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The Official Publication Of
Heru Behutet Oasis

A Duly Chartered Body Of

Ordo Templi Orientis
Anno IVxiv Sol in Capricorn
Winter Solstice 2006ev
Edditorial Policy
The opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of
Heru Behutet Oasis, or Ordo Templi Orientis.
Items published in Talons are NOT eddited for content.
Copyright © 2006 by
Heru Behutet Oasis, Ordo Templi Orientis,
and the original authors.

From the Edditor

Enter the Light
Richard Spirit
Khenty Amentiu
Jennifer Mathews
Pilgrim Watching
From the Master
The Supreme Ritual
Watching Kaos
Great of Heka
Jennifer Mathews
Unicursal Hexagram
Richard Spirit
6 Syllable Secret
Lao Han
Soror Hajshzyl

Submissions and policy inquiries may be directed to the Oasis contact addresses above and below.
Please do not send original art or printed materials.
The preferred method of submission is by e-mail.
Materials will not be returned unless accompanied by a S.A.S.E.
and a specific request for such.

Heru Behutet Oasis

P.O. Box 30541
Kansas City, MO 64112
From the Edditor

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Welcome to Our 8th issue ov Talons! Hopefully the last year has treated you & yours well. Another year
has passed & We continue to promote Our Holy Order here in the heartland, a red state @ that! Our local Oasis
has seen a change in mastership, 2 new Certified Initiators, monthly Masses & Man of Earth Initiations. While it might
not sound like much boiled down into one sentence, the proof is in the proverbial pudding (whatever that means).
Even as the vulgar year ends & begins again We look forward to the future, full ov continual labour & enjoyment. If I
am amiss in not naming everyone involved in everything We’ve accomplished it is only because I have a tendency to
hyper self-eddit personal information unless notified, &/or particularly justified (that’s a yoke btw, & that’s a pun, &
this is?).
Our most public event (besides Our annual 4.8-10 Feasts & readings) was a Gnostic Mass in the Main
Pavillion @ Camp Gaea 5.28.06 during the Heartland Pagan/Spiritual Festival 2006, Wisdom in the Woods. While I
personally did not see it (some1 has to tyle the door), I am 220% sure Frater Ain Peh Ani, Soror Susan & Frater
Achadraeus did a wonderful job. I believe the best quote (meaning most humorous) was that it was very Gardnerian.
Even though loading, hauling, checking in, unloading, setting up & rehearsing Saturn day, evening & night really wasn’t
too much fun, the end did justify the means. Old friends were found & new ones created. In vino veritas, et vitium! In all
though, everyone @ Gaea & Heartland were wonderful. We were treated well after Mass & loading up again to lunch
& a walk-around before heading back to the world, where ov course We had to unload again before going back to
Our individual tents. Sure I could go on ad nauseum, but I won’t! K.I.S.S.!!! I would be amiss not to mention this was
an E.G.C. function among many. As noted above, Rose of Babalon Sanctuary has & continues to perform
monthly Masses, plus We’ve had Baptisms, Confirmations & a Deaconate Ordination. When called upon, both
Soror Lyceia & Rachel have performed beautifully as Priestess. Thanks Ladies, you make a poor one-armed non-
pedophilic Priest proud.
An odd off-the-point question: US RC bishops (ov the catholic kind) this year sayd gay people are
welcomed in their church, but if involved in gay activities they will not be allowed communion. Does that go 4 their own
priests? Hints ov Arianism? Just call Bishop Lucifer! Sorry ‘bout that, time to hyper self-eddit.
Now for Our current undertaking. First I would very much like to thank the other contributors who have made
this new issue ov Talons possible. Thanks go out to Jennifer Mathews for her two images, to Richard Spirit for his
two poems, to Soror Hajshzyl for her RaView ov a Brother’s book & to Frater Troy for his prints from Talons
III1 . The more volkes submit, the more Talons We will have. As the Trekkies say in France (or so I’ve been told),
“Résistance is futile”. Soon Our Webmaster Soror Rachel will complete updating Our Heru Behutet Oasis web
page & Our new issue ov Talons will be up, so sincere props go to her also. Even as contributing edditor I look
forward to seeing how it will manifest online. I hope you enjoy Our Work. Have a great Mithras Mass, or witchever
god name you prefer.

Love is the law, love under will.

Now this mystery of the letters is done, and I want to go on to the holier place.
I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods of men.
Curse them! Curse them! Curse them!
With my Hawk’s head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.
I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him.
With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din.
Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds.
Let Mary inviolate be torn upon wheels: for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among you!
Also for beauty’s sake and love’s!
Despise also all cowards; professional soldiers who dare not fight, but play; all fools despise!
But the keen and the proud, the royal and the lofty; ye are brothers!
As brothers fight ye!
There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
LL III 48-60
Enter the Light

by my left hand
I was led to secret
burning inside of me
yearning for we

down the shaft

into the dark
bound hand and foot
before I had gone too far

a vow to myself
from longtime past
where given words at last

mighty arabic warrior

i was borne to your presence
heart is racing
I have been waiting so long for this

this path on the left is dark

and so often cold
perhaps I have found a camp
to rest my weary bones

foot to heel
so often this sojourn has seemed to so unreal
I sometimes think that I cannot go on
but I know that I will

until the paths converge

upon a surge of light
you will see that I am right

that all paths are the same

when exposed to the light
I will see you all in the eternal night

Richard Spirit

Simon Sayz
“Khenty Amentiu” (Anubis)
Jennifer Mathews
Copyright © 1996
Pilgrim Watching
From the Master
Sex Morality
Including Artemis Iota

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Thank you! I am to cover the whole question of sex in a few well-chosen words? Am I to suppose that you
want to borrow money? Such fulsome flattery suggests the indirect approach.
As a matter of fact, your proposal is not so outrageous as it sounds at first; for as far as the English
language goes, there is really hardly anything worth reading. 98.138 per cent of it is what Frances Ridley
Ravergal used to call “fiddlesticks, blah, boloney, Bull-shit, and the bunk.”
However, quite recently I issued an Encyclical to the Faithful with the attractive title of Artemis Iota,
and I propose that we read this into the record, to save trouble, and because it gives a list of practically all the
classics that you ought to read. Also, it condenses information and advice to “beginners,” with due reference to
the positive injunctions given in The Book of the Law.
Still, for the purpose of these letters, I should like to put the whole matter in a nutshell. The Tree of Life,
as usual, affords a convenient means of classification.
1. To the physical side of it psychological laws apply. “Don’t monkey with the buzz-saw!” as John Wesley might
have put it, though I doubt whether he did.
2. The “moral” side. As in the case of the voltage of a cissoid, there isn’t one. Mind your own business! is the sole
sufficient rule. To drag in social, economic, religious, and such aspects is irrelevance and impurity.
3. The Magical side. Sex is, directly or indirectly, the most powerful weapon in the armoury of the Magician; and
precisely because there is no moral guide, it is indescribably dangerous. I have given a great many hints, especially
in Magick, and The Book of Thoth—some of the cards are almost blatantly revealing; so I have been rapped
rather severely over the knuckles for giving children matches for playthings. My excuse has been that they have
already got the matches, that my explanations have been directed to add conscious precautions to the existing
automatic safeguards.
The above remarks refer mainly to the technique of the business; and it is going a very long way to tell
you that you ought to be able to work out the principles thereof from your general knowledge of Magick, but
especially the Formula of Tetragrammaton, clearly stated and explained in Magick, Chap. III. Combine this with
the heart of Chap. XII and you’ve got it! But there is another point at issue. This incidentally, is where the
“automatic safeguards” come in. “...thou hast no right but to do thy will.” (AL I, 42) means that to “go awhoring
after strange” purposes can only be disastrous. It is possible, in chemistry, to provoke an endothermic reaction; but
that is only asking for trouble. The product bears within its own heart the seed of dissolution. Accordingly, the
most important preliminary to any Magical operation is to make sure that its object is not only harmonious with,
but necessary to, your Great Work.
Note also that the use of this supreme method involves the manipulation of energies ineffably secret and
most delicately sensitive; it compares with the operations of ordinary Magick as the last word in artillery does
with the blunderbuss!
I ought to have mentioned the sexual instinct or impulse in itself, careless of magical or any other
considerations soever: the thing that picks you up by the scruff of the neck, slits your weasand with a cavalry
sabre, and chucks the remains over the nearest precipice.
What is the damn thing, anyway?
That’s just the trouble; for it is the first of the masks upon the face of the True Will; and that mask is
the Poker-Face!
As all true Art is spontaneous, is genius, is utterly beyond all conscious knowledge or control, so also is
sex. Indeed, one might class it as deeper still than Art; for Art does at least endeavour to find an intelligible
means of expression. That is much nearer to sanity than the blind lust of the sex-impulse. The maddest genius
does look from Chokmah not only to Binah, but to the fruit of that union in Da’ath and the Ruach; the sex-
impulse has no use for Binah to understand, to interpret, to transmit. It wants no more than an instrument
which will destroy it.
“Here, I say, Master, have a heart!”
Nonsense! (I continue) What I say is the plain fact, and well you know it! More, damned up, hemmed in,
twisted and tortured as it has been by religion and morality and all the rest of it, it has learnt to disguise itself, to
appear in a myriad forms of psychosis, neurosis, actual insanity of the most dangerous types. You don’t have to
look beyond Hitler! Its power and its peril derive directly from the fatal fact that in itself it is the True Will in its
purest form.
What then is the magical remedy? Obvious enough to the Qabalist. “Love is the law, love under will.” It
must be fitted at its earliest manifestations with its proper Binah, so as to flow freely along the Path of Daleth,
and restore the lost Balance. Attempts to suppress it are fatal, to sublime it are false and futile. But guided wisely
from the start, by the time it becomes strong it has learnt how to use its virtues to the best advantage.
And what of the parallel instinct in a woman? Except in (rather rare) cases of congenital disease or
deformity, the problem is never so acute. For Binah, even while she winks at Chokmah, has the other eye wide-
open, swivelled on Tiphareth. Her True Will is thus divided by Nature from the start, and her tragedy is if she
fails to unite these two objects. Oh, dear me, yes, I know all about “spretæ injuria formæ” and “furens quid
femina possit”; but that is only because when she misses her bite she feels doubly baffled, robbed not only of the
ecstatic Present, but of the glamorous Future. If she eat independently of the Fruit of the Tree of Life when
unripe, she has not only the bad taste in the mouth, but indigestion to follow. Then, living as she does so much
in the world of imagination, constantly living shadow-pictures of her Desire, she is not nearly so liable to the
violent insanities of sheer blind lust, as is the male. The essential difference is indicated by that of their respective
orgasms, the female undulatory, the male catastrophic.
The above, taken all in all, may not be fully comprehensive, not wholly satisfying to the soul, but one
thing with another, enough for a cow to chew the cud on. Good night!

Love is the law, love under will.

