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Chalcedon Staff: February 2004 • Issue 460 Faith for All of Life

Rev. R. J. Rushdoony (1916-2001)

was the founder of Chalcedon and
a leading theologian, church/state The Myth of Neutrality 2 Living Defensively:
expert, and author of numerous R.J. Rushdoony Managing Debt 18
works on the application of Biblical
Law to society.
Tom Rose
Revelation or Reason? 4
Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony is Mark R. Rushdoony The Defense of the Faith:
president of Chalcedon and Ross John Weatherford and
House Books. He is also editor-in- Van Til’s Illustrations 6 Patrick Henry 20
chief of the Chalcedon Report and Jim West R.G. “Rick” Williams, Jr.
Chalcedon’s other publications.
Appointed for the Defense The Development of Van Til’s
Susan Burns is Chalcedon’s execu-
tive assistant and managing edi-
of the Gospel: The Life and Presuppositionalism in the
tor of the Chalcedon Report and Ministry of Greg L. Bahnsen 8 Apologetic Practice of
Chalcedon’s other publications. Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D. Greg Bahnsen 22
Christopher B. Strevel
Rev. Christopher J. Ortiz is the Presuppositionalism vs.
Director of Communications for Evidentialism 10 What’s Love
Chalcedon and Ross House Books.
Eugene Clingman Got to Do with It? 24
Receiving the Chalcedon Report: The William Blankschaen
Report will be sent to those who request Pascal’s Wager: Examined
it. At least once a year we ask that you
return a response card if you wish to
from the Van Til Perspective 12 Presupposing the Young 26
remain on the mailing list. Contributors Forrest W. Schultz Ian Hodge
are kept on our mailing list. Suggested
Donation: $35 per year ($45 for all
foreign — U.S. funds only). Tax-deduct- Pluralism: The New Enemy 14 The Problem with Islam 27
ible contributions may be made out to Roger Schultz Warren Kelley
Chalcedon and mailed to P.O. Box 158,
Vallecito, CA 95251 USA.
Christian Civilization Classifieds 31
Chalcedon may want to contact its Under Attack 16
readers quickly by means of e-mail.
If you have an e-mail address, please Samuel L. Blumenfeld
send an e-mail message including
your full postal address to our office: The Chalcedon Report, published monthly by Chalcedon, a tax-exempt Christian foundation, is sent to all who request it. All edi- torial correspondence should be sent to the managing editor, P.O. Box 569, Cedar Bluff, VA 24609-0569. Laser-print hard copy
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Contact her at (209) 736-4365 ext. 10 from Chalcedon’s and from each other. Chalcedon depends on the contributions of its readers, and all gifts to Chalcedon are tax-
or deductible. ©2003 Chalcedon. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint granted on written request only. Editorial Board: Rev.
Mark R. Rushdoony, President/Editor-in-Chief; Walter Lindsay, Assistant Editor; Susan Burns, Managing Editor and Executive
Assistant. Chalcedon, P.O. Box 158, Vallecito, CA 95251, Telephone Circulation (8a.m. - 4p.m., Pacific): (209)736-4365 or Fax
(209) 736-0536; email:;; Circulation:Rebecca Rouse.
Founder’s Column
R.J. Rushdoony

The Myth of Neutrality

(Reprinted from The Roots of Christian Reconstruction
[Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1991], 1112-1114)

O ne of the most pernicious and evil

myths to plague the human race is
the myth of neutrality. It is a product of
the courts a character very much in con-
flict with their very natures. Moreover,
it gives to the courts the power to falsify
press and punish the rivals of the Federal
religion. The sessions of the Court
constitute a modern version of “the holy
atheism and anti-Christianity, because issues, as the United States Supreme war” against Christendom.
it presupposes a cosmos of uncreated Court habitually does. For example, At the same time, the myth of neu-
and meaningless factuality, of brute or in dealing with educational issues, the trality has been used to castrate theol-
meaningless facts. Because every atom Court, which had declared humanism ogy and the churches. The American
and fact of the cosmos is then meaning- to be a religion, will not acknowledge Educational Trust of Washington, D.C.
less and also unrelated to every other that humanistic education, i.e., our state recently published an atlas and almanac
fact, all facts are neutral. educational systems today, is not neutral by John C. Kimball (The Arabs, 1983).
religiously. Christian schools are held Kimball writes:
The Nonsense of Neutrality to be “religious” and “non-neutral,” but Muslims have always believed strongly
The word “neutral” is a curious the humanistic state schools are seen as that religion concerns not only what a
one. It comes from the Latin “neuter,” “neutral.” person believes but what he does and
meaning neither the one nor the other the interrelationships of society. Un-
and has original reference to gender, i.e., The Greatest Violation like Christian thought that sees a clear
neither male nor female. It still has that of the First Amendment distinction between the secular and
meaning: a neutered man is a eunuch, a There is a reason for this willful religious dimensions of life, Muslim
thought holds that ideally the secular
castrate. blindness. To admit that education is
and spiritual belong to the same sphere.
It now has also the meaning of inescapably a religious task and is always
(p. 5)
not taking sides and, supposedly, the non-neutral means that state schools
law and the courts are “neutral.” This violate the First Amendment. They are This, of course, is the Biblical posi-
in itself is nonsense. No law is ever religious establishments which teach a tion, that all things are under God’s
neutral. The law is not neutral about religion alien to most citizens, and they law and rule, and any division of life
do so with public funds. Few things in between the religious and the non-
theft, assault, murder, rape, or perjury:
the United States are more in violation religious is false. Because God is the
it is emphatically against these things,
of the First Amendment than the public Lord and Creator of all things, there is
or should be. Again, no good court or
schools. From its inception, the public no sphere of life and thought outside
judge can be neutral about these things
or state school system has been destruc- His jurisdiction, government, and law.
without destroying justice.
tive of civil liberty and, increasingly, of To hold that there is denies God and
Moreover, neither the law nor the
Biblical faith. affirms polytheism. And this is precisely
courts can be neutral with respect to a
what all too many theologians have
man charged with any of these crimes, For the Court to recognize this fact
done. The resurgence of Islam is due to
or others. Rather, a good court “sus- would require a radical re-direction of
the revival of this premise.
pends judgment” pending the testi- life in America. It would, moreover, re-
mony. Neutrality posits an indifference; quire a radical change in the Court. The Van Til’s Button
a suspended judgment means that any U.S. Supreme Court has become the The myth of neutrality is most
conclusion must be preceded by a rigor- Sanhedrin, Vatican, or National Council congenial to man’s fallen nature. Dr.
ous examination of evidence. of humanism in America. It is a mili- Cornelius Van Til has pointed out that,
The myth of neutrality prevents jus- tant and fanatical agency of humanistic if there were one button in all the uni-
tice because it ascribes to the law and to religion, and it uses its power to sup- verse, which, if man pushed, would give

2 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
him a small realm of experience outside ther: it sees God as unconcerned about the Union presidential address, and it
of God and in freedom from God, fallen most of life, and limits the province of is everywhere the premise of modern
man would always have his finger on the sacred to a small realm. In Babylon, politics. By beginning with the premise
that button. the laws of “justice” came from the king, that there are neutral spheres outside of
The tragic fact is that too many not the gods. In modern Western civili- God, man ends up by declaring God
churchmen assume the existence of zation, the laws of “justice” come from out of bounds as a concern to men. We
such a button! They hold that most of man, from the state: Babylon the Great are told that it is a matter of neutrality
life is outside God’s law, and even deny is in process of construction. whether or not men believe or disbelieve
the validity of God’s law. They believe Phillip Lee Ralph, in The Renais- in God and His law. In all such think-
in effect that man must be saved in the sance in Perspective (1973), said, “To- ing, man is operating on the assumption
church but can be unsaved outside of gether with other thinkers of the age, that, by pushing this intellectual button
the church, in education, politics, eco- Erasmus, More, and Machiavelli shared of neutrality, the claims of God are
nomics, and all things else. They literally a conviction that, without any change eliminated and disappear.
posit that most of the world is by nature in human nature or any drastic altering The fact is, however, that God
to be and to remain a godless realm. of institutions, the political order could controls all the buttons! And His verdict
The Gilamesh epic of the Babylo- be made to serve desirable human ends” on the myth of neutrality and all its
nians held that only a small area of life (75f.). In other words, the whole world adherents can only be judgment. CR
is the concern of men, who are inescap- is outside of God and neutral to Him,
ably ignorant of good and evil because and therefore the good society can be
the gods “withheld in their own hands” created outside of God’s salvation and
knowledge of most high things. This His law-word and in indifference to
was clearly an expression of religious Him. In the United States, this is the
cynicism. Modern theology goes fur- assumption of every modern State of

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February 2004 Chalcedon Report 3

From the President
Mark Rushdoony

Revelation or Reason?
I t is very easy for a person to say and
believe that he has faith in God
while, in reality, he has faith in his own
Satan’s suggestion to Eve and “her
husband with her” was first of all to
question God’s revelation of truth and
source of “natural law.” Building on
the advancing frontiers of Protestant
Europe, the Enlightenment saw the
opinion about God. Believing our own then to decide on a course of action for progress of reason as inevitable. The
opinion of God is, in fact, present in themselves based on their own self- French Revolution was the beginning
our sin because it was a very real part of interest. All sin repeats this pattern of of a series of horrors spawned by this
man’s first sin. rejecting God because we are too busy humanistic rationalism. More revolu-
You have likely heard the quip, “You playing God. tions followed in the 19th century, until
think too much!” In a similar vein, our Man’s sin was to play God, to WWI broke the faith of modern man
sin often centers around thinking too determine for himself good and evil. in the inevitability of progress. Darwin
much of our thoughts. Much of our sin In order to do that, man has to repeat also contributed, on an intellectual level,
occurs when we give our thoughts prior- the concurrent sin of Adam and Eve of to the loss of faith in man’s progress.
ity over God’s Word, which is, really, to questioning God’s revelation, of deter- Though he attempted to explain the
put ourselves before God. mining truth by his own criteria. Satan world by naturalistic means, in doing so
persuaded our first parents to submit he destroyed the concept of nature as a
Satan and Eve God and His Word to the bar of their source of natural law. Darwin’s theory
Satan’s first words to Eve were a reason, as if their intellect could sit in necessitated a view of nature as a realm
challenge to doubt God’s Word, to judgment over their Creator. of the random, meaningless combina-
question it. Rather than “Thus saith the tion of matter. Nature, after Darwin,
LORD,” Satan encouraged Eve to ques- In Modern Times could not be a source of law.
tion, “Yea, hath God said…?” In modern times, two major intel- Marked by a sequence of blood-
Eve, in fact, knew the words of lectual movements in the West represent letting revolutions and war, the faith
God and quoted them to Satan. Satan’s the continuing struggle between ulti- of man in reason as a process of civil
response was to cast doubt on the reli- mate faith in revelation and in reason. discourse gave way to what we now call
ability of God’s words: “Ye shall not The Reformation stood firmly in terms political correctness, which is a code of
surely die.” Man, Satan declared, had of Scripture as the basis of faith and life. humanistic morality imposed by coer-
other options. In fact, he claimed, God This faith in the revelation of God was cion. Such coercion in schools, courts,
was hiding the full truth, He was being accompanied by a corresponding faith and media was accomplished by the
selfish in trying to maintain control in its Sovereign Author. Scripture, as the advance of relativistic rationalism not by
over two potentially autonomous moral law-word of God, was the standard of poets and philosophers, but increasingly
beings. God, the tempter claimed, was truth to which men deferred. by revolutions and statist action. The
a spin-doctor hiding the full truth, “For The Enlightenment rejected the progress of reason’s march has continued
God doth know that in the day ye eat theistic emphasis of the Reformation. to be marked by enslavement, destruc-
thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, It involved a conscious repudiation of tion, decapitalization, and death.
and ye shall be as gods, knowing good divine revelation and Biblical law in Sin, whether by an individual or by
and evil.” favor of man’s reason and nature as the a culture, never allows man to get ahead.

4 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
In viewing the present state into which field.” As Adam and Eve fell for Satan’s God gave us minds to use in His
Enlightenment thinking has brought subtlety, we fall for it whenever we place service. He did not give us minds to
us, we are, at times, awed by the forces ourselves in the position of questioning exalt over Him and His revelation.
that align themselves against God and God. Reason, when used to challenge God, is
His Word. The threat of coercive action When we create an idea or image of irrational and schizophrenic, for reality
awaits all those who resist the march of God that we try to impose upon Him and truth are centered in God. Reason
the humanist’s dream. we put that idea above Him as our law cannot be independent of God or it
and act as the judge of God. When we becomes a false god and an aspect of re-
Today’s Humanists view the world as one of mere facts that bellion against the living and true God.
The humanists, however, have failed are ours to interpret in terms of our own Our God must be the God of
to live up to their professed allegiance understanding we play god and allow Scripture. Our faith must be in Him
to reason. They display this failure every our reason a priority over God and His and we must claim no other standard
time they resort to law and coercion. Word. When our experience, logic, or of understanding and judgment. We
As liberalism becomes truer to itself it preferences cause us to preface our ap- are called, moreover, not to prove God
becomes uglier and its failures more proach to God with the idea “I think…” by our fallen and fallible criteria, but to
prominent. Because God is Truth, all we play the role of a deity standing over have faith in Him as He reveals Himself
things must conform themselves to His God Himself. Ultimately, a man who to us in His Word.
logic and plan or be dashed to pieces in depends on reason knows only one When Adam and Eve sinned, their
judgment. authority, himself. eyes were opened (Gen. 3:7). They
Lest we see the sin of reliance on knew what they had done and hid from
reason only in terms of its most anti- God as Our Center God’s righteous judgment. God had
Christian advocates, we must remem- It was part of man’s first sin to mercy upon them, however. May He
ber that Christians can and often do believe that he could question God’s have mercy upon us for too often elevat-
elevate reason above God and His revelation and decide good and evil for ing our pathetic minds over Him and
Word. Rationalism is not just the sin of himself. We repeat that sin every time His Revelation. CR
avowed rebels. The serpent was, remem- we fail to begin and end with God as
ber, “more subtle than any beast of the the center of our thoughts.

