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7th Month Pregnancy Care What To Expect,

Dos & Donts


Image : Shutterstock

Welcome to the grand finale of pregnancy!

The third trimester is the last three months of pregnancy filled with some great
moments to cherish!

Month seven marks your entry into the third trimester. Starting week 29 through 32,
you tend to feel extremely special. There will be more discomfort than before and you
will find it difficult to walk now, but soon your body adapts to the center of gravity.
You will feel pressure setting on your legs, bladder and your belly.
You will also be treated like a queen in this last trimester starting month seven. Make
the most of it while it lasts.
7th Month Pregnancy Care What to Expect?

With a huge weight on your front, expect the discomfort to last a little longer. You
should be able to manage it well enough:

Your back will hurt more than before, as the growing bump in
the front puts pressure on your spine.
Watch your weight as this plays an important role in
maintaining your back issues
You will start to actually waddle like a pregnant woman from
now on.
Your feet will automatically part as you walk, to support the
Get ready for a roller coaster ride with your mood swings. You
will weep, laugh, cry and sigh at the drop of a hat. There is no
escaping this part.
By the end of month seven, you will feel more settled than
before. Wait for the moment to happen naturally.
Abdominal discomfort and false contractions become a part of
the routine. Learn to identify your pattern.
You will find yourself running around with anxious shopping.
Too many agendas fill your brain with respect to your babys
crib, the basic necessities and painting the nursery.
[ Read: Precautions During 8th Month Of Pregnancy ]

Changes In Your Body:

Plenty of changes this month! You will feel larger than before. Make sure you
understand what is happening within and outside of you :

You will feel more swollen and puffy than before, thanks to all
the extra blood being circulated all through your body. Your
body, hands and feet will all look bigger.
Hot flashes become a normal thing now. You will feel
excessively hot in all weather conditions due to the changes
Your breasts will be denser and heavier than before. The veins
on your breasts will be seen more clearly and your nipples
darken in color.
You will not be able to bend anymore.
Your baby is shifting down as growth happens. Due to this you
will feel the urge to urinate frequently.
The fatigue and tiredness increase as you go on dealing with
sleep issues at night time
There is a possibility of varicose veins on your legs and vulva
more now.
Your tummy continues to expand more rapidly than before,
making it impossible to move faster
There will be a sharp weight gain from the middle of the
month. Make sure you watch your diet.
Shortness of breath will be more prominently felt in the last
week of the month.
Your breasts will leak colostrum, clear yellowish early milk
which is vital for your baby and is rich in nutrients.
More intake of iron is recommended as there will be steep
decline in the levels of hemoglobin. Eating foods rich in iron is
important as consuming the supplements. Makes sure this is
taken with equal amounts of Vitamin C for quicker and effective
Do not blame yourself for those terrible, unmanageable mood
swings. Your body is gearing up for child birth that has hormones
involved working overtime.
You will connect more with your baby inside the womb than
before. You will absolutely love this feel which will be
remembered forever
Anxiety pangs are very common. Brace yourself.
False contractions, also called as Braxton Hicks will be more
frequent. You will have mastered the art of identifying a false
contraction from an actual one by this time.

[ Read: 7th Month Of Pregnancy Diet ]

Changes In Your Baby:

Your baby is getting longer and gaining more weight each passing day.

By the end of this month your baby will measuring

approximately 46 centimeters. Your doctor will now keep a close
watch on both the weight and height during the ante-natal
Its the sleep time for the little one inside. Your baby will spend
more time doing REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Researchers
state that this is an important sleep pattern for humans.
Lot of neural and cognitive development this month for your
baby. Millions of neurons are fast forming in your babys brain.
Hence it is no wonder that your baby will now react sharply to
various sounds, smells, music and jerky movements.
Your babys body is well formed by this time. The transition will
now happen to month 8 where weight gain and fat accumulation
happens within the skin.
The respiratory system is now fully functional. Any case of
unforeseen premature birth after this month is not very
threatening to your baby.

Precautions During 7th Month Of Pregnancy:

You need to be more vigilant and careful each day as you undertake your routine
activities. Here are some important 7th month of pregnancy precautions to get through
the month smoothly:

1. Food and Diet:
Stock up on foods that are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Your baby is fast progressing with cognitive and visual

development and these foods will enhance the process. Fish,
walnuts and sea foods are some rich sources of Omega 3

Caution: You may be allergic to certain sea foods. Make sure

you discuss the same in detail with your doctor before
incorporating in your diet.

2. Frequent Walks:
Taking those occasional breaks to take a walk is a must.

Do not be stuck to one position or posture for long periods.

Keep your body mobile and flexible as clumsiness can only
cause more discomfort.
[ Read: Walking During Pregnancy ]

3. Exercise and Fitness:

Do basic stretches as instructed by tour fitness trainer. You need to be active and not
lethargic during labor. Good habits start early.

4. Ante- Natal Appointments:

Pay close attention to your appointments with your gynecologist.

There will be close progress noted via scan regarding your

babys weight and height.

In case your babys weight is not up to the mark, it is your

responsibility to note the same and improve your diet.

Every passing week is significant for your baby way forward.

5. Blood Tests:
Monitor the hemoglobin levels closely.

If you belong to a Rhesus Negative blood group, your doctor

will perform more tests to ensure that you have not developed
any antibodies.

Make note of every single detail with respect to your blood


6. Iron Supplements:
Eat plenty of Red meat, eggs, legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables and Vitamin C this
month. Intake of iron through natural sources is as necessary as those iron
supplements prescribed by the doctor.
[ Read: Iron Tablets During Pregnancy ]

7. Breathing Exercises and Meditation:

Contrary to all your other notions, try and invest time in breathing exercises and
meditation. Keeping a calm mind is crucial. This can be achieved with meditation and
patterned breathing.

8. Develop A Useful Hobby:

A great hobby is very important to stay calm and focused.

Engage in simple and stimulating activities like watering

plants, reading a book, knitting or listening to soulful music.

Hobbies keep you channeled, and you would want to be more

streamlined in your thoughts during the hormone rage that is
taking a toll on your mind.

1. Smoking and Alcohol:
These are a complete no from here on. Make sure you do not stay in the company of
smokers either.

2. Slouching:
This is an absolute no. You will anyways find it harder to bend due to the full grown
bump in between.

3. Lifting Weights:
Understand that you need to delegate work to the inmates in your house from now
on. Taking complete responsibility of the household chores is completely unnecessary.
Learn to relax!
[ Read: 6th Month Pregnancy Care ]

4. Sleeping Posture:
Sleeping on your left side should have become a practice for you by this
time. Continue to maintain the same till the last week of pregnancy.

Here are few seventh month pregnancy care tips you should keep in mind to avoid
complications in future.

Feeling emotional, shaky and scared is a part of being

pregnant. You are prone to experience these feelings intensely
during the last trimester.

Understand that this is very natural and happens to all mothers

to be.

Discussing even the smallest of fears with your partner

matters. This will not only ease out your burden but also lighten
you up in a way. You will be more unnerved in the presence of
great company and lovely ambiance.

Make sure you do a great weekend getaway at a local resort

with your partner during this time. This will help you divert your
mind with a fresh perspective.
The last trimester of pregnancy is about excitement, worry, hope and joy. With so
many emotions thrown at you at one go it is but natural to feel fuzzy. Follow the
above precautions during 7th month pregnancy and try to be happy.
Dont forget to share your experiences on 7th month pregnancy care with us.

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