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Minutes of the Meeting of Fagley Primary School & CC

Governing Body
held on 10th March 2016

Meeting commenced at 3:35pm

Present: Denise Briggs (DB), Jayne Craven (JC), Amanda Lee (AL), Chris Parfitt (CP)(Head), Mike
Whitehouse (MW)

In Attendance: Carol Blythe (CB)(Inclusion Manager), Keira Burnsall (KB)(DHT), Tracy Isherwood
31/15 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Rachel Curtis, Nadia Khan, Anne Springer and
Emma Wallace.
32/15 Declarations of interest in agenda items
There were no declarations of interest in items on the agenda
33/15 Any other business and requests for agenda order variations
Following item 37/15 there will be an item about the School Council
completing learning walks
The amended Positive Behaviour Policy will also be ratified at this
34/15 Safeguarding and Inclusion Carol Blythe
At the present moment we do not have any children on Child Protection attending school.
The Child Protection Policy has just recently been updated and all new guidance and
information has been added or amended. We have 2 new trained named persons in
school to ensure that there is a named person in the building at all times. All Child
Protection information that is passed on to other schools is transferred over and a signed
transfer form gained from the receiver. The policy is available to parents on request. All
documentation to evidence training is filed and refresher training is followed up. A
governor asked for the full list of named people in school including the 2 new
members; these are Chris Parfitt, Keira Burnsall, Carly Smith, Fakra Wahid, Carol
Blythe and Kamina Manjour. The Safeguarding Board in the staffroom is identified in
induction (there is one in Reception for parents), lists of the named people are in each
classroom; it is the responsibility of all adults to care for the children.
Case study a child joined the school, we knew Social Care were involved; induction
took place and the child settled well initially. The child began to present issues and it got
to the stage they needed 1:1 support as they swore and were violent. Families First
were involved. Mum was removed from the house and put in a refuge but has told her
partner her location, she has now been moved to a safe refuge and the child is now
missing in education. The school and childrens centre have been praised for Early
Intervention by the police and Social Services.
CP reported that the team worked really fast on this case, the school works closely with
the Childrens Centre. A governor asked if there is someone at the CC for CB to
Signed as a true record:

speak to and to feel supported in Child Protection issues; CB replied that she feels
totally supported in school.
The monitoring of children continues until they physically start secondary school; if a
child when to Pakistan at the end of Y6, monitoring would continue until they had
returned and taken their place at upper school, this is also a part of Safeguarding and the
Prevent Agenda; photocopies of tickets are taken and if the child does not return on time
the LA are informed. The school receives a list of children missing in education each
month and continues to keep track of any who leave for the following year.
The safeguarding Policy has just been amended and updated. All staff are to have
Safeguard/Child Protection training 14th/16th March. Jennie Whitehead is to deliver the
training in school. There are 2 safeguarding Boards in school for information for staff and
parents. These are updated on a regular basis to ensure the most up to date information.
The policy is available to parents on request. School is in the process of completing a
safeguarding audit for Bradford Safeguarding Childrens Board, final outcomes are to be
submitted by 21/3/16. A completed audit will be discussed with Mrs Parfitt (Headteacher)
and Rachel Curtis (Safeguarding Governor and Chair) to discuss the outcomes; this will
then be included on the next FGB agenda.
School works closely with the School Nurse and discusses all issues with her to ensure
all children who are referred to the service is followed up. The nurse meets regularly with
the SENCO and Inclusion Manager to help support children on plans and who have
health needs. A governor asked how often they visit school; the nurses come in each
Monday, it is a need for the pupils and their families, they also collect referrals although
they can be contacted by email should a priority issue arise.
Case study an obese child was referred to the nurses who referred them to HENRY
(Health & Nutrition for the Really Young), the family also attends Lets Get Physical at the
Childrens Centre. This shows the team working together to get the family involved with
the correct agencies to address the childs health. In another example a child who
continued to wet the bed was referred by the school nurse to Paediatrics and the issue is
being addressed.
There are no CAFS running at the moment but one family is having action closed with
Social Care and school will then open a CAF to support the needs of the family.
Case study there is one family who will not engage with the school, there are not
enough concerns for this to be a Child Protection case so a CAF was opened and mum
has now engaged with us. NB: a CAF can only be opened in school when Social Care
close their case.
3 children are attending the school and are Looked After Children. All PEPS are
completed and reviews held. All children are seen weekly by the Inclusion Manager and
their viewpoints discussed. All meetings and reviews are attended and attainment
recorded on BSO. School have regular contact with carers and the Virtual schools Team
to support the children and their needs. Pupil Premium spending is identified on the
PEPS for each child. Each child has a Pastoral Support Plan to ensure that their
emotional and well-being needs are been met.
Signed as a true record:


