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Secular Servite News

APRIL 2016

The Power of the Cross, the Power of Love

Sheila Holden Waldeck, OSSM

In Joyce Rupps book, My Sorrow is Your Sorrow, she takes us on a spiritual journey rather than a historical
account of Mary and Jesus. She takes us back to the time of the first century. That century was marked by
the interruption of ordinary time as Mary says her fiat to the messenger, the Angel Gabriel. I believe the
angels and all of heaven rejoiced.
To me, this is another pulsation of Love by the Divine, who created all things. For God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son. This Love is the divine swirl, the energy that moves all of existence; it is the
pull in the cosmos, the light that illuminates the whole of creation. He is the source of all, the reason and
the purpose that draws all of us into
unity and love.
We reflect, with Joyce, on Marys
suffering. We are at the fifth sorrow;
we are at the cross. Mary stood
beneath the cross as her Son, Jesus,
was dying. She was there for three
long hours. She was a mystic of the
highest order. She had an intimate
relationship with God. She was, as
the Angel Gabriel told her, highly
favored. She didnt have to wait till
the Church officially declared her
to be the Mother of God. She lived
the event, the mystery. Her faith and
trust in God was real.

Power of the Cross ........ 1
Introductions ................ 3
Welcome to Servite
Family ........................10
UNIFAS Save the Date. 14
...and much more

I feel Mary is saying to us, It is not my intention that you are

drawn into my pain but that you experience the love of God
at hand It is not so important to have an historical account of
Jesus as it is to have Him present to you, in the I Am in your
life, in our today.
There were courageous people with her as she stood there:
her sister Mary, wife of Clopas, Mary Magdalene, and John,
beloved the disciple. They stood as believers and followers of
Christ. Much was taking place here - not only what is seen and
heard - but what is neither seen nor heard.
As Jesus was saying, Father forgive them for they know not
what they do, Mary glances upward. She sees the sign at the
top of the cross Jesus Christ King of the Jews. She knew his
kingdom is not of this world.
She thinks to herself, we had just celebrated the Passover;
which delivered our people out of Egypt and now your death
will deliver us from the effects of sin. She recalls his words,
Take this cup and drink from it, this is the cup of the new and
ever lasting covenant. It shall be shed so that sins maybe forgiven. Do this in memory of me
Jesus redemptive mission is completed in love and compassion for us and others. Its effect will flow into the future
of humanity and even of the earth itself, The heavenly realm is open to receive Jesus into his kingdom, time as we
know it doesnt exist. Eternity has neither beginning nor end. He is the Alpha and the Omega.
You are called to bear the cross, so that you gain strength to help others, so that you maybe instruments of hope in
crises, so that you can be a light in the darkness. Jesus is the light of the world that shines upon you. The power of
your love and forgiveness can lead many to unity of spirit, towards the wholeness of love in God. Prayerful presence
is awareness, that we are never alone, Jesus is with us. I pray that the hope of love may take its root in all of us. That
together we may cooperate in our beliefs, and allow compassion and love to have its way. We can honor God and the
universe, which he created; we can recognize the sacredness of the earth, making it not only sustainable. but fruitful.
Mary stood strong beneath the cross for all of us in our crises, in our fear, in our dark times. It is our job to stand
strong together and usher in peace for all nations.

Coming Servite Feasts

04 - St. Peregrine
11 - Bl. Benincasa
12 - Bl. Francis of Siena
30 - Bl. James Philip Bertoni
Order of Friar Servants of Mary
3121 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago IL 60612-2729

Secular Servite News is

published three times a year
by the Office of the National
Assistant to the Servite Secular

Kindly address all correspondence

Fr. Vidal Martinez, O.S.M.
3121 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago IL 60612-2729