Artemis Iota
De Coitu
Scholiae Triviae

Dianae sumus in fide Puellae et pueri integri

Dianam pueri integri Pulllaeque canamus (1)

The word of Sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will; O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no
bond that can unite the divided but love; all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! (AL, I: 41)
Consent or refusal are to be determined by the impulse itself, without reference to any other motives such
as commonly influence action.
So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will. (AL, I: 42)
Every thought, word, or act without exception is subject to this law. “Do what thou wilt” does not give
license to do anything else; lest this be not understood, the doctrine is here explicit: “Thou hast no right but to do
thy will.”
Every particle of energy must be built into this single-track machine of will; directly or indirectly, it must
serve the one purpose. A very small hole in the hull may sink a very large ship.
Every act, therefore, with the thoughts and words which determine its performance, is a sacrament.
Now of all acts the most intrinsically important is the act of love. Firstly, because the ecstasy which
accompanies its due performance is a physical image, or hint, of the state of Samadhi, since the consciousness of
the Ego is temporarily in abeyance; secondly, because its normal effect on the material plane is, or may be,
incalculably vast. (The emphasis on the word “due” is absolute.) Precisely because it is so powerful a weapon, its
use is hedged in with manifold precautions, and its abuse deprecated in injunctions heavily charged with menace.
. . . “Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will! But always unto me.” (AL
If this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying, They are many; if the
ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit! (AL, I: 52)
This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister, my heart & my tongue, unto whom I send this kiss . . .
But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever To me! To me! (AL, I: 53)
. . . Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of
the earth in splendour & pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. (AL, I: 61)
There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death:
this is none of me. Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries: veil not your vices in virtuous words: these vices
are my service; ye do well, & I will reward you here and hereafter. (AL, II: 52)
There is help and hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal;
refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if
thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!
But exceed! exceed!
Strive ever to more! and if thou art truly mine - and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous - death is the crown
of all. (AL, II: 70-72)
Here is confirmation in detail of AL I: 41. This act is a definite electrical or magnetic phenomenon. No
other considerations apply. (It will therefore occasionally seem, to the outsider, unreasonable.) The only exception
– it is only apparently so – is when satisfaction of the impulse would manifestly thwart the True Will more than
it would help to fulfill it; any such case must be judged on its merits.
“But always unto me.” The word “always” admits of no exception; “unto me” may be paraphrased as the
“fulfillment of one possibility necessary to the achievement of the Great Work.” Every act is a sacrament, but
this pre-eminently so. The text continues with a plain threat: “if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the
direful judgments of Ra Hoor Khuit.” To profane this sacrament of sacraments is the most fatal of errors and
offences; for it is high treason to the Great Work itself.
The next verse repeats: “If the ritual be not ever unto me”; and it is emphasized and fortified with a
threat. The offender is no longer in free enjoyment of the caresses of the Goddess of Love; he is cast out into the
penal constraint of the merciless and terrible God of Chapter III (2)
“. . . Be goodly therefore; dress ye all in fine apparel; eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that
foam! Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will . . .” This refers to the technique of the art; it will be ex-
plained later in this essay.
“. . . with whom ye will.” This repeats what has been said already above in the notes to AL, I:41.
Verse 53 asserts the importance of this dogma. Neglect of these prescriptions has been responsible for the
endless and intolerable agonies, the hideous and unmitigable disasters of the past.
The Qabalist may note that “To me!” at the end of this verse not only repeats the adjuration, but is a
Magical Seal set upon the dogma. (Verse 54 is a hint to seek the secret). (3)
In Greek letters TO MH (4) adds to 418; it is identical with Abrahadabra, the cipher of the Great
Work. Meditation should lead the student to considerations even deeper and more fruitful.

Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and
love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law
of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God. (AL, I:57)
Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us. (AL, II:20)
I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness.
To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not
harm ye at all. It is a lie, this follly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy
all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this. (AL, II:22)
Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now think not to find them in
the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs,
and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them. (AL, II:24)
But ye, o my people, rise up & awake!
Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy & beauty!
There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times.
A feast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride!
A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.
A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet—secret, O Prophet!
A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods.
A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death!
A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture!
A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight!
Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.
(AL, II:34-44)
These verses refer once more to the concomitants of the act; they indicate the adjutants to the technique;
and they indicate the spirit in which it should be approached. The detached scientific attitude of enquiry and
preparation is preliminary; the object is to foresee hindrances, to facilitate and to direct the current: but the
impulse itself is Enthusiasm.
There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death:
this is none of me. Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries: veil not your vices in virtuous words: these vices
are my service; ye do well, and I will reward you here and hereafter. (AL, II:52)
Let Mary inviolate be torn upon wheels: for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among you!
Also for beauty’s sake and love’s! (AL, III:55-56)
The student should assimilate the doctrine of the “Black Brothers.” (5) To refuse to fulfill any of one’s
possibilities is the direct negation of the Great Work.
There is help and hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal;
refine thy rapture. If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if
thou do ought joyous, let there be subtlety therein.
But exceed! exceed!
Strive ever to more! and if thou art truly mine—and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous!—death is the crown
of all. (AL II:70-72)
Here, in a few simple phrases, is a complete guide – in skeleton – to the Art of Love.
Genius without technique is often clumsy and unintelligible; but technique without genius is dry bones.
Genius is there, or is not there; nor wit nor work avail if it be absent. Yet one may maintain that it is always
there, since “Every man and every woman is a star.” In any case only technique responds to study and exercise; it
has been written that it “demands as much study as theology, and as much practice as billiard.” All one can do is
(a) to unleash and (b) to direct, the latent genius. In countries hostile to civilization (horribilesque ultimosque
Brittanos) and their colonies, past and present, the technique is almost non-existent; individuals who possess it in
any degree of perfection owe their pre-eminence, in almost every case, to tuition and training under the natives of
happier and less barbarian parts of the world. Each type of race or culture has its own especial virtues.
A. Study: The student should study, bear in mind, and take to heart, such classics as the Ananga-Ranga,
the Bagh-i-Muattar of Abdullah el Haji, the Kama Shastra, the Kama Sutra, the Scented Garden of the
Sheikh Nefzawi, and certain scientific or pseudo-scientific treatises (usually upon the deformities of nature, or the
abuses of ignorance) by numerous authors, mostly French, German, Austrian or Italian. Energised Enthusiasm
(The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 9) is of palmary virtue. (Liber LXVI, Liber CCCLXX, Liber DCCCXXXI, Liber
CLXXV, Liber CLVI and others, also in The Equinox, are official publications of the A.’.A.’..) There are also
various classics of the subject, helpful to assimilate the romantic and enthusiastic atmosphere proper to practice
of the Art; one may instance Catullus, Juvenal (especially the Sixth Satire), Martial, Petronius Arbiter, Apuleius,
Boccaccio, Masucci, Francois Rabelais, de Balzac (Contes Drolatiques), de Sade (Justine, Juliette, et al), Andre de
Nerciat, Alfred de Musset et Georges Sand (Gamiani: ou Deux nuits d’exces), Sacher-Masoch (Venus in Furs),
with English and American too numerous to list, but notably the poets in Holy Orders: Swift, Sterne, Herrick,
Donne, and Herbert.
There is also a complete literature of mysticism which approaches or implies this matter; but this type of
work is, for the younger student, as dangerous as it is superficially attractive. It encourages the sense of guilt,
teaches the venemous art of self-exculpation, and extols that very hypocrisy which Freedom notably condemns.
“Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries.” (AL, II:52).
B. Practice: No one teacher, however gifted, can possibly cover one hundredth part of the groundwork of
this Art. The best tuition is that of trained and consecrated experts; next, that of men and women of natural
C. Original Research: This should be based upon the broadest knowledge possible, and the deepest
understanding of the same; and upon the results of the scope and intensity of one’s practice.

But exceed! exceed!

(AL, II:72)
But always unto me.
(AL, I:51)
A note on Our text

The above Work was transcribed from the 1989 Falcon Press edition of Magick Without Tears. Chapter and
verse references to all Liber AL quotes have been included. Note in Greek Artemis = 656, plus 10 for the Iota =

1: The first verse of poem number 34 in the standard edition of Catullus.
In Diana’s trust are we
Girls and boys unblemished [or “chaste”]
Of Diana, unblemished boys
and girls, let us sing.
2: This refers to Liber Legis, The Book of the Law, as do the preceding and following quotations in this Chapter
3: “Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shall not behold all these mysteries
hidden therein.”
4: H represents here the Greek Eta.
5: See Chapter 12 of this book. [Magick Without Tear]

And that most holy mystery
Of which the vehicle am I.

Evangelii Textus Redactus*

The Supreme Ritual

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Seeing there are a few places where this ritual employs a code, I have taken it upon myself to fill in
some gaps. This is only one persons thoughts. Each should see if my divination is close to “correct”, i.e. it’s not
written in stone. The Signs were quite easy if you’re familiar with Liber V vel Reguli (The Enchantment 11 and
17) and/or the NOX signs. The other material came about while brainstorming on the subject.

B....., M....., and N....

B+5 Brains
M+5 Marrow, Muscle, Menses
N+4 Neith, Neter, Nuith, Nerve

M.... O. T.. W...

Mater of the Womb, Mater on the Wand, Mater on the Womb
M+4 on the W+3
Maker, Mater, Word, Wand, Womb, West
M...... O. M...
Mystery of Mine, Mystery on Mine
M+6 Mercury, Master, Mariner, Mansoul, Monster, Mystery

Ritual of the S.... of R....

S+4 Snake, Spine, Sleep?
R+4 ?

As one can see there are still points in question. Is the Mater of or on the Womb? The ending womb
goes good with gloom, but Mater could be Maker!!! The ritual is called The Supreme Ritual, yet that doesn’t
match the period count of S.... of R....! Should one extrapolate the words according to the number of periods
after the starting letter? Usually with Baconian ciphers this is the case, and it worked in spelling out the signs.
Plus, what the hell is “Omari tessala marax etc.”?!** Even if you get that, the “IX Degree***” notation con-
fronts you before the closing. I’m not finished with this rite or see my Work as gospel, so work with it person-
ally. My findings are in bold. All questions, comments, or curses are welcomed.
A short summary of what findings restore:

O. and I. [“face to face”].

O. What is the hour?
I. When time hath no power.
O. What is the place?
I. At the limits of space.
O. What God do we wake?
I. The Lord of the Snake
O. With what do we serve?
I. Brains, Muscle, and Nerve
O. The shrine in the gloom?

[O. mulier which I. destroys by puer, the God

I. Is the Maker on the Womb?

O. And the Priest in the Shrine?
I. Is this Mystery of Mine!

[I. repeats puer, and O. gives mulier

*Restored Text of the Gospel

**Restored in {} minus etc. See L 418, 2nd Aethyr
*** IX = the O.T.O. degree in which heterosexual magical techniques were taught, for magical creation by
male-female union. Appendix IV, Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley: Tunisia 1923.

Two Fragments of Ritual

I The Supreme Ritual

[Translated by Fra. Kappa Phi IX from a German MS. said to have been found among the papers of
Weishaupt. It by no means appears that the fragments pertain to the Illuminati; Weishaupt’s MS. was probably a
mere transcript from some older ritual which he valued on purely archaeological grounds. — ED.]

“A feast for the Supreme Ritual.”

“to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight.”
— “Liber Legis.”

LET a feast be made by the Officers of the Temple. This Temple, into which they then retire, may be any
convenient place. An altar is necessary; also a vessel of wine; otherwise as may be appointed by them: “e.g.”
the robes, etc., as said in .......... The officers are two in number, and seek Nuit and Hadit through Babalon and
the B east.To concealthem selves,they are disguisedasIsis and O siris.<I is M, O is W?>

[“The officers meet and clasp hands above the altar. Any preliminary operations, such as opening, banishing,
etc., are now down by I., who returns, and they again greet, but as initiates.”]

