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Edna G.

P.O. Box 62
Blue Bell, PA 19422
(215) 653-0339

Channeled Nonfiction
All Rights Reserved
Sedona Journal Of Emergence
October 2005 Article Submission


Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light. We are honored to be with
you today, in your Now moment, sharing our energies with you. Though this article
was written in mid-August for publication in October, it is a single, individual
moment we share with each reader. No matter when your eyes meet this page, it is
right and appropriate for you.
As the summers divine energy surges begin to create a new, heavier balance,
many people are feeling the effects. Even those who have cleaned out their closets,
parted with those who held them back, and found their lifes mission, they are also
feeling it. Tired much, lately, hmmm? (Chuckles). For five years we have been
teaching you how to clear your bodies of internal pressures, and why you need to do
so. So we offer you a warning you will soon begin to see and feel the ramifications of
not clearing and cleansing enough.
We do not intend to instill fear, but rather to offer hope and aid. It is not too late!
Think back to the year 2000, five years ago. Where were you, what were you doing,
and how did you feel? The earths shifting energies were much lighter back then, with
highs and lows that allowed you to "get through it." Now, the energies are beginning
to thicken, to press upon your senses, opening you to stimuli from levels that were
once unattainable. Dear ones, as the earth ascends and you rise along with her, what
do you think will happen?
You will begin to feel your auras as clearly as you now feel your bodies.
It is a backwards blessing that most people cannot see their energetic fields. If
you could clearly see all the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual "baggage" or
damage that you carry (i.e. etheric blockages) it would probably scare you. Indeed,
many holistic practitioners pray to have Outer Sight as well as Inner Sight, but they do
not realize that if they could see what they are truly working on, they may not want to
lay hands on it! Even though the Shift is escalating very quickly now, the unfurling
of your senses must occur at a slow, graceful pace so as not to cause you any harm.
Yes, your auras will become palpable, and eventually visible. What do you think the
"glow" around Jesus and other religious figures truly was? Their auras, clean and
shining, vibrating at such a higher level that a golden band was visible around their

bodies. Yes, your earliest artists renditions of haloes were just that, wide bands of
golden light stretching up around the body, over the head and back down again. In
later centuries, it became stylized as a golden ring above the head not quite accurate,
but the message was still there.
Some people will clear themselves enough to rise and glow gracefully, in their
own time. Others will succumb to their internal pressures, and seem to sicken quickly
as these last seven years roll by. No matter what the circumstance, be it glad or sad,
please remember that it is all lesson. Some are leaving in a hurry, to come back in
again as a more evolved human baby! That, too, is a real accomplishment, dear ones,
make no mistake. You will eventually find comfort in the higher perspective, for once
you are grounded in unconditional love, nothing will put you off-balance ever again.
The peace you achieve by finding and melding with your own inner divine flame,
nobody can take away from you. Once you have donned that mantle of mastery,
nothing beyond it truly matters. You will find that life is just as it should be!
That is why we offer to work with you, in your own time and space, to gracefully
prepare you for the new incoming dimensions. Yes, a bit like teaching a fish how to
walk, yes? (Chuckles). Yes, for you it can be like walking into the ocean and being
told to breathe, its OK, the water is now your air. You will not drown. You will learn
to swim as gracefully as you know how to walk! Imagine the fear you would have, as
the water closed over your head, and you had to let out that precious oxygen and take
a deep breath of water..
While this may not be a good analogy, being in a different dimension is akin to
this image, and the fears that may rise can be as all-pervasive as your inherent
fear of drowning. Remember, you are Spirit hard-wired into a physical core, and
your core programming is survival of the body. That is why we say, practice, practice,
practice! Whatever your mode of meditation, whether sedentary or active, please start
doing it every day. Spend time exploring your inner world, get used to being an
expanded consciousness just floating, learn to get rid of your accumulated pain and
stress. Take the time to replenish your auric field with Universal Energy yes, care and
maintenance of the aura will become crucial as you begin to discover its existence and
see clearly what needs to be healed.
In the Circle of Grace clearing meditation, we offer you a simple, easy method of
connecting, of clearing, of replenishing. All the while we are working on your
physical core, we are also working with you at a higher conceptual level. An hour a
day, if you can manage it, will show you such results! Those of you who exercise
regularly are doing your clearing in an active way. When a few days go by without
exercise, doesnt your body start to "itch" for that release? Yes! You will grow to rely