The Servite Secular Order National Council
Debbie Nunes
National Prioress
It is my honor to have been recently appointed as National
Prioress for the Servite Secular Order. I previously served
on the OSSM National Council from March 2013 to
October 2015 as the Councilor for Region IV, supporting
the communities in Colorado and New Mexico. During
my term, I enjoyed meeting and visiting with Secular
Servites in other communities as well.
I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area
among a large extended Italian-American family. My
husband Dennis and I have been married for 37 years.
We live in Union City, California with our beagle Rosie.
We have two daughters, one of whom is married, a twoyear-old grandson and another grandchild on the way. I
retired in January 2014 after 39 years of employment at
Kaiser-Permanente, first as a Medical Assistant and then
as a Department Coordinator. In my pastime, I enjoy
sewing, quilting, reading and spending as much time as I
can with my grandson.
As a cradle Catholic, I have a deep love for the richness
of our faith and have always had a strong devotion to our
Blessed Mother. I received a certificate of completion
from the Diocese of Oaklands School of Pastoral Ministry
and am also a certified catechist for the state of California. I currently serve as the Adult Faith Formation/RCIA
Coordinator at my parish as well as a Lector and Eucharistic Minister.
I consider my Secular Servite vocation as a gift that came at a time in my life when I was seeking a deeper way of
living out of my faith. I made my Promise in May 2010 and am a member of the Mother of Sorrows Community
at my parish of St. Annes in Union City. One of the things I love about being a Servite is our strong sense of
community. Whenever I meet other Servites, even for the first time, I feel like I am among family.
I look forward to continuing to serve on the National Council, supporting all the communities in the US province
and meeting more members of the Servite family.

The Servite Secular Order National Council

Paulette M. Fogarty
National Assistant Prioress
I have no family to speak of, but I am privileged to live
with a curmudgeonly, red-headed watch- cat Genghis
Tom. He is a psalm in a fur suit.
The defining characteristic of my life besides my faith,
and in no way separate from it, is my Catholic education.
I was blessed to be coddled in Catholicism in elementary
and high school, at Dominican College and the Catholic
University. That persuit of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
was a richly positive and joyful privilege. I was even
happier sharing these with Catholic school students for
almost fifty years, the last 33 of which were at Servite
High School. Although I was never formally the religion
teacher, my deep roots in Catholic philosophy and
theology informed any subject I taught.When I was asked
why they sometimes learned more religion in my classes
than in religion, my standard answer was, Because here
you are not suspicious.
After so many years of prayer, work, and friendship with the friars, it was natural to join the Secular Order upon
my retirement. I have had about every possible job in my community and loved them all, but perhaps the deepest
joys came from simple things- providing taxi service, baking cakes,visiting our sick, encouraging the sorrowful or
discouraged. With the abiding influence of Mary, I pray to be useful in this position.

The Servite Secular Order National Council

Sue Weigand
National Treasurer
I would like to introduce myself as a new member of the
National Council. My name is Sue Weigand, OSSM
from the Immaculate Conception Community in Spring
City, PA. I made my promise in March, 2013 and have
served ever since as Councilor to my local community.
Recently I was appointed as the National Treasurer and I
pledge that I will strive to help all the communities with
their financial recordkeeping, transactions, and decisionmaking.
I have some experience in financial matters as I founded a
family-owned fire sprinkler subcontracting business over
25 years ago. I am a graduate of Kent State University
(Ohio) and Drexel University (Pennsylvania). After
taking some time off to teach Seventh Grade (Math
& Science) in my parish school, I have returned to the
business to help my son as he takes over control of the
company. My husband recently retired when he was
diagnosed with Parkinsons about eighteen months ago.
I live in Pottstown, PA and have four grown children and
eleven living grand-children that keep me on my toes.
I hope to be available to you whenever you need me and I would appreciate your prayers and support while I learn
what will be expected of me in this new role. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting some of you at the conference in
October. It was an incredible experience for me.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us in all that we do as Servites.

The Servite Secular Order National Council
Valentin Rosario
National Liaison for Latino
It is an honor to have been appointed as a member of
the OSSM National Council as National Liaison for
Latino Communities. I am given a unique opportunity
to serve you. I am married to my beautiful wife Teresa
Rosario, OSSM. We have 3 daughters and 4 grandkids.
I graduated from Springfield College, Massachusetts. I
have been very active in human rights and social justice
issues in the struggles of my church and community.
I made my Promise in November 2008. Presently I
am the Assistant Prior of our Community, Our Lady
of the Divine Providence, at Saint Augustine Church,
Hartford, Connecticut, where I am a lector.
As a member of the National Council, my goal is to
contribute my talents for the benefit of the OSSM
communities. We will need your support and prayers
in order to succeed. As Servites, our devotion to our
Mother, Mary, is essential in order to befriend Jesus.. We
have to pray that the Holy Spirit preserve our love, unity and fraternity.

