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Hinduism Questions Unit 4


Do you think karma yoga is important?

1. Mentioned in the BG
2. One of the recognised pathways to moksha
3. Karma Yoga is good deeds performed with an attitude of selflessness to achieve
4. Can be performed by all: caste, gender, age


1. In the BG it says that bhakti Yoga I more important

2. Some scholars such as Shankara have said that they are simply preparation for Jnana

Should all Hindu communities have a mandir?


1. It provides a place for Hindu worship it provides a social center

2. It plays a part in preserving and promoting the identity of the Hindu community

1. The Hindu community does not need a physical building in order to bind or identify it
2. Worship in the mandir is just as meaningful if done at home
3. The social and educational services a mandir provides are available elsewhere

Do you think that everyone should have a religious naming ceremony?

1. It is one of the samskars
2. A name has important meanings for the family so it is important to mark this with a
religious ceremony.
3. The ceremony conveys an important blessing upon the child

1. Rites of passage do nothing for the person concerned
2. Naming is a family matter not a religious matter
3. Not all Hindus believe that ceremonies are a way of gaining good karma and blessings.
Do you think bhakti yoga is important? Give two reasons for your point of view
Answers, which think bhakti yoga is important, are:

1. Texts such as the Bhagavad Gita suggest that it is best way to gaining liberation
2. People of all social classes and levels of insight are capable of such loving devotion
3. It has been an important part of the Hindu tradition since ancient times

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

Answers, which think bhakti yoga is not important, are:

1. Some sacred texts suggest that jnana yoga is more effective and, therefore, more
2. It ignores ones karmic nature
3. The detachment practised by sanyasins is more important
8 Mark
What is the significance of cow protection in Hinduism?
1. Cows are sacred as they provide the necessities of life
2. They are the embodiment of Mother Earth
3. Nandi, the bell, is Shivas attendant

4. They are closely associated with Lord Krishna

5. As such white cows are allowed to wander at will, their protection symbolises the
reverence which Hindus have for all life

6. Cow protection has become a political issue for some Hindu nationalist groups and their

7. Symbolise the gift of life through provision of milk, dung etc. Killing of cows is banned in
some Indian states
The significance of vegetarianism in Hinduism?
1. Complies with ahimsa

2. Sign of Religious purity

3. For some indicates caste status

4. Meat causes arousal of Rajas Passions

5. Krishna only eats fruits & veg. in BG

6. Some Hindus do not believe in vegetarianism

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

Why the idea of ahimsa has influenced so many Non-Hindus?

1. It is an inspiring ethic as it is based on respect for life

2. Many have witnessed the effective political use of ahimsa by such figures such as
Gandhi and his followers

3. Some are influenced by the place of ahimsa in personal ethics, such as its use in
medical ethics Other religious traditions have borrowed/ adopted this tradition via
4. Large numbers of Hindus have always eaten meat.

5. Vegetarianism is becoming very popular in the West.

6. Many in the West are turning to vegetarianism at the moment as they find the ideas of
non-injury to animals appealing.
7. They are also becoming aware of the benefits of vegetarianism for health reasons.
8. Ideas of keeping animals for factory farming; transporting them in an inhumane
manner; repulsion to being cruel to animals are making many people turn to
vegetarianism today.

What are the beliefs about Ahimsa?

1. It is one the central tenants of Hinduism

2. It means not harming living things because they are sacred

3. Practising ahimsa helps one to acquire good karma
4. It was propounded by MK Gandhi

5. Hindus believe in Atman & Brahman being present in everyone. Therefore if you hurt
anything (plants or animals), you will be hurting God. However Ahimsa is minimum
violence needed to sustain life, so to live and cause least pain one need to eat plants.
6. Ahimsa talks of not harming but the positive aspect suggests reverence for life

7. Two sorts of Philosophy. Advait and Dvait. They differ in how they see Brahman and
the Atman.

8. Advait mean Atman and Brahman = 1 and are together. You are God, so everyone is
also God. You cant eat or hurt anything therefore because you have to respect them as
you would God.

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

9. Dvait says Atman and Brahman =2 and are separate. Even though you wont be
hurting God, by eating the animal you do practice Ahimsa because of respect their life
because of respect for Gods creation.
Teaching and Practice by MK Gandhi?

1. The principle of ahimsa was important to Gandhi in the attainment of Moksha.

2. He tried to live according to the demands of sacred Hindu texts wherein it was it was
proposed Rig Ved (Ahimsa Param Dharma
3. The concept was prominent within the Pranami sect which he grew up in..

4. As a positive force it gave the oppressed a just means of challenging their oppressors
5. He believed that it would shame the unjust and make them rethink their position

6. Non-violence was important to many of those who influenced his thinking such as Jesus
or H-D Thoreau
7. Gandhi was influenced by the Hindu & Jain teachings of Satya Graha & Swa-Raj. Both of
these were used as political tools where he used the phrase Satya Graha = which means
insistence on truth in a peaceful manner

8. These ideas were adopted by various other groups to either gain independence or civil
rights for their people in a non-violent manner.
9. In the sixties Martin Luther King the black activist leader in USA followed Gandhi's
principles and managed to gain equal rights for the black people
Explain why non-violence (ahimsa) is important for Hindus.
1. Brahman is within every living being, so every living being should be respected
2. Harming a living being will bring bad karma

3. Ahimsa has been encouraged by many great Hindu leaders

4. It is one of the principles which make up the Sanatan dharma

5. It is taught in many sacred texts

What is the importance of the ashrams in Hinduism?