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February 2004 Chalcedon Report 5

Faith for All of Life
Van Til’s Illustrations
Jim West

T here is an Arabian
proverb that reads,
“He who speaks best
men in it. “There,” said the friend,
“that’s an illustration of the Trinity.”
Porson countered, “No, you must show
must turn men’s ears into me one man in three buggies – if you Creator
eyes.” We see this apho- can.” The lesson is that only the Bible
rism displayed in the itself can infallibly establish the truth of
ministry of Christ, who made frequent the Trinity. The only exception is when
use of metaphors, similes, and espe- Jesus Himself coins an illustration; Jesus’
cially parables in His public and private illustrations always prove and illustrate Creation Providence
preaching. simultaneously.
The employment of colorful speech Now, when we muster Dr. Corne-
to illuminate Biblical truth can be a lius Van Til’s illustrations concerning Creature
tricky matter, especially when we try to Christian apologetics, we must always
prove a point with an illustration. Actu- keep the previously stated rules be-
ally, the best we humans can do with circles illustrate the Creator-creature
fore us. Van Til always proved before
an illustration is to do just that, that is, distinction. That is fundamental Van
he illustrated; therefore the following
we illustrate, but we do not prove. To Tilian apologetics.
samples must be viewed as confirming
prove, we must rely upon other criteria. illustrations that follow his weightier, Yellowed Glasses
Consider the compelling illustration clincher arguments. None of his illus- The sinner is born into this world
of theologian Robert Dabney, who trations stand by themselves. They are harboring enmity against God (Rom.
justified church unity, but without a the G.I.s who occupy the field after a 8:7). He is not a white slate, nor a
mandate for actual, organic union. To city has been leveled. Or, better, they are tablua rasa. Rather, what he sees he
accomplish this, he appealed to the supporting artillery that accompany the sees through colored glasses; his eyes
coinage of the United States. There are onslaughts of the infantry who alone are jaundiced and all is yellow to him.
dimes, nickels, one-cent pieces, Morgan win the field. When the believer looks into the starry
dollars, Double-Eagles, etc. Thus, as skies, he sees the glory of God. When
there are different denominations of Two Circles
the unbeliever looks, he sees Big Bang,
coinage and yet one nation, so (he ar- There is a renowned Van Tilian
evolution, and chance. When the prin-
gued) there can be different denomina- illustration. Imagine two circles, and
cess kisses the frog and it turns into a
tions of Christian churches, and yet one these distinguish between the creature
handsome prince, the believer exclaims,
church. He argued from his Paradigm and the Creator (Rom.1:25). Man is
“Fairy Tale.” But when Darwin says that
of the Mint the idea of “unity without not God; God is not man. Panthe-
frogs turn into princes, unbelievers call
union.” ism (“all is God”) is a lie; Panentheism
that “science.” It is thus impossible to be
Dabney’s example is compelling, (“All is in God”) is a lie; and mysticism
neutral; the unbeliever’s understanding
but not conclusive. It is only illustra- (man being absorbed into God) is a
of the facts is distorted by his jaundiced
tive, and no more. If we want to dub lie. Man is man and God is God, two
illustrations with absolute authority, we circles! The Greek idea that all reality is
should batten the hatches for illustra- one endless Chain of Being so that the Sky-rocket God
tions against the Christian Faith, too. only difference between man and God A skyrocket god is a projection of
My favorite is from Richard Porson, a is gradational is also a lie. Elton John’s men’s carnal minds. On the Fourth
classical scholar of the early 19th cen- popular song, The Circle of Life, is spuri- of July when we are mesmerized by
tury. He was walking with a Trinitarian ous because it envisions only one circle. the fireworks so that our eyes are in a
friend when a buggy passed with three There are two circles and these two heavenly trance, we are quickly brought

6 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
back to reality when we consider that The Man of Water bestows favor on both the just and the
the skyrocket has been launched from Perhaps alluding to the primordial unjust. The unbeliever lives in God’s
this terra firma. Van Til used this illus- ooze that is the hallmark of evolution- world and even lives and moves and has
tration to show how the god of Neo- ary philosophy, Van Til compared the his being in God, whether he acknowl-
orthodox theologians, who appears to natural man’s search for truth as futile. edges it or not (Ps. 24:1; Ac. 17:28). All
be the same God of the Bible, has really His metaphor was vivid: the unbeliever of the contributions of the unregenerate
been launched from Cape Cerebrum. is like a man of water standing upon a in literature, science, mathematics, etc.,
Thus the Christ of Karl Barth, who is ladder of water in an infinitely extended are borrowed capital from the Bank of
cloaked in an orthodox wardrobe, is and bottomless ocean of water, against Heaven (Jn. 3:27). Few emulate the
an entirely different god from the true a wall of water, trying to climb out of theological honesty of Samuel Morse
God of the Bible. Van Til employed the water. “So hopeless and senseless,” who sent his first telegram in 1844.
said Van Til, “a picture must be drawn The text of his telegram read: “What
the skyrocket imagery to warn gullible
of the natural man’s methodology based God hath wrought.” Because men are
evangelicals about the glittering wiles of
as it is upon the assumption that time or prideful and defiant, they refuse to
Barthianism. The true God of the Bible
chance is ultimate.” The man-of-water acknowledge the true source of their
descends (from heaven); the god of
analogy shows the futility of all thought wealth. Like Nebuchadnezzar who was
Neo-Orthodox theologians, no matter
that is not anchored in God’s self-attest- proud not only of his empire, but also
how spectacular, colorful, and explosive, the artistic and educational achieve-
ing Word. Darwin himself unwittingly
ascends. He is a “belly god,” even if he acknowledged this when he asked that ments of his kingdom, he thinks to
presents himself with the name of Jesus if man evolved, who would rationally himself, “Is not this great Babylon that
(2 Cor.11:4). entrust himself to the worldview of a I have built for a royal dwelling by my
monkey mind? He was not able to face mighty power and for the honor of my
The Brat Who Slapped
the obvious answer to his own question. majesty?” (Dan. 4:30)
Her Father’s Face
Once while Van Til was a youth The Stolen Ducks Ripley’s Believe it or Not
traveling on a train in Holland, he no- In Holland there was a young Van Til often challenged the anemic
ticed a father with his young daughter boy with a father who was a thief. apologetics of Evangelical Christians
sitting in his lap. Apparently, the father The young boy would often come to who capitulate too much in the interest
urged his daughter to do something school and, unsolicited, blurt out, “My of “winning” the unbeliever. One way
when she suddenly slapped her father in father didn’t steal no ducks! My father this is done is by disclaiming the Bible
the face. Van Til’s application? The girl’s didn’t steal no ducks!” Reminiscent of as a dogmatic, self-attesting Book that
behavior illustrates rebels who live in Shakespeare’s “The lady doth protest too bears infallible witness to the resurrec-
God’s world and who are supported by much, Methinks,” the boy’s denial was tion of Christ. Evangelicals might say
God’s common grace (Ps. 24:1). They an admission of guilt. The boy’s denial that “No book is self-attesting” or that
sit, as it were, on the lap of God, and it is like the child who in family devotions “The statements of the Bible do not
is precisely because they sit on God’s lap reports on his sister, “Mary didn’t have prove themselves to be God’s Word.”
that they are able to deliver the slap of her eyes closed for prayer!” Or, like the Instead, the Bible is presented as a
ingratitude. Thus unbelievers who toot Apostle Peter who began to curse and history (like any other history book),
their own independence and autonomy swear, saying, “I do not know this man and its doctrines as historically-verifi-
of whom you speak!” (Mk. 14:71) Sin- able truths that can be proven to men
are only able to do so as they are sup-
ners are vulnerable; they shake at leaves with neutral minds. It is thought that
ported by God Himself (Jn. 19:10-11).
and when their consciences are riddled the unbeliever can be convinced of the
Their denial of God is His affirmation.
with guilt, the very thought of stolen resurrection of Christ on the basis of
Atheism does not invalidate theism,
ducks incites a preemptive confession of probability arguments from this reliable
but proves it because atheism is only
their own criminality. history book. Van Til argued that even
possible given the premise of theism. if we are able to convince the unbeliever
As the atheist Nikita Khrushchev once Borrowed Capital of Christ’s resurrection that this would
described the Soviet Union, “In Rus- There is another stellar Van Tilian not bring him one millimeter closer to
sia, thank God, there is no God” (my metaphor that illustrates the doctrine of
emphasis). God’s common grace, that is, that God continued on page 28

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 7

Faith for All of Life
Appointed for the Defense of the Gospel:
The Life and Ministry of Greg L. Bahnsen
Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D.

O ne of the key areas

of Christian en-
deavor is also one of the
My Interest in
Bahnsen’s Life and Ministry
I have been asked to write a brief
two years were of dramatic life-changing
and ministry-encouraging consequence
— because of Greg Bahnsen.
most pressing religious article introducing the ministry of Dr. When I first enrolled in a Bahnsen
concerns before the Bahnsen, whose ministry was largely class, I admit that I was not pleased.
church today: apologet- rooted in apologetics. I thank God that, Here was a professor who really made
ics. The Scriptures call us to “sanctify by His providence, I was able to study you work for your grades. And some of
Christ as Lord in your hearts, always be- under Bahnsen at Reformed Seminary his views were new and unusual to me:
ing ready to make a defense to everyone from 1975 to 1977. The four theolo- theonomic ethics and postmillennial
who asks you to give an account for the gians who have most influenced my eschatology, in particular. But thank
hope that is in you, yet with gentleness personal life, Biblical faith, and pastoral God for this mind-expanding, ministry-
and reverence” (1 Pet. 3:15). And with practice are John Calvin, Cornelius Van altering experience! Initially I resisted
the world set in rebellion against God, Til, Rousas J. Rushdoony, and Greg Bahnsen’s unusual positions. In fact, I
man universally “suppresses the truth L. Bahnsen. They have shown me that set about to challenge those positions
in unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18). So Calvinism is “Christianity come into among my fellow students. But anyone
not only do we have an obligation to its own.” And I praise God for their who has experienced Bahnsen’s instruc-
engage in apologetics but we also have a ministerial labors. tion, knows that he was so careful in his
difficult obligation — in that Scripture Paul tells us of the victory associated presentation, so logical in his argumen-
forewarns that men will resist us from with Christ’s entry into heaven. At that tation, so quick in his thinking, so Bibli-
the very depths of their being. glorious event He poured out abundant cal in his foundations, and so forceful in
Both of the Biblical statements and glorious gifts upon men (Eph. 4: his conclusions that all hope of credible
mentioned in the previous paragraph 8ff.). One of those important gifts for resistance was futile. I eventually was
the ongoing life and ministry of the
have a strong bearing upon apologetics. swayed by his presentations and adopted
church is the gift of “teacher” (Eph. 4:
Peter directs us to an apologetic that his positions. And I have never regretted
11). I count Greg Bahnsen as one of the
sanctifies the Lord; not just any apolo- having done so.
great gifts of God to the church in our
getic method will do. Paul informs us Intellectually, he taught me to study
that man really knows the truth, which, and to think; pastorally, he showed
In my circuitous route to Reformed
because of his unrighteousness, he vigor- me the relevance of Scripture for all
theology and the Presbyterian pastor-
ously suppresses. With these Scriptural ate, I had come out of a dispensational of life; personally, he encouraged me
insights we are pressed to engage an church, through a dispensational college to stand firm in my convictions and
apologetic that is uncompromising in (Tennessee Temple College) and semi- to trust in God against all opposition.
its commitment to Christ and that takes nary (Grace Theological Seminary), to I will never cease to be amazed at the
account of man’s inherent knowledge the growing conviction of the covenant- incredible breadth of knowledge he pos-
of God as a point of contact. This calls al nature of God’s dealings with man. sessed, at the ease with which he could
us to the transcendental method that In 1976 I transferred from Grace analyze and respond to questions and
engages apologetics at the presupposi- Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, arguments, both philosophically and
tional level — the view explained and Indiana, to Reformed Seminary in Jack- scripturally. He is an example for any-
promoted by Dr. Cornelius Van Til and son, Mississippi. As providence would one who would promote God’s Word
two of his leading disciples, Rousas J. have it, I was there for most of Bahnsen’s according to the Pauline directive in 2
Rushdoony and Greg L. Bahnsen. tenure with that institution. But those Corinthians 10:4-5.