Es un honor ser nombrado como miembro del Consejo Nacional OSSM. Soy el Coordinador para las
Comunidades Latinas. Tengo una oportunidad nica de servirles.
Estoy casado con mi querida esposa Teresa Rosario, OSSM. Tenemos 3 hijas y cuatro nietos. Me gradu de
Springfield College. Estoy activo en la lucha por los derechos humanos y la justicia social, en mi iglesia y
Profes la Promesa en noviembre del 2008. En el presente soy el Asistente a la Priora de mi comunidad,
Nuestra Seora de la Divina Providencia en Hartford, Connecticut, donde soy proclamador de la palabra.
Mi meta como miembro del Consejo Nacional es contribuir con mis talentos para el bien de todas las
comunidades OSSM. Necesitaremos su apoyo y oracin para tener xito. Como Servitas, nuestra devocin a
nuestra Madre Mara, es esencial para poder ser amigos con Jess. Continuemos orando al Espritu Santo
que preserve nuestro amor, unidad y fraternidad.

St. Juliana Community

Ladysmith, WI
Kathy Mai, OSSM

On February 11, 2016, the St. Juliana Community of

Secular Servites in Ladysmith ,WI, celebrated the 100th
birthday of their sister, Clara Jacques, OSSM. Clara
currently lives at the Ladysmith Care and Rehabilitation
Center in Ladysmith. She lived alone at her home until
her 99th year doing as many activities as she was able.
She has 3 daughters and 1 son who visit her as often as
possible, and keep in touch by phone.
Clara worked at the hospital in Ladysmith, which at
one time belonged to the Servite Sisters, both evenings
and nights as a supervising nurse. The nurses have
many good memories of Clara Working with them. She
worked with an aunt and also a cousin who remembers
working a night shift with her and delivering a baby
who couldnt wait for the doctor. That baby was named
Clara made her Promise as a Secular Servite in 1985.
She has been a very active member and a wonderful
role model for her sisters in the community. She held
many leadership roles in the St. Juliana community.
She was Prioress from 1985 to 1987 and from 2001 to
2003. She was Councilor/treasurer from 1989 to 1993,
Secretary from 1995 to 1999 and Councilor in 1999.
When it became difficult for Clara to get around she
became an inactive member, and was missed by the
community. She kept in touch and continued to be
a prayerful supporter for her community who are so
grateful for her many years of service to us and the
greater community of Our Lady of Sorrows parish and
the people of our area that she served as a nurse.

Servite Lay Diakonias

Spooner, WI

Sr Dominica Effertz, OSM

Spiritual Assistant

The lives of our four families have been busy with

celebrations, childrens activities, meetings, and all that
is a part of family life with young children. We have
shared some joys and also sorrows in our families these
past few months.
We joyfully gathered to celebrate the Admission of a
new Diakonia family. Matt and Samantha Golat, with
their five young children, were admitted during the
celebration of the Mass of the Immaculate Conception
on December 8, 2015, at the 5:00 p.m Liturgy. After
the Mass our four families enjoyed a delicious potluck dinner at the home of the Diakonia of Via Matris
(Curt and Jacene Silvis Family). Can you imagine
the excitement and fun in that home with 15 young
children beside the adults! Matt and Samantha have
begun their period of formation (study and prayer)
which will extend for at least one year. We are blessed to
have them join us, and will accompany them on their
journey as they learn more about the Servite Order and
our spirituality.
In early January Samantha Golats father, Ben Miniatt,
was called home after several months of battling cancer.
We shared the sorrow of the Golat family and stood
by them as they said their goodbyes on the day of the

Just to mention a few: Loree Nauertz, the mother of 6

active boys, coordinates the ministry of providing meals
for families in times of sorrow, health problems and
other times for those needing support. She is an educator
in our parish Adult and Youth Religious education
program. She is presently organizing a diocesan
conference which will be held in Spooner on September
28th featuring Chris Stefanick, an internationally
acclaimed author and speaker focusing his attention on
our Catholic Youth. Among other service projects Loree
is also involved with is the Natural Family Planning
program in our diocese. Alan, her husband, is always
very supportive.