1. Ashram comes from the Sanskrit work Shrama, that which is achieved through effort.
They are a sub division of Sanatan Dharma in the form of Human Dharma.

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

2. The four ashrams are Brahmacharya, Grihsta, Vanaprastha, and Sanyasi.

3. The reason for the progression includes preparing yourself for life, as well as being able
to achieve the 4 aims of life.
4. The four aims of life are Dharma, Artha, Kam & Moksha, therefore by sticking to the
ashrams you can attain all the desires in ones life.
5. Brahmacharya Knowledge, duties & dharma are attained.

6. Grihsta look after family, vivah family, wedding, Kam and Artha desires & money.

7. Vanaprastha withdrawing from family life, and dwell in the forest and helps to attain
8. Sanyasi forth and final stage but can be achieved at any age, free of desires,
renunciation and waiting for death, you only have a water vessel.
Outline the duties of a Hindu during the 3rd stage of life (Vanaprastha)?
1. This is the third stage of life, where one withdraws from family duties.
2. It is also the stage of retirement.

3. You would be an advisor in the family in household matters and family matters. One also
withdraws worldly desires in order to attain Moksha.
4. You will also go to the forest and dwell there. Vana forest and Prastha means dweller.
5. It is the stage in life where you would try to achieve or make progress towards getting
moksha (1 of the 4 aims of life)
Explain why the student stage of life (Brahmacharya) is important for Hindus
1. No one is born with knowledge, so the first stage is of learning.

2. Other than learning these Brahmacharya have to learn about their duties (dharma).

3. The student should be celibate, Brahmacharin, to keep away from distraction, to practice
4. This is marked by entry into this ashram via the UPANAYANA ceremony (1 of the
samskar), conduct at 8 years of age. This makes you stronger mentally & physically.
Explain why the householder stage of life is important for Hindus?

1. This is the second stage of life, and begins with marriage.

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

2. One enters this stage and begins a family. One earns a living, i.e. money... and looks
after family (children, partner & elderly), and society (Human & Social Dharma).

3. This allows one to acquire wealth (Artha money) and desires (Kam desires); these
are 2 of the 4 aims of life (Dharma, Artha, kama, moksha).
4. This is the stage where you make your financial stability to keep you stable for the
other three stages of life. You also do work for society (social dharma).

How one Hindu organisation helps to relieve poverty and/or suffering in the UK.
1. BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha UK, have supported the UNs End Poverty by 2015
millennium campaign called Be The Change. This programme aims to help relieve
poverty by providing food, shelter, healthcare, clean water, and education.

2. BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha have also been influential in the UNs International Peace
Day, which related to child poverty in the UK and abroad.
The reasons why the organisation does this work?
1. Hindus accept suffering as part of life, and to an extent is caused by ones own karma in
this life or the past.
2. However regardless of the cause of the suffering, Hindus help relieve suffering.

3. Hindus accept everyone is an atman, and hence has a connection with Brahman. So by
helping someone, you are actually helping God as well.
4. This will get you good karma to allow you to get Moksha.

5. Also by offering charity it is a form of seva, which will count towards bhakti yoga,
leading to moksha.
Mandir - The role and function of the Mandir in the local community?
1. It provides a place for Hindus to worship
2. Centre for learning & research
3. It provides help for the needy
4. It may be a medical center

5. Social center for Hindus & Others

6. Outside India it plays a big role in preserving & promoting identity of the Hindu

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

6. It is important during festivals

The architecture and other main features of a Hindu mandir and the reasons for
1. The outer shape reflects the Himalayan realm of the Gods

2. The steps to the mandap, symbolises the upward path to moksha

3. The shikara leads the eye upward and represents Brahma as the highest level of mind
or moksha
4. The murtis represent the belief that moksha can be achieved via devotion to deities
5. Each murti symbolises Hindu beliefs about particular deity

6. The statuary and art may include images, which elaborate Hindu values & beliefs from
the epics (Mahabharat & Ramayana)
7. The presence of water reflects the Hindu belief in its purifying power and that
pollution must be removed.

What happens at the Naming ceremony?


Mother will bathe for first time since birth

Mother is given new clothes
Father will shave for first time since birth
Priest may cast a horoscope to determine first letter of babys name
Father will write the childs name, date of birth and a deity in rice grains using a gold
object or coin
6) Father whispers new name in babys right ear
Why is the naming ceremony important?
1) It is one of the sixteen samskars

2) Its performance is part of ones varnashrama dharma

3) It represents the removal of pollution

4) The child is given its correct name, via horoscope analysis

5) The choice of name confers the characteristics of that name or associated deity upon
the child

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

What Happens at the cremation ceremony ?

