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Aim – Introduction To The Project “Student Information System”

Student Information System

It is a project based on student’s information in the college which records student

personal information, Student progress card, student general data and student fee
structure. The project is made in sql language, which is used to create the databases. So,
the information store in this project is in the form of queries. Sql statements are divided
into 3 sub-languages –Data Definition Language(DDL), Data Control Language
(DCL), Data Manipulation Language(DML). Student's Record Information System is a
comprehensive University Student Administration System, enabling any academic or
educational organization to capture, maintain, update and provide accurate personal and
academic information about all current and past students with any University / College. If
anyone like parents or any employee or teacher wants to retrieve the past record of a
student, then he can access it very easily and get all the record of a particular student. It
can also used to add new information about an old student and the new student.

There are 4 tables in the project: studata, sturept, stufees, stuprsnl which records
different information related to a particular student. These tables defined as below

1. Table studata - which records the general information of student.

Attribute list 
Roll number – stores the roll number of the student. PRIMARY KEY
Sem – tells about semester of the student. NOT NULL
Fname – stores the first name of student. NOT NULL
Mname – stores the middle name of student if any.
Lname – stores the last name of the student.
Doa – stores the date of admission.
Date of birth – stores the birth date of student.
Sex – tells about gender.
Address - gives complete address of student - location, city, state, pin code
Curiclar – stores information whether the student participate in curricular activities or not
Class – stores the class of the student.
Religion – stores the religion of the student.
Phno – stores the contact number of the student.

2. Table sturept – which stores the performance of a student in the class.

Attribute list 
Extmarks - stores the total of external marks.
Intmarks - stores the total of internal marks.
Sesstest – stores the result of sessional tests.
Univtest – stores the result of university tests.
3. Table stufees – which stores the information regarding fee of a student.

Attribute list 
Recno – which stores the record number of a student. PRIMARY KEY
Roll number REFRENCE KEY
Recdate – stores the record date.
Tutnfee – stores the tution fee.
Buildfund – stores the fund of building.
Compfee – stores the computer fee.
Labfee – stores the fee of the lab.
Sprtsfee – stores the sports fee.
Latefee – stores the late fee fine.

4. Table stuprsnl – which stores the student general information in the college.

Attribute list 
Adno – stores the admission number of student. PRIMARY KEY
Fname – stores the first name of student. NOT NULL
Mname – stores the middle name of student if any.
Lname – stores the last name of the student.
Religion – stores the religion of the student.
Location – stores address of the student.
Phno - stores the contact number of student.

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