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Happiness society in Huxleys vision

Aldous Leonard Huxley was born on 26 July 1894 in Godalming, Surrey, England.
Since childhood, he had intellectual abilities far beyond those of his age.
Great admirer of French literature, Aldous Huxley was formed at the school of Voltaire, Diderot,
Proust, Baudelaire. He had a great passion for Shakespeare.
He has published over forty books during his lifetime and he is recognized as a satirical writer
and as a powerful thinker of great political value.
Among his best known novels we can mention: Point and counterpoint (1928), Brave New World
(1932), Blind by Gaza (1936), The Genius and the Goddess (1955).
One of Huxleys best novels is Brave New World, published in 1932.
The main idea of this novel revolves around a dystopian society that does everything to keep
control of their citizens.
Using genetic manipulation occurs dehumanization of the individual. Real values that have
contributed to the evolution of humanity such as love, marriage and freedom were removed.
Reading was banned because it meant knowledge, and individuals may not know much because
it is not needed.
For particulars, as everyone knows, make for virtue and happiness; generalities are
intellectually necessary evils. (I, 6)
However, each citizen received everything he wanted, and happiness is considered a right of each
individual. Freedom and truth were slaughtered in the name of happiness.
The secret of virtue and happiness was liking what youve got to do. All conditioning aims at
that: making people like their unescapable social destiny." (I, 15)
In chapter one, the action takes place in CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND
CONDITIONING CENTRE where the Director explains to his students great details about the
process of fertilization, considered good for the society.
The motto of the entire planet was Community, Identity, and Stability. Function as a perfect
society without any conflict: no family, no feelings, and sex was free.
Through a process called "Bokanovski" that stops normal development, there are 96 created
human beings instead of one. It was an instrument of social stability.
"Bokanovskification consists of a series of arrests of development. We check the normal growth
and, paradoxically enough, the egg responds by budding." (I, 8)

These beings from this society are divided into 5 types of caste: alpha, beta, gamma, delta and
epsilon. The first two have the best developed intellect.
The aim of these processes was to create human inventions (males, females, hermaphrodites) for
manipulation and mind control. They were subjected to treatment for certain activities of robots
and kept away from culture. For not feel the control of society, all members consume a drug that
always brought them full contentment.
Referring to the composition of the book, we notice that the incipit is steep, the title is ironic
because we can see throughout the book that this world is not as wonderful as it seems. Besides
this, we can observe special emphasis placed on details.
We can see that the book has unity when it comes to its structure. Talking about the narrative
style, we can say that the book is written in the third person narrative.
The author addresses to his readers in the form of a written story.
Considering all of the above, we can conclude that we are part of such a "new world" of such a
society that wants to have control over the individual manipulating it and keeping it away from
culture and rights to decide alone. Theoretically, this book should be taken seriously as a warning
sign for humanity and practical, intelligent people are endangered and because of the
manipulation, we become stupid and "happy."

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