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Anthony Audia

Classroom Management Plan

1. No talking while others are trying to communicate or instruct
The excess noise of student chatter will be a major distraction
during the class period. Before I step up on the podium it will be ok
to talk. Some quite whispering is okay to discuss parts of the music
or ask questions.
2. No Gum
Gum is not allowed in the classroom.
3. Respect
Treat everyone with the same respect as you wish to be treated.
That means the basic no bullying, hitting, spitting, punching, ect.
4. Everyone must attend performances
There are only a few exceptions to miss a band performance. If a
family member is terminally ill or has passed away, you are terribly
ill, or a family member is getting married are all reasonable excuses
to not attend a performance.

1.) 1st warning
-This can be a verbal warning or just a quick stare. This should
get the students attention that I am paying attention.
2.) 2nd warning
-Verbal comment on students behavior. Recite SRC warning.
3.) 3rd warning
-SRC Procedures and have student(s) depart for SRC.
4.) If the student is continuing to cause a problem then he/she
must call their parent or guardian.
If these rules are broken, the consequences will follow in the order as
listed above. Depending on the situation, there could be a jump from
consequence 1 to 4. For example if the student destroys an instrument

or other band equipment, then the parent must be notified and so will
the principle.

Management and Organization

The band room will have the necessary amount of chairs and stands for
each of the students. The room will be set up in a traditional band
room arrangement. Chairs in a U shape around the podium with the
percussion in the back. There will be enough room in-between each
group of instruments to get around from section to section. I will have
a chalkboard/whiteboard in the front of the room that explains what
pieces we are going to go over. Instrument lockers will be in the corner
in the back of the room. Students will place their instruments in the
lockers during school and take them out when class starts. My
office/desk area will contain tools, instrument parts, and other band
Expectations of the Teacher
My expectation as a music director is to give my students the
opportunity to be able to have a greater understanding of music. I
have a specific purpose to show my students how important music is in
their lives. My expectation is to show my students how fun music can
be. I must also follow the curriculum and the state standards.
Expectations of The Student
My students expectations are to be able to come into this program
with very little musical background, and coming out with a better
understanding of the musical language. With these skills they will be
able to communicate with others through music. My students are
expected to come to class ready to play and learn music.

1.) Come to class early

2.) Grab your instrument from your locker, or set up percussion

3.) Have a pencil
4.) Once you have your instrument sit down, let warm air flow through
your instrument, and practice your parts
5.) When I am working with a section finger along through your parts
6.) When you have to use the bathroom or ask a question, raise your
hand quietly
7.) Everyone gets to performances/events at the scheduled time and
sets up
8.) In the morning I will post the pieces/sections that we will be playing
on the board

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