on your clearing sessions in the same way. If you have no time during the day, you can
slip into a Circle of Grace session as you are falling asleep, and know that the work
will continue all night.
Dear Ones, as the energies rise all facets of your lives will increase in intensity. Yes,
the increasing intensity of life was the subject of our last article (Sedona Journal,
September 2005 issue). When we say all facets, we mean all of the good, and all of
the bad, will come up for attention. Your levels of drama and lesson will increase. If
you are not tending to them, you will reach crisis mode and be caught unprepared.
You say, "Hindsight is cheap." Well, we heartily agree! Why wait to look back and say
to yourself, I should have done this and that at an earlier time, and I wouldnt have
reached this impasse. We also gently point out that the sooner you start clearing and
cleaning, the better you will be able to handle the rising influx of dimensional
Not only will your bodies be affected, but the emotional, mental and spiritual layers of
your aura will also react to the increased external pressures. Yes, all the PEMS
baggage you are carrying will become heavier, and you will feel it more clearly. Also,
take into account what happens when a population becomes psychically advanced
beyond what they were used to your emotions will be easily read, your thoughts will
be accessible to others, even your level of faith is reflected in flickering colors within
your electromagnetic field. You who are so particular about your hair, makeup and
nail coloring, what will you do once you see your true field? Oh, dear ones, theres no
concealing makeup for that! (Chuckles.)
At first, you will feel a gentle confusion, a "fuzziness" of the senses as you begin to
catch glimpses and snippets of the other dimensions around you. Yes, the "finetuning" of your connection to these new frequencies requires that you clear your
bodies! Start listening to your intuition. That is your auric information coming from a
level that your physical senses cannot yet perceive. Yes, turn left down a side street
just because, and find out later that you avoided a half-hour traffic jam! Yes, look for
your phone when somebody pops into your head, and when it starts ringing youll
surely find it!
When your gut twists into a nauseating knot at the thought of doing something,
reconsider! When you meet someone who seems nice but makes your skin crawl and
your teeth clench, pay attention! That is an incompatible energy that does not resonate
with your personal field. We only ask that you "follow your instincts" at all times!
That is being guided by Spirit your own Higher Self. That is living in the Now. That
is being fully planted in ascension status, just like small children are.

Dear holistic practitioners, we say this to you: "You learn by teaching, and you teach
by listening." Yes, we use many sayings already within your lexicon, to simplify our
messages and yet hope to teach you a lot in the small space we have allotted to us
here. Helping somebody reach their highest potential, at all PEMS levels, is the
greatest soul purpose anyone currently incarnated can have. Yet, your best work is
accomplished by example! So many of you have gone through piles of lessons,
wringing your hands and asking, "Why me, Lord? Why did I get the kitchen sink
life?" (Chuckles.) Because, dear ones, no matter who gets on your holistic table, you
will understand their plight. You can say, "Been there, done that, and survived well,
thank you very much!" Your example will ignite hope in others, and will show them
the myriad paths that all lead to the one goal of coming Home.
What do we mean by "coming Home?" If you were in this instant to be transported
before the throne of All That Is, your little bodies would be burned to a crisp. That
level of energy is the penultimate of All Love, and any lesser energy cannot survive
before it. Yet, you have the penultimate spiritual set-up going on the ride is
guaranteed, the full energies of the Photon Belt will lock in the shift, and all you are
asked to do is be free of all your baggage so as to have a smoother journey! Yes,
(chuckles) probably the first trip youve ever been asked NOT to pack for!
The best way to learn to live in the Now? When you rise each day, make a mental
commitment to enjoy yourself, no matter what happens. Sounds silly and too simple,
right? Well, thats our trademark! Keeping it simple allows you to stay flexible to all
the myriad choices around you. Metaphysics is a non-religion that replaces religion in
that you are asked to believe in yourself! Strange concept? Yet it erases the separation
between human and divine, which has been in your way for thousands of years. The
idea that you are "lesser than" God allows you to avoid taking responsibility for all of
your thoughts and deeds. Being born "evil" and needing absolution from another
human being acting as an intermediary for God is part of the old, fear-based paradigm
of faith. Any religions that preach fear and punishment, or advocate killing as just
retribution, have strayed far from Gods true will: Give and receive only Love.
Do you understand why these lessons are now being played out at the global level?
Yes, all levels of the human consciousness must be cleansed, from the personalindividual to the societal-cultural-global levels. If every man, woman and child were
to begin some kind of meditative practice, how quickly the world would change!
We have often been asked if the Circle of Grace would extend the human life-span.
Yes, indeed, yes! Teach a small child how to clear and re-energize him/herself, and
that child will easily live an extra fifty years. Once whole societies adopt the thorough
clearing of their auras, your lifespan will jump to an average of two hundred years.