O. and I. [“face to face”].

O. What is the hour?
I. When time hath no power.
O. What is the place?
I. At the limits of space.
O. What God do we wake?
I. The L... of the S....! (The Lord of the Snake)
O. With what do we serve?
I. B....., M....., and N....! (Brains, Muscle, and Nerve)
O. The shrine in the gloom?
[“Gives the S... of a B... of the A...., (Sign of a Babe of the Abyss X from NOX mulier) which” I. “destroys
by the S... of M..T. the God.” (Sign of Men Tu, N of NOX puer, 6=5)

I. Is the M.... O. T.. W...? (Is the Maker on the Womb)

O. And the Priest in the Shrine?
I. Is this M...... O. M...! (Is this Mystery of Mine)

[I. “repeats S... of M.. T. (Sign of Men Tu, N of NOX puer, 6=5) and O. gives S... of Baphomet.”(Sign of
Baphomet, X from NOX mulier)

O. and the wonder above?

I. The Quintessence of Love.
O. There are sacraments?
I. Nine.
There are music and wine
And the delicate dance —
O. To accomplish?
I. The trance.
O. And are these three enough?
I. They are servants of Love.
O. And the sacrifice?
I. I.
O. And the priestess?
I. Is thou.
I am willing to die
At thy hands — even now.
O. Worship me first!
[I. “seats” O. “upon the Altar.”

I. Mistress, I thirst.

[O. “gives wine. They drink.”

O. My mouth is on fire
To my lord’s desire.
[“They exchange the holy greeting by a kiss.”

I. I kneel at thy feet,

And the honey is sweet.

[O. “plays music while” I “worships in silence.”

O. Exhausted, I sink.
I. I am dead, on the brink.
O. Let us dance!
I. Let us dance!
O. I. The Lord give us power
To be lost in the trance.
For an hour — for an hour!
[“They dance together. A pause of perfect stillness and silence follows: until O.,” sua sponte, “advances and
places” I. “upon the altar.”

O. Exhaust me!
I. Nay, drink!
O. Ere I sink!
I. I shall sink!
O. Drink wine! oh, drink wine!
I. I am thine!
O. I am thine!
[“They drink and greet as before.”

I. Art thou armed?

O. With a knife.

[O. “draws the dagger from her hair.”

I. Love is better than life.

[O. “cuts a” ., “or if possible, the sigil of N.O.X., on” I.”’s breast.”

O. Let us dance!

I. [“giving wine.”] To the trance!

[“they drink, then dance.”

O. Back to the throne!

[I. “returns, and takes seat thereon.”

I. I adore thee alone!

[O. “does so. plays music if so inclined, and continues as necessity or inclination may dictate.”

O. It is ended, the play:

I am ready to slay.
Anoint me!
I. I rise
To the fire of thine eyes.
I anoint thee, thy priest,
Babalon — and The Beast!
And I ask of Thee now:
Who art Thou?
O. {Omari tessala marax,
tessala dodi phornepax.
amri radara poliax
armana piliu.
amri radara piliu son’;
mari narya barbiton
madara anaphax sarpedon
andala hriliu.

I am the harlot that shaketh Death.

This shaking giveth the Peace of Satiate Lust.
Immortality jetteth from my skull,
And music from my vulva.
Immortality jetteth from my vulva also,
For my Whoredom is a sweet scent like a seven-stringed instrument,
Played unto God the Invisible, the all-ruler,
That goeth along giving the shrill scream of orgasm.}

[“The Ritual of the S.... of R.... is in silence accomplished.”

IX Degree

I. Mouth to mouth and heart to heart!
O. For the moment we must part.
I. Time and space renew the illusion.
O. Love is swallowed in confusion.
I. Love sustains us eminent
Till the hour of Sacrament.
O. I love you, and you love me.
I. Now and ever may it be!
I. and O. Hand in hand is heart to heart
Love be with us, though we part.

[“They greet, as before, and depart.”

Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy and beauty!


Version ’04

Originally this piece came about after noticing the khoenseedinks in title with the other Supreme Ritual
(LL II40), that being the Invocation of Horus (IH) performed at both equinoxes. I remembered Two Fragments
of Ritual from Equinox Vol. I. No. X (1913) and the previous smaller blue edition ov Book 4 (replaced by
Testis Testitudinis btw), but had filed both fragments away. While Working on Liber Kronos preparing for the
2003 Thelemic Holy Season (~3.19-4.10) the khoenseedinks popped up and I was urged to write the restora-
tion above before St. Valentinus’ Day and pass it out to a few volkes randomly for their questions, comments,
or curses. My reasoning for this Addendum a year later (2.13.04) is to review these responses and release it
again, hopefully to answer that eternal question: What do Thelemites do!?
The most asked question (other than what the hell is it) was who wrote it: Crowley or Weishaupt? Fra.
Kappa Phi IX btw is Theodor Reuss. There will always be conjecture, but I think the question is answered in
the Index of Equinox Vol. I. No. X (1913) where it simply says, “The names in italics are the real names of the
authors”, later having “Ritual, Two Fragments of (“Aleister Crowley”), X, 81”. AC knew how to project The
Work, notorious for his love ov blinds, mythopoeia, and nom de plumes. I say thank the messenger, but pay
attention to the message.
Several questions concerned where the Two Fragments were published, witch is alluded to in the
opening ov this Addendum. The newest Book 4 (1997, page 450) only describes them as “Fragments of ritual
of a very advanced character”. Tru’ dat mon!!! Once you find them they’re riddled fragments! The other
fragment btw is ‘A Ritual to Invoke Hice or any other Divine One’.
As knoeted previously, volkes wanted to know exactly what I was presenting. In what We can now call
Version ‘03 my watchword was K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid! Nothing revolutionary was written (except
the Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley: Tunisia 1923 quote), just some hurried knoetes in need ov feedback.
Restored Text may sound presumptuous (no one ever asked how I restored the text), but I was in the mood. I
assume(d) the reader knows more than myself and will help complete the Work by their experience ov the ritual.
Most (sadly) had questions and/or apathy, but no real input (being no one performed it).
Anyway, what the hell is this!? It was/is my intent to expand the understanding ov this beautiful ritual that
corresponds wonderfully with the Thelemic Calendar, and imhoal deserves a place in ritual canon. My babbling
on can only corrupt this so I’ve kept my minutia @ a minimum. It is my hope the above Work and this Adden-
dum help rather than hurt those who would understand, or dare two perform, this ritual. Again, I’m not finished
with this rite or see my Work as gospel, work with it personally if so willed. All questions, comments, and/or
curses are welcomed (nay, desired!!!) so this ritual may be completely fleshed out.

Knu Knoetes
It may be remarked en passant that a writer must indeed have a diseased imagination
to discover phallic worship everywhere…
The Secret Doctrine Vol. 1 H. P. Blavatsky

As knoeted previously, volkes either had general questions and/or apathy towards this “ritual of a very
advanced character”. I originally had the same reaction with both fragments, but as you can see am now infatu-
ated with the first as it pertains to Thelemic ritual. Here I will go through some hypothetical points two help flesh
out this “advanced” ritual. Before that though…
One question that annoyed me was how many Officers are necessary? The first paragraph ov the ritual
proper (after ACs ED knoete & LL quotes) says, “The officers are two in number”! Sure the paragraph makes
you think the male would be disguised as Osiris and the woman Isis, but if one read the actual ritual the truth is
revealed. I concluded that like old LAN lab students most had not even read or looked over the text. Maybe
my original style was too confusing; it did come from energized enthusiasm. Anyway, I would ask the reader to
be familiar with the previous material so We can expand on it.
Let Us start from the beginning. After being led down the rabbit hole with the Illuminati reference by ED
(i.e. AC) We are told it relates to The Supreme Ritual (LL II40), that being the Invocation of Horus (IH)
performed at both equinoxes, and the feast witch pertains to it. See Knosis Khaliph Knoetes 10, TAKK,
knoete 5 or Sabazius’ Invisible Basilica The second quote is
part ov LL I16, “For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the
stooping starlight.” Knoete hatha is sun & moon conjoined. We are given when (3.20 & 9.23), why (to cel-
ebrate the Thelemic Calendar as per LL 34-43), whom (W&M), and slightly how before the ritual proper even
The first paragraph explains further what has been divined above and gives Us where. The big O plural
used might imply a general or M minimum feast prior to I&O retiring, but I sees the “advanced” nature ov this
ritual a flag not to have a crowd. The wording could imply public feast followed by private ritual (both food for
Gods). I think it is better for the Officers to decide and do the latter “secretly in the chambers of our houses.”
The obvious point must be stated that this is a sexual ritual, thus the “advanced” moniker. “The officers are two
in number, and seek Nuit and Hadit through Babalon and the Beast.” See L NV and HAD respectively. Officers
could even be unknown to each, thus disguise (see Mists of Avalon for an eloquent example). That being said,
the Officers retire alone to the Temple previously prepared. At minimum it would seem there are two chambers.
“Any convenient place” it says, maybe hard by a spring or fountain sealed? The Temple proper requires an altar,
vessel ov wine, and anything else (knife in Os hair) they might appoint two create magickal atmosphere. Should
the altar be Mass size or double cube? It will need to be sturdy enough for the worshipping, worship (Arabic
salat, used twice) being a euphemism two the cunning linguist. The Yoga Vashista says, “The vulva is an altar and
the pubic hair the flames upon the altar.” I have as yet to restore “as said in ..........”, but think the robes could
allude two how “they are disguised as Isis and Osiris.” Individual ingenue can fill in the gaps on any ov this, I
don’t want to be too anal. Knoete again the reversal on whom is disguised as whom.
Once alone in the Temple the second paragraph ov instructions are quite specific. The “opening, banish-
ing, etc.” can be taken care ov by LBRP, L XXV or other similar rites, each two their own. Knoete they begin
by meeting and clasping hands above the altar. After Isis does the preliminaries and returns “they again greet,
but as initiates.” Are they still clasping hands above the altar?
The first interchange is a beautiful opening in itself, though ending and beginning a string ov code. This is
where having a nose four purple prose cumz ntwo play. O&I begin “face to face”. Is the altar still between them
or when after greeting “as initiates” do they stand to a side ov it? One could see the two Officers as altar in their
union, “face to face” meaning Tibetan Tantric yab/yum asana. Knoete also how Fra. Scire’s lunar Great Rite has
female as altar whereas its solar equivalent male.
The next set ov instructions has O give mulier, witch I “destroys” by puer. The nature ov these signs
should be knoeted, that and they go so well with the next interchange.
The first fragment here is still a problem four me. I stand by my restorations, but this one just doesn’t roll
off the tongue as well as the others. It does make sense (and Works) if seen as a guy asking “Is that it?”, but I
could be stretching it. Anyway, I stand by my restoration.
Now I repeats puer and O gives mulier, whereas before O began. The reasoning behind my reversal on
whom is disguised as whom should be apparent by now.
The following lengthy interchange is quite amazing. We are told there are nine sacraments, three being
music, wine, dance. Think ACs IAO formula ov wine, women, and song. “They are servants of Love.” The M
(I) is the sacrifice and the priestess O (W). As any alpha male (though W is disguised within) O declares
“Worship me first!”
I. “seats” O. “upon the Altar.” The quoting subconsciously makes me think there is more two it than
setting someone on an altar. Knoete this is the only time altar is spelt with A. Again, the size ov the altar comes
ntwo play. It must be able two support Officers and wine. A fallen double cube Works, but one Mass size is
more cumfourtable.
I calls O “Mistress” and thirsts for wine, witch O gives and they drink. O speaks her desire and “They
exchange the holy greeting by a kiss.” I kneels and refers to the Holy Hive. Again, the size ov the altar can come
ntwo play.
The next instructions have O playing music while I “worships in silence.” Personally music is not a strong
point, so I differ to experts or O. Again, worship is a euphemism two the cunning linguist.
O opens the next interchange with a safe phrase and both close with a mantra before dancing together.
The dance is not fully described in the instructions (I prefer the Troytown or something like L V vel
Reguli), but after “A pause of perfect stillness and silence” Sadie Hawkins “advances and places” I “upon the
altar.” What does “sua sponte’ mean? Look in any Latin dictionary and you’ll find ‘sponte, adv. of one s own
free will, spontaneously (sua sponte)’.
I find this interchange quite humorous: W basically says Do me! and M replies in course “Nay, drink!”
Anyway, I thought it was funny.
“They drink and greet as before.”, i.e.kiss.
Now We find O has a knife! In Her hair! And cuts somethin’ on I! L 44 is one ov my favorites (hmm,
favo rite!?) so personally its not a problem. One must always remember point 10 section VIII G. General
Conduct from the O.T.O. Camp, Oasis and Lodge Master’s Handbook, but this is private so it shouldn’t
matter. See Book 4, 1997 page 782 on “the sigil of N.O.X.”
O now wants two dance! I gives wine and toasts “To the trance!” They drink, then dance.
O orders “Back to the throne!” I “returns, and takes seat thereon.” and declares “I adore thee alone!”
This might sound odd: would I or O sit on the altar? I take it two mean they return and O sits on the altar with I
adoring, but you could see it differently.
O “does so”, i.e. whereas I worshipped O earlier here I adores O, who again “plays music if so in-
clined”. This might sound confusing, and necessity or inclination will dictate, but me thinks it Works for the ritual
and next interchange.
At some point O decides two initiate another safe phrase ending with “Anoint me!” I “thy priest“ rises
from adoration “To the fire of thine eyes.” The wording implies I anointing O “Babalon — and The Beast!” AC
sure knew women! I then asks, “Who art Thou?”
It took me a while to remember the reference, but again khoenseedinks showed me the way. That and
being familiar with L 418, L LXVI, plus knowing the origination ov hriliu from Mass. I suggest study ov the
original Bathyllic from sayd sources along with transliterations. There was a Babylonian poem/ritual that went
upon the same lines, but for the moment it escapes me (Inanna’s Vulva Song).
”The Ritual of the S.... of R.... is in silence accomplished.” Unlike these Knu Knoetes to this Addendum
ov the Restored Text! This fragment stumps as the next instructions bind me, as you can see.
IX Degree
After what is done is done We come two the Closing. This goes wonderfully with the opening inter-
change, witch could mean banishing during preliminary operations and the opening “face to face”. Anyway, they
end as they began, I&O “Hand in hand”.
”They greet, as before” i.e. kiss, “and depart.”
Again, it is my hope the above Work help rather than hurt those who would understand, or dare two
perform, this ritual. I sees a similarity with pujic rites or those described in Kraig’s Modern Sex Magick, Hyatt
& DuQuette’s Way of the Secret Lover, and Hyatt’s Secrets of Western Tantra too name a few. This piece is
unfinished, but I truly love the Work. Besides, I still don’t know what “The Ritual of the S.... of R....” is!? Until
then, all questions, comments, and/or curses are welcomed.

