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1: presentacin
Hello teachers! My name is NATALIA MARIN MEJIA, i am 20 years old, i am from
Colombia-pereira. I live in cuba. I study at Sena.I really like estudyingtcnico en
sisemas. I love go out,walk and to play basquetball. In my free time i share with
my familiy. I like go to the movies and dont like people chismosa. My mother is
JOHANA MARIN they are from Pereira.They live there My mom works in a
clothing company and my father (deceased). Thank you.

I wake up : 5:00 am
I get up : 5:05 am
i brush my teeth at : 5:15 am
I take a shower : 5:40 am
I get dressed : 5:59 M

I'm not lazy

I do not work
I do not tend my bed .
I'm not disciplined
I wash my hair every day

3- vocabulary

Main board
The motherboard or mainboard is the main circuit board in a complex
electronic system, like a computer. It is the most 'central' part of a computer.

is an input device that is most often used with a personal computer. Moving a
mouse along a flat surface can move the on-screen cursor to different items on
the screen.

It is the largest integrated chipset (Chipset) which was the heart of the
motherboard circuit. He was called because it stands on top of motherboards
with ATX format and therefore is not a term used before the advent of this
format desktop.

The processor, also known as CPU or micro, is the brain of the PC. Its main
functions include management of the operating system, application execution
and coordination of the various devices that make up the team.

Power supply

In electronics, a power supply is a device that converts AC voltage, in one or

more strains, substantially continuous feeding the various circuits of the
electronic device to which it is connected.

Transmission means
Are the ways in which data is communicated Depending on how to drive the
signal through the medium or hardware, they can be classified into two main
Guided means or wired transmission.
Unguided transmission media or wireless.

Graphics card
A graphics card is an expansion card or an integrated circuit (chip), the
computer's motherboard, which is responsible for processing the data from the
central processing unit (CPU) and transform them into comprehensible
information and representable on the device output (eg monitor, TV or

It is the data storage device employing a magnetic recording system for storing
digital files. It consists of one or more plates or hard disks, united by a common
shaft rotating at high speed inside a sealed metal box. On each plate, and on
each of its faces, a head read / write floating on a thin sheet of air generated
by the rotation of the disks is located

In computing, a port is an interface through which you can send and receive
different types of data.The interface can be physical type (hardware) or may be
a logical or software level, in which case logical port is frequently used the term
(eg network ports that allow transmission of data between different

Swich interconnect
interconnect devices have two policy areas in the networks. At the first level
are the best known, routers, which are responsible for the interconnection of
networks. On a second level would be the switches, which are responsible for
the interconnection of computers within the same network, or what is the
same, are devices that, together with the wiring, are local area networks or

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