On February 5th, Loree Nauertzs 6 year old nephew,

Isaiah Reither, was called home. He was a very joyful
little boy who had multiple health problems since birth.
He had especially endeared himself to the nurses and
doctors at the Childrens Hospital where he spent a lot
of time. Heaven is rejoicing while those who love him
feel the loss of his joy-filled presence.
Our Diakonia families continue to live up to their title,
Diakonia, which means service. Each of these four
families is actively involved in the ministry of service.

Our new Diakonia, the Golat family is very involved

in Pro-life. Every third Tuesday of the month, rain or
shine, snow or cold, for the past three years Samantha
has led a Rosary for Life outdoors before our Memorial
to the Unborn in front of St. Francis de Sales Church.

Mary, Mother of Compassion Community

Spooner, WI
Jacene Silvis, OSSM

Mary, Mother of Compassion Community in

Spooner, Wisconsin continues to promote St.
You may be familiar with the saying It takes a
community. In this case it takes a Servite community
to propagate the devotion to St. Peregrine. In March
2015, Fr. John Fontana, OSM, introduced St. Peregrine
to our parish when he offered a three day dynamic
Lenten mission titled The Role of Suffering in the
Lives of Jesus Followers. The powerful parish mission
concluded with a St. Peregrine Healing Mass. A few
months later Fr. Vidal Martinez, OSM, visited our parish
and offered another opportunity for our community to
learn more about and experience the intercession of St.
Peregrine as he offered a Healing Mass as well. Both
events were very well attended. Leading up to these
two events Sr. Dominica Effertz,OSM, the spiritual
director of our Secular Servite community, helped us
understand and appreciate the spirit of St. Peregrine so
we can more effectively reach out and comfort those
around us. With the assistance of the National Shrine of

St. Peregrine located in Chicago, we were able to obtain

a first class relic and poster of St. Peregrine. Our Secular
Servite community in Spooner purchased a reliquary
for the relic and assisted in selecting and preparing a
special place in our church where one could venerate
our special Servite saint. During a Sunday Mass in
October our pastor, Fr. Ed Anderson gave a wonderful
explanation to the congregation about St. Peregrine
before processing with the relic to its new area during
a formal dedication and blessing of this new area of
prayer in our church. Although, suffering continues in
our community we as Secular Servites gently embrace
the many opportunities we have to comfort others as we
express our Servite compassion by sharing our Servite
heritage and the story of hope we learned from St.

Welcome to Our Servite Family!

Promises 2015
February 15, 2015
Our Lady of Sorrows Community
Chicago, IL
Joseph Henderson

February 17, 2015

Comunicaded Nuestra Senora de los Dolores
Fullerton, CA
Jose Homar Avalos
Cindy Avalos
Maria del Carmen Camarena
Patricia Cervantes

Abacu Martinez
Guadalupe Sanchez
Antonio Vivar
Maria Vivar

St Philip Benizi Community, St Petersburg, FL

August 8, 2015
St Philip Benizi Community
St Petersburg, FL

August 15, 2015

Our Lady of Marian Lake
Plainfield, IL

Noreen Alvarez
Sue Pacheco

Cynthia A White

Shirley Schuler
Susan Taylor

Our Lady of Marian Lake Community, Plainfield, IL

Cynthia White, Our Lady of Marian Lake Community,

Plainfield, IL


September 15, 2015

Comunidad Ntra Sra de Los Dolores
Chicago, IL
Maricela Carrillo
Maria Bertha Correa
Reyna Lopez

Maria Lugo
Carlos Sanchez

October 5, 2015
St Peregrine Community
Rice Lake, WI
Joseph Hegenbarth

Joni Osumi

December 7, 2015
Immaculate Conception Community
Spring CIty, PA
Patricia A Rhoton
Richard Mark Ritche

Joseph Hegenbarth & Joni Osumi, St Peregrine Community,

Rice Lake, WI

Gabrielle Cole
Mary Ellen Homa
Carmella Grace Mungin

Comunidad Nuestra Senora de los Dolores, Chicago, IL

Immaculate Conception Community, Spring City, PA

Bienvenidos a Nuestra Familia Servita!