Rashid Kariolia is the person attached to Safeguarding for Mosques. School liaise with
him for any issues around safeguarding at Mosques and he has come into school to
speak to parents about safety in Mosque. A recent concern around radicalisation was
discussed with Rashid and a positive outcome was achieved. A case study was done on
this issue.
Case study a child came back from holiday last year and their behaviour had changed,
concerns were passed to Rashid, went through the process and the family were
involved. After they were investigated by the Chanel Team it was decided no
radicalisation had taken place; he was also checked for mental health concerns. The
child has moved to secondary school who were informed of our concerns.
There are some new staff who have not yet had the Prevent training, this is currently
being organised; information is included on the Safeguarding board mentioned earlier.
School have liaised with The Community Cohesion Team and Channel Officer in the past
year to discuss a concern from a member of staff around radicalisation. This was not the
case but the school are now confident in the use of the Channel Process. Staff have
received Extremism and Radicalisation Training in school and have been made aware of
The Prevent Duty and how to recognise behaviours in children if they are in danger of
been radicalised.
Racism in school is very rarely an issue. No incidents of direct racism have occurred.
The children are through lessons and the positive lifestyle centre aware that Racism is
not tolerated in school. Assemblies are held to discuss Racism and displays around
school give the children the message that diversity is the way forward.
All reports of bullying incidents are dealt with immediately. No bullying forms have been
completed this year, although we have had children mean to each other. We endeavour
to teach children about the myths and facts of bullying. Bully boxes are in school for
children to use and are checked daily. All concerns from parents are dealt with and
followed up. The school takes part in Anti-Bullying week each November but the work on
relationships never ends. CB leads a Social Skills group held on a Friday to prevent
behaviour developing into bullying. From the Parental Survey 8/170 parents said they
were not sure how school dealt with bullying effectively; a letter will be going out
regarding this and the parents will be invited into school. The school deals immediately
with any concern and al incidents are logged.
Case study an issue was raised via a parent about children not getting on, this was
verified by the behaviour reports, additional resources were purchased and the
behaviour issues stopped.
The medical and allergy needs of all children are discussed on entry to school. Children
identified as having a need is entered into the book and all staff are made aware of the
needs on induction. The book is updated each time a new child enters school if they
have a need/allergy.

Signed as a true record:



The school now has 24 members of staff trained in different areas of first aid. All
information on first aiders is displayed on the walls where first aid boxes are present. The
kitchen is also given a copy of the children with medical/Allergy needs so no mistakes
can be made with food in the lunch hall. A new system for recording first aid as just been
bought by school and it ensures parents receive all the information they need if there
child has an accident or receives first aid in school. A record is taken and logged for all
incidents. All staff are made aware of the book on induction. A parent governor added
that at A&E the first thing asked is if there is evidence of the accident or if the
family have a social worker. Training has taken place to administer insulin, an epipen,
regarding asthma etc.
Physical Intervention Forms are completed by all staff who have to use force to ensure
the safety of themselves, the child and other pupils. The school follows the guidance
from the department of educations document, Use of reasonable force July 2015 to
ensure all safeguarding criteria to safeguard children are met. All documentation is
logged and senior staff are informed. The Positive Behaviour Policy has been amended
to include the use of reasonable force; all incidents ar4e logged and kept in the head
teachers office. A governor asked how many staff are trained in Team Teach; there
are approximately 10 members of staff, a large number were trained to deal with the high
number of behaviour incidents in 2011; the staff have now developed their skills and are
very good at deflecting and diffusing situations before they go too far.
All staff are aware of how to report any concerns they may have about children and who
to report them to. The concerns are logged and dealt with immediately and then followed
up on a half termly basis in staff meetings, the concern is then checked for a whole year
to ensure no child falls off the edge. A governor asked what sort of concerns these
concern forms include; it could be a child who does not eat breakfast regularly, wears
the same clothes, are not happy etc. Staff are advised to complete concerns forms no
matter how small it seems, if there are a high number of concerns social care are
If a family is in need of food or is struggling financially we do have foodbank vouchers to
give out. This is run by the Trussel Trust. Children Centre can also give out the vouchers
to families. The changes to the benefits system has seen an increase in families asking
for food
All phone calls received for any safeguarding reason is logged and wrote down with the
callers name, date and reason, this is then logged in the discussions book in a locked
cupboard outside the Lounge. Any named persons phone calls are logged on a named
persons contact form. All calls are followed up on a regular basis as are named person
Attendance is checked by 9.30am each day and phone calls made to check on the
whereabouts of children. Referrals to the school nurse are made if children are regularly
presenting as unwell and parents cannot offer an explanation or a medical note for the
absences. This has reduced a number of absences due to illness. All children on plans
are checked for attendance each day and agencies informed of any absences the same
day. Home visits are made to families of children who no contact can be made after 2
days of absence. Extended leave and therefore unauthorised absence causes problems
Signed as a true record:


in school, a penalty notice is given but this is not a deterrent. CP added that if a child is
off for over 20 days they are taken off roll. There are a few families with severe CP
issues for whom the non-attendance of their child is a concern for other reasons. The
school does not have a high number of PA instances but the child is missing learning
time. Twelve families have been to panel meetings and improvements are evident for 11
of these.
A governor asked if there are any attendance rewards for those who come; at the
end of each term those with high attendance receive a reward, at Christmas a film was
shown in the hall and the children had popcorn. CP suggested an Attendance action plan
is developed; governors agreed and offered their support. A postcard will be sent home
in summer for those children with 96% or above attendance.
Every child with some form of safeguarding intervention is identified on the schools
inclusion list. This list is updated each half term and a weekly log is taken for each child
and information collated in the childs file in a locked cupboard. Team meetings are
attended each half term to ensure all children are doing well and their needs are been
The inclusion list identifies the schools most vulnerable children and staff are made
aware of these children on induction and every 6 weeks after that. Staff know to keep
this list confidential. The list is colour coded to identify the childs need but not the actual
concerns. This is discussed on a need to know basis.
Each child in the school is allocated a keyworker. This adult is responsible for the care of
the child and a policy identifies the role and importance of the relationship between the
child/adult. The policy is given on induction. The keyworker ensures the emotional wellbeing of the child and passes on any concerns they may have to the named person.
Daily feelings are sought for each child to ensure that all barriers to learning and
enjoyment are removed.
All staff and volunteers are safeguard inducted before they start their employment. The
staff receive an up to date policy disc to ensure they are aware of all policies and
procedures regarding the safety of themselves, staff, pupils, parents and visitors. Staff
then sign 2 safeguarding documents to say they have been inducted and received the
Each half term the behaviour of the children is checked and analysed, this is done for
both playtimes and classrooms. Any weaknesses are then discussed in team meetings
and plans put into place to ensure the behaviour improves. This was most recently done
with a group of girls in Key Stage 2 who found playing together a problem. Staff met with
the girls identified what they most enjoyed and what they would like to have on the
playground to help them with friendships. The resources were purchased and the
improvements were seen straight away. Pupil Premium funding helped for this to be a
success. There are usually underlying issues to be considered but sometimes there is a
need to be firm. CP added that the varied and enjoyable curriculum in school makes it a
safe environment for children which has helped to calm some behaviour issues.

Signed as a true record:




The school engages with many outside agencies to ensure that all actions with
safeguarding of our children are met, sometimes this also includes referring in families
who need support and have come in to request help. We try to ensure that if we cannot
offer or have the professionalism to help or support our children and their families, we will
be able to engage with someone who can.
Case study a child attended and the parent had severe mental health issues, the child
had bereavement issues and was referred to Family Action, the child is now a happy
child, mums support continues.
The school has 2 safeguarding boards in school. 1 for parents and 1 for staff. Both
boards are updated on a regular basis so all information is up to date. The boards
identify where help can be obtained and how the school endeavour to keep our children
safe and protected. Parents are always informed of any safeguarding issues and the
school do not shy away from the fact that we all have a duty to protect and safeguard
children under any criteria, even if the communication is not always a positive one, ie, a
referral to Childrens Social Care.
Each morning staff on the door take messages from parents/carers about children and
then ensure that all staff involved with that child/children is informed. This is done before
9.15 to ensure all concerns and worries are dealt with immediately.
As part of the bigger picture school links very closely with Fagley Children Centre around
safeguarding. A weekly safeguarding of vulnerable families is held and participation and
outcomes are monitored. This is very effective because school is then aware of any
issues regarding families before their child starts pre-school/nursery or school and the
parents are willing to be engaged. CP added that the powerful team led by CB and CS
are held in high regard by services and families, and keep our children safe. KB informed
governors of the inclusion page on the website
Governors thanked CB for her presentation, there is some excellent work taking place in
this area.
5:15pm CB leaves the meeting.