8 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
Over the years it was my joy and difficulty stanching bleeding. His physi- His Graduate Life
privilege to have Greg stay in my home cal problems were aggravated at the age and Later Ministry
on several occasions, to have him pro- of five by a water tank falling on his In 1970 he enrolled in Westminster
claim the Word of God in my pastoral right hand, causing a mild deformity. It Theological Seminary (WTS) in Phila-
charges, to co-author a book with him, was not until his medical exam, required delphia, the premiere Reformed semi-
and to appear on the same platform for enrolling in college, that he discov- nary in the nation at that time. There
with him at several conferences. I con- ered he also had a heart problem, which he studied under and became close
tinued to grow because of his ministry was to claim his life twenty years later friends with Dr. Van Til, who greatly
even after my formal training under after his third valve implant surgery. appreciated his apologetic prowess. He
him in seminary. I am thankful for the Despite his physical difficulties, he graduated from WTS in May of 1973,
enormous influence he has had, and was blessed to be raised in a Reformed securing two degrees simultaneously: a
for the large collection of tapes (over home with loving Christian parents professional ministerial degree (the Mas-
1800) that are and will continue to be who saw the importance of covenantally ter of Divinity) and an academic degree
available and circulating among God’s passing on their spiritual inheritance (the Master of Theology). Not only
people. My only disappointment is that did he acquire these two degrees but
to their sons. He regularly attended
circumstances did not allow him time to he did so in style, winning the William
church, church camps, Youth for Christ,
produce more books — though the few Benton Greene prize in apologetics and
and other Christian and church related
he did release are enormously important a Richard Weaver Fellowship from the
activities, never straying from the Faith.
contributions to applied theology. Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
For his entire life he was either a mem-
I am thankful, though, that the Upon securing his graduate degrees
ber of or a minister in the Orthodox
Lord allowed him to finish his extremely in theology, he enrolled in graduate
important work: Van Til’s Apologetic: Presbyterian Church (OPC).
studies in philosophy at the prestigious
Readings and Analysis. Greg knew the Dr. Bahnsen was also gifted by
University of Southern California
enormity of his health difficulties in his God with a strong intellectual capacity,
(USC) in Los Angeles in 1973. Two
final days, so he labored diligently to which showed itself in superior grades
years later (in 1975) he was ordained as
finish the book before his heart surgery all the way through high school. Even
a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian
— just in case. The book focuses on key as early as high school he was already Church and moved to Jackson, Missis-
passages in Van Til’s writings which are reading and absorbing the works of sippi, to accept the position of Associate
necessary for understanding presuppo- Cornelius Van Til. Later he graduated Professor of Apologetics and Ethics at
sitionalism, arranges them topically for from Westmont College in 1970 with a Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS).
easy, flowing reading, and provides clear Bachelor of Arts in philosophy, securing He would continue in his doctoral work
and insightful commentary on the issues magna cum laude honors and the John at USC while teaching at RTS, earning
involved. It is a must-read for under- Bunyan Smith award for overall grade his Doctor of Philosophy degree in June
standing the greatest Christian apologist point average. of 1978. His dissertation was in the
of the 20th century, Dr. Cornelius Van Before graduating Westmont Col- field of epistemology and was titled: “A
Til — an apologist who was not the lege, Bahnsen married Cathie Wade in Conditional Resolution of the Apparent
clearest of writers. 1969 (they would eventually have three Paradox of Self-Deception.”
Bahnsen’s Early Life sons and an adopted Vietnamese daugh- In 1977 a reworked version of
and Training ter; they were divorced in 1990 after she his master’s thesis from Westminster
Greg L. Bahnsen was born on Sep- deserted him). While he attended col- Theological Seminary (“The Theon-
tember 17, 1948 in Auburn, Washing- lege he began writing for Rushdoony’s omic Responsibility of the Civil Mag-
ton, to Robert and Virginia Bahnsen. Chalcedon Foundation, where he could istrate”) was published as the nearly
He was the eldest of two sons. As a employ his appreciation of Van Til. His 600 page Theonomy in Christian Ethics.
young child Bahnsen grew up in Pico covenantal Calvinism was becoming Unfortunately, theonomic ethics caused
Rivera, California, where he suffered more pointedly focused; his desire for a firestorm of controversy in seminary
numerous medical complications. His applied Calvinism was leading him to and presbytery circles, resulting in his
most serious problem was a severe blood admire Rushdoony’s strong convictions contract with RTS not being renewed
platelet problem that nagged him for in the fields of apologetics, theology, after the 1978–79 academic year. The
the rest of his life, causing him to have and social ethics. continued on page 28

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 9

Faith for All of Life
Presuppositionalism vs.
Eugene Clingman
“Where is the wise man? view, or at least examine it in light of for himself the standard of truth and
Where is the scribe? their accumulated wisdom as to whether reality). The presuppositional approach
Where is the debater of it was worthy of being incorporated acknowledges the Biblical position that
this age? Has not God into their worldview. Rather, says Van man has neither the ability nor the right
made foolish the wisdom Til, Paul “proclaimed,” he “preached,” to predicate. Any statement of ultimate
of the world?” (Rom.1: he set forth the reality revealed by the reality must come from an ultimate
18). According to Cornelius Van Til this only One capable of knowing reality authority. The natural man claims to be
verse and the next contain the crux of (i.e., knowing on His own and know- able to draw ultimate conclusions about
the Biblical apologetical method, which ing fully), the only Living God. Paul’s reality from his observation, reason,
has come to be known as the presuppo- gospel, says Van Til, was preached fully logic, and intuition, and thus claims for
sitional method. with all its implications, including himself ultimate authority. The presup-
Van Til, thoroughly familiar with creation, the Fall, sin, redemption, and positional approach insists the Creator
the writings of the ancient philosophers, eternity. Van Til said the only way to is the ultimate authority from which
believed God had allowed philosophi- meet the philosophy of unbelief is “in definitive statements about reality must
cal history to progress to such a state by head-on collision.” be received; such knowledge of reality
Paul’s time that it was evident that man’s Van Til taught that the ancient comes by revelation given in Christ and
wisdom had proven itself incapable of Greeks were not as modern textbooks the Scriptures.
giving an answer to the deepest issues portray them — innocent and child-
of life (origins, personality, morality, Fundamental Errors
like in their search for truth and reality; So the presuppositional approach
intelligence, after-life). According to helplessly blind, chained by the neck
Paul, the Greek worldview was not finds two fundamental errors at the crux
in a dark cave (as in Plato), groping for of the natural man’s unbelief: He will-
simply uninformed or mistaken, but light, longing and searching for truth.
apostate, knowingly rebellious, actively ingly rejects the truth and claims not to
Rather they were those who intention- believe in God whom he in fact knows;
obfuscating the Truth. The Greeks had ally put out their own eyes; they were
so worked out their philosophy and and he insists he has the right to decide
culpable, guilty in the first degree of for himself what reality and truth are,
epistemology that with skill and preci-
knowing clearly the truth of God and the right to “be like God.”
sion they would “suppress the truth
exchanging it for a lie, “being darkened Here then is the essential differ-
in unrighteousness,” while they “ex-
in their understanding…because of the ence between the presuppositional and
changed the truth of God for a lie, and
hardness of their heart” (Eph. 4:18). Van evidential approaches to apologetics.
worshiped and served the creature rather
Til said, “Psychologically there are no The evidential approach essentially
than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
atheistic men; epistemologically every agrees with the natural man in the two
Amen” (Rom. 1:25).
sinner is atheistic.”1 The presupposi- fundamental errors that the presupposi-
A Head-on Collision tional apologetic takes this fully into tional approach targets. The evidential
Van Til observed that Paul did not account when presenting the gospel to approach assumes that the natural man
come to the Greeks and place the gospel the unbeliever. needs and has a right to more evidence;
alongside their other Greek epistemo- Second, the presuppositional ap- and that once the natural man receives
logical options in order to ask them to proach denies the natural man’s claim the new evidence, he has the right to
reason and consider if they might please to the right to predicate (i.e., to begin decide for himself whether the evidence is
kindly take the gospel as their world- with and from himself to determine worthy of inclusion in his view of real-

10 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
ity. Van Til’s presuppositional approach and for the conviction of unbelievers. Two other books are of great benefit in
does not allow the sinner to maintain However, when it comes to challenging further understanding Van Til’s apolo-
either his claim to a lack of sufficient the unbelief of the natural man, the real getic, in this order: 1) Defense of the
evidence, or his right to predicate. The issue is moral rather than evidential. Van Faith, by Van Til; 2) Van Til’s Apologetic
presuppositional approach maintains Til would often admonish his listen- – Readings and Analysis, by Greg Bahn-
that man’s ignorance is willful and cul- ers in words like these: “You must be sen. Recorded class sessions and sermons
pable and that man’s autonomous epis- gracious when you are talking to the by Van Til are available. CR
temological position is nothing less than unbeliever; you must always pay for the
Eugene Clingman is Executive
rebellion against God his Creator whom extra cup of coffee! But before you leave
Administrator of the International Church
he in fact knows to be the Creator, also him, you must bring to his attention the Council Project (
knowing himself to be His creature, and real issues.” a theological effort (of Coalition on
utterly dependent on Him. The eviden- Revival) seeking to halt the slide of the
tial approach does not challenge these For Further Study evangelical church toward liberalism and
fundamental issues. As Van Til himself often referred, compromise. Eugene also works part-time
In reality the evidential approach a careful reading of Romans 1 and 2 is as a representative for an Inc. 500 company
indispensable for understanding Chris- ( Anyone
agrees with the natural man, for when
tian apologetics. He also often told his interested in information about obtaining
the unbeliever says, “I need more evi-
students, “If you have not read Calvin’s tapes of Van Til may contact Eugene at 209-
dence to believe,” the evidentialist says, 795-0974 or
Institutes, at least read the first two
“Here is more proof!” The presupposi-
pages” (I think he probably meant the 1. Greg Bahnsen, Van Til’s Apologetic (Phil-
tionalist, on the other hand, will draw
short first three chapters). In those pages lipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1998), 191,
the unbeliever’s attention to the fact that
Calvin mentions Cicero, whom he citing Van Til, Common Grace (Philadelphia:
he already has overwhelming evidence
calls the “eminent pagan,” and quotes Presbyterian and Reformed, 1947), 53-44,
which he continues to reject and close
Cicero’s own words, “Where is there to 88-89.
his eyes to, and that, so long as he rejects
be found a race or tribe of men which 2. John Calvin, Calvin’s Commentaries,
Christ (to whom all the facts witness) he
does not hold without instruction, some (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003), 45.
is “suppressing the truth in unrighteous-
preconception of the gods?” In these
ness.” As the natural man steadfastly
beginning pages of the Institutes, Calvin
maintains that he does not yet have suf-
demonstrates from the Scriptures and
ficient evidence to believe in an unseen
from common knowledge that “Men of
God, the evidentialist seeks to provide
sound judgment will always be sure that
more and more, while the presupposi-
a sense of divinity which can never be
tionalist insists that he is already reject-
effaced is engraved upon men’s minds.”2
ing overwhelming evidence for which he
is in fact now culpable and for which he
will be judged. Van Til claimed that by
not challenging the fundamental issues,
the evidentialist essentially moves off of
Givler Engineering, Inc.
the solid epistemological ground of the Taking Dominion Over Creation
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with a false premise can never rationally Now hiring for engineering, CAD, and administrative positions.
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ing this, the evidentialist essentially (at E-mail résumés to
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Are presuppositionalists opposed to
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both for the edification of the saint,

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 11

Faith for All of Life
Pascal’s Wager:
Examined from the Van Til Perspective
Forrest W. Schultz

T he question of life
after death has
always been one of the
ideas. In fact, there are even some think-
ers today — called “anti-foundational-
ists” — who are opposed to looking
grass as green. Since God is omnihon-
est and cannot lie, He does not deceive
me by making my visual apparatus such
major bones of conten- at foundational matters! Fortunately, that it would tell me something false
tion between Christian- though, we have available to us the very about the grass. The Christian episte-
ity and atheism. After careful thinking about these foundation- mology, therefore, is the only basis for
we die do we remain dead, as the atheist al matters by one of the most brilliant real knowledge. It is the only basis upon
claims, or will we, as the Christian men of the 20th century, Dr. Cornelius which we can know that grass is green.
claims, be resurrected from the dead to Van Til, who served as Professor of (Perhaps it could be said, therefore, that
enter our final destinies — believers go- Apologetics at Westminster Theological only Christianity has a “green” episte-
ing to Heaven and unbelievers going to Seminary for many years. Van Til taught mology!) If man got here by chance
Hell? Blaise Pascal, a Catholic mathema- a careful deduction of ideas as they or if man was created by a finite god,
tician and philosopher, in Section III of logically follow from Biblical theology, i.e., one who is not omniscient, omni-
his Pensées took a unique approach to contrasted with ideas that flow from the competent, and omnihonest, then we
this question. Instead of setting forth ar- presuppositions of philosophies that are cannot be sure that our eyes are really
guments in favor of Christianity, he asks antithetical to Biblical theology. This telling us the truth about reality.
us to approach the matter as a gambler Van Til perspective is the tool we need Begging the Question
would in trying to determine where to to carefully examine theistic proofs such The same principle, of course, holds
place his bet. This “Wager of Pascal” is as Pascal’s Wager. for the other factors involved in the ac-
simply stated: If, as the atheist supposes, The Van Til perspective lays great quiring and verifying of knowledge. For
after we die we stay dead, then our theo- stress upon the principle that the instance, we can only be sure that logic
logical beliefs will have no effect upon ultimate foundation of all thought is epistemically valid because God gave
our final destiny; but if, as the Christian rests upon the cognitive validity of our it to us. Anyone whose starting point
supposes, after we die we are resurrected knowledge-acquiring abilities (when is an uncertainty as to the existence of
by God to face His judgment, then our used as intended and when function- God cannot consistently set forth any
theological beliefs do affect our final ing properly), of which we can only be kind of argument because he cannot be
destiny. Therefore, Pascal concluded certain if these abilities were designed sure he knows anything or that his ra-
that a smart gambler will bet on God. If and created by God. Let me use my tional faculty is valid. Anyone advancing
God doesn’t exist, he will not have lost favorite example to demonstrate this a theistic proof as a reason for believing
anything. But if God does exist, he will point: If the Christian epistemology is in God is therefore guilty of begging the
have gained Heaven and avoided Hell. true, then it is easy to prove that grass question because he must presuppose
Because Pascal’s Wager sounds valid, is green. Since God is omniscient, He the existence of God in order to be able
Christians have used it in their evange- knows all truth, including the truth that to advance it. But Pascal’s Wager claims
listic and polemical forays, and believers the grass is green and the truth of how to be starting not with the presupposi-
have claimed that their pondering of to make my eyes and optic nerve and tion of the existence of God but with
Pascal’s Wager has been instrumental in the visual perception parts of the brain an uncertainty as to God’s existence.
their conversion to Christ. so that when I look at grass I will see it The Christian says, “Believe in God
Much analysis of Pascal’s Wager fails as green. Since God is omnicompetent, because He exists.” Pascal’s Wager says,
to get to the bottom of things, to find He is able to make these organs so that “We don’t know if God exists, but, your
the foundation of the various surface they perform correctly so that I see the best bet is to go with Him rather than

