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Reference Book

Author: Robin Nixon
3rd Edition

Chapter : 3
Introduction to PHP
Page no. 45 to 66
By default, PHP documents end with the extension .php. When a web server encounters this
extension in a requested file, it automatically passes it to the PHP processor. Of course, web
servers are highly configurable, and some web developers choose to force files ending with .htm or
.html to also get parsed by the PHP processor, usually because
they want to hide the fact that they are using PHP.

PHP Functions and Objects
Page No. 103 to 128
This chapter described all about using functions, from defining and calling them to
passing arguments back and forth. With that knowledge under your belt, youll start
creating functions and using them in your own objects (where they will be referred to as


Accessing MySQL Using PHP

Page No. 241 to 268

The reason for using PHP as an interface to MySQL is to format the results of SQL
queries in a form visible in a web page. As long as you can log into your MySQL
installation using your username and password, you can also do so from PHP.


Cookies, Sessions, and Authentication

Page no. 301-320
Several technologies support this kind of interaction, ranging from simple
browser cookies to session handling and HTTP authentication. Between
them, they offer the opportunity for you to configure your site to your users
preferences and ensure a smooth and enjoyable transition through it.


Exploring JavaScript
JavaScript brings a dynamic functionality to your websites. Every time you see something
pop up when you mouse over an item in the browser, or see new text, colors, or images
appear on the page in front of your eyes, or grab an object on the page and drag it to a
new locationall those things are done through JavaScript. It offers effects that are not
otherwise possible, because it runs inside the browser and has direct access to all the
elements in a web document.


Using Ajax
Page no. : 405 420
Using Ajax not only substantially reduces the amount of data that must be sent back
and forth, it also makes web pages seamlessly dynamicallowing them to behave
more like self-contained applications. The results are a much improved user
interface and better responsiveness.

Book 2 :
Code Igniter 1.7 Professional
Author : Adam Griffiths
First Edition

Chapter 1: Getting Started with Code Igniter

Page no. : 7 to 27
Code Igniter is an open source web application framework for the PHP language. Code Igniter has many features that
make it stand out from the crowd. Unlike some other PHP frameworks you may have come across, the documentation
is very thorough and completecovering every aspect of the framework. Code Igniter will also run in shared hosting
environments as it has a very low footprint, yet it still has exceptional performance.

Chapter 3: Form Validation and Data base Interaction

Page no. : 63 to 92
The Form Validation processes are different for the developers and for users. Read on to see how the user interacts with the
forms, as well as how the developer will create the forms.

Chapter 7: Building a Large-Scale Application

Page no. 173 to 189

There you have itsome of the best ways to streamline your application ready for enormous amounts of
traffic. In the next chapter, we will take a look at web services, and how to open up your application to thirdparty developers, by using a REST server.

Book 3
PHP Cookbook
David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg
Third Edition.


Internationalization and Localization

Page no. 567-


Though everyone who programs in PHP has to learn some English eventually to get a
handle on its function names and language constructs, PHP can create applications that
speak just about any language. Some applications need to be used by speakers of many
different languages. Taking an application written for French speakers and making it
useful for German speakers is made easier by PHPs support for internationalization and


Command-Line PHP
Page no. :727-


PHP builds include a command-line interface (CLI) version. The CLI binary is similar
to web server modules and the CGI binary but has some important differences that
make it more shell friendly. Some configuration directives have hardcoded values with

Reference Websites:
The Official PHP Manual

A free online PHP course for beginners

PHP The Right Way - A quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to
authoritative tutorials
PHP Best Practices - A short, practical guide for common and confusing PHP tasks
This tutorial is intended to introduce to the CodeIgniter framework and the basic principles of MVC architecture. It will show
how a basic Code Igniter application is constructed in step-by-step fashion.

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