Mary, Queen of Servants Community

Palm Bay, FL

Deacon Jack and Karen Rhine, OSSM

Members of Mary, Queen of the

Servants Community have adopted
The Palms Rehabilitation Center
in Palm Bay, Florida. On the first
Wednesday of the month, Deacon
Jack Rhine, OSSM, presides at a
Communion Service there. Mary
Catherine Pearce, OSSM, Mary
Sheets, OSSM, and Karen Rhine,
OSSM, are readers and distribute
the Eucharist. At each service, there
is also a blessing with the relic of St.
Peregrine, which the approximately
30 residents greatly appreciate.
On the fourth Saturday of the
month, Mary, Queen of the Servants
Community hosts a social event at
The Palms. They serve refreshments
and lead a sing along as a former
music minister plays the piano. It
is gratifying to see residents who
are generally non-verbal joining in the singing. At the December social, Santa Claus, (Don Carothers, OSSM)
distributed gifts to each of the residents assembled. The Servite carolers were also asked to sing a few songs for the
patients in the dementia unit and were greeted with enthusiasm there also.
On December 30, the Servites celebrated Christmas Day again at The Palms which included anointing of the sick
and blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine. Fr. Aland Jean presided, assisted by Deacon Jack OSSM, who preached.
Residents were anointed and their confessions heard by Msgr Cleo Schmenk, a retired priest living in the area.
Nursing home ministry is challenging. It is saddening to see the physical and mental condition of many of the
residents and above all knowing that many are lonely with no family or friends. But the Servite visitors are pleased to
see their awakening, experience their spirituality and their appreciation for the little things. Answering Christs call
to care for the sick and comfort the lonely encourages the Servites to be there for these brothers and sisters.


Mary, Mother of Compassion Community

Spooner, WI
Jan Masterjohn, OSSM

Secular Servites visit Holy Hill

Members of the Secular Order of
the Servants of Mary visited Holy
Hill, located 30 miles northwest
of Milwaukee, WI, on their return
home from a conference held in
Chicago the weekend of September
25-27, 2015. They had the
opportunity to meet Fr. Gottfried
Wolff and Fr. Souriraj and visited
Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica and
Monastery. They also had a nice
visit with Father Vidal and Father
John Fontana.
Jacene Silvis, Loree Nauretz of the
Lay Diakonia; Ceal Vorbornik,
member of the St. Juliana Secular
Servite Community in Ladysmith,
Wisconsin; Jan Masterjohn, Prioress
of Mary, Mother of Compassion
Community in Spooner, WI, and Sr.
Dominica, our Spiritual Assistant,
attended the weekend pilgrimage.
We attended Mass at Holy Hill and
walked the outdoor Stations of the
Cross. The Discalced Carmelites,
an order dedicated to Mary, care
for Holy Hill. More than 500,000
people visit Holy Hill every year.
On September 16, 2012, it was
consecrated as the Basilica of the
National Shrine of Mary, Help of
Christians. It is a gathering spot
for the expanding Secular Order of
Discalced Carmelites.
Annual Sugar Cookie Sale
Mary, Mother of Compassion
Community in Spooner, WI,
held their 3rd annual cut-out
sugar cookie sale. The weekends
of Dec. 4-5 and Dec. 12-13 were
the sale dates before and after the

Masses at Church. Information

and order sheets were inserted in
the bulletin for 2 weeks before the
sale so parishioners could return
the order blank if they wished to
pre-order. We even baked a few
orders for the week of Christmas
to accommodate special orders. We
baked approximately 2,000 cut-out
cookies to fill our requests and to
sell extra cookie plates for those
who didnt pre-order. Frosted and
unfrosted cookies were available. It
was a very successful event and the
proceeds are used for projects in our
Community and around the world.
One of our first donations was a

contribution to aid flood victims in

Chennai, India.
Annual Christmas Party
Our annual Christmas party was
held on Monday, December 13th at
the Spooner Hospital Conference
room. We host a pot luck luncheon
followed by games and fun. We
hold it there so one of our members
who resides in the Living Facility is
able to attend. It was a great way
to celebrate our hard work after
our cookie sale and a chance to
relax and prepare for the Christmas


living our servite charism

promoting a culture of mercy and peace

Sr. Ginny Silvestri, OSM - The
Road to Mercy Starts from Within
Fr. Tom Bonacci, CP - Revisiting
the Passion Narratives: Jesus Dies
in the Manner of His Living
Roundtable: Survivors of Human

Mater Dolorosa Retreat House

Sierra Madre (Pasadena), CA

Servites promoting a
society of mercy
Tour of Mission San Gabriel and
dinner and shopping in Historic Old
Liturgy, prayer, and fellowship


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