“The officers are two in number,

and seek Nuit and Hadit
through Babalon and the Beast.”

Final Facts ‘05

Finally, Facts!?

Once again nu nfo coums n right b4 performance ov the Supreme Ritual, this time from Martin P. Starr’s
The Unknown God (page 67). Know it doesn’t answer everything (an ’06 version!?), but it does fill n a few
gaps & reinforce some ov Our restorations (whereas others not).
So, what’s nu? The time (1913), author (EAC) & blind (role reversal) We’ve already divined, while
only 2 (#3&7) ov the 10 cipher strings (periods) r restored. We do learn there r @ least 3 versions (EAC’s
holograph, the 1913 printing & n Francis King’s 1972 Sexuality, Magic and Perversion), 2 ov witch might nd
Our nquiry (tzadly I have neither – yet!). Comparing the first 2 Starr shows further proof EAC reversed I & O n
the 1913 printing but not the holograph, where he uses N & H 4 Nuit & Hadit (as per first paragraph ov the
ritual proper). We also learn 1 should not necessarily extrapolate the cipher strings according to the # ov
periods after the starting letter, & that that method is more off10 correct than not (out ov the 6 words only 2 r
dissimilar from Our previous restorations).
So, what was actually restored!? As sayd above, tzadly only 2 ov the 10 cipher strings may b restored
using The Unknown God. Although King’s version differs from the holograph it may still help flesh out the ritual
(that is if only I or any1 else can find it). N the nd only the EAC holograph or a copy can truly restore the text.
With that bing sayd, here’s what We now know:

Cipher string #3
TSR Brains, Muscle, and Nerve
EAC holograph Blood, Muscle, and Nerve
Francis King Brain, Muscle, and Nerve

Cipher string #7
TSR Mystery of Mine
EAC holograph member of mine
Francis King Monster of mine

So, does this really change anything? Even with the missing pieces (~23 out ov 868 words) the ritual is
still quite self-xplanatory. My only hope is that some ov the above has helped. 1day Our restoration will b
finished, but that doesn’t mean the Work should wait till then.

Love is the law, love under will.


Little children, love one another!

L 333 ch69

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
What is thy will?
It is my will to gather comments on a Holy Book!
To what end?
That my body ov Work may be fortified thereby!
To what end?
That I may accomplish the Great Work!
Love is the law, love under will.
Fall to!

Liber Stellae Rubeae Comments

All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings,

each for himself.

Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect,

and to that end sin not against thyself.
The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth,
to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices.
L XXX, Librae, v. 15

The following few sources are used in this piece:

EQ I 7, 1912 pg. 29, later contains William Heidrick’s 1990/91 editorial note (below).
EQ I 10, A Syllabus of the Official Instructions of A∴A∴, pg. 41.
EQ III 9, 1983, QELHMA, The Holy Books of Thelema, pg 85.
EQ IV 1, 1996, Commentaries of the Holy Books, and other papers, pgs. 348-349, contains comments from
transcript ov AC’s notes to EQ I 7 (CAPITALIZED).
Gems from the Equinox, 1989.
Personal .pdf of AC’s notes ref. 2 n EQ. IV 1 (available up on request).
The Magical Diaries of AC, Tunisia 1923, App. IV, Diary Abbrv. & Symbols.
Italics mine



EQ I 10, “This book is sufficiently described by the title.” AC, Hag.,
“The Book of the Ruby Star describes an extremely powerful ritual of practical Magick; how to arouse the
Magickal Force within the operator and how to use it to create whatever may be required.”
WEH: The manner of sacrifice is veiled. This is a ritual of sexual sacrifice, not murder. There are suggestions that
the sexual act involved both homosexual and heterosexual acts illegal in England at the time of the writing, hence
it is characterized under a metaphor of "child sacrifice". See also the Paris Working and Vision and Voice.
Is anal sex with a woman considered a homosexual act? Sodomy and oral sex in some states is still
technically illegal. Do what thou wilt, but don’t forget Tacere!P.W. contains Grimorium Sanctissimum &
V.V. more Bathyllic tongue w/ trans. & LIL
Read, don’t just see Book 4, prt 3, cap. 5 & 12.
Originally received 11.25.1907, same year A∴A∴ founded.
Lat. & lit. Star Ruby, see also L 333, Cap. 25, written 1913 & revised 1929 as L XXV, 25.
See 1923 Diaries App. IV, “El. Rub. = Elixer Rubeus = the red elixir, or the physical results of intercourse
during menstruation”.

A Secret Ritual of Apep, the Heart of IAO-OAI, Delivered unto V.V.V.V.V. for His Use in a Certain Matter of
Liber Legis, and Written Down under the Figure LXVI.
L 777, XIX 24, Typhon, Apep, Khephra
The devourer who shits the unbalanced back into existence? Know, the Devourer of Amenta is Amam.
Apep = Apophis the Destroyer, Rmn. “He who was spat out”, Underworld snake god who flees morning
mandjet & imagined possessing a hideously loud roar resounding throughout the entire Underworld.
Apep esp. was slain by the Great Cat Ra @ the foot ov Nut’s sycamore in Heliopolis, On, by the means
ov Isis’ words ov power. Many stories many names, i.e. assumed form @ certain time. In short see
snake 3.5*O0*2=7, i.e. cunt&lingum up cockrays, L HHH III, SSS on technique & v. 1 on the eternal
story. See Book 4, prt 3, cap. 5 & 12, plus v. 14 on IAO-OAI form.
A = red pent. ov L 25? See Liber CCXXXI.
Vi Veri Universum Vivus Vici, Lat., By the force of Truth I have conquered the Universe while living,
AC’s 8°= 3,, Magister Templi motto, 12.3.1909 skrying 14th Aethyr. In ref. to what Certain Matter? The
LL I has 66 verses also, compare.
1923 Diaries App. IV, “Red Gold = the menses, Crowley often worked with these to obtain gold or
See Book 4, prt 3, cap.12. EQ I 10, “The sum of the first 11 numbers. This book relates to Magic, whose
Key is 11.”
L 500, Sepher Sephiroth, 66, The Mystic Number of the Qliphoth and of the Great Work; AKYLH= Food,
vituals; ALHYK=The Lord thy GOD (is a consuming Fire) [Deut.iv.24]; ANYH=A ship; BChVN=A trial,
an experiment; GLGL=A wheel. [Called "Cognomen Schechinae"]; DNHBH=A City of Edom.

Publication in Class A.
EQ I 10, “THE publications of the A∴A∴ divide themselves into four classes. Class "A" consists of
books of which may be changed not so much as the style of a letter: that is, they represent the utterance
of an Adept entirely beyond the criticism of even the Visible Head of the Organization.”

1. Apep deifieth Asar.

L 777, XXI 9, Asar and Asi - the Phallus & Vulva. Sati - the Spine
Set makes Osiris a god by his murder. M. Apep, V. Asar? That would be two males.
Isis in heavens = Sept, life-giver @ certain season Khut, pwr ov Nile flood Sati.
See L V vel Reguli LAShTAL formula, esp. Set Triumphant.
2. Let excellent virgins evoke rejoicing, son of Night!
Evoke (call up, manifest into field of awareness) vs. invoke (call down, manifest into one’s self). Rejoice
as others morn Tammuz? More than one at this point? See v. 21, 39 & 42.
Sun @ night is Khephra. Alludes to time as midnight?

3. This is the book of the most secret cult of the Ruby Star. It shall be given to none, save to the shameless in
deed as in word.
Cabalistic Cunt Cult &/or Kansas Khlysty Kult? See The Yoni Tantra, also L 25 & L 333.

4. No man shall understand this writing --- it is too subtle for the sons of men.
See EQ IV2, 5th Aethyr, “Nemo hoc facere potest, No man can do this thing.” NEMO, i.e M.T. in
Binah. See also Tolkien’s Witch King riddle (ans. a woman) & Odysseus/Polyphemus.

