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Feminism is the belief in economic, political and social equality of the sexes.
Feminism also embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and
liberty within reason including equal civil rights and that discrimination shoul
d not be made based on gender, sexual orientation, skin color, religion or cultu
re. For many years, women have wanted to gain equality with men. They had no rig
hts as men had. I believe that feminism is important because every women then ha
s an equal opportunity to achieve something in life without any discrimination b
ased on sex. Rape in marriage became a crime in 1991 and since then we have ach
ieved much more. Nowadays, many women are managing their own families without th
e help of a man. They became independent so they don't need their husbands for f
inancial support. Some of women even have power in goverment and have powerful j
obs. Socialist feminism focuses on economics and politics. The fact that in the
USA women are typically paid $0.70 for the exact same job that a man would be p
aid a dollar for.Socialist feminists think that this is based on capitalist syst
em. Men are expected to work outside the home while women are expected to care f
or children and clean the house. I think that men should work on the hard physic
al work because it is easier for them, but if some woman works on that job too s
he should be paid the same as he is. One of the problems is also looks. Women ha
ve not even worn trousers until the 20th century. Luisa Capetillo was the first
woman who has worn trousers in the public and was sent to jail because that was
considered to be a crime. By the time, all the women have started to wear trouse
rs in public. Nowadays, media shows us that every women should look like models.
They are even too fat, too thin, too ugly or something. If they work in media t
hey should be beautiful and fit, yet the man doesn't have to be beautiful and fi
t. A lot of people think that if you are feminist you hate men, beautiful women
or something, but the thing is they just want to be equal and that's it. Today g
irls outperform boys at school and they are more likely to get better grades. Mo
re and more they study technical sciences, economy and the things that they have
never studied before. Business may be dominated by men today, but this will not
last long. If woman is educated, the whole new generation is educated because s
he will have a family and raise her kids to think that everyone is equal no matt
er what sex they are. There is no female mind because the brain is not an organ
of sex. Feminism is not something you are born with, it is something you learn a
nd experience in life. Hopefully, we achieve more and more better stuff by the q
uestion of feminism and one day we will all be equal and the same.

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