a graduate division which comprises a graduate
school and professional schools each of which may confer master's
degrees and doctorates ( University is a start
of teenage life to determine what their future going to be. University is a
part of important stage in ones life. University life affords freedom,
independence and an opportunity to gain life skills that will be used
throughout life (Crhanova, 2007). As a student, they were given two
choices either to study in the country or abroad. But most students prefer
to study abroad since there are a lot of benefits that they can get through
it. A choice whether to study abroad or study in local university is not
depends on ones, but parents as well. A benefit is a positive impact of a
particular stimulus on a person (Oxford Dictionary 103). The benefits of
study abroad give an impact of a persons life. It also covers transfer not
only of knowledge but also of people (Crhanova, 2007). Travelling, living,
working and studying abroad become a common life experience of people
from democratic countries (Crhanova, 2007). Migration of people has
become popular for educational reasons (Crhanova, 2007). Students can
experience what the outside education systems and world look like
(Crhanova, 2007). Students who are study abroad are more stands out in
terms of knowledge. One of the ways that students seek to prepare for
the global job market is through studying abroad (Patterson, 2006).
According to figures from the Ministry of Higher Education, the number of
Malaysian students studying abroad has increased from 58,963 (2009) to
79,254 (2010) ( Studying abroad offers a
unique opportunity to grow academically, professionally and personally
while going on a once-in-a lifetime adventure (Crhanova, 2007). To be
discussing in smaller scope, study abroad gives advantages in
experiencing a foreign culture, improving second language skills and learn
how to communicate across cultures.
Culture is a distinct ways that people living differently classified and
represented their experiences and acted creatively. Culture has a great
connection with ones life. This also includes languages, religion, dialect

and socioeconomic status. Languages such as English, Malay and Japan

best help people to communicate with other people. Religion differentiates
people from the way they respect and practice what their religion ask for.
Dialect in every country is different from the use of word and sound and it
could be in a country, there will be more than one dialect. Dialect is not a
create culture and its originality come from the ancestor. Dialect is not
only used by inside country but also in overseas country. Socioeconomic
status is a way of people earns and manages their life. Rich people will
have an outstanding life with having the most delicious food, big houses
and perhaps a lot of import car. Differ with lower-class people; they will
have a moderate life. Only necessity will be fulfilling. When be in foreign
country, students were exposed to a new culture, a new lifestyle and a
new scenery too. When a student has experienced foreign culture, they
will not having any problem if they were sent to work in foreign country.
There will be no term of culture shock for them. They can manage their
life very well in terms of proper dressing up, eating halal food or food
which is permissible to be eaten by muslim and mingling with foreign
people. It is because they participate in the day-to-day life of a new locale.
Students who study in foreign culture will gain a first-hand understanding
and new appreciation of the culture (Crhanova, 2007). Besides that, if
they have to do research about foreign culture in the future, this
experience going to help them a lot to get the best result. In short, study
abroad not only helps student in gaining academic knowledge but
knowledge of foreign culture as well.
Apart from gaining experience, study abroad offers students to
improve their second language skills. Second language is not necessary
English. It could be other languages too such as Mandarin, Italian and
Philippines. Through this globalization society, learning language is
important for everyone. Second language could be more than one
language. During learning, students will meet variety type of students in
terms of races, religion and also country. Through this session, students
can grab this perfect opportunity to learn deeper in many languages.
Normally, students will stay for three years and above in foreign country
before they get their degree. Three years is more than enough for
students to sharpen their second language skills. As soon as they