5. If the Ruby Star have shed its blood upon thee; if in the season of the moon thou hast invoked by the Iod and
the Pe, then mayest thou partake of this most secret sacrament.
“The month of thirst is ended. From the lips That hide their blushes in the golden wood
A fervent fountain amorously slips,
The dainty rivers of thy luscious blood;
Red streams of sweet nepenthe that eclipse
The milder nectar that the gods hold good--
How my dry throat, held hard between thy hips,
Shall drain the moon-wrought flow of womanhood!
Divinest token of sterility,
Strange barren fountain blushing from the womb,
Like to an echo of Augustan gloom
When all men drank this wine; it maddens me
With yearnings after new divinity,
Prize of thy draught, some where beyond the tomb.”
1923 Diaries App. IV, “F = phallus” and “Peh = the mouth, i.e. oral intercourse”Grk Phi = Heb. Pe,
Ob. menstruation when an egg is flushed out.
Notice use of I for Y, still meaning hand but prob. phallic ref.. Invoke by using hands (nyasa) and mouth
on the altar, preferably menstruating, or HH? See v. 15 below.

6. One shall instruct another, with no care for the matters of men's thought.
Only a woman knows how to please a woman or her cycles?

7. There shall be a fair altar in the midst, extended upon a black stone.
“Fallen”, double cube altar w/wmn. See LL I 26.

8. At the head of the altar gold, and twin images in green of the Master.
Head @ head.
9. In the midst a cup of green wine.
L 777, CXVIII, Svadistthana (Navel).
AC, The Six Câkrâ in the Human Body, “Svadisthâna. the “proper place” of Kundalini i.e. in the Yogi.
Situated in the navel. Seat of the Apo tatwa.”
A liqueur made from brandy.

10. At the foot the Star of Ruby.


11. The altar shall be entirely bare.

7-11 describe altar.

12. First, the ritual of the Flaming Star.

Preferably Liber 25?
Beg. ov ritual proper.

13. Next, the ritual of the Seal.

Preferably Liber 36?
v. 12 & 13 rituals = 5 & 6 = 11. Note 12+13=25, i.e. L XXV & 25+11=36, i.e. L XXXVI.

14. Next, the infernal adorations of OAI

See EQ IV2, 2nd Aethyr, “The reversal of the formula of IAO (see Book 4, prt 3, cap. 5) implies roughly,
the general Mystical, as opposed to the general Magical, Process.” Language of the Sappho-Calypso
angel commonly called Bathyllic, not orig. trans.
L 65 II5,” I suffered the deadly embrace of the Snake and of the Goat; I paid the infernal homage to the
shame of Khem.”
Pronunciation Text Translation:
Mu! Pah teylahi, Mu pa telai, Silence! the moon ceaseth (her motion),
Tu wah meylahi Tu wa melai That also was sweet
ah, ah, ah! a, a, a. In the air, in the air, in the air!
Tu fu tulu! Tu fu tulu! Who Will shall attain!
Tu fu tulu! Tu fu tulu Who Will shall attain!
Pah, Sah, Gah! Pa, Sa, Ga. By the Moon, and by Myself, and by the Angel of the Lord!
Qwi Mu teylahi Qwi Mu telai Now Silence ceaseth
Yah Pu meylahi; Ya Pu melai; And the moon waxeth sweet;
u, u, u. u, u, u. (It is the hour of ) Initiation, Initiation, Initiation.
'Sey gu mahlahi; 'Se gu malai; The kiss of Isis is honeyed;
Pey fu teylahi, Pe fu telai, My own Will is ended,
Fu tu lu. Fu tu lu. For Will hath attained.
O khi bahlahey O chi balae Behold the lion-child swimmeth (in the heaven)
Wah pah mahlahey: Wa pa malae: --- And the moon reeleth:-
Ut! Ut! Ut!! Ut! Ut! Ut!! (It is) Thou! (It is) Thou! (It is) Thou
Gey; fu lahtrahi, Ge; fu latrai, Triumph; the Will stealeth away (like a thief),
Ley fu mahlahi Le fu malai The Strong Will that staggered
Kut! Hut! Nut! Kut! Hut! Nut! Before Ra Hoor Khuit!-Nuit!
Ahl OAI Al OAI To the God OAI
Reyl moahi Rel moai Be praise
Ti --- Ti --- Ti! Ti --- Ti --- Ti! In the end and the beginning!
Wah lah peylahi Wa la pelai And may none fall
Tu fu lahtahi Tu fu latai Who Will attain
Wi, Ni, Bi! Wi, Ni, Bi. The Sword, the Balances, the Crown!
See Book 4, prt 2, cap.15, fig. 17, pg. 112, cover of J.F.C. Fuller’s The Star in the West and Ace of
Swords on “Wi, Ni, Bi”.

15. Also thou shalt excite the wheels with the five wounds and the five wounds.
Wounds of Christ (2 hnds/2 ft/ lft sd) or fingers, i.e. hands?
See EQ I 3, Stigmata, pgs. 269-276 & GG/Scire 5-fold kiss? 5+5=10
Unguiculation = lubricate, anoint, Mesmeric hand gesticulations, reiki?
Ov altar or M.? Middle Pillar Ex.? See L V vel Reguli. Touch chakras w/hands.

16. Then thou shalt excite the wheels with the two and the third in the midst; even W and V, Q and R, U and T,
and S.

R = Caput Draconis, Head of the Dragon, North node of the Moon.

Saturn & Jupiter = ears, Sol & Luna = eyes, Mars & Venus = nostrils, Mercury=mouth.
Two hands holding penis as wand in the midst? Fig? C.P. = phallus & test.? As ajna? Why facial
attributes vs. chakra locations?
See Liber 777 columns I, VII, CXVIII, keys 0-10 & XXI, i.e. Ajna & Visuddhi, Anahata & Svadistthana,
Anahata & Anahata, Manipura? Notice no muladhara in this scheme.
Anal-eyes more, compare with Otz Chi’im and III. Ans. penis.Personal .pdf of AC’s notes ref. 2 n EQ. IV
1 does not have C.P. for Leo, but his phallus & test. sigil. In short this verse is simply saying to use the
penis as wand to excite by touching main chakras & ears, eyes, nostrils, and mouth of altar – imhoal.
Notice 7 chakras & 7 holes in head = 14. Leave out sahasrara (not tech. prop. ch. to some), or the
missing muladhara, for 13! Compare with Egyptian mummification rituals such as Opening the Mouth.

17. Then the five --- and the sixth.

Wounds or chakras? Why five and not fifth? 5 & 6th = Manipura & Svadistthana or Ajna &
Sahasrara? Ref. to v. 5 & 6, or 12 & 13?
Descend as going down on altar? Into HH or f.o.a., i.e. yoni from v. 10?

18. Also the altar shall fume before the master with incense that hath no smoke.
Eleusian incense, i.e. blood, desire, or both?
19. That which is to be denied shall be denied; that which is to be trampled shall be trampled; that which is to be
spat upon shall be spat upon.
Denying god, stepping & then spitting on x alleged of the Templars in VI? See The History of Magic,
Eliphas Levi pg 211 & 1941 Nagasaki Ceremony of Treading on the Crucifix.
See also 42 neg. conf. & Rmn. Apophis.

20. These things shall be burnt in the outer fire.

Let the Fire and the Air make sweet the world!
X &/or bible? Now We know there is an outer fire!
Lit. or does v. 19 & 20 refer to social-religious mores against the act in question?

21. Then again the master shall speak as he will soft words, and with music and what else he will bring forward
the Victim.
Altar is not the Victim? Bring forward by masturbation, i.e. ejaculate or egg V.?
Forward as towards but not to climax? See v. 38.
Master al Aswad?

22. Also he shall slay a young child upon the altar, and the blood shall cover the altar with perfume as of roses.
V. 21 masturbation & v. 22 ejaculation? V. or altar bleeding? Wording suggests M. sacrificing, or V.
another male? Note “Apep deifieth Asar”, not Asi. Upon could mean lit. on or fig. doing unto another,
see v. 48.

23. Then shall the master appear as He should appear --- in His glory.
After ejaculation or did AC have erectile dysfunction and needed a boost? See v. 50.

24. He shall stretch himself upon the altar, and awake it into life, and into death.
Ob. int.

25. (For so we conceal that life which is beyond.)

IV as v. 24 indicates II & III?
Note v. is only one in parentheses, seems ref. to 24 & uses “we”.

26. The temple shall be darkened, save for the fire and the lamp of the altar.
Fire as outer and lamp as inner? Could mean slow intensity ov act.
Someone else is present in the outer?

27. There shall he kindle a great fire and a devouring.

See L 333, cap. 69, slow boil/heat ov Alkhemystic Analogy?

28. Also he shall smite the altar with his scourge, and blood shall flow therefrom.
Scourge could be actual, but phallus is alluded to after pulling out?
29. Also he shall have made roses bloom thereon.
L 333, cap. 75, Plover’s Eggs.

30. In the end he shall offer up the Vast Sacrifice, at the moment when the God licks up the flame upon the altar.
V.S. = M. licking blood & semen off altar or ejaculation/climax?
“In the end” = Eye ov Hoor, i.e. b.d.? “flame” = brandy ov v. 9? Ending ov ritual proper?

31. All these things shalt thou perform strictly, observing the time.
Each step must be accomplished, i.e. ya gotta clean your plate? See v. 5 on time.

32. And the Beloved shall abide with Thee.

Metaphorically or cunn.?
Lord Hadit uniting w/Nuit? See v. 1 & 55.

33. Thou shalt not disclose the interior world of this rite unto any one: therefore have I written it in symbols that
cannot be understood.
“interior” = mental manipulations/techniques, esoteric meaning, v. 30 V.S., or v. 36? “any one” = many
or couples okay? Note how not as name changes v. into command to do.
Cannot be Binah? Da’ath, i.e. biblically/actually known? See L CCCLXX, v. 20, “All holy things and all
symbolic things shall be my sacraments.”

34. I who reveal the ritual am IAO and OAI; the Right and the Averse.
Note first v. starting I, also AL-LA, LA-AL & LAShTAL sim. t.n.a.f.
L 65 II4, “Stooping down, dipping my wings, I came unto the darkly-splendid abodes. There in that
formless abyss was I made a partaker of the Mysteries Averse.” Book 4, prt 3, cap. 5: “This Yod in the
"Virgin" expands to the Babe in the Egg by formulating the Secret Wisdom of Truth of Hermes in the
Silence of the Fool. He acquires the Eye-Wand, beholding the acting and being adored. The Inverted
Pentagram --- Baphomet --- the Hermaphrodite fully grown --- begets himself on himself as V again.”
Eliphas Levi, The History of Magic, pg. 211, note 2, Baphomet as “the Christ of dissident
sacerdotalism” relates to esoteric Johannism and exoteric RC.

35. These are alike unto me.

“unto me” as in reverence? Note un=1, to=2, me=3. See also num. LL “unto me” instances, 7 in all.
Also reference, i.e. perspective, see LL II 23, “ I am alone: there is no God where I am.” & Sufi elephant
OU MH, AC’s 7° = 4,, Adeptus Exemptus motto, 1909.

36. Now the Veil of this operation is called Shame, and the Glory abideth within.
“operation” meaning v. 37?L 65 II5,” I suffered the deadly embrace of the Snake and of the Goat; I paid
the infernal homage to the shame of Khem.”

37. Thou shalt comfort the heart of the secret stone with the warm blood. Thou shalt make a subtle decoction
of delight, and the Watchers shall drink thereof.
1923 Diaries, App. IV, “IX° = the O.T.O. degree in which heterosexual magical techniques were taught,
for magical creation by male-female union.”
Interaction inside the vagina with either the blood or secretions of a woman when excited, imhoal.
Decoction=boiling down to extract some essence; resulting liquid.
1923 Diaries App. IV, “Elixir (sexual) = the combined sexual fluids consumed as a sacrament after a
magically oriented intercourse”.
See Watchers from Book of Enoch & L 25. Watchers = other ritual officers present? From where would
a Watcher watch? Enochian Watchtower or Cainian mountain maybe? Cainian = Canaan?
Note “secret stone”. Ov the Wise? The Philosopher’s Stone, i.e. 23+23=46 (v. 16, “two and the third in
the midst”)? See Indian procreation beliefs, esp. flesh formed from congealed menstrual blood.