This will become clearly evident over your next three generations!
So much will change once 5D is fully reached. Your sciences will quickly change,
because many things wont work, or work differently in the new energies! You will
make "astounding" advances in medicine, math, etc all led by the expansion of
quantum physics. Yes, we chuckle with delight that you are absorbing the concept of
"11 possible dimensions", for that will open the way to all the rest. Dear ones, why
does space seem so vast and empty to you? Because you are only looking from and
into the 3rd dimension! You are searching with equipment only calibrated to receive
one small bandwidth of frequencies! Its akin to looking in the AM band for a music
station, while all the music is being broadcast from the FM band!
Now that the Internet has spread a web of true interpersonal communication around
the globe, you are all living in each others backyards. You share in all the news as its
happening, and life has gotten much more complex. That is why we keep urging you
to simplify, simplify, because the complexities around you will keep increasing. Pick
your battles carefully, decide where your energy will be best spent, and know to stop
and rest when your body tells you it has had enough. What slips away first for all
people is the precious, quiet "me" time, the rest time, the time you need to care of
yourself. Despite the increasing demands of daily life, you must take time to care for
your own vehicle!
Remember, if you are divine Be-ings incarnate in flesh, that body is the temple that
houses your piece of God. How are you caring for your divine vehicle? In energetic
terms, the body naturally clears itself at night, while you sleep, in the releasing
patterns of the Circle of Grace flows we have outlined. All the "debris" or "excreta" of
your auric layers is designed to be flushed out through the physical core. At night,
your relaxed, even breathing and slack jaw allows the body to release internal pressure
(stress and pain) down through the body, the arms and legs, and out the hands and
feet. We are teaching you this process to hasten your progress, at all levels. Yes, the
body must pee and poop, and the aura must cleanse itself, too! (Chuckles, that is why
we call you children!)
Dear angels, when you first came down onto this planet, you were much lighter
etheric beings. You breathed in energy through the crown chakra for all your body
layers. Once this planet passes through the peak ascension energies, much of that
memory, and more, will come back to you. You will be fully connected, both physical
and auric, and there will be no more need for the Veil of Forgetfulness. There will be
no more need for judgment, for conditional love, for fear. You fear the unknown, and
that is part of your hard-core wiring, yes, so that you would stay "in body" for the full
journey. Once you have fully merged with 5D, the unknown will become known!

Your fears will be revealed as empty posturing, so many lessons will be instantly
resolved. And we will joyously step forward to greet you, finally, in the True Reality
of Spirit, and give you a big hug hello!
We would like to offer you one last idea to chew on, to work out and make your own.
Why do we, and many other metaphysical sources, focus so much on "being in the
Now"? There are so many levels to each concept, dear ones. Superficially, you are
asked to keep your awareness focused on what is going on around you. That is so you
may keep all of your energies converged on a point of focus, rather than scattered as
people normally are. Those mental loops that capture your attention, old fights and
frustrations, current worries and future fears, all take so much energy that you cannot
be in the Now until you break those negative mind habits. Those loops take you from
your conscious mind into the subconscious, where all your faulty belief systems are
programmed. Yes, you can be driving down the road and replaying an old argument in
your head with so-and-so. Or you can drive and be enjoying the trip, the weather, the
flowers, and looking forward to where you are going.
All of those negative loops cause your body chemistry to shift into a less effective
state. Get angry at your mother-in-law, though she died five years ago, and your body
chemistry will be adversely affected for six hours. Find a happy focus for your
awareness, and you boost that same body chemistry into higher function for six hours.
Until you have created better mental habits, you will constantly see-saw back and
forth emotionally. This will not allow you to access and sustain a higher physical
So, a simple phrase like "being in the Now" has many layers of meaning. Yes, you
could even assign it physical, emotional, mental and spiritual meanings! (Chuckles.)
At the physical level, it means keeping your conscious awareness and all of your
senses focused on the current moment. At the emotional level, it means a conscious
choice that you make to pick lighter, brighter, happier feelings, and disallow negative
feelings to take control. At the mental level, it means both training your awareness to
remain present, (rather than dwelling on past or future) and choosing a higher
perspective from which to view all that is happening around you. At the spiritual level,
it means appreciating all that is around you as being perfect, a second-by-second gift
of life from Creator Source.
Do you follow?
We hope you will!