12 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
atheism.” Therefore it is just as logically reasoning is actually insulting God. In of the unsaved were permitted to leave
invalid as are the theistic proofs because fact, it is rather dubious, to say the least, Hell and go to Heaven they would not
it does not presuppose the existence of that such a person has really been con- be comfortable because they were not
God. verted at all. Biblical conversion is not a adapted to live in Heaven, and so they
Pascal’s Wager is also theologically mere “betting” on the existence of God, would choose to go back to Hell. In
objectionable, for two reasons. First, like just to be on the safe side in case He short, he showed that for the unsaved
the theistic proofs, it does not treat God exists. Nor, can the covenant of grace be Heaven is not Heaven. But, you see,
as God. Since God is the ultimate being, reduced to a mere Hell insurance policy. Pascal’s Wager only looks on the surface.
He ought to be treated as such in every- Biblical conversion involves genuine It says bet on God, because if He exists,
thing we do including the way we frame repentance and faith, which involves a you can go to a place with beautiful
our arguments. This means that, as the radical spiritual change. trees and streets of gold instead of to a
ultimate being, God should, in all our This point should be so obvious place with burning sulfur. In this frame-
arguments, be regarded as the starting that it is surprising Pascal’s Wager could work God is seen only as the means to
point, the foundation, not simply as the ever be taken as seriously as it has been an end, not as the End Himself. Pascal’s
conclusion. Proponents of both theis- by otherwise godly and astute men. Wager does not indicate what Heaven
tic proofs and Pascal’s Wager claim to Again, if we want people to come to is really like (being in vital relationship
believe that God is the ultimate being, God in repentance and faith then we and vibrant fellowship with God with
the ultimate foundation of all reality, the must treat Him as God or else we are all that entails) and what Hell is really
ultimate truth on which all other truth guilty of misrepresenting Him. Anyone like (the horror of being cut off from
rests, etc. Yet, in their reasoning they with even a modicum of spiritual insight God and, thus, never finding fulfill-
treat God as though He were uncer- should be able to recognize this. In fact, ment), thus it cannot be taken seriously
tain, but they treat something else as there are even some atheists who appear because it doesn’t tell us what the stakes
certain and ultimate, and then they try to see it more clearly than some Chris- really are. And if it were to tell us what
to derive the existence of God or some tians. For instance, in his primer for these stakes are, then it would refute it-
truth about God from this other basis. atheist debaters, B.C. Johnson assesses, self, because it would show that it is not
That is, these inconsistent arguers want “God may damn anyone who ‘bets’ possible to get into right relationship
their hearers to believe in God, but their on his existence merely for reasons of with God by seeing Him as a prudent
arguments don’t treat God as though He prudence. He may consider such a ‘bet’ bet. Pascal’s Wager would see that genu-
really were God. Whether the existence to be an insult.”1 ine conversion — genuine repentance
of God is proven or merely a good bet Thus, when examined from the Van unto faith — is not consistent with such
and the only safe bet, in both cases Til perspective, Pascal’s Wager is seen to a bet.
these apologetes, by the way they argue, be not only philosophically superficial The Van Til perspective helps
undermine their cases because they are but spiritually superficial as well. In fact, Christians to understand the roots of
not treating God the way He must be it is highly doubtful that the gambler such theistic philosophies, which are in
treated if He really is what we say He is. even appreciates what the stakes really the final analysis just as misguided as
are. Does he know what makes Heaven their secular counterparts. And there are
True Conversion
Heaven and what makes Hell Hell? several excellent resources for learning
There is a second, closely related,
Probably not. Although it is appropriate more about Dr. Van Til and his teach-
theological flaw in Pascal’s Wager — this
that Heaven be a beautiful place because ings. Two by Van Til himself that are
one of a more personal nature. Genuine
God cares about beauty, this is not what very helpful are his The Defense of the
Biblical conversion involves more than
makes Heaven Heaven. It is Heaven Faith and A Christian Theory of Knowl-
an intellectual belief in the existence of
because believers there will be in the edge. The two about Van Til I recom-
God. It also involves — in fact it centers
fullest possible fellowship with God un- mend are R. J. Rushdoony’s By What
on — a personal relationship with God,
Standard and Robert L. Reymond’s The
a relationship which, among other impeded by any depravity from within
Justification of Knowledge. Two essay
things, grants due honor unto God. or by societal or satanic opposition from
collections I recommend are Founda-
If we have even a glimpse of what this without. In short, it is God and our love
tions of Christian Scholarship: Essays in
must mean, then we will surely need for God and His love for us that makes
the Van Til Perspective edited by Gary
to conclude that anyone who comes to Heaven Heaven. C.S. Lewis in his novel
God solely on a Pascal’s Wager type of The Great Divorce showed that if any continued on page 29

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 13

Faith for All of Life
Pluralism: The New Enemy
Roger Schultz

A Chalcedon reader
who attends a state
university in southern
control. Those who see human freedom
as the highest good will despise God’s
sovereignty and providence. Likewise,
diligent to frame his life according to
that Law, and the light of Nature. For
Holy Scripture doth set out unto us
California recently wrote they will hate the societal institutions only the Name of Jesus Christ, whereby
to me about his experi- God has ordained to govern society. I men must be saved.”3
ences. “My prof opened once knew a feminist religion professor Finally, Biblical Christianity asserts
up a lecture with this statement: ‘I am at a mainline but relatively traditional an absolute standard of morality. No
a Jew from Brooklyn and I am agnos- Presbyterian college in Georgia. She contemporary Christian leader raises the
tic. My favorite topic of discussion is always spoke of Christianity as “Christo- ire of liberals and secularists like Jerry
religion… and I hate Christians.’” The fascism” and contended that the Bible Falwell, who is vilified because of his
Christian student had known that he had imposed “patriarchy” on Western affirmation of Biblical morality and his
would have to jump through some culture. Hating the doctrines of divine crusade against abortion and gay mar-
“fiery hoops” in academia, and under- sovereignty and providence, her schol- riage. Last year, two homosexual activ-
stood that the higher he went “the worse arly goal was to offer a feminist and ists moved to Lynchburg, rented a house
it [would] get.” But the Jewish teacher Marxist critique of the New Testament. across from Falwell’s Thomas Road
from Brooklyn took him by surprise Second, Biblical Christianity as- Baptist Church, and began organizing
— as “this class that I am taking is serts the infallibility of God’s Word. homosexual rallies.4 Those in rebellion
called, of all things, cultural pluralism.” Humanistic man hates the inerrant and against God hate the restraints of His
There is increasing hostility to infallible nature of the divine law-word. law, and hate those who are faithful to
Biblical Christianity in America, and it “The basic premise of law and society His Word.
comes from the erstwhile promoters of today is relativism,” Rushdoony pre- Academics sometimes have bizarre
pluralism and toleration. Some evan- sciently noted in 1973. For Christians, ways of manifesting hostility to Biblical
gelicals have puzzled over this creeping he continued, “An absolute law set forth principles. I was at a meeting once with
intolerance, assuming that Christianity by the absolute God separates good and a feminist English professor who abso-
would be welcomed as one of the viable evil and protects good.”1 lutely loathed Pat Robertson. Robert-
alternatives in the marketplace of ideas. Third, Biblical Christianity asserts son, she argued, was responsible for the
They fail to understand, however, that the doctrine of salvation through Christ oppression and degradation of women
man is not morally and epistemologi- alone. Jesus is the only way of salvation: (he opposed abortion and preferred that
cally neutral. Sinful man is in funda- “No one comes to the Father but by moms stay at home with their children).
mental rebellion against God (Rom. 1: me,” Jesus said (Jn. 14:6). The exclusiv- Eventually, the group discussion moved
18; 2 Tim. 2:25f.), and cannot tolerate ity of salvation through Christ alone is to the topic of clitorectomy, a barbaric
the teachings of Christianity. There a fundamental Christian teaching, but practice of female circumcision still
are, I believe, four reasons why Biblical one that the world despises.2 found in Muslim regions and in pagan
Christianity is anathematized by mod- In an earlier age, Christians uni- Africa. The feminist professor, who was
ern secularists. versally embraced this doctrine. The rarely silent, especially on topics related
Thirty-Nine Articles of the Anglican to women, had nothing to say. So I
Anathematizing Church, for instance, includes a pow- invited her opinion about this bizarre
the Christian Faith erful statement on “obtaining eternal practice of mutilating young women.
First, Biblical Christianity asserts salvation only by the Name of Christ.” She responded that one must respect the
God’s absolute sovereignty over His Article XVIII reads: “They also are to be cultural norms of other societies. For
creation and His creatures. Humanistic had accursed that presume to say, That liberals, apparently, it is only appropri-
man, striving to be autonomous, resents every man shall be saved by the Law or ate to sit in judgment of Christians and
any element of divine authority and Sect which he professeth, so that he be Christian cultural norms.

14 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
At the same meeting, a Political restraints of the God-ordained social The final tenet of pluralism is that
Science professor discussed his work as order. the state is sovereign. A little over two
a youth with the Peace Corps in Africa. The second axiom of pluralistic hundred years ago in The Social Con-
He was initially shocked when natives orthodoxy is that all truth is relative, tract Jean-Jacques Rousseau hinted at
stole his spare clothing from the clothes- and all traditions are equally valid. As the direction of modern pluralism in a
line and boldly wore them in his pres- Rushdoony has argued, our generation’s discussion of “Civil Religion.” He was
ence. Yet he said that he admired their “infallible word must be a changing happy to encourage religion, so long
different concept of property and their word, the word of flux.”6 as it recognized the sovereignty of the
unique social ethic. He called it “com- Ten years ago I was a fellow at state, taught good morals, and advo-
pulsory sharing.” (Where I’m from, we the National Humanities Center for a cated toleration for all other religions.
call it stealing! No wonder that this program on multiculturalism. Faculty But he couldn’t tolerate a religion that
African country, with its apparent con- members from around the southeastern taught absolute principles. “Wherever
tempt for private property and capital United States met for three weeks to dis- theological intolerance is admitted, it
development, was one of the poorest cuss emerging scholarship on multicul- must inevitably have some civil effect;
countries on earth.) The professor saved turalism, which was a hot topic. We had and as soon as it has such an effect, the
his strongest criticism for American special guest presenters from prestigious Sovereign is no longer Sovereign even in
capitalism and materialism. (But at least universities: a (lapsed) Muslim feminist the temporal sphere: thenceforth priests
the capitalists don’t steal his underwear.) from Pakistan who taught English at are the real masters, and kings only their
Yale; a (lapsed) Christian-turned-agnos- ministers…. [T]olerance should be
The Pluralist Creed tic from Ghana who taught African and given to all religions that tolerate others,
The new mantra of today’s plu- African-American Studies at Harvard; so long as their dogmas contain noth-
ralists is tolerance. Everyone’s faith is and a (lapsed) Buddhist anthropologist ing contrary to the duties of citizen-
legitimate — as long as it isn’t exclusive. ship. But whoever dares to say ‘Outside
from Sri Lanka who taught at Princeton.
Everyone’s moral convictions are good the Church is no salvation,’ ought to
The seminar leader was a (lapsed) Jew-
— as long as they aren’t restrictive. Any be driven from the State….”8 Those
ish psychiatrist-turned-anthropologist
worldview is acceptable — as long as advocating a transcendent view of God
from the University of California who
it is authentic. The only requirement: and the importance of salvation, then,
was an expert on Hinduism in Nepal.
you must not judge any one else. The are a challenge to the state, are guilty
The seminar was valuable and I learned
emphasis on toleration appears to reflect of heresy, and cannot be tolerated. In
much, but its underlying themes were
a live-and-let-live neutrality among a pluralistic society, Rushdoony notes,
cultural relativism, the inferiority of
modern pluralists and seems relatively man cannot “be under one law except
western civilization, and the evils of
by virtue of imperialism.”9 The new
benign. Christian culture. pluralism inevitably leads to statism.
Modern pluralism, however, is Most astonishing was a statement We are surrounded by new modern
rooted in a comprehensive worldview, made by the seminar leader, who forth- pluralists who claim to be interested in
which has its own creed and agenda. rightly presented his worldview assump- toleration. In reality, they adhere to a
Christians are vilified as intolerant pre- tions and pointed to his cohort’s shared radically anti-Christian and anti-Biblical
cisely because they violate the maxims convictions. He argued that Hinduism worldview, and, as at least one candid
of this new orthodoxy. Rushdoony was was a better religion than monotheism professor admitted, they “hate Chris-
excellent at identifying the religious for the modern era, since “one God tians.” Christians are already feeling
presuppositions of competing world- means one truth, and many gods allows the heat from this new orthodoxy,
view systems. He notes, “there can be for many truths.” The need for relativ- and it will no doubt grow worse. The
no tolerance in a law-system for another istic truth, it seems, propels pluralists challenge for Christians is to remain
religion. Tolerance is a device used to back to polytheism. Rushdoony makes loyal to King Jesus and to His unfailing
introduce a new law system as a prelude a telling observation about the implica- Word. CR
to a new intolerance.”5 tions of the first commandment: “[I]t
What are the central tenets of the means one God, one law. The premise of Dr. Schultz is the Chairman of the History
pluralist creed? The first principle Department at Liberty University, teaches
polytheism is that we live in a multi-
Church History at Christ College, and is the
concerns human autonomy. Man must verse, not a universe, that a variety of homeschooling father of nine children.
be free. He must be free of God and any law-orders and hence lords exist….”7 continued on page 29