The washing of the body by relatives

The procession to the cremation ground
The eldest son walks around the body three times
Prayers are said
Offerings are thrown onto the fire
The mourners wash and put on new clothes

Why is the cremation ceremony it important?

1) It is the last of the 16 Samskars last rite of the body

2) Hindus believe only by cremating the body can the soul attain moksha (free the soul)

3) It is the duty (dharma) of the family to carry out this ritual for the person whos died.
4) It is the only way the soul can re-join with Brahman
5) The route to 1 of the 4 aims of Hindus life
Sacred Thread Ceremony
What happens?

Ritual washing
Partial shaving of the head
Sharing last meal with parents
Symbolically leaving home to live with Guru
Receiving a sacred thread
Reciting a mantra

Why is it important?

It affirms the importance of the ashram system

It confirms the important place of gurus in Hindu society
It confirms the importance of the family
For some Hindus it highlights the importance of Varna where it is only available to
the dvija(Brahmins)
5) It shows the importance of prayer and mantras
6) In some groups it underlines the relative position of the sexes


Hinduism Questions Unit 4

Explain how the sacred thread ceremony represents Hindu values ?

1) This ceremony is a samskar, called the Upanayana ceremony. It shows values because
it marks the transition of the child into a new stage of life.
2) That next stage is where the student will be studying. It is a rite of passage that all
children should have, emphasising the need for education. This shows Hindu values.
3) The Brahmin or priest will whispers the Gayatri Mantra into the ear of the child,
indicating the need for spirituality and religion from the beginning of life.

4) The child also gets three strings representing respect for 1) parents, 2) guru and 3)
God. This show of respect indicates Hindu values.

5) Finally the havan (fire) represent the yagna, a Vedic ritual, demonstrating respect for

How: BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha is one Hindu organization that is working for
social and community cohesion by
1. Holding Interfaith events

2. Holding projects that bring people of all faiths together

3. Holding, in collaboration with UN, International Peace Day

4. Welfare for the elderly children go to old peoples home and break generation

It is necessary to build bridges in the community

To keep peace amongst diversity
To develop respect for others
Helping others is a way of getting good karma and therefore moksha

Explain why karma yoga is important for many people?


Traditionally pathway of attain Moksha


Available to anyone regardless of caste, sex etc..



Emphasised by Bhagwat Gita

Incorporated in to daily life

Hinduism Questions Unit 4


It has an obvious effect of your future re-incarnation


Aim of life to get moksha therefore via a recognized pathway to Moksha.

Explain why bhakti yoga is important for many people?




You do bhakti yoga by developing a personal relationship to a supreme personal

god via Parabhakti
It is also regarded as the easiest and sweetest pathway to God, and hence more
Available to all, regardless of caste etc. as God sees all as equal
Total surrender leads to peace of mind & calmness

Emphasised in the Bhagwat Gita.

Outline the practices of raja yoga?

1. Control of the body & posture
2. Control of mind & senses
3. Control of breathing

4. Meditation of Brahman

5. Detachment from greed, lust, envies.

Explain why jnana (GNAN) yoga is important for many Hindus?
1. Many sacred texts suggest that it is effective in reaching moksha
2. Some Hindus consider it to be the highest form of yoga

3. It has been championed by great thinkers such as Shankara

4. It allows its adherents to understand the true relationship between Brahman and
5. Other forms of yoga inevitably require karmic involvemet

Hinduism Questions Unit 4

6 Mark

Jnana (knowledge) yoga is the only way to liberation.

Reasons for supporting this statement could be:
1. One can never attain moksha until one knows the true nature of the relationship
between atman and Brahman
2. Bhakti yoga and karma yoga are simply means of preparing oneself for gaining jnana
3. Great Hindu scholars such as Shankara have declared this to be the case

Reasons for not supporting this statement could be:

1. Sacred texts such as the Bhagavad Gita suggest that it is only one of the ways in which
moksha can be attained
2. Great scholars such as Ramanuja have declared that bhakti yoga is more effective
3. It may be the easiest way for the lucky few, but it is not the only way
The sanyasins ashram is the most important stage of life

Reasons for supporting this statement could be:

1. It is the stage which is closest to death and rebirth
2. The pursuit of spiritual enlightenment brings a person closest to moksha
3. By giving up material and selfish goals the devotee is able to concentrate the divine

Reasons for not supporting this statement could be:

1. All four stages are equally important
2. Not all Hindus arrive at this stage
3. Some Hindus do not regard the traditional ideas about the four stages of life as being
particularly relevant today
Nobody can live as a wandering holy man (sanyasin) in the modern world.

Reasons for supporting this statement could be:

1. It is not practical to walk from place to place and find people who are willing to provide shelter and
2. In most cases it is necessary to have a permanent address and to be registered as a tax payer

3. The modern world provides too many material distractions

Reasons for not supporting this statement could be:

1. Many people are very willing to provide shelter and alms to

2. People who command such respect

3. If one registered as a resident at a religious community there is

4. Plenty of opportunity to travel around and teach/share worship

5. The material distractions of today are no more tempting than those of the past

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