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Critical Quality Factors For Implementation of

Successful Total Quality Management System
in an Organization
I am doing research on Critical Quality Factors in Implementation of
Successful Total Quality Management system in an organization, in my final
year thesis.
Keeping in view, this Questionnaire is developed to get the feedback. Provided
information will only be used for above specified goal. The questionnaire data
will be analyzed at cumulative level. Your coordination will be greatly

Part 1: About Yourself:1.

Assad Ali


Place of Posting:


Number of years of your personal involvement in Quality Management



Less than 1 year

1 to less than 5 years (yes)
More than 5 years

Your designatoin?

Assistant Production In Charge

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Part 2:
Below you will find certain Quality related factors. You are kindly requested to
rate as to their level of importance to successful implementation of Quality
Management process.

Please tick your response on a 4 point scale using one of the following responses:
1 = Critical
2 = Important
3 = Minor Importance
4 = Dont Know


Factors you feel are absolutely essential for the successful implementation of
TQM. The process stands a good Chance of ending in failure if these factors are not parts
of Quality Management Process.


Factors you feel are important but not absolutely essential for the
successful implementation of TQM.

Minor Importance:

Factors you feel are minor important. These factors will not
seriously affect the success or failure of Quality Management Process.

Dont Know:


Minor Importance
Dont Know

1 2 3 4

1. Quality of service and management system depends on active

participation by senior executives. (continuous improvement)

2. Customer satisfaction and quality of service is reflection of

commitment by senior executive.

3. Mission statement as well as objectives play important role in

defining expectation and quality of service (vision and quality

4. Executives play role in development of company policy as well as


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deployment of goals. (vision and quality policy)

5. Top management is responsible of quality if it forces decisionmaking to the lowest applicable level.

6. Effective communication in following fashions play role in progress

of company
From Top management to execution level
From execution level to Top Management (this one)
7. Quality management and its structure playing role in improving

organizations quality. (continuous improvement)

8. Organization gives importance to the internal buyers and suppliers

of each process and each entity. (employee participate)

9. Vision, quality objectives and morals of organization are well

understood by each individual. (employee participate)

10. The use of employees survey and tracking of other key to access

employee support of, and involvement in the quality initiative.

(employee participate)

11. Employee suggestion scheme in place with target time scales for

management response. (employee participate)

12. Departmental heads and Regional managers assume active roles as

facilities of continuous improvement and leaders of empowered

employees. (employee participate)

13. Improvement in quality of system and organization is appreciated

by union of employees. (employee participate)

14. Improvement in system, applicability of new methods and leading

authorized personnel are well appreciated by head of departments

and manager of each region. (employee participate)

15. Training objective of the organization corresponded with the main

objectives of the organization.(Training and education and


16. Training for employees to improve interactive skills (such as

communication skills, effective meeting skills, and empowerment

and leadership skills).

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17. Company structure and practices are enhanced with the help of

evaluating by comparison with a Benchmark.

18. Competitive bench marking is made.
19. Benchmarking help improve system and its processes.
20. Systematic review and analysis of key process measures have a
direct impact on value addition to customer satisfaction.
21. Problem solving and continuous improvements are based on facts

and systematic analysis.


22. Application of total quality approach to the management of support

services and business processes.

23. System, its process and practices are improved with the help of self-

assessment tools.
24. Business development and self- judgement are interrelated.

25. Concerned training is provided to the person who conducts self-

26. Problem solving and improvement in system are done with team

27. Control variability and process improvements are enhanced using
statistical processes.

28. Process outcome and its performance are measured.

29. Measurement of process performance is based on defined standards

30. Cost of quality process to track rework, leftover and rejects for

continuous improvement.

31. Quality performance standard is of zero defects.

32. A formal documented quality management system is in place.

33. Reliance on few reasonable suppliers who are evaluated and

selected based on their capability and commitment to product,

service quality and value for money.

34. Long term relationship and working partnership with key suppliers.
35. Comprehensive identification of customers and customers needs.
36. The use of customer surveys and feedback process to assess

customer satisfaction.


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37. The use of Information Technology considered as important tool in

achieving strategic objective.

38. Quality forms part of our organizational culture.


39. Our organizations culture enhances productivity.

40. We have a culture of continuous improvement.

41. I look upon change as a challenge.

42. Employees fully understand the need to change from the status

(existing situation) to a total quality management philosophy.

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