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A caudography is a diagnostic imaging procedure done by a radiologist. It

uses a contrast dye and X-rays or computed tomography (CT) to look for
problems in the spinal canal, including the spinal cord, nerve roots, and other
tissues. It is also known as myelography.
The contrast dye is injected into the spinal column before the
procedure. The contrast dye appears on an X-ray screen, allowing the radiologist
to see the spinal cord, subarachnoid space, and other nearby structures more
clearly than with standard X-rays of the spine.
The radiologist will also use a CT scan when doing a myelogram. A CT or
CAT scan is a diagnostic imaging procedure using a combination of X-rays and
computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, images of the body. These
images, called slices, show detailed images of the spinal canal. CT scans provide
more detail than standard X-rays.
The technologist will ask you to lie on your abdomen on the myelographic
table. He or she will adjust a pillow to cushion you comfortably. Your weight will
be supported by very strong velcro straps that hold you to the table safely. An area
of your back or neck will be cleansed with an antiseptic which may feel cool. The
neuroradiologist will then inject a local anesthetic to numb a small area of skin.
Using x-ray (fluoroscopy) guidance, the neuroradiologist will then place the
spinal needle into the spinal fluid bathing the spinal cord and inject the contrast
dye through this small needle into your spinal fluid. The contrast may be injected
either in the lower back or the upper side of the neck. Which route is selected is
determined by the neuroradiologist after reviewing your medical problem and
records. Occasionally, your physician may request that spinal fluid be obtained for
laboratory tests prior to injecting the contrast material. After injecting the contrast
dye, the spinal needle is removed. A bandaid is applied.
X-rays are taken as the contrast outlines the spinal cord and nerves. As you
are lying on the myelographic table, the table may be tilted. You will be supported
by the velcro straps. This is done so that the contrast will move upward or
downward. After x-ray films of the spinal region are taken, the patient is prepared
for a CT scan of the spine.
2,P07670/. Diakses tanggal 30 Agustus 2015 jam 12.10.

Staff. Diakses tanggal 30 Agustus 2015
jam 12.15.

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