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 15

Faith for All of Life
Christian Civilization Under Attack
Samuel L. Blumenfeld

H ebraic Christianity
is the religion of a
people in covenant with
bourgeoisie was so fanatical that they
killed millions of Jews in labor camps
and before firing squads.
And so the Islamic takeover of
Europe is proceeding very efficiently
as they use all of the social protections
the God of the Bible, the It was the United States that came given them by the European Union.
Sovereign of the Uni- to the rescue of Europe when it seemed They will win over the Europeans in
verse. The greatness of that its Judeo-Christian civilization the same way that the Turks won over
Hebraic Christianity is in the fact that would be permanently crushed under Bosnia. In Bosnia Christians converted
out of it sprang universal Christianity, the heels of pagan or atheist totalitarian- to Islam because they were given the
which extended that covenant to the rest ism. Europe, restored physically, politi- choice of living as first class Muslims or
of mankind through the divine inter- cally, and economically, with the gener- persecuted Christians. The Serbs resisted
vention of Jesus Christ. That this was ous help of the American Marshall Plan, and died by the thousands. But the
good for the human race is easily seen now lives with a ghostly Christianity, Bosnians surrendered.
by the humane civilization that has been the cultural strength of which still radi- Will the Christians of Western
built on Judeo-Christian values. ates faintly from its ancient cathedrals Europe surrender to Islam? They seem
and churches and in the arts and music to be in no mood to resist. One French
A Beacon of Hope professor recently told journalist Mark
The United States, founded by of its past. It still celebrates the Chris-
tian holy days: Christmas and Easter, Steyn that in Western Europe there are
Calvinists and Puritans, has become the no values worth dying for.
best fruit of the Biblical seed. No civili- even though socialist secular humanism
zation in history has provided so much dominates European culture. A Culture of Death
freedom, so much abundance, so much Islam has created a very different
happiness to so many human beings. The Islamic Advance civilization from ours. It has created
No civilization in history has provided But because of the massive influx of one of poverty, hatred, and unceasing
such freedom of invention, science, Muslims into Europe, Christianity — or suffering. Its people, for the most part,
and intellectual endeavor. In short, the what’s left of it in European culture live under tyrants who use the religion
United States became and still remains and institutions — is once more under to subject them to lives of crippling
the beacon of hope for millions of hu- attack. The Muslims were expelled from superstition and intellectual degeneracy.
man beings who come to our shores in Spain in the 16th century, and they were Without the wealth derived from oil,
pursuit of all that America offers: life, largely expelled from the Balkans in the the Islamic world would be even more
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 18th century. But now they are back backward than it is today.
Christianity gave Europe its sci- throughout Europe. Its greatest obsession is with the
ence and cathedrals, its art and music, Much of this is the result of French existence of Israel, the only state in
its literature, its universities, its spiritual President Charles de Gaulle’s retreat the Middle East based on Western
strength. But despite all of that, Europe from North Africa in 1962, the retreat democratic values. Even though Israel
succumbed to the false, malevolent phi- of Christianity from what had become a occupies a tiny space in the vast Islamic
losophies of Nazism and Communism, vibrant European civilization in North empire, it has engendered such murder-
largely based on hatred of the God of Africa. What de Gaulle didn’t realize was ous hatred among Muslims that their
the Bible. So fanatical was this hatred that the Muslims had no intention of children are taught that it is virtuous to
among the Nazis, that the Jews became simply destroying a vibrant, productive commit suicide by killing Jews.
the object of extermination. By destroy- Christian civilization in North Africa. To many Christians in America, the
ing the Jews, the Nazis hoped to destroy They planned, in time, to reclaim what return of the Jews to the ancient land of
Biblical prophecy and Biblical truth. As they once held on the continent of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical proph-
for the Communists, their hatred of the Europe. ecy. That is why so many Christians

16 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
focus their attention and concern on the ies. What we do know is that it must be In 1993,
fate of the Jews in that part of the Islam- won. Throughout its tumultuous his-
ic world. That part of the world is the tory, tiny Israel has faced Muslim armies The New York Times
dangerous fault line where civilizations and terrorists and has beaten them. reported that
confront one another: Judeo-Christian And despite this permanent threat to 90 million American
versus Islamic. its existence, Israel has thrived, creating
The murderous attack on America the most democratic and economically adults can barely
by Islamic fanatics is a permanent and advanced nation in the Middle East. We read and write.
grim fact of history. It is true that most can learn some lessons from them.
Muslims in America are embarrassed The first lesson is to go directly after
and frightened by what Islamic terrorists the terrorists, where they live, where
have done to this country. But it cannot they operate. And that is why we have
be denied that most Islamic organiza- invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Saddam
tions in America promote hatred of Hussein was in a position to shelter
Israel. Many of these organizations terrorists and supply them with weap-
support Palestinian terror and the Arab ons of mass destruction. He and his
economic boycott against Israel. And it government had to be removed. After a
is that hatred of Israel that has created great military victory, we have bunkered
a wide and very uncomfortable cultural down in the task of fighting the resisters
gap between Muslims and Christians and establishing a friendly, democratic
in America. Hatred can never become government in Iraq. We are at war,
the basis of trust. If Muslims are ever to even though support of the war may be

become truly integrated in American waning. But to retreat would give the fa- ith the bankruptcy of modern
culture, they must first divest themselves natic Islamists the hope that they could education and the fallout
of hatred of Israel. cripple the United States.
of years of state controlled public
We had thought in our naiveté
that the new millennium would bring schools, today’s students are best
The Third World War
us permanent peace, prosperity, and indentified as “victims” rather than
The war between the West and
Islam has become the Third World well-being. Instead, we have another pupils. In this collection of essays
War. On September 11, 2001, Islam world war in which it is expected that Samuel Blumenfeld discloses the
launched its Pearl Harbor by destroy- the Islamic terrorists will try to use germ epidemic of humanistic educational
ing the twin towers of the World Trade warfare or dirty bombs to decimate the theory and provides a clear way out
Center, bombing the Pentagon, and American people. The sad truth is that to a truly Biblical form of education.
killing over 3,000 innocent people. the benevolent world Americans have
Nothing like this had ever happened to grown used to no longer exists. And
New York City and Washington D.C., only by defeating Islamic fanaticism can “This may be the most comprehensive
it be restored. CR and insightful analysis of ‘what’s
let alone the United States. Our govern-
wrong with our public school system’
ment has tried to convince us that this Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of ever written.”
is not a religious war, that it is merely a eight books on education, including NEA:
war against international terrorism. But Trojan Horse in American Education, How to
D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.
Senior Ministry
we must acknowledge that this terrorism Tutor, Alpha-Phonics: A Primer for Beginning Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
is driven by Islamic religious fanaticism Readers, and Homeschooling: A Parents Guide
that views America as the Great Satan. to Teaching Children. All of these books are
available on or by calling
Only $22.00
America has no desire to destroy the Paperback, 266 pages, index
Islamic religion. We simply don’t want Shipping added to all orders.
Islamic fundamentalists to destroy us.
We do not know how this war will Ordering is easy! Use the
be fought, how much suffering it will order form on page 32 or
cause American families or our adversar-

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 17

Faith for All of Life
Living Defensively:
Managing Debt
Tom Rose

I f your bank is like

mine, you have been
inundated with sweet-ap-
For instance, most promises to
children (“I’ll take you shopping tomor-
row,” or “Let’s go see Grandma next
for over two years. The American econ-
omy has become very dependent on
consumer spending financed by credit
pearing advertising post- week,” or “If you are a good boy we extended by other countries (China,
ers every time you enter will go see Niagara Falls next summer”) Japan, other low-cost Asian exporters,
your bank. These posters are not ironclad oaths made before the oil-producing nations, Canada, etc.).
have captions similar to: “Because you Lord that must be honored to the hurt Just to keep our frail consumer-oriented
keep your promises!” They encour- of the swearer. Rather, such “contracts” economy going requires the continued
age people to take out a home-equity of future intentions with children, or willingness of foreign exporting na-
loan for a vacation or other consumer with other persons, should always be tions to hold ever-increasing amounts
expenditure. Recent posters depict a phrased conditionally to conform to of American debt instruments. As Jim
single female parent or a married couple the advice given by the apostle James Puplava notes:
wistfully looking at a young child. The (Jas. 4:13-15). We, after all, are not like Asia now holds $1,000 billion [$1 tril-
unspoken, but well communicated, idea God who is omniscient and has already lion] of foreign exchange reserves out
is that if you love your child, you will determined the future, so we should of a global total of $2,500 billion [$2.5
use the equity in your home to show always be open to the possibility that trillion]. Most of these reserves are held
your love by keeping any promise you God might overrule plans we make. As in U.S. dollars that come from trade
might have made, regardless of changing Christians we must always stand ready imbalances between Asia and the U.S.1
circumstances — promises, you realize, to adjust our plans to meet changing cir- And the evidence is echoed by
must be kept! cumstances, for it is God who is author David Vaughn:
What is wrong with the message of the future. In just five years, total financial as well
being communicated? How could any A second reason to eschew home as non-financial American debt has
parent who loves his or her child object equity loans in most circumstances is surged by 51% or $10.9 trillion to
to borrowing money for making good that borrowing against the equity of more than $32 trillion, three times the
on a promise? After all, doesn’t the annual Gross National Product. During
one’s home for consumer spending runs
Bible require us to keep our word? the last quarter alone American house-
counter to the sense of economic frugal- holds added $397.6 billion in mortgage
A number of things should cause ity and warnings against debt that are debt & another $40 billion in credit
Christians to think twice about borrow- found in the Bible (Pr. 13:11, 22:7; card debt.2
ing money to make good on a promise 1 Tim. 5:8).
to children, or to anyone else for that This growing mountain of Ameri-
matter. Note that I use the term “think Mountains of Debt can debt held by foreigners should cause
twice,” for there can be extenuating How does this apply to us in our thinking persons to quake in fear that
circumstances that might lead a person current world economy? Political lead- some unforeseen event will cause for-
to borrow money for honoring a busi- ers in many countries, including our eigners to stop accepting additional debt
ness contract or promise that is mor- own, have long followed inflationary denominated in U.S. dollars, which are
ally binding (Ps. 15:4). But borrowing monetary policies that have led to, or increasingly losing purchasing value.
money through home equity loans for threaten to lead to, inescapable defla- Even worse, we should fear the growing
consumer spending is just one aspect of tionary collapses in economic activity. possibility that foreigners might soon
the many clashes in our modern society Japan has been experiencing a deflation- find it to their advantage to disgorge
between Christian philosophy and secu- ary collapse for over a decade, and the trillions of dollars into the international
lar humanist philosophy. United States has been experiencing one money market. The possibility of such

18 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
an imminent event has been brought devoid of human habitation! This is an by growing secular statism in both our
upon us by profligate spending by both example of what happened in just one country and the world.
the federal government and consumers. small locality of our country in 1956- Until we succeed, and while we are
Wasteful spending has been encouraged 57. It took years for the local economy in the process of succeeding, to correct
and sustained by fiat-money creation by to be revitalized. past errors committed by our political
the Federal Reserve and its fractional-re- Today the problem of home in- leaders,3 there are some constructive
serve banking affiliates. debtedness is much greater and more things we can do as individuals to with-
widespread. It is nationwide and is now stand the manufactured dangers that
Servant to the Lender exacerbated by exceedingly high levels of now beset us.
Once again I encourage readers to credit-card debt and the reckless amount First, we as individuals can avoid ad-
ponder Proverbs 22:7. If foreign central of federal debt mentioned above. At ditional debt and even pay down exist-
banks decide to unload their holdings present, the Federal Reserve has been ing debt as one of our highest priorities.
of U.S. dollar-denominated securities, flooding the economy with fiat money The fact that our central government
homeowners who have succumbed to in a failing effort to keep the speculative has embarked on the road to financial
the siren call of easy credit through bubble of the 1990s from deflating, but bankruptcy provides a compelling rea-
home equity loans are likely to find the present rising price of gold is clearly son why American families should stand
themselves unexpectedly saddled with evidencing the weakness of the U.S. financially tall and strong as private enti-
increased debt and rising interest rates at dollar relative to foreign currencies that ties. In my lectures and writing I have
a time when equity ownership in their often stated this maxim, “He who holds
have not been inflated as much.
home has fallen far below its market gold wields power.” Similarly, he who
value. Post-boom deflationary periods Is There a Solution? stands financially and economically in-
always find some people encumbered What can be done to solve the dependent is also in a position to wield
with too much debt and no means to problem of easy credit generated by beneficial power and influence. Chris-
service it. During such periods there government-sponsored fiat money? tians who heed the Biblical admonition
is always a vast transfer of wealth from In the long run, we must elimi- to build and conserve family wealth
financially weak, over-extended indi- nate America’s fiat money machine, will be in a position not only to protect
viduals to the relatively stronger lending the Federal Reserve, and our system of their closest loved ones, but also to be
financial institutions, often at a fraction fractional-reserve banking. We must of wholesome leadership to our country.
of the real worth of the defaulted prop- go to a 100-percent reserve system of We must think positively while we fol-
erty. Thus, financial institutions that banking. I won’t explain the mechanics low the dictates of Biblical prudence in
offer temptingly low-cost credit terms to of making the change now, but it can be setting our financial affairs in order.
unwary consumers are not really friends done. The artificial control of interest Related to this is the need to
to borrowers, who are the very ones who rates would no longer be in the hands counter the popular humanistic ploy of
stand to lose in case of an economic of untrustworthy central bankers whose sacrificing everything “for the sake of
downturn. main concern is to support special inter- the children,” which comes through in
In the mid-1950s I served as man- est groups, both domestic and foreign. the bank posters mentioned above. Over
ager of the Chamber of Commerce in Interest rates would quickly adjust to a the last few decades our society has been
a town in Southeast Kansas. During free-market level that would no longer overwhelmed with the humanistic call
the Korean War the town was booming penalize savers at the expense of spend- that depicts children as the main focus
because of employment supplied by a ers. Older people who have saved many of all that we do, thus the line “Because
nearby munitions facility. But when the years for their old age or to pass wealth you keep your promises!” While chil-
facility shut down, the boom fizzled. on to their children would no longer be dren are indeed important and our only
Families suddenly found the homes they legally robbed by the insidious tax called way of building Christ’s Kingdom from
had purchased at high prices, financed inflation. Fiscal integrity and honor one generation to another, children are
by government-guaranteed loans, to be would return to our country’s entire not the main focus of our Kingdom-
worth much less than their outstand- financial sector. But these are long-term building work.
ing mortgages. What did they do? Easy! goals to use as guiding stars in our jour- Today our society is so child-ori-
They simply moved away and left an ney of trying to right our ship of state ented that many “children,” now in
entire subdivision almost completely among the treacherous waters created continued on page 29

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 19

Faith for All of Life
The Defense of the Faith:
John Weatherford and Patrick Henry
R.G. “Rick” Williams, Jr.
There is an inclination, on the part of many, to enjoy the fruit of
the tree without even ever looking up to see whence it came.
– Lewis Peyton Little