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light. We are honored to be with you
today, in your Now moment, sharing our energies with you. Though this article was
written in mid-August for publication in October, it is a single, individual moment we
share with each reader. No matter when your eyes meet this page, it is right and
appropriate for you.
As the summers divine energy surges begin to create a new, heavier balance, many
people are feeling the effects. Even those who have cleaned out their closets, parted
with those who held them back, and found their lifes mission, they are also feeling it.
Tired much, lately, hmmm? (Chuckles). For five years we have been teaching you
how to clear your bodies of internal pressures, and why you need to do so. So we offer
you a warning you will soon begin to see and feel the ramifications of not clearing
and cleansing enough.
We do not intend to instill fear, but rather to offer hope and aid. It is not too late!
Think back to the year 2000, five years ago. Where were you, what were you doing,
and how did you feel? The earths shifting energies were much lighter back then, with
highs and lows that allowed you to "get through it." Now, the energies are beginning
to thicken, to press upon your senses, opening you to stimuli from levels that were
once unattainable. Dear ones, as the earth ascends and you rise along with her, what
do you think will happen?
You will begin to feel your auras as clearly as you now feel your bodies.
It is a backwards blessing that most people cannot see their energetic fields. If you
could clearly see all the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual "baggage" or
damage that you carry (i.e. etheric blockages) it would probably scare you. Indeed,
many holistic practitioners pray to have Outer Sight as well as Inner Sight, but they do
not realize that if they could see what they are truly working on, they may not want to
lay hands on it! Even though the Shift is escalating very quickly now, the unfurling of
your senses must occur at a slow, graceful pace so as not to cause you any harm.
Yes, your auras will become palpable, and eventually visible. What do you think the
"glow" around Jesus and other religious figures truly was? Their auras, clean and
shining, vibrating at such a higher level that a golden band was visible around their
bodies. Yes, your earliest artists renditions of haloes were just that, wide bands of
golden light stretching up around the body, over the head and back down again. In
later centuries, it became stylized as a golden ring above the head not quite accurate,
but the message was still there.
Some people will clear themselves enough to rise and glow gracefully, in their own

time. Others will succumb to their internal pressures, and seem to sicken quickly as
these last seven years roll by. No matter what the circumstance, be it glad or sad,
please remember that it is all lesson. Some are leaving in a hurry, to come back in
again as a more evolved human baby! That, too, is a real accomplishment, dear ones,
make no mistake. You will eventually find comfort in the higher perspective, for once
you are grounded in unconditional love, nothing will put you off-balance ever again.
The peace you achieve by finding and melding with your own inner divine flame,
nobody can take away from you. Once you have donned that mantle of mastery,
nothing beyond it truly matters. You will find that life is just as it should be!
That is why we offer to work with you, in your own time and space, to gracefully
prepare you for the new incoming dimensions. Yes, a bit like teaching a fish how to
walk, yes? (Chuckles). Yes, for you it can be like walking into the ocean and being
told to breathe, its OK, the water is now your air. You will not drown. You will learn
to swim as gracefully as you know how to walk! Imagine the fear you would have, as
the water closed over your head, and you had to let out that precious oxygen and take
a deep breath of water..
While this may not be a good analogy, being in a different dimension is akin to this
image, and the fears that may rise can be as all-pervasive as your inherent fear of
drowning. Remember, you are Spirit hard-wired into a physical core, and your core
programming is survival of the body. That is why we say, practice, practice, practice!
Whatever your mode of meditation, whether sedentary or active, please start doing it
every day. Spend time exploring your inner world, get used to being an expanded
consciousness just floating, learn to get rid of your accumulated pain and stress. Take
the time to replenish your auric field with Universal Energy yes, care and
maintenance of the aura will become crucial as you begin to discover its existence and
see clearly what needs to be healed.
In the Circle of Grace clearing meditation, we offer you a simple, easy method of
connecting, of clearing, of replenishing. All the while we are working on your
physical core, we are also working with you at a higher conceptual level. An hour a
day, if you can manage it, will show you such results! Those of you who exercise
regularly are doing your clearing in an active way. When a few days go by without
exercise, doesnt your body start to "itch" for that release? Yes! You will grow to rely
on your clearing sessions in the same way. If you have no time during the day, you can
slip into a Circle of Grace session as you are falling asleep, and know that the work
will continue all night.

