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Name : Jelita Shaleha Sibarani
ID: 4133121020
Course: Microteaching
Bilingual Physics Education
State University of Medan


Teachers are professional educators with the primary task of educating, teaching,
guiding, directing, train, assess, and evaluate students on early childhood education, formal
education, primary education, and secondary (Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and
Lecturers ). The teacher is a person who has a noble mission to encourage, guide and
learning facilities for students to achieve the goal. Teachers have a responsibility to see
everything that happens in the classroom to assist in the development of students.
Submission of the subject matter is just one of many activities in learning as a dynamic
process in all phases and process development of students (Slameto, 2003: 97).
Teachers play a role and important responsibilities in the implementation of the
teaching program at the school. The teacher is a mentor students so that they can establish a
meaningful emotional connection during the process of absorption of the values of the
surrounding environment. This condition allows them to adjust to the life in the community
(Depdiknas 2003: 3).

Teacher competence

The key that should be owned by every teacher is competence. Competence is a set of
knowledge and teaching skills of teachers in performing his professional duties as a teacher so
that the goal of education can be achieved with either.
Meanwhile, competency standards as stipulated in the regulations of the Minister of
National Education on standards of academic qualifications and competence of teachers in which
it stated that the rules of professional teachers should have 4 professional teacher competenceS,
1. Competence pedagogic
Pedagogical competence is the ability with regard to the understanding of
learners and managers of learning to educate and dialogue. Competence
which is a distinctive competence, which differentiates teachers to other
professions consists of seven aspects of capability, namely:

Know characteristics child learners

Dominate theory learn and principles learning

capable develop curriculum

activity learning that educates

Understand and develop potential participant learners

Communication with participant learners

appraisal and evaluation learning

2. Competence Personality
These competencies are related to the teacher as an example, some aspects
of this competency, for example:






have a certain character noble

Become example for participant learners and community

Evaluate performance own

Develop yourself in sustainable

3. Competence Professional
These competencies can be seen from the ability of teachers to keep
abreast of the latest science for the development of science is always
dynamic. Professional competence of teachers should be developed

simultaneously with learning and reflective action. Professional

competence is the ability of teachers to master the learning materials is
broad and deep that include:

The concept, structure, methods science / technology / art houses /

Coherent with teaching materials, materials teaching there in
curriculum school.

Relationship concept inter- lesson Related

Application concepts scholarly in life daily

Competence in professional in global context with permanent

conserve value and culture national

4. Competence Social
Social competence to be seen whether a teacher can work together with
the community and the students and other teachers. Social competencies
that must be mastered teachers include:

communicate oral and article

Use technology communication and information in functional

associate in effective with participant students, fellow educators,

education, people parent / guardian participant learners

associate in courtesy with community around

Act corresponding with religious norms, legal, social, and culture

national Indonesia

show mature person

ethos work, responsibility high responsibility, pride be a teacher

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