graduate, they can speak more than two languages fluently. Able to speak
in many languages is one of criteria that company need most to hire an
employee. As for example, in foreign country, there is a programme called
as mobility programme which gives benefits and new experience to
students and teachers as well. One of the famous European programmes
is ERASMUS which is organised by the EU. This programme runs for three
to twelve months. It is more emphasized for academic purpose. A typical
trailer on a mobility programme offers an opportunity to meet new people,
an improvement of language skills and new experience as the main
benefits (Crhanova, 2007). ERASMUS is a successful programme and it is
famous in foreign country. Students who study abroad will never miss to
grab this golden opportunity because it is for personal outcome. ERASMUS
helps people with having adoption family in the other country. With having
adoption family, the adoption family will teach the students about their life
and they will gain new knowledge especially in learning new language.
Staying with adoption family for a few months will make the new students
feel comfort with their new life.
Each culture has set rules that its members take for granted. Only
few who are aware of our own cultural biases because cultural imprinting
is begun at a very early age. And while some of a cultures knowledge,
rules, beliefs, values, phobias and anxieties are taught explicitly and most
of the information is absorbed subconsciously. When it comes to
communication, what is proper and correct in one culture may be
ineffective or even offensive in another. In reality, no culture is right or
wrong, better or worse, but just the differences. In todays global business
community, there is no single best approach to communicating with one
another. The key to cross-cultural success is to develop an understanding
of and a deep respect for the differences. Regarding this danger zone,
study abroad helps students a lot in appreciating a culture. When students
already feel comfort with their new life, they will be able to communicate
across culture. Communicating across culture is one of the most
challenging things. In working life, dealing with new people is common. A
student with an experience of staying abroad will perform well in dealing
with people from the other country. It is not only about spoken different
language but also understanding their lifestyle. Some people have

different understanding with their lifestyle. As for example, some people

prefer to have meeting at night, some people prefer to deal with same
gender and perhaps some people prefer to meet only at coffee house.
Each country also has their own ways in showing respect to people such as
Japan and Korean people bow down their body when they meet people.
Understanding what they like and dislike is important to have a great deal
with them and to prevent from misunderstanding. Study abroad helps
students to become familiar with the customs and traditions of the
country. Through this studying session, students will develop an
appreciation of culture and its differences of own culture. This term called
as visiting new country for free. At the end of their study, students are
able to communicate across culture through verbal and non-verbal action.
To be conclude, since university life is important to having a good
start in the future, individual and parents need to take it as a serious
decision. Study abroad is a golden opportunity to success in life because it
has good advantages than drawback. Individual and parents need to
investigate the good side of studying abroad. By asking those who are
experienced in studying abroad, searching in internet about studying
abroad students outcome and ask for professional opinion is a good and
must action to take. Despite local university offers the same level of
education, study abroad gives more advantages to students. Parents
should not be worry of financial problem because of course only best
students will be offer to further study in abroad. Government will help
students who got offer to study abroad with providing scholarship to them.
If they were lucky, they will get financial sponsor to earn their life in
foreign country. Students will not be ignored because government will
monitor them and students can inform them if there is any problem. In
foreign country, there will be best technologies which can help in their
studies. Students will have great accommodations and for sure they will
satisfy with what they have there. With learn to live without family, the
maturity of students will increase and as soon as they graduate, there will
be no problem for them to live independently. As stated above, study
abroad offers students to experience a foreign culture, improving second
language skills and learn how to communicate across culture. To be
asserted, live in a best future is a dream of everyone. Since study abroad

can fulfil the dream, why need to let this golden opportunity fly away? As
students and parents, do make the best decision for the sake of a good
(1634 words)


1. Crhanova, I. (2007). Some of the main benefits of study abroad. Retrieved from
2. Culture. (n.d) In Merriam Webster. Retrieved from

Engle, L. & Engle, J. (n.d.) Study abroad levels: Toward a classification of

types. Retrieved from

4. Number of Malaysian students studying abroad. (2012). After school higher

education advisor. Retrieved from
5. Parey, M. & Waldinger, F. (2008). Studying Abroad and the Effect on
Labor Market Mobility: Evidence from the Introduction of ERASMUS.
6. Patterson, P. K. (2006). Effect of study abroad on intercultural sensitivity.
7. University. (n.d) In Merriam Webster. Retrieved from
8. Williams, T. (n.d.) Impact of study abroad on students intercultural
skills: adaptability and sensitivity. Retrieved from

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