35/15 Minutes of the previous meeting 4th February 2016 & matters arising
Amend page 1 prior attainment scores are for APS not percentages.
Including the above amendments, governors agreed these were a true record of
the meeting, proposed by AL seconded by DB.
Matters arising are either completed or included on this agenda.
36/15 Chairs Items
There were no items to discuss
37/15 Head teachers Report
Attendance is 94.4%. A governor questioned why the Raise online
report shows only PA as this does not give a realistic view of the
Signed as a true record:


school; the report shows PA at 9% which is high, this is due to extended

leave taken without permission, however this masks the good work being
done in school, AL added that at least 180 children have 100%
attendance each week. There has been a draw for the last 5-6 weeks.
The attendance newsletter sent out every 3 weeks contains a clear
message to parents.
Ethnicity data see report
25% (51 pupils) have SEND provision. The school had its first exclusion in
a long time as a pupil was violent to a member of staff; work is taking
place with the parents. The child was excluded for 1 day and was referred
via the school nurse to CAMHS and a support package is in place.
Pupil progress meetings have taken place for the disadvantaged pupil
group ensuring sensible use of the Pupil Premium funding is impacting
The Phonics screening outcome was positive, last year 67% (NA 77%)
were at the required level in Y1, predictions for this year are 75%.
Children enter the school with very low language acquisition but by the
end of Y2 90% have reached the required standard.
The Annual conversation for the CC also had a positive outcome
The vision for the school is
Because I matter now and in the future

we really care and want our children to be successful in all aspects of life, in order to be
confident, independent, collaborative and resilient learners in the ever changing society
of today
At school, at home and in the community

The children in school are constantly reminded of safeguarding issues;

there have been recent updates to the policy and practice. The report
lists the many safeguarding meetings which have taken place. Safer
Internet Day incorporated 2 assemblies and parents were invited, less
than a dozen attended.
Professional development continues to support the rigorous and
professional development through staff meetings on a weekly basis.
Staff work effectively to promote the theme for the Lets Celebrate
The East One Partnership meeting had invited speakers regarding MATs
(Multi Academy Trusts); CP feels schools should collaborate on each level
and there should be no need for a lead school; with a MAT there would be
an executive board of directors, schools would retain their identities; one
option would be for the schools in the partnership to convert together. CP
is attending another meeting tomorrow and will gather further information.
Academisation was originally researched by the school as a way to keep
the CC; this is not possible as there would be a clash of funding schemes.
The phonics audit had a positive outcome, phonics and spelling are key to
the school improvement plan. A recent scrutiny of phonics planning
across school showed a consistency of approach with good strategies to
fill gaps.

Signed as a true record:



Teachers are embedding times tables into maths lessons, across the
curriculum and with parents; children can win the new wrist bands when
they have learnt the age appropriate times tables.
There have been many instances of the school engaging with parents,
see report.
The Speech and Language therapist continues to attend school one day
per week
See report for full list of trips and visitors
World book day was successful with all children designing t-shirts as their
favourite book. The pictures of some of these can be seen on the school
blog via the web site.
There are weekly safeguarding themes in school which is shared with
children, staff and families.
EY were invited to a moderation meeting by the LA
The LA recognised both good practice and progress the children were


Maths Learning walk by the School Council see documents

Governors thanked the school council for their report

38/15 Governor action plan

Governors were given a copy of the Action plan and asked to email any
comments to DB
39/15 Policies to ratify
The following policies were accepted by governors
Governor allowances
Accessibility Plan
Child Protection Plan
Staff Disciplinary Plan
Nursery Admissions policy
2YO Admissions policy
Race and Relations
Anti-Bullying policy
Positive Behaviour policy
40/15 Missed from agenda clerical error
41/15 Governor matters
There were no items to discuss
42/15 Any other business referred from item 33/15 above
There were no other items of business referred from above
43/15 Date of next meetings
School Improvement committee 22/03/16 @ 1pm
Finance & GP committee 18/03/16 @ 11am
School Improvement committee 25/04/16 @ 1pm
FGB 25/04/16 @ 3:30pm
Meeting ends 6:05pm
Signed as a true record:


Signed as a true record:


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