O ne of the most
cherished books
in my library is Lewis
involvement in it, should also stir our
hearts as we consider American culture’s
increasingly hostile stance towards
The rulers of the Episcopal Church
were much vexed at the success of Mr.
W. Wherever he went, his ministry was
attended by crowds and many were
Peyton Little’s Impris- orthodox Christianity.
converted through his instrumentality.
oned Preachers and Imprisoned It was a source of great mortification
Religious Liberty in John Weatherford was born in that a plain man, without any preten-
Virginia.1 Since I have the distinction sions to learning, should so far obtain
Charlotte County, Virginia in 1740. the confidence of the people. 5
and blessing of being a 7th generation He began preaching the gospel in
Virginian, this book holds a singularly The Church’s “mortification” was
1761. According to one biographer, manifested through the civil authori-
special place, both in my heart and on
“He became at once a zealous and ties’ actions against Weatherford when
my bookshelf. The book is a chronol-
ogy of persecution against Virginia successful herald of the cross,” and he was arrested on May 15, 1773. The
Baptists by the established state church “it was his honor to suffer persecu- official Court record of Chesterfield
— the Church of England, or Angli- tion for the sake of Christ.”4 The County, Virginia for June 4, 1773 reads
cans — during Colonial times.2 While persecution that Weatherford endured as follows:
this book’s primary focus is on Baptist is something that 21st century American …John Weatherford appearing in
persecution, Virginia’s civil magistrates Christians can scarcely imagine: Court being taken up by a Warrant
(with the blessing of the tax-supported issued by Archibald Cary Gent. for that
Anglicans) were also fond of persecut- purpose and acknowledging them-
ing Presbyterians and Quakers. Oddly selves to be of the religious Sect called
enough, these branches of the Christian Baptists and that they had practiced
preaching and assembling the people
Faith found one of their most stalwart
together…without having any License
defenders in Patrick Henry, whose for so doing. On consideration of the
father’s side of the family had a long and premises the Court adjudging them on
rich heritage with the Anglican Church, that account guilty of a Breach of the
though Henry’s mother was a devout peace & good Behaviour…. 6
Presbyterian. The preaching of Samuel
Davies, which Henry was exposed to in The Price of Freedom
his mother’s church, put in the bosom The records go on to state that a
of young Henry a fire for religious lib- fine was assessed and that Weather-
erty that could not be quenched. That ford was to remain in jail until such
fire helped lead to America’s indepen- fines were paid. Since Weatherford
dence.3 It is probable that the persecu- had no money, he “remained.” What
John Weatherford in the Chesterfield County Jail,
tion and suffering of Elder John Weath- 1773. This painting commissioned by the 200th An- is noteworthy for our purposes is what
erford stirred Patrick Henry’s heart to niversary Committee of the Middle District Baptist As- occurred during Weatherford’s incar-
sociation, hangs in the Chesterfield County Museum,
contemplate his own relationship with Artist Sidney E. King-photo by Bill Lane). Used with
ceration and how he came to be freed.
Christ. Weatherford’s story, and Henry’s permission. Weatherford was so loved by those in

20 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
the area who were familiar with his min- wards, someone anonymously paid the Chaplain of the Stonewall Brigade Camp,
istry, that during his five months impris- amount due and John Weatherford was Sons of Confederate Veterans in Lexington,
onment in the Chesterfield County jail, again a free man. Providentially, twenty Virginia. He also served 12 years as a
“his brethren and admirers flocked on years later, Patrick Henry moved to Virginia Magistrate, for which he asks the
forgiveness of Baptists, Presbyterians, and
Sunday to the village and thronged the Charlotte County and became a neigh-
Quakers everywhere.
yard of the jail.” This show of support bor of Weatherford’s, who was at that
and eagerness to hear the gospel in- time shepherding a small country flock 1. Lewis Petyon Little, Imprisoned Preachers
spired Weatherford all the more and he close by. As the two of them discussed and Religious Liberty in Virginia. (Lynch-
“would lift the window and thrust his their common labors in struggling for burg, VA: J.P Bell Co., 1938).
hands through the bars that he might religious liberty in the young republic, 2. The Anglican Church was renamed the
shake hands with his loyal friends.” Weatherford, for the first time, learned Episcopalian Church after the American
Weatherford preached to the assembled Revolution.
that it was Patrick Henry who had paid
multitude and several “experienced the his fine. Weatherford would henceforth 3. Davies’ preaching also sowed in Henry’s
renovating influence of Divine grace, heart the seed that would be watered by
always speak of Mr. Henry “with a glow
the great revival that took place at Hamp-
nine wished to follow their Master.” of affection.”8 Weatherford was not the den-Sydney College in 1787. This revival
Not all gathered were appreciative. On only Baptist preacher that was the ben- resulted in the conversion of over half of
at least one occasion “men of the baser eficiary of Henry’s kindness and zeal for the students at Hampden-Sydney and more
sort” stood on both sides of the window righteousness. Others would write that: than thirty of them entered the ministry as
and as Weatherford extended his hands …they were so fortunate as to interest Presbyterian preachers. God brought the
during preaching, they cruelly slashed in their behalf, the celebrated Patrick increase and Henry experienced “a deep
his hands with knives until he “would Henry; being always the friend of Christian conversion experience.” It was
scatter his blood on his hearers or on the liberty, he only needed to be informed during this same revival that the renowned
ground.” of their impression, without hesitation, Archibald Alexander, who would go on
Dr. William White, a prominent he stepped forward to their relief. From to become the first professor of the newly
that time until the day of their com- formed Princeton Theological College in
physician and Virginia Baptist of the
plete emancipation, from the shackles 1812, was converted.
19th century, later told of seeing Weath-
of tyranny, the Baptists found in Patrick 4. James B. Taylor, Virginia Baptist Ministers
erford’s wounds as a child when he Henry, an unwavering friend.9 (New York: Sheldon & Co., 1860), 51-53.
attended the preacher’s funeral:
After preaching for almost eighty 5. Taylor, 51-53.
I was barely tall enough to look into the
years, John Weatherford was gathered to 6. Little, 335-336.
coffin. The hands of the veteran min-
ister lay ungloved upon his breast with his fathers on the 23rd of January, 1833. 7. Little, 344.
palms downward. I noticed the stiff and Weatherford was the last survivor of 8. Weatherford sent 5 pounds currency to
bloodless look they had and saw white all the Baptist preachers that had been Henry in payment for his services, but it was
and rigid seams extending across the imprisoned in Virginia for their faith. promptly returned.
back of each hand. The fact impressed Patrick Henry’s admiration for Weather- 9. Little, 346-347.
me at the time, but I kept silence, and
ford, and other Virginia Baptists, greatly
a thousand times I dare say I recalled
those singular marks on the hands of
influenced his own political philoso-
the dead preacher…. They were the phy and devotion, and confirmed his
marks of the Lord Jesus — martyr commitment for the cause of religious
marks of God’s hero. 7 liberty in America. Both of these men
Patrick Henry soon heard of Weath- are branches of the tree from whence
erford’s plight. The situation stirred comes the fruit of our liberty. May we
Henry’s strong sense of justice and he at- never forget to look up. CR
tempted to intervene. Henry was able to
Rick Williams is a businessman, publisher
secure an order of release, but the jailer ( and
was adamant — he would not release freelance writer. He has edited and compiled
his prisoner until all fines and jail fees a book of quotes from the life of Robert E.
were paid. This was a considerable sum. Lee in The Maxims of Robert E. Lee for Young
Henry departed, but not long after- Gentlemen. He currently serves as Asst.

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 21

Faith for All of Life
The Development of Van Til’s
Presuppositionalism in the
Apologetic Practice of Greg Bahnsen
Christopher B. Strevel

E arly in the 20th

century, Christian
apologetics recovered its
utter impossibility of achieving objec-
tivity, certainty, and truth in terms of
the unbeliever’s professed worldview,
and exegetical foundations were care-
fully laid out. This was one important
aspect of the life work of Greg Bahnsen.
objectivity and moved a whatever form it may take. God has He produced numerous books, essays,
step closer to theologi- made foolish the wisdom of this world, taped lectures, and series in which he
cal consistency through and that foolishness has devastating provided the specific exegetical foun-
the work of Cornelius Van Til. Build- consequences for man in every area, dations of what has come to be called
ing upon the anthropology of Romans intellectually as well as spiritually. Posi- “presuppositional apologetics.” Through
1 and the revelational epistemology tively, the apologist must unashamedly his public debates, he demonstrated
of John Calvin, Van Til reminded the defend the absolute truth and certainty for his students that Van Til’s method
church that the apologetic endeavor of the Christian worldview, for God, was not only workable but also effec-
must take the fall of man and the con- His revelation, and the person and work tive to demolish every thought raised
demning function of natural revelation of Jesus Christ are the foundations of in opposition to Jesus Christ. These
seriously. The unbeliever’s fundamental knowledge in every sphere. Van Til’s are well-known aspects of his legacy
problem is not ignorance but rebellion. positive, incontrovertible proof for the and subsequent generations will come
The encounter with unbelief, therefore, existence of God was that without Him, to understand and appreciate Van Til
must expose and challenge unbelief’s one cannot prove anything else. In fact, through the contributions of his gifted
rebellious presuppositions. Failure to unbelief presupposes the existence of student. Greg Bahnsen also emphasized
do so obscures the clarity, necessity, God and the truth of His Word, even certain practical yet often neglected as-
and all-sufficiency of Scripture. It also though at every step he denies this and pects or implications of presuppositional
denies the comprehensive Lordship of seeks to establish and preserve his au- apologetics.
Jesus Christ, especially in the realm of tonomy. Unbelief must operate in God’s
knowledge. Any method of apologetics world; it is unavoidable. The Christian Apologist’s
that fails to stress the absolute certainty Difficult Task
of the Christian worldview revealed in Teaching By Example First, against the tendency to view
Scripture undermines the claims of the Greg Bahnsen did more than presuppositional apologetics simplisti-
gospel and capitulates to unbelieving anyone else in the 20th century to cally, as if it were a formula for easy
logic and science, which themselves popularize, explicate, and apply Van apologetic success, Bahnsen reminded
manifest the consequences of unbelief Til’s method. He recognized that Van his students that this method actu-
and must be reformed in the light of Til’s writing style was often obtuse and ally commits its votaries to hard work
God’s Word. difficult for those not versed in the lead- and careful analysis. “Answering the
Accordingly, Van Til insisted that ing movements of western philosophy. fool according to his folly” requires
Christian apologetics must proceed on Moreover, Van Til was not a system- patient study of unbelieving systems
two fronts. Negatively — and this was atizer, in that he did not produce a so their “foolishness”(i.e., devastating
Van Til’s primary though not exclusive single volume in which every facet of his philosophical and moral consequences)
emphasis — it must demonstrate the apologetic method, answers to critics, may be understood and exposed. Since

22 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
apologetics is essentially the confronta- is a thoroughly Biblical idea, the Holy failing to impress upon him that not all
tion of opposing systems, the believer Spirit often uses the negative aspect of systems of thought are bankrupt and
must seek to understand the entire apologetics to bring the unbeliever to a biased; not all circles of reasoning are
system espoused by the unbeliever, recognition of the futility of life apart vicious. He may not embrace the gospel,
not simply summary sound bites. The from faith in the triune God of Scrip- but he must be confronted with the
heart of man is deceitfully wicked, and ture. While presuppositional apologet- claim and demonstration of the claim
he will seek many hiding places for his ics is often caricatured as obscurantist, that Christianity alone rescues man
unbelief that must be investigated and arrogant, or hyper-intellectual, properly from relativism, prejudice, and chaos.
understood in the light of the total understood, it generates meekness,
system of which they are a part. Only personal winsomeness, and patience A Final Challenge
by ascertaining these can the fool be in seeking to gain the unbeliever for While not the only legacies of Greg
fully exposed and the claims of Christ Christ. Bahnsen, hard work, grace and humil-
be pressed upon him comprehensively. ity, and positive demonstration are three
By his personal example and encourage- The Christian Apologist’s practical distinctives of his approach to
ment, Greg Bahnsen called his students Comprehensive Claim presuppositional apologetics. Defenders
to gain a mastery of competing systems Third, Greg Bahnsen strongly of presuppositionalism would do well
of thought, for only thereby may he emphasized the positive aspect of to heed them. The work of developing
avoid thinking apologetics “easy” or Christian apologetics. The reduction of a full-orbed, Biblical, and Christ-hon-
“formulamatic.” the unbeliever’s worldview to absurdity oring apologetic is not complete. The
clears the ground for the gospel, but it groundwork has been set out by Van Til
The Christian Apologist’s does not erect the structure. The Chris- and enhanced by Greg Bahnsen, but it
Humble Attitude tian gospel must be seen in all its saving is the work of every generation to build
Second, Greg Bahnsen encouraged power and glory not only as the way to upon the foundation of its fathers, not
humility. One of his constant themes forgiveness of sins and the obtaining by rejecting their contributions because
was that the Christian apologist must of righteousness through faith in Jesus’ they are incomplete or imperfect, but
remember that he has received under- obedience and sacrifice, but also as the by standing upon their shoulders and
standing by grace. Therefore, he does revelation of God that preserves knowl- continuing the great work of presenting,
not engage in apologetics as a strident edge for man, provides the foundation defending, and persuading men that
intellectual but as a humble disciple of for human culture, and directs man Jesus Christ is the way, truth, and life
Jesus Christ. Moreover, because grace to the only source of ethical guidance. in every area of human inquiry, moral
alone given through the regenerating This must be demonstrated by careful decision, and spiritual pursuit. CR
work of the Holy Spirit effects conver- argumentation not simply posited as
Rev. Christopher B. Strevel is ordained
sion, the believer must ultimately and a faith claim or encouraged as a way in the Reformed Presbyterian Church in
constantly depend upon the work of to psychological fulfillment. Christian the United States (RPCUS) and currently
the Spirit in the unbeliever to bring him apologetics is not merely a bulldozer pastors Covenant Presbyterian Church
to faith in Jesus Christ. This preserves that demolishes every stronghold of in Buford, Georgia. He also oversees
the apologist from thinking that he can unbelief; it must also function as the ar- students in Bahnsen Theological Seminary
“argue” the unbeliever into the kingdom chitect that erects the city of God firmly specializing in Calvin’s Institutes of the
of God. Since faith in Christ is the goal upon the foundation of God’s revela- Christian Religion. He currently resides in
of the apologetic encounter, dependence tion in Scripture. This positive aspect Dacula, Georgia, with his wife of twelve
years, Elizabeth, and his three children,
upon sovereign grace keeps the Chris- of apologetics is especially important in
Christopher, Caroline, and Claire.
tian apologist from viewing the encoun- the postmodern climate, for the pluralist
ter as an opportunity to demonstrate his will join with the Christian apologist in
intellectual superiority, which he often affirming many of his criticisms of west-
does not possess. Heaven or hell is the ern philosophy and the presuppositional
issue at stake, not intellectual domina- nature of human thought. If we focus
tion. At the same time, dependence only upon the negative, we have not
upon the grace of the Holy Spirit does demonstrated the truth of the Christian
not render humble argumentation su- worldview. We may in fact confirm
perfluous. Because “answering the fool” the radical relativist in his darkness by