38. I, Apep the Serpent, am the heart of IAO. Isis shall await Asar, and I in the midst.
Note second v. starting I, IO w/A/pent. in the midst/heart again, also IAS, IAO, IAI.
Await orgasm or gestation/germination?

39. Also the Priestess shall seek another altar, and perform my ceremonies thereon.
See v. 6.
Priestess!? Witch Initiate? Wood altar or Victim (if an actual person @ all) now be Pts, i.e. the ritual is
an Initiation? Another altar would be another woman btw.

40. There shall be no hymn nor dithyramb in my praise and the praise of the rite, seeing that it is utterly beyond.
Tacere or another degree ref.?
Meaning leave out v. 14?

41. Thou shalt assure thyself of the stability of the altar.

Mentally & physically fit also?
“Thou” v. 39 or M.?

42. In this rite thou shalt be alone.

Meaning LXVI? v. 39-41 a rite in itself?

43. I will give thee another ceremony whereby many shall rejoice.
EQ I 9, “A Note On TheurgyI A O the supreme One of the Gnostics, the true God, is the Lord of this
work. Let us therefore invoke Him by that name which the Companions of the royal Arch blaspheme to
aid us in the essay to declare the means which He has bestowed upon us!”
Did AC deliberately use small r to dis masons? IV & PI ref. I will not declare word.Compare EE Cap.
15, alternative, RC (V°) Mass and Liber XV. Note both 15 & 15+51=66.
"By the way," he remarked in the automobile, "I take it that you do not mind giving me the Word of Rose
Croix." Surprised, I exchanged the secrets of I.N.R.I. with him. "And now, very excellent and perfect
Prince," he said, "what follows is under this seal." And he gave me the most solemn of all Masonic
tokens. "You are about," said he, "to compare your ideal with our real."
Theurgy, Grk. God-working, magic used for personal growth, spiritual evolution, and for becoming
closer to the Divine.
Note third v. starting I.
44. Before all let the Oath be taken firmly as thou raisest up the altar from the black earth.
Actually raise as sit up? IV ref.? See LL I 26.

45. In the words that Thou knowest.

III or IV ref? Note “Thou” cap.

46. For I also swear unto thee by my body and soul that shall never be parted in sunder that I dwell within thee
coiled and ready to spring.
Not ° ref., see 5° = 6, or LL I 32?

47. I will give thee the kingdoms of the earth, O thou Who hast mastered the kingdoms of the East and of the
Note fourth v. starting I
See 17° Memphis & Scottish Rite, Mizraim10°, plus Ours.
Knight of East and West, life & death, no longer Adherent or in any triad. GD & AA Dom L.
Also, Horus as king ov hooreyezones?

48. I am Apep, O thou slain One. Thou shalt slay thyself upon mine altar: I will have thy blood to drink.
Note fifth v, starting I, also IA,OO.
“O(siris) thou slain One”? Note Sirius. Meaning Man Blood? Upon could mean lit. on or fig. doing unto

49. For I am a mighty vampire, and my children shall suck up the wine of the earth which is blood.
Ref. v. 37 Watchers?
“wine of the earth” = bld.

50. Thou shalt replenish thy veins from the chalice of heaven.
Ref. to v. 5 or 9? Note 1923 Diaries App. IV, “Peh = the mouth, i.e. oral intercourse”“veins” could
allude to blood being consumed?Until loss of consciousness? See L CDLI, 451, cap. XV ov L CDXIV, Of
Eroto-comatose Lucidity.

51. Thou shalt be secret, a fear to the world.

The world fears secrets?

52. Thou shalt be exalted, and none shall see thee; exalted, and none shall suspect thee.
IV Exaltation? Mind concentrated and exalted on specific purpose?
See Lion in the Thicket, i.e. cunning. play.
Note v. 50-52 all bgn. “Thou shalt”.

53. For there are two glories diverse, and thou who hast won the first shalt enjoy the second.
First being El. Rub. & second XI? See 1923 Diaries App. IV, “p.v.n. = per vas nefandum = by the un-
mentionable vessel, i.e. anal intercourse” and “XI° = the O.T.O. degree in which the techniques of
sexual magical involving anal intercourse were taught. Also used for the revitalization of the body.”
54. I leap with joy within thee; my head is arisen to strike.
Note sixth & last v. starting I.

55. O the lust, the sheer rapture, of the life of the snake in the spine!
Note v. bgn. IO.

56. Mightier than God or man, I am in them, and pervade them.

V. 54-56 ob. kundalini ref. “second” ov v. 53? See also v. 36 ”the Glory abideth within” Note v. bgn.
IOM, see San. OM.

57. Follow out these my words.

58. Fear nothing.

Fear nothing.
Fear nothing.
3 Neg. Veils? 61+207+414=682, L 500, a'aRBYTh, Of the evening; of the West
Note A+L+L=61, Ain.
LL I 46, “Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hun-
dred & eighteen.”

59. For I am nothing, and me thou shalt fear, O my virgin, my prophet within whose bowels I rejoice.
Ani Ain, M - M. motto.
LL I 21, “With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am
Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.”See v. 1. 1923 Diaries pg. 207,
671=61*11 the Magick of the Ego and that of Nothing.
EQ I 1, Paris 1908, John St. John, 671 means qabalistically Tora, the Law, and Troa, the Gate, and
Adonai spelt in full, pg. 36. See also Liber Pyramidos, Ritual DCLXXI & meus Document G, “The
Secret Word MUAUM or MAHBHM, both 93 (Blu, Ora, Yel-Gre, Yel, Ora, Blu).” LL I 55, “The child of
thy bowels, he shall behold them.” ref.?

60. Thou shalt fear with the fear of love: I will overcome thee.
See LL II 64.

61. Thou shalt be very nigh to death.


62. But I will overcome thee; the New Life shall illumine thee with the Light that is beyond the Stars.
“Light” ov LL II 61? See also LL II 64 as v. 60.

63. Thinkest thou? I, the force that have created all, am not to be despised.
As if thought was break ov trance? Who thinks this?
Said as if despised, i.e. called evil to conceal its holiness.

64. And I will slay thee in my lust.

See Atu XI & L HHH, III, SSS 12, “If in this hour thou shouldst die, is it not written: "Blessed are the
dead that die in the Lord"? Yea, Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord!”
65. Thou shalt scream with the joy and the pain and the fear and the love --- so that the LOGOS of a new God
leaps out among the Stars.
Grk. LOGOS, word. Lambda, omnicron, gamma, omnicron, sigma, 30+70+3+70+200=373 (pi) =13=4
Pronouncement of a Word, of a Magus, keyword, and/or Equinox password?
See Babalon scream in L 333, cap. 25 & LL I 65, plus meus 10-7-96 “To me! To me!”

66. There shall be no sound heard but this thy lion-roar of rapture; yea, this thy lion-roar of rapture.
See lion roar of Therion/Chaos in L 25/333 & Apep.
LL I 66, “The Manifestation of Nuit is at an end.”
Watching Kaos
“Great of Heka” (Isis)
Jennifer Mathews
Copyright © 2005
Unicursal Hexagram

one path through existance

undivided against itself
no matter your direction
or emotional infection
all lead to enlighten

the mind

in its eye see your path come to life

now is the time to fly
emblazened with fire
the world
against you it seems to conspire

destination of the Left

ignorance of the Right
all paths lead to the same godly light
from the same hand we feed
remember the five petal lotus that bleeds.
Richard Spirit

6 Syllable Secret
Liu Yin Chueh

The Way of the Tao! I must follow that harder path,

the Path where he who would advance draws back.
Liber LXXXI, The Butterfy Net
aka Moonchild

One should take air in through the nose and let it out slowly through the mouth...
There is one way of drawing breath in and six ways of expelling breath out.
The six ways of expelling breath are represented by the syllables hsü, her, hoo, sss, chway, shee.
The six ways of exhalation can cure illness: to expel heat, one uses chway; to expel cold, one uses hoo; to
relieve tension, use shee; to release anger, use her; to dispel malaise, use hsü; and to regain equilibrium, use sss.
- Tao Hung-jing, 5th cent physician,
The Maintenance and Extension of Life

Liu Yin Chueh is an antient form ov healing qigong from the Tang Dynasty witch uses specific mouth
shapes during exhalation to regulate & energize various internal organs & energy systems ov the humane being.
The theory is quite hermetic: vibratory rates produced by specific syllables resonate with a specific internal
organ & energy system. This harmony allows fresh energy to freely flow to the organs & energy systems,
thereby opening the meridians & expelling stagnant energy. The benefits are obviously more physical than
spiritual, meant to restore balance plus better overall physical health. Note the practices utilize & are similar to
the Yoga techniques pranayama, asana & mantra, yet they are not exactly the same. Compare also Ba Duan Jin
(8 Pieces of Brocade) with Liu Yin Chueh.
What I’ve put together above & below is adapted from Daniel Reid’s The Complete Book of Chinese
Health & Healing, not to mention private correspondences & personal practice. My intent here is to present the
6 Syllable Secret (without breaking any copyright laws btw) so that others unfamiliar with the material might
profit from their practice. Each ov the 6 Syllables are broken down into 6 sections: Syllable, Benefits, Element,
Organ, Season & Method Description. While there are many other correspondences witch I could include (like
Direction), the ones I have here are the most commonly referred to & should suffice. For more speculative
ma’atters see my 5 Elemental Energies (Wu Hsing) & Their Correspondences, or A 777ish TCM Table. We
will deal here with practice, not philosophy &/or theory.
It is imperative prior to presenting the 6 sections I mention 6 important points ov practice. Before
beginning any Work it is essential to completely relax the body, calm the mind & regulate the breath. There are
many ways in many systems to do this, but the following points should properly prepare you for actual practice:

1. Stand in the Horse stance (Ma Bu, named after position assumed when riding a horse): Lift & step to the left
with your left foot. The feet should be shoulder-width apart, parallel forward for men & 45 degrees outward for
women, with knees slightly bent. Relax muscles & joints, arms hanging loosely at your sides, head held as
though suspended from a string, chin drawn slightly in, with a straight line running from the crown of your head
down through the perineum & on down to the soles of the feet.

2. It is extremely important to remain as loose & relaxed as possible. Your entire body should feel as though
you’re being pulled toward the earth by the force ov gravity.

3. Practice each syllable at least six times, but do not sound them out load. Aspirate each syllable silently in the
throat, using your mind to regulate & guide its frequency ov vibration into the related organ (anatomy?!). Take a
few deep-cleansing diaphragmic breaths to remove stagnant air & energy, then start by taking a long, slow, deep
inhalation through your nose, followed by a long, slow, silent exhalation through your mouth as to pronounce the
Syllable. To help volkes out on their anatomy I have included two images showing where Our organs & merid-
ians/channels are located.

4. It is not necessary to practice all 6 Syllables every time. Select according to specific need &/or as an entire
workout. For beginners I suggest memorizing & practicing one Syllable a day, then begin performing all 6 on the
seventh day.

5. The body movements may be excluded, using only the aspirated breaths. This should only be done after
practicing/imprinting both body movements & aspirated breaths together.

