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Hirsutism. A, Mild facial hirsutism. B, Severe facial hirsutism (chin), which requires regular shaving. C, Severe hirsutism on chest.
(B and C from Dunaif A,

Hoffman AR, Scully RE, et al. The clinical, biochemical and ovarian morphologic features in women with acanthosis nigricans and

Severe clitoromegaly resulting from a testosterone-secreting ovarian tumor. A, The

entire length of the clitoris is approximately 4 cm (normal, <1 cm). B, The
transverse diameter of the clitoris measures 1.5 cm (normal, <0.7 cm).

Acanthosis nigricans. A, Moderate acanthosis nigricans (i.e., darkening and thickening

of skin) at the lateral lower fold of the neck. Notice facial hirsutism
(sideburns) in the same patient. B, Severe acanthosis nigricans in another patient
with severe insulin resistance. (B courtesy of Dr. R. Ann Word, UT Southwestern
Center, Dallas, TX.)

A 19-year-old patient with prepubertal androgen deficiency caused by congenital anorchia before (A, C, and E) and after (B, D,
and F) 5 years of testosterone
treatment. Before testosterone treatment, the patient had features of eunuchoidism, characterized by infantile genitalia (small
penis and poorly developed scrotum); lack of
chest, pubic, and facial hair; long arms and legs relative to height; and poorly developed muscle mass in the upper body with
accumulation of fat in the face, chest, and hips.

After testosterone treatment, there was an increase in penis size; an increase in chest, pubic, and facial hair with scalp recession
and development of acne; an increase in
muscle mass, particularly in the upper body; and loss of fat in the face, chest, and hips. (From Matsumoto AM. The testis. In: Felig
P, Frohman LA, eds. Endocrinology and
Metabolism, 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2001:635-705.)

A 54-year-old man with adult androgen deficiency caused by hypopituitarism who

presented with sexual dysfunction (reduced libido and erectile dysfunction);
loss of chest, axillary, and pubic hair (A, B, and C); and gynecomastia (A). His penis
and testes were normal in size (B). He had normal facial hair (C), but his shaving
was less.

A 70-year-old man with severe androgen deficiency caused by Kallmann syndrome

(hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia) who presented to a geriatric
evaluation and management unit with functional and mobility disability caused by
upper (A) and lower extremity muscle wasting and severe back pain from multiple
compression fractures (B) due to osteoporosis. He was noted to have gynecomastia
and absence of chest, axillary, and pubic hair.

Variability in the degree of androgen deficiency manifested in men

with Klinefelter syndrome. The man on the left, who has classic 47,XXY Klinefelter
syndrome, demonstrates prepubertal androgen deficiency with eunuchoidal body
small penis, sparse chest and pubic hair, poor muscle development, prepubertal
fat distribution, and very small testes (2 mL bilaterally). The man on the right,
who has mosaic 47,XXY/46,XY Klinefelter syndrome, demonstrates normal body
penis size, and body hair but small testis size (8 mL bilaterally). (From Smyth
CM, Bremner WJ. Klinefelter syndrome. Arch Intern Med. 1998;158:1309-1314.)

Tabarcea Eduard
Amza Diana
Studenti an III ,Medicina Dentara ,Universitatea Oradea
-Endocrinology Encyclopedia ,Luciano Martini
-Endocrinology ,Dr Paul Bolin
-Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 10th edition

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