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 23

Faith for All of Life
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
William Blankschaen

I ’m sorry. Well, not re-

ally. Not yet, anyway.
When most people think
before; suppos means knowledge. Once as-
sembled, the word refers to an apologet-
ic method that confronts and appeals to
another has fulfilled the law…. Love is
the fulfillment of the law” (Rom. 13:
8, 10). You can’t get more truthful than
of an apology, that’s what knowledge that the Creator implants in that. Love happens when we treat God
they hear — “I’m sorry.” all men before they know anything else. and one another the way God says we
But when Peter uses the What may be known of God is manifest should. Love happens when truth acts.
word apologia, nothing could be farther in them…His invisible attributes are clearly Jesus reinforced the same principle
from his mind than a Christian who seen, being understood by the things that are when He said, “If you love me, keep my
regrets believing. made, even His eternal power and Godhead. commandments.” Want love? Obey.
Quite the contrary, when Peter (Rom.1:18-20) Submit to His revealed truth. We say we
commands us to be “ready to give an Hence, the problem is not that men love Christ? Then love the least of these
apologia” (1 Pet. 3:15) he is requiring do not know the truth, but that they blind beggars as yourself. Especially
an answer to an inquiry, not an “ex- suppress the truth in unrighteousness. when they question you about Christ,
cuse me” for believing. That’s how we you must answer by “speaking the truth
Confronting the Dead in love” (Eph. 4:15).
get apologetics, the science and art of
The natural man knows the truth,
defending our Faith. But what we often
but can’t truly comprehend it until the The House Truth Built
seem to miss as we tenaciously defend Spirit opens his spiritual eyes (1 Cor. Love is the house that truth built.
the Faith is that we are responding to 2:14). Thus the unregenerate man On the one hand, love depends on
a question. And a question requires a consciously chooses to reject the truth truth to give it structure; in return, love
questioner. And a questioner is a person. because it seems foolish to him. So we provides the context in which truth lives
In our rush to launch doctrinal mis- regenerate folk confront him with the and thrives. Like sea monkeys without
siles from our fortified redoubts, we truth. Sounds simple enough. We whip water, truth can technically exist with-
overlook Peter’s penultimate point that out our Biblical baseball bats, brandish out love, but it does not truly come alive
the most effective defense of the Faith is them menacingly in the air, and wind until you put it in the context of love.
not found in theological tomes or dusty up to beat the blind beggars with truth And who wants to watch a barrel of
debate halls. Instead, Peter’s apologia until they’re bruised and bleeding. Until sea monkeys without water? That’s like
actively answers the question. It really they surrender. Until they beg for mercy. watching a bowl of dry oatmeal. But
responds to the questioner. It touches Or until they run at the very thought how many unbelievers have heard our
his hand, connects with her heart, cares. of becoming unfeeling brutes like us. unloving answers only to be convinced
Loves. Because although we love doctrine — a that a bowl of dry oatmeal is the best
OK. Now I’m sorry. Well, not re- good thing! — and crave cold, hard answer Christ can muster? As William
ally. But lest you think I’m calling for logic — also a vital tool — we miss the Wordsworth poetically penned, “For
a group hug, let me allay your fears. critical context in which the apologia this, for everything, we are out of tune;
When Satan’s forces attack, we certainly must take place. It moves us not. — Great God! I’d
must possess the intellectual ammuni- Love. rather be a Pagan….”
tion to rout our foes. Furthermore, we Somehow we disconnect truth from Although we fail to presuppose love,
must use the ammo efficiently. I believe love when, in fact, they’re like love and Peter started there, and ended there, and
the most effective (because it is the marriage, horse and carriage — you only tossed in the stuff about an apo-
most Biblical) intellectual method for can’t have one without the other. Paul logia as a consequence of the real issue
defending the Faith is a presuppositional wastes no words in solving the dilemma — love. Peter’s primary message rings
defense. A fancy word, indeed, but with Plato grappled with several centuries clearly throughout his entire discourse:
quite the simple meaning. Pre- means earlier — what is love? “He who loves Be of one mind; have compassion;

24 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
love as brothers; be tenderhearted, cour- until they know how much you care. the blind beggar stumbling toward the
teous, and full of blessing; seek peace And isn’t that why Peter gave us gates of Hell.
and pursue it, etc. the command in the first place? People. That’s what love’s got to do with it. CR
No wonder the curious unbeliever People will see us. People will ask ques-
William Blankschaen has been blessed with
might feel compelled to inquire about tions. People made in the image of God a beautiful wife and three children. He is
the hope within you when he sees will challenge us with inquiries. And a teacher and administrator at Cornerstone
such incredible truth in action. He just how are we to answer? With vitriol Christian Academy near Cleveland, OH,
doesn’t get it. Why would you sacrifice and violence? God forbid! We answer and a writer of challenging essays and
yourself for another’s good? Submit in meekness and fear, knowing that we Christ-honoring fiction.
your own will to another’s? Pursue peace once walked in the same darkness. We
when hatred comes so easily? So he asks answer, as the late Dr. Greg Bahnsen put
about the hope he sees in you — or it, with humble boldness. The humility
does he? is the love part; the boldness is the truth
part. Christ requires both from those
Confront the
Be honest. When was the last time
someone asked about the hope he saw in who dare defend His name. Our Lord Thinking of
you? Not when did he notice that you requires us to defend His name with our
dress in styles several decades outdated, hearts and hands as well as our heads. Modern Man
don’t have clue about those “dreadful” We need not speculate as to Christ’s
Tolkien movies, or didn’t join the conga opinion because He addresses precisely
line at your cousin’s recent wedding. this problem in the church at Ephesus
But rather when was the last time he (Rev. 2:1-6). There were some things
saw you endure tragedy with a smile, lay the Ephesians were good at — identify-
your desires down for Christ’s sake, or ing false teachers and running them
extend a hand when you knew full well out of the church, for example. Yet,
it would get bitten off? In short, when although Christ commends them for
was the last time someone asked about their high-energy defense, He threatens
Christ because he saw Him in you? to remove His presence if they don’t fix
I thought so. one tiny little thing: “You have left your
first love.” Aha! You may say that Christ
True Communication is referring to their love for Him. Of
Studies indicate that up to 90% of course, but how do we demonstrate love
communication is non-verbal. If that’s for Christ? “Keep my commandments. The Word of Flux: Modern Man and the
true, words account for only a tenth of Love one another. Feed my sheep.” Problem of Knowledge
our persuasive power; actions apparently We show our love for Christ by loving Modern man has a problem with knowledge.
do speak louder than words. Accord- people, especially those pesky people He cannot accept God’s Word about anything
so everything which points to God must be
ing to John Maxwell, “Your talk talks questioning our Faith. called into question. Man, once he makes
and your walk talks, but your walk talks The Ephesians mistakenly nar- himself ultimate, is unable to know anything
louder than your talk talks.” If truth rowed obedience to understanding and but himself. Because of this impasse, modern
is the voice of Christ, love is its mega- espousing a set of doctrinal creeds and thinking has become progressively pragmatic.
This book will lead the reader to understand
phone and the lack of love its gag order. arguments. They had mastered defend- that this problem of knowledge underlies the
The Love chapter in Corinthians warns ing the faith with a Biblical billy club isolation and self-torment of modern man.
that without love, all our knowledge and a theological tazer. But somewhere This book takes the reader into the heart of
is nothing. Jesus clarified it when He along the way they had forgotten that modern man’s intellectual dilemma.
said, “By this all will know that you are Christ came to seek and save, not seek Paperback, 127 pages, indices, $19.00
My disciples, if you have love for one and destroy. Christ reminds them, “Do Shipping added to all orders.
another” (Jn. 13:35). People will “see the first works.” You know, the stuff Ordering is easy. Simply use the
your good works and glorify your Father you used to do when the love of Christ order form on page 32 or visit
in Heaven” (Mt. 5:16). Bottom line: consumed you. Speak the truth, yes, but
People don’t care how much you know only in the context of passionate love for

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 25

Faith for All of Life
Presupposing the Young
Ian Hodge

P resuppositionalism is
a fact of life. Every-
one works from basic
usually determined before a person
reaches eighteen. In fact, a majority of
Americans make a lasting determina-
given the tools of learning, so they could
learn on their own.
In contrast, modern educrats teach
assumptions, or presup- tion about the personal significance of the child what they think he should
positions. But not every- Christ’s death and resurrection by age know. They teach vast quantities of
one is self-conscious of 12.” information rather than give students
his or her presuppositions. The task of 3. Barna’s research indicates that critical thinking skills. The result?
evangelism, therefore, carries with it the “in most cases people’s spiritual beliefs Modern students do not have the tools
necessity to expose presuppositions in are irrevocably formed when they are of learning so they find it difficult to
the light of God’s Word and challenge pre-teens.”1 carry on continuous learning.
hearers to adopt Biblical assumptions, It seems that by age thirteen, most
not ones they make up themselves. people are set in their ways. What are Pre-teen Potential
Presuppositionalism as we know it the implications of this for teaching More importantly for us here,
has been around for half a century or presuppositions? however, is that Miss Sayers identifies
more. The initiating work of Corne- the ability of the pre-teen child to learn
lius Van Til and his later followers have Exciting Opportunities quite complex information. In music,
exposed a large number of people to To date, most books on presupposi- for example, we now understand why
the idea of presuppositions and the way tionalism are aimed at the adult market. children could compose music at an
they should be used in evangelism. But Now while there seems some reason to early age in past eras. They were taught
it seems there is good evidence for us aim books on Christian apologetics at how to do it. They learned the gram-
to re-evaluate the way we teach and use the adult market, it also seems necessary mar of music, just as they learned the
presuppositions in an evangelistic or to provide a framework to teach young grammar of language or mathematics.
lifestyle framework. children about assumptions. The result? Highly skilled musicians
A lot of educational pedagogy and composers by the time they were
Startling Revelations stands in the way at this point. It is teenagers.
A recent study by the George Barna believed that children should not be We should not be afraid, then, to
Research Group has highlighted the taught difficult concepts. These are use presuppositional arguments on
fact that spiritual maturity needs to often saved for university days or later. young children to ground them in the
begin at a young age. After three years Yet according to the Barna research, Faith. While the way we teach may be
of research, Barna has identified the this is too late. However, in the 1970s, different than it would be for adults,
following: Chalcedon published an essay by Doro- nevertheless the need is there to educate
1. An individual’s moral founda- thy Sayers, “The Lost Tools of Learn- the young in these concepts.
tions “are usually in place by the age ing” which opens the door to teaching Can young children understand
of nine. While those foundations are presuppositions to pre-teen children. philosophical argument? That is not
refined and the application of those Speaking on the medieval concept the first question, according to the older
foundations may shift to some extent as of education, Miss Sayers highlighted view of education. The first step is to
the individual ages, their fundamental the three stages of learning that were ground the student in the grammar of a
perspectives on truth, integrity, mean- used in the older methods of education. particular subject. The second step, to
ing, justice, morality, and ethics are Using the concepts of Grammar, Logic be undertaken when the child reaches
formed quite early in life.” and Rhetoric, Sayers explained how me- around the age of ten, is to add explana-
2. An individual’s “response to the dieval education provided the tools of tion (logic) to the information they have
meaning and personal value of Jesus learning so that students could go on in been taught. By the time the student is
Christ’s life, death and resurrection is life and educate themselves. They were continued on page 30

26 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
The Problem with Islam
Warren Kelley

S ince the collapse of

the Twin Towers on
9/11, much has been
as to what We have revealed unto thee,
then ask those who have been reading
the Book from before thee.”
than a Messenger.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, a noted Muslim
scholar, put it this way, “Begetting a son
written and discussed is a physical act depending on the needs
about the nature of Islam Significant Disagreements of men’s animal nature. Allah Most
and whether it is truly Later, when Muslims began to come High is independent of all needs, and it
a religion of peace. But in the two and into contact with Christians and Jews is derogatory to Him to attribute such
a half years that have passed since that they realized that the Old and New Tes- an act to Him.”
terrible day, how much have we learned taments did not agree with the Qur’an. Christians cherish the belief that
about what Islam teaches and how those In fact they disagreed on many key God sent His only Son to bear the price
beliefs compare to our own? points. Since they believed that God’s of our sins. For the Muslim it is blas-
word could not be changed they had to phemy to believe that Allah would allow
Common Ground find an explanation for this problem. one of his prophets to perish in such
Christianity and Islam have many The solution? The Jews and Christians a way and they deny that Christ was
things in common. Both religions are must have corrupted God’s revelation. crucified.
monotheistic. Both believe that God is Islam teaches that Allah sent proph-
just, sovereign, and forgiving. Both hold ets to reveal his truth to all peoples to No Sin Nature
Jesus in very high esteem and refer to help them understand the truth and to Muslims see no need for a savior
him as Christ. Many American Chris- serve him. Since the Jews and Christians and look at sin and the sin nature differ-
tians even believe that we worship the corrupted Allah’s teachings and others ently than Christians. Muslims believe
same God. fell into worshiping many gods, Mus- in a creation story similar to the one
The sacred book of Islam, the lims believe the only uncorrupted, true of the Bible. However, in the Islamic
Qur’an, also teaches that we worship revelation of God remaining is that of version, Adam and Eve were created in
the same God and that it was He who the Qur’an. a state of righteousness in the garden,
imparted his truth to Moses. Sura 5:44 It is important to understand that sinned, and were forgiven. There was no
says, “It was We [Allah] who revealed the differences between Christianity and sin left to pass on to descendants as a sin
the Law to Moses: therein was guidance Islam are significant. While Muslims nature.
and light.” It goes on to say in verse 46, esteem Christ as a great prophet they In fact, Islam teaches that Adam,
“And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the strongly deny His deity. Consider the after his fall and forgiveness, became the
son of Mary, confirming the Law that passage from Sura 112 that is recited in first prophet. Unlike the Bible, Islamic
had come before him. We sent him the prayer every day by Muslims: “Say He theology believes that prophets are kept
Gospel: therein was guidance and light.” is Allah, the One and Only; Allah the from fundamental sins. Adam, as a
However, this is actually somewhat Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor prophet, could not have had a sin nature
of a problem for Islam. Muhammad is He begotten; and there is none like to pass on.
was not very well educated and did not unto Him.” Without a sin nature, there is no
have firsthand knowledge of the Jewish To believe that Jesus is the Son of need for a savior, no need for redemp-
or Christian Scriptures. Early on, he God is blasphemy to a Muslim. Sura 5: tion. All people are born innocent and
believed that what he had written in the 72 says, “They do blaspheme who say: remain so until they themselves sin. At
Qur’an was compatible with Scripture ‘Allah is Christ the son of Mary.’ But that point all they need is the grace of
and that the god he served was the God said Christ: ‘O children of Israel! Wor- Allah to forgive their sins which come
of the Jews and Christians. ship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’” simply as a result of personal weakness,
Sura 10:94 records Allah instruct- Just a few verses later in verse 75 it says, not from a sinful nature.
ing Muhammad, “If thou wert in doubt “Christ, the son of Mary, was no more continued on page 30