6. Be sure not to tense your muscles or tighten your joints. Keep your shoulders as loose & relaxed as possible.

Syllable: Hsü, as ‘shoo’ with lips pursed, softened by umlaut.
Benefits: “to dispel malaise”; Decongests liver & gallbladder, clearing the liver meridian. Calms & resolves
anger. Draws fresh energy into these organs, detoxifying & stimulating proper function.
Element: Wood
Organ: Liver/Gallbladder
Season: Spring
Method Description:
1. Stand relaxed in Horse stance. Bring hands forward so palms are facing each other at thigh level. Focus your
attention/mind at the upper & middle dan tien (ajna/anahata, i.e. between eyebrows/breast). Shift attention to
center ov palms (lao-gung) & tips ov middle fingers.
2. Grip the ground with your big toes to activate liver meridian. Start inhaling slowly & deeply into your abdo-
men while slowly raising the hands up & out to your sides, turning palms up towards the sky while raising them.
Focus attention on your middle fingers & palms.
When the breath is full & your palms reach shoulder level turn your palms over to face the ground, relax the
grips ov your toes & slowly lower your arms back down to your sides while exhaling through the mouth, silently
aspirating Hsü with pursed lips while visualizing a stream ov energy flowing up & out from the liver with each
3. When breath is empty & your hands are back down in front, pause & relax for a moment, then grip big toes
to the ground & commence another cycle on the next inhalation.
4. Repeat 6 times.

Syllable: Heu, as ‘her’ but without final ‘r’, with mouth open, tip ov tongue pressed against the lower teeth, &
syllable aspirating in the top ov the throat on exhalation.
Benefits: “to release anger”; Calms & expels excess fire energy in the heart & clears the heart meridian. This
practice is very effective during hot summer weather to eliminate symptoms ov excess heart fire, such as insom-
nia, palpitations, profuse sweating, & hypertension.
Element: Fire
Organ: Heart/Small Intestine
Season: Summer
Method Description:
1. Stand in Horse stance & hold palms facing each other in front ov your thighs in the same starting point as the
Hsü Syllable. Commence inhalation, & as you begin to raise your hands up & out to the sides, turn the palms so
they face towards your back & extend your little fingers outward as far as possible in order to activate the heart
2. When your breath is full & the hands reach shoulder level, begin exhaling through your mouth, aspirating Heu
as ‘her’ without the ‘r’ resonating in the top ov your throat while slowly lowering your hands back down to your
side with the little finger relaxed. Visualize hot fire energy streaming up & out ov the heart with exhalation.
3. When the breath is empty & your hands are back down in front ov the thighs, pause & relax, then begin the
next cycle on the next inhalation.
4. Repeat six times.

Syllable: Hoo, as ‘who’ with the lips rounded & the tongue suspended in mid-mouth, as though blowing out a
Benefits: “to expel cold”; Improves digestive function of the spleen, pancreas, & stomach. This benefits any sort
ov digestive problem & helps eliminate halitosis caused by indigestion in the stomach.
Element: Earth
Organ: Spleen/Pancreas/Stomach
Season: Late Summer
Method Description:
1. Stand in Horse stance & bring your hands up in front ov your lower dan tien (chi hai, 3 fingers below navel),
with palms facing up & fingers aligned. Slowly begin inhaling through your nose as you raise both hands up along
the center ov your torso.
2. When your hands reach the tan-jung point midway between the nipples & the breath is full, begin exhaling
through your mouth aspirating the syllable ‘hoo’ as you turn your right hand palm out & around 360 degrees to
face the sky. Continue raising your right hand palm upwards past your face & above your head, while turning
your left palm in & around 180 degrees to face the ground, then push your left palm down the front ov your
torso back to thigh level.
3. When the breath is empty (right palm extended up towards the sky above head, left palm extended down
towards ground below) begin the next inhalation. Turn the right palm down & left palm up, slowly bringing your
palms towards your tan-jung midway between your nipples just as the inhalation is complete.
4. When the breath is full & your palms meet mid-chest begin the next mouth inhalation & Hoo Syllable aspira-
tion. Continue pushing your right hand down with palm facing ground while turning your left palm out & around
360 degrees to face up again. Continue raising it up & above your head to full extension.
5. When the breath is empty (left palm extended up above your head towards the sky & right palm extended
down towards the ground below) turn your palms over & bring them together again at mid-chest level on the
next inhalation.
6. Repeat six times.

Syllable: Sss, as in ‘hiss’ without the ‘hi’, with your tongue behind the lower teeth, the upper & lower teeth
slightly parted.
Benefit: “to regain equilibrium”; Clears congestion from the lungs & lung meridian, stimulating large intestine
energy. Removes excess heat in lungs & improves all respiratory functions. This is an effective remedy for colds,
flu & other bronchial ailments. It is also useful for shoulder & upper back problems.
Element: Metal
Organ: Lungs/Large Intestine
Season: Autumn
Method Description:
1. Stand in Horse stance, bring your hands out to the front just below the navel, palms up & fingers aligned as in
previous Syllable & slowly raise your palms up along the center ov your torso as you inhale deeply & slowly
into your abdomen.
2. When your hands reach the point midway between your nipples & the breath is full, turn your palms down,
around & up again, facing outwards to either side with your fingers pointing up towards the sky. Begin exhaling
& aspirating the Sss Syllable through your mouth as you push your hands outward towards the sides, palms
outward. When your arms are extended out to the sides with your elbows slightly bent, turn the palms down
towards the ground & slowly lower the arms back down to starting position while continuing the mouth exhala-
tion & Syllable aspiration.
3. When your breath is empty & your arms are hanging down loose by your sides, pause briefly to relax &
begin another cycle on the next inhalation.
4. Repeat six times.

Syllable: Chway, as ‘way’ with a ‘ch’ in front, lips slightly pursed on the initial ‘ch’, then relaxed & open on the
final ‘way’.
Benefits: “to expel heat”; Builds & strengthens kidney energy, clears & tones the kidney meridian, stimulating the
adrenal glands. This is a remedy for sexual debility & any kidney bladder ailment.
Note: If you suffer from hypertension, avoid this exercise until your blood pressure is normalized. If your knees
are too weak, wait until you build up these muscles with other qi gong exercises.
Element: Water
Organ: Kidney/Bladder
Season: Winter
Method Description:
1. Standing with your feet slightly closer than in the Horse stance, arms hanging loosely down at your sides,
palms facing thighs inward.
2. Take a deep inhalation, bend your arms & raise your hands slightly up in front so palms are facing each other
at navel level, then slowly bend your knees & squat down to the ground as you exhale through your mouth &
aspirate the Chway Syllable. Keep your spine fairly erect as you crouch, slightly contracting the anus/pelvic
muscles & keep the palms facing each other in front.
3. When your breath is empty & your body is crouched down in a full squat, with your arms wrapped around
your legs/knees & your palms facing out in front, begin the next inhalation & slowly rise up to the original
position. Then begin the next exhalation & Syllable aspiration as you squat down again in another cycle.
4. Repeat six times.

Syllable: Shee, as ‘she’ with the teeth slightly parted & the lips formed in a small smile.
Benefit: “to relieve tension”; This exercise helps correct any ailments caused by imbalances or malfunctions in
the Triple heater system, including swollen thyroids, sore throat, hot & cold spells, ringing ears, bloated abdo-
men, profuse sweating, & dizziness. This is a good exercise to balance energy between the three burners,
cardiovascular, digestive & genital urinary.
Note: If you have hypertension you should not raise your arms any higher than head level on inhalation. Upon
reaching head level, turn the palms out & around, then push them out to the sides lower them back down to the
starting position on exhalation.
Element: Fire
Organ: Triple Burner/Pericardium
Season: Summer
Method Description:
1. This exercise is based on a technique from the Ba Duan Jin (8 Pieces of Brocade) mentioned above. Stand in
Horse stance as before, bringing your hands together in front ov your body, palms up & fingers aligned, &
slowly raise them up along the front ov your body while inhaling slowly & deeply. As your palms rise & your
lungs fill, draw in your abdominal wall & slightly contract the anus. When the hands reach chest level (middle
dan tien) & the lungs are full, continue up while retaining your breath, turn your palms up at eye level (upper dan
tien) & raise your hands towards the sky above your head.
2. When your palms reach full extension above the head start exhaling & aspirate the Shee Syllable as you
lower your arms back down to your sides in a smooth, full circle.
3. When your arms are back down in front ov you, turn palms up & begin another cycle on the next inhalation.
4. Repeat six times.
Lao Han

4 Horsemen


Enochian Initiation
Frater W.I.T.

When Frater W.I.T. contacted me about taking out advertising space for his new book, Enochian
Initiation, I was thrilled to see that a Brother was not only following his Will, but was also doing so in a way
that it could be shared with others. Luckily, he was amenable to allowing me to do a book review and also
agreed to send a complimentary copy to our library, for which we are grateful. Thank you, Frater W.I.T., for
your generosity.
First of all let me say that I have had no experience personally with Enochian Magick. I know what it is,
basically, but have not included any into my own practice. Due to this fact, and my wanting to do proper justice
to the book, I enlisted the help of a local Brother who has had some experience in the Enochian realm, and I
truly regard this review as a joint effort. Thank you Dann for your assistance. Your input is greatly appreciated.
I have to admit that it is difficult for me to confine my commentary to the one page I allow myself to do
reviews and express my opinion, etc. (I know I could claim editor’s priviledge and all, but I also know that I
have a tendency to rant and I try to spare even myself of that at all opportunity.) The reading of Frater W.I.T.’s
book elicited some very profound responses, and I am sure that most who partake of the contents will have a
similar experience.
The introduction and first two chapters provide concise general and fairly objective information about
the history and practice of Enochian Magick and Initiation from a Thelemic perspective. The appendices, tables,
and end notes provided are also helpful, especially for those who have had limited experience with Enochian
Magick and ritual work and meditation in general. The main body of Enochian Initiation is the author’s journal
record of his practice, and is truly an initiation process for him. Some of the visualizations and conclusions he
draws for himself are breathtakingly inspiring and beautiful. Though some readers may not grasp the essence of
the entries, or agree with them, I urge them to keep in mind that these are subjective accounts. The author has
allowed the reader a very personal and intimate glimpse into his own journey. A snapshot of the path he is
traveling; a glimpse of footprints he has made on his way. Enochian Initiation is a testament to the process
itself, and a reminder that even in fellowship with Brothers and Sisters we all have our own trials and awaken-
ings to experience. I feel confident that upon reading this book one will have the realization that there is always
more to explore, more validation for the convictions that are held dear, and more evidence that one is never
finished growing, ever developing, and should be mindful of, and yet is largely unaware of the vastness of
possibility that awaits. We all have our reasons and desires for our chosen paths, even if not stated. A truly
thought provoking read.
Soror Hajshzyl

Panic in Detroit: The Magician and the Motor City

Blue Equinox Journal Issue #2
Richard Kaczynski

Tired ov occult books (or anything 4 that ma’atter) overloaded with “fair & balanced” opinion & little or
no actual information? Sure the snipe hunt for truth is entertaining, but sometimes just the facts will do. This is
especially true when dealing with the history ov Our Holy Order.
Dr. Kaczynski ov Blue Equinox Oasis does a wonderful job keeping it simple. He begins Panic in
Detroit with a 6.1920 photograph ov CS Jones, his adopted daughter Dede & WT Smith somewhere in
His 24 page introductory historical essay ov The Detroit Working presents the who, what, where, when
& why quite nicely without weighing things down with supposition. Included in the intro are a flyer for Frater
Arctaeon’s (Charles Stansfeld Jones) lectures in Detroit & the last page ov Equinox III1 (news clips “confus-
ing” Waite as a real murderer ov same name). In my copy ov The Blue Equinox this is missing, & the laugh is
well worth the cover price ov $20.
He next presents 43 unpublished letters ov AC, CS Jones & others. While no great secrets are ex-
posed, the letters show a sense ov fraternity & sincerity from another time.
The Illustration section contains 9 images: a 3.14.1922 Gnostic Mass drawing from The New York
American, CS Jones’ headshot from the HB Camp portrait in EQIII1, Albert W. Ryerson’s O.T.O. affiliation
certificate & M\M\M\ application, 3 photos ov Masonic Hall #2 where Jones took his Blue Lodge initiations, &
the Detroit Athletic Club. My favorite is the Gnostic Mass drawing colorized & tweaked some for the book’s
cover design.
The bulk ov Panic in Detroit is the 5 appendixes, beginning with the Prospectus & review for EQIII1
followed by 30 1919-1923 newspaper article transcripts dealing with the “mess in the press”. I had no idea
such public drama & exposure came from the release ov EQIII1, not to mention who the hell William Desmond
Taylor was. Sure I knew ov the Masonic angle & the evolution ov Our rituals, but the hysteria is quite hysterical!
Help Blue Equinox Oasis out by buying Blue Equinox Journal Issue #2 & read for yourselves.
So, as AC once asked CS Jones, “Is Detroit heaven?” Joseph Smith thought Independence MO was &
looked what happened to him. Personally I don’t put much stock in heaven &/or hell, but the fact that there is a
Blue Equinox Oasis in Detroit doing such great Work speaks for itself.

The GOD Delusion

Richard Dawkins

Finally, a must read witch no one will! Even if volkes do I doubt it will matter much anyway. Not a very
positive start for a RaView, but I think the masses (not 2 mention magicians &/or mystics) will overlook Mr.
Dawkins’ blasphemous book. As volkes made fun ov Darwin he’s gotten dis’n4mational popular exposure on
The Colbert Report & South Park (mistaking Mr/Mrs Garrison 4 a real woman & shagging her/him/it), yet the
yucks usually end there. That’s what happens when you’re a happy atheist telling the puppets & pitis peddlers
they’re deluded, & causing the world’s problems.
The thinking man’s Costello to the late Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s mad Abbot, Mr. Dawkins’ confi-
dence might strike some as smug &/or arrogant (a problem a lot ov us have). This is especially true by misread-
ing his 4 “consciousness-raising messages” presented in the Preface & expounded upon throughout the 10
chapters ov The GOD Delusion:

1. Atheists can be balanced, happy, intellectual & moral.

2. ‘Cranes’ such as Natural selection & other scientific theories are superior to the “God hypothesis”, i.e. “God
did it”.
3. Children should not be labeled by their parents’ religion.
4. Atheistic pride.

I won’t bore volkes with too many details, but I hope you can see the simple logic (& heresy in some
states & nations) ov these 4 “messages”. Sure Mr. Dawkins sounds secular (although most equate atheism with
communism &/or socialism), yet he reminds me more ov a Scientific Illuminist in his approach. I think most
would agree with an Einsteinian versus supernatural god, & I would certainly be wrong. “You can say I’m a
dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” Even if the Intelligent Designers can figure out Mr. Dawkins’ “Ultimate
Boeing 747 gambit” they’ll still disagree on principle, only to protect their power & privilege. Another problem
is most do not like to be told they’re wrong, especially when it comes to religion (& believe me, I’ve tried). As
Mr. Dawkins quotes, “Imagine”. He ends The GOD Delusion with “friendly addresses for individuals needing
support in escaping from religion”.
So, can one book destroy religion? Know, but it never hurts trying. I personally enjoyed The GOD
Delusion & fully realize others will not. Even if you don’t like the contents, the dust jacket is beautiful. The
mirror finish reflects the reader, whose eyes are drawn to the capitalized GOD with white raised lettering
compared to the others in unraised black. Deus est Homo. Here’s a little somethin’-somethin’ from Liber 65 V:

V,34. Also I was in the spirit vision and beheld a parricidal pomp of atheists, coupled by two and by two in the
supernal ecstasy of the stars. They did laugh and rejoice exceedingly, being clad in purple robes and drunken
with purple wine, and their whole soul was one purple flower-flame of holiness.
V,35. They beheld not God; they beheld not the Image of God; therefore were they arisen to the Palace of the
Splendour Ineffable. A sharp sword smote out before them, and the worm Hope writhed in its death-agony
under their feet.
V,36. Even as their rapture shore asunder the visible Hope, so also the Fear Invisible fled away and was no
V,37. O ye that are beyond Aormuzdi and Ahrimanes! blessed are ye unto the ages.
V,38. They shaped Doubt as a sickle, and reaped the flowers of Faith for their garlands.
V,39. They shaped Ecstasy as a spear, and pierced the ancient dragon that sat upon the stagnant water.
V,40. Then the fresh springs were unloosed, that the folk athirst might be at ease.

The Key to Solomon’s Key

Secrets of Magic and Masonry
Lon Milo DuQuette

Who needs Dan Brown’s legally non-plagiarized The Da Vinci Code when an actual magician writes
about magic & masonry? Magic & Masonry?! Part One ov Lon’s excellent book connects the not too secret
story ov Solomon’s Temple & the Knights Templar as told in the Masonic degrees with the Solomonic tradition
ov magic propounded in works such as the Goetia, or Lesser Key of Solomon. Part Two is an introductory
synopsis ov Workable Goetic magic for the beginner, covering Elements of Spirit Evocation & Excerpts
from the Lesser Key of Solomon. Think Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia without the illustrations.
So, what is The Key to Solomon’s Key? This is a RaView, not a tell all. I will say it pertains to the
innocuous fact their Bible is, in some places @ least (for the lawyers sake), historically inaccurate. In Our
modern Western world We sometimes forget how dangerous that statement or even idea is (see The GOD
Delusion RaView). While most Bible thumpers & other fundamentalists/literalists (Koran thumpers?) might not
realize it, there has been & is current debate over the existence ov biblical figures other than that never existed
mamzer Jesus. The archaeological evidence is still being hotly debated by many sides on how historical David,
his son Solomon & especially their kingdoms were (didn’t Abram come from Ur now in present day Iraq?).
Add to that the past, current & to come territorial disputes in the Middle East & things can get ultra medieval
very fast (anyone got a red heifer?). Thoughts are dangerous, & He who knows the truth (&/or tricks others He
does) has power. What if the Promised Land was just that, a “the grass is always greener” scenario but on a
biblical scale? Sort ov reminds one ov the call for the Crusades themselves, or even Saddam’s desire ov Kuwait
(any war will do as an example). In the time ov the Templars, even still today, the above is blasphemy & tanta-
mount to heresy. Too bad it had to be a secret, if it was. I personally like conspiracies for entertainment’s sake,
but not for my history.
What does any ov this have to do with magic &/or masonry? The key here is Solomon & his Temple,
fictional &/or pseudo historical. Even from the stories volkes believe to be historical David danced naked & his
son Solomon supposedly worshipped foreign gods in the Temple he built (not @ the same time ov course), who
himself was & is a notoriously famous magician (witch others would later confuse with sorcery, a charge leveled
against the Templars). As The Necronomicon came from Lovecraftian tales with a dash ov self-fulfilling proph-
esy, so could one say the Solomonic grimoires came from the biblical stories (exo/eso-terically) & the desire to
know what Solomon knew (even if you have to make it up yourself). The typical Templar Tale & Mr. DuQuette
postulate their supposed secrets (whatever they are) were eventually integrated into the Masonic degrees &
lectures, witch also uses Solomon & his Temple. While Mr. DuQuette doesn’t suggest Masons practice magic
per se (like in Peggy Sue Got Married & Pike), there is an obvious connection no matter how tenuous (& in
kabalistic magic that Works).
Mr. DuQuette again does a wonderful job enlightening while entertaining. Hopefully his Work will attract
Magicians & Masons alike. Even if you don’t agree with the premise ov Part One, the Goetic material in Part
Two is unarguably Workable (especially if you like howling in the wilderness). As always, buy, read & decide
for yourselves.

The Mystery Traditions

Secret Symbols and Sacred Art
James Wasserman

Mr. Wasserman’s 2005 expanded & revised edition ov his 1993 Art and Symbols of the Occult is
perfect for your library &/or coffee table, but not the bathroom. The 9 main sections ov images range from
Astrology to Visionary Art, with concise commentary on symbolism & historical perspective. Check out the
section on Secret Societies, especially the pictures ov Hymenaeus Alpha & a Gnostic Mass Altar. The Sug-
gested Reading List is quite complete & fleshes out the images with source texts & complementary reference
material. While not a particular must have, if you see it & have the money buy it. If you don’t like The Mystery
Traditions give it as a gift.


Oculto is a foreign flick (ESP/GBR/ITA) about 3 strangers whose lives cross @ a dream interpretation
conference. The title is what attracted my attention as I flipped through channels @ a friends place & We all
became quite enthralled. The subtitles & lateness certainly helped that, plus the lead actress. I really don’t want
to give the ending too much away, so I’ll just say it’s an occult con movie. After you watch Oculto you’ll
understand. Seeing I’m not really a movie critic, if you have a better description feel free to e-mail.

V for Vengeance
V.V.V.V.V. on DVD

While I didn’t see it @ the movies &/or read the comic book (I mean visual novel), I did enjoy the
DVD ov V for Vengeance. Where else can you see Natalie Portman in that pink/white schoolgrrl thingy (plus
the bishop’s reaction) & an AC reference, not to mention the rest ov an ok movie? Written on a mirror was a
quote from Goethe’s Faust supposedly. Personally I do not remember it from that source & think they meant
Christopher Marlowe’s The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. I could be mistaken as I haven’t read either
in years. While I didn’t analeyes the movie by stopping & starting it ad nauseum, the quote in question is Vi Veri
Veniversum Vivus Vici (By the power of Truth, I, a living man, have conquered the universe). From The Cry ov
the 4th Aethyr, Which is Called PAZ:

Terrible and wonderful is the Mystery thereof, O thou Titan that hast climbed into the bed of Juno! Surely thou
art bound unto, and broken upon, the wheel {SUP:2}; yet hast thou uncovered the nakedness of the Holy One,
and the Queen of Heaven is in travail of child, and his name shall be called Vir, and Vis, and Virus, and Virtus,
and Viridis, in one name that is all these, and above all these{SUP:3}.

2. Refers to Ixion, who embraced Juno in the form of a cloud.

3. Vi, Veri, Universum Vivus Vici, the motto of the Seer as Magister Templi.

The ‘Seer’ here is AC ov corpse. You’ll notice a difference in spelling & translation, but these are minor
technicalities if that. The Veniversum/Universum derivation depends on classical vs. modern usage while the
latter I’ll chalk up to a little ov the same & AC’s transliteration (considered “loose” by some). You see if there
really is a difference:

By the power of Truth, I, a living man, have conquered the universe

By the force of Truth I have conquered the Universe while living


I very much enjoy your poetry. It has great symbolic nature and beautiful rhyme schemes, my favorite of
which is “My Mind”. I also enjoyed your satirical sense of humor as placed in Ask Mr. Lizard.
name withheld


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