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 27

Faith for All of Life
West, Illustrations…continued from page 7 cal metaphor. Van Til used the Prodigal Gentry, Bahnsen…continued from page 9
as an illustration of the inability of the
the kingdom of God. Why not? Because and accepted a faculty position with the
covenant-breaker to drown out the
the resurrection would be viewed as a prestigious Newport Christian High
voice of the living God. His metaphor
monstrosity (his word). The unbeliever School in Newport Beach (September
of “borrowed capital” was probably
admits that strangeness occurs in the 1980).
drawn from this story, too. He wrote,
universe. All kinds of “miracles” hap- In February of 1985 Bahnsen
“When the Prodigal left his father’s
pen. So why, then, should there not also debated the president of Atheists United
house he could not immediately efface
be random resurrections both here and and the American Rationalist Federation
from his memory the look and voice of
there? Thus, even if the Biblical writ- (Dr. Gordon Stein), demonstrating his
his father. How that look and that voice
ers were right about the resurrection, it remarkable apologetical and debating
came back to him when he was at the
would prove nothing at all. Monstrosi- skills before an audience of hundreds.
swine trough! How hard he had tried
ties occur. As Van Til writes, “The resur- The taped debate is one of the best-sell-
to live as though the money with which
rection of Jesus would be a fine item for ing tape sets available through Covenant
he so freely entertained his ‘friends’ had
Ripley’s Believe It or Not. Why not send Media Foundation (which distributes
not come from his father! When asked
it in?” What is really needed? Convince his materials) and has been a source of
where he came from he would answer
the unbeliever that the Bible is a self- great encouragement to untold numbers
that he came ‘from the other side.’ He
authenticating authority and that both of Christians. He engaged in several
did not want to be reminded of his past,
its miracles and interpretations of those other public debates on apologetics
yet he could not forget it. It required a
miracles are infallible. Then the unbe- and various social and political issues
constant act of suppression to forget the
liever would be convinced that Jesus (including theonomy, gun control, ho-
past. But that very act of suppression it-
not only rose from the dead, but that by mosexuality, Roman Catholicism, Islam,
self keeps alive the memory of the past.”
rising He justifies sinners and is de- and Judaism), and spoke at conferences
In short, the Prodigal’s futile at-
clared to be the Son of God with power across America, in the British Isles and
tempt to drown out the voice of his
(Rom.1:4; 4:25). Russia during his distinguished career.
father was like the discharged servant
In 1990 Dr. Bahnsen worked with
Blockhouse Methodology of Immanuel Kant, who had been with
Michael Nelson to establish the South-
Each fact in God’s universe is like him for years. Angrily, Kant wrote a fa-
mous entry in his memorandum book: ern California Center for Christian
a block we use to build our house. But Studies. The Studies Center has as its
when we lose sight of the overall picture, “Remember, from now on the name of
Lampe must be completely forgotten.” mission cultivating “intelligent com-
which is that all facts are God-created mitment to the Christian faith, seek-
facts and intelligible only in terms of Van Til’s illustrations were always
discreet, which made them all the ing with skill, sincerity and love to:
God, we fall into the sin of Blockhouse challenge unbelief in all its forms and
methodology. A fair example is Eve more effective. He was no “skyscraper”
preacher or theologian, who majored in defend the claims of Christ, expound
when she was beguiled to eat the forbid- and explain the system of precious truth
den fruit. Satan’s strategy was to woo stories. Yet he was wise enough to know
the limits of his audience, especially found in the Scriptures, apply God’s
her to analyze the block (in this case the word to the life of believers as well as
forbidden fruit) in terms of her own when he was critiquing hard, philosoph-
ical concepts of autonomous sinners to to their world, train God’s people for
autonomous rationality. She sought to
whom everything was yellowed and thus service to the Lord, and to encourage
interpret the “block” apart from God’s
confused. CR Christian piety, outreach, compassion
infallible interpretation of the whole
and maturity.” After Bahnsen’s death,
Tree. Therefore she was dead-meat Jim West has pastored Covenant Reformed the Board of the Studies Center estab-
for Satan. The unbeliever has a similar Church in Sacramento for the last 18 lished Bahnsen Theological Seminary
problem; Camus (reportedly) said that years. He is currently Associate Professor of to provide distance education for those
if there is even one fact in the universe Pastoral and Systematic Theology at City
seeking advanced theological degrees.
that has meaning, then all is lost (from Seminary in Sacramento. He has authored
The Missing Clincher Argument in the
Bahnsen authored six books: The-
an existential, philosophical standpoint).
Tongues’ Debate, The Art of Choosing Your onomy in Christian Ethics; Homosexuali-
The Prodigal Son Love, The Covenant Baptism of Infants, and ty: A Biblical View; By This Standard; No
The Parable of the Prodigal Son was Christian Courtship Versus Dating. His latest Other Standard; Always Ready: Directions
perhaps Van Til’s most popular Bibli- book is Drinking with Calvin and Luther! for Defending the Faith; and Van Til’s

28 Chalcedon Report February 2004

Faith for All of Life
Apologetic: Readings and Analysis. He co- Schultz, Pluralism…continued from page 15 Rose, Debt…continued from page 19
authored one with me (House Divided: 1. Rousas Rushdoony, The Institutes of their 40s and 50s, still think and act
The Break-up of Dispensational Theol- Biblical Law (n.p.:Craig Press, 1973), 119. as children. They will never be able to
ogy), contributed major articles to seven A surprising number of Christians dislike
grow up and accept responsibilities as
other books, wrote hundreds of articles, the doctrine of infallibility. Recently some
independent thinking adults. Thus, we
and produced over 1,800 audio tapes. evangelicals, influenced by evidentialist
apologetics, asked me for some non-Bibli- must rediscover the inescapable fact that
On December 5, 1995, he un-
cal “proofs” for a theological case I had childhood is a relatively short period of
derwent his third open heart surgery
made. Of all people, I chided them, Baptists life and that an orderly society is built
to replace his aortic valve. Within
should be satisfied with a good “thus saith and maintained by adults in an adult-
twenty-four hours he developed serious
the Lord.” A Presbyterian shouldn’t have to oriented world. In past generations
complications. After being comatose for tell them that! children were taught that they lived in
several days he died on December 11,
2. Jerry Falwell frequently goes to the mat an adult world and that their role as
1995 at the age of forty-seven. Since his on this issue. On the Donahue Show last children was to learn the discipline and
death his ministry influence has actually year, Phil Donahue whined about the justice responsibilities of adulthood as they
grown, primarily due to his large catalog of God sending a Jew to hell for not believ- grew and matured in wisdom. Many
of tapes and the influence of SCCCS ing in Jesus. Falwell’s response, as I remem-
in our society have lost this common-
and BTS. Certainly, though he is dead, ber it, was superb: God would even send a
Baptist — or a talk show host — to hell for
sense view of generational relationships
yet he speaketh. CR
not trusting in Jesus! between children and adults, and it has
Dr. Gentry is the author of thirteen books 3. Originally drafted in 1571 for the caused many individuals to become
and a contributor to eight others, from Anglican Church, the American edition of short-sighted in their world-and-life
publishers such as Zondervan, Baker, the Thirty-Nine Articles date to 1801. The view, which is unbiblical. This, too,
Kregel, P & R, and American Vision. He is Thirty-Nine Articles have ambiguous author- should be kept in mind as we plan for a
the editor of a new title from Ross House ity in the Episcopal Church today. better future. God has placed man in a
Books: Thine Is the Kingdom: A Summary of
4. Those interested can check what cause-and-effect world. We must discern
the Postmillennial Hope. He has spoken at
conferences and on radio across the nation
Lynchburg’s new gay-activists are doing the times by sound thinking and percep-
at One can measure tion based upon Biblical principles. CR
and runs a website for Reformed educational
Falwell’s influence by the hostility he gener-
ates with such activists. Dick Knodel, the ©Tom Rose, 2003
pastor of the local OPC church, and Christ
Schultz, Pascal’s…continued from page 13
College students were visible in leading Tom Rose is retired professor of economics
counter-protests and doing street evangelism and author of nine books and hundreds of
North, and the Festschrift for Van Til articles dealing with economic and political
titled Jerusalem and Athens edited by E. during the Soulforce rallies.
issues. Rose’s latest books are: Free Enterprise
R. Geehan. CR 5. Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical
Economics in America and God, Gold, and
Law, 5.
Civil Government. Phone: 724-748-3726;
Forrest W. Schultz has a B.S. in Chemical 6. Rousas Rushdoony, Infallibility: An
Engineering from Drexel University and Website:
Inescapable Concept (Vallecito, CA: Ross
a Th.M. in Systematic Theology from House Books, 1978), 51. 1. Jim Puplava, “West to East: the trade
Westminster Theological Seminary. 7. Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical deficit represents largest wealth transfer in
1. B.C. Johnson, The Atheist Debater’s Law, 17. history,” in News & Views, ed. Michael J.
Handbook, (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus 8. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Kosares, Fall 2003, 4 (
Books, 1981), 97. Contract (N.Y.: Dutton, 1950), 139-140. publication).
9. Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical 2. “Daily Reckoning 10/10/2003,” in Gold
Law, 17. is breaking through!, David N. Vaughn, ©Le
Metropole Café, Inc.
3. Tom Rose, “America’s Central Bank,”
Chalcedon Report, Jan. & Feb. 2003.

February 2004 Chalcedon Report 29

Faith for All of Life
Kelley, Islam…continued from page 27 Hodge, Presupposing…continued from page 26 for the Business Reform Foundation
( a ministry that
For the Muslim salvation is simply in his early teens, the rhetorical stage of teaches how to apply the Bible to business
a matter of works to earn his way into education should begin: the ability of and provides consulting services based
paradise. Sura 23:102-103 paints an the student to defend the knowledge he on Biblical principles. He writes a weekly
image of our lives being weighed in a has acquired. Commentary at
scale on judgment day, “Then those It does not seem an insurmount- When he is not business consulting, Ian
whose balance is heavy — they will at- able task, for example, to have young enjoys exercising a ministry in music with
tain salvation: but those whose balance children learn the basics about the his family (
is light, will be those who have lost their origins of life, for on our assumptions 1. “Research Shows That Spiritual Maturity
souls; in hell will they abide.” Because here hang the moral foundations that Process Should Start at a Young Age”, avail-
we cannot see the totality of our own we adopt in life. The choice, as always, able at
good and evil, salvation for the Muslim is between a created, personal universe,
is never assured. Only on judgment day or an impersonal uncreated one. If the
will the balance be known. world is uncreated and impersonal, then
morals are a dream and everyone can be
No Justice his god determining for himself what is
Along with the acceptance of this right or wrong.
belief comes a loss of justice. For the
Muslim all that is needed to do away Leaving off the Baggage
with any sin is enough good deeds to Underlying all this is a commitment
balance the scales. So, as long as they to how we know that what we know
put in enough hours of community ser- is true. The impersonal universe leads
vice, even murder or rape can be simply only to a dead theory of knowledge, Advertising in the Chalcedon
overlooked. with no basis for knowing whether or Report means focus for your
To summarize these beliefs, Islam not the information we have is true or
ministry, product or service.
teaches that Jesus was a great prophet false, right or wrong. In fact, these con-
who was often misquoted and misun- cepts tend to disappear in an impersonal
You’ll be able to reach
derstood by His disciples. He is not universe. Or, as Paul puts it in Romans thousands of individuals
God and His death is not necessary for chapter one, the unbeliever suppresses with a similar worldview.
the forgiveness of our sins. All that is the truth in his attempts to deny what Contact us today for pricing
necessary is to do more good in this life he knows deep down to be true: that the and guidelines.
than evil and we will be allowed into God of the Bible created all things and email:
paradise in the next life. really exists.
That said, it seems that the belief Without the baggage of a humanis-
system of a large percentage of American tic education, it is not difficult to teach
Christians is closer to the teachings of these basic ideas to children, and there
Islam than the teaching of the Bible. CR is an incentive to move down this path.
Barna’s research opens up a vision of
Warren Kelley serves as Executive Vice
President for International Christian Media,
children’s ministry that may have been
the ministry that produces Point of View overlooked in the past. But in our
Radio Talk Show. Christian schools and homeschools, we
have the opportunity to educate the
young in the assumptions that will carry
them through life. And it seems that if
we don’t do this by their early teenage
years, it may be just a little too late. CR
Ian Hodge, AmusA, Ph.D., is Director
of International Business Consulting

30 Chalcedon Report February 2004

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