Dear Ones, as the energies rise all facets of your lives will increase in intensity. Yes,
the increasing intensity of life was the subject of our last article (Sedona Journal,
September 2005 issue). When we say all facets, we mean all of the good, and all of
the bad, will come up for attention. Your levels of drama and lesson will increase. If
you are not tending to them, you will reach crisis mode and be caught unprepared.
You say, "Hindsight is cheap." Well, we heartily agree! Why wait to look back and
say to yourself, I should have done this and that at an earlier time, and I wouldnt have
reached this impasse. We also gently point out that the sooner you start clearing and
cleaning, the better you will be able to handle the rising influx of dimensional
Not only will your bodies be affected, but the emotional, mental and spiritual
layers of your aura will also react to the increased external pressures. Yes, all the
PEMS baggage you are carrying will become heavier, and you will feel it more
clearly. Also, take into account what happens when a population becomes
psychically advanced beyond what they were used to your emotions will be easily
read, your thoughts will be accessible to others, even your level of faith is reflected in
flickering colors within your electromagnetic field. You who are so particular about
your hair, makeup and nail coloring, what will you do once you see your true field?
Oh, dear ones, theres no concealing makeup for that! (Chuckles.)
At first, you will feel a gentle confusion, a "fuzziness" of the senses as you begin
to catch glimpses and snippets of the other dimensions around you. Yes, the "finetuning" of your connection to these new frequencies requires that you clear your
bodies! Start listening to your intuition. That is your auric information coming from a
level that your physical senses cannot yet perceive. Yes, turn left down a side street
just because, and find out later that you avoided a half-hour traffic jam! Yes, look for
your phone when somebody pops into your head, and when it starts ringing youll
surely find it!
When your gut twists into a nauseating knot at the thought of doing something,
reconsider! When you meet someone who seems nice but makes your skin crawl
and your teeth clench, pay attention! That is an incompatible energy that does not
resonate with your personal field. We only ask that you "follow your instincts" at all
times! That is being guided by Spirit your own Higher Self. That is living in the
Now. That is being fully planted in ascension status, just like small children are.
Dear holistic practitioners, we say this to you: "You learn by teaching, and you
teach by listening." Yes, we use many sayings already within your lexicon, to
simplify our messages and yet hope to teach you a lot in the small space we have
allotted to us here. Helping somebody reach their highest potential, at all PEMS

levels, is the greatest soul purpose anyone currently incarnated can have. Yet, your
best work is accomplished by example! So many of you have gone through piles of
lessons, wringing your hands and asking, "Why me, Lord? Why did I get the kitchen
sink life?" (Chuckles.) Because, dear ones, no matter who gets on your holistic
table, you will understand their plight. You can say, "Been there, done that, and
survived well, thank you very much!" Your example will ignite hope in others, and
will show them the myriad paths that all lead to the one goal of coming Home.
What do we mean by "coming Home?" If you were in this instant to be
transported before the throne of All That Is, your little bodies would be burned to a
crisp. That level of energy is the penultimate of All Love, and any lesser energy
cannot survive before it. Yet, you have the penultimate spiritual set-up going on the
ride is guaranteed, the full energies of the Photon Belt will lock in the shift, and all
you are asked to do is be free of all your baggage so as to have a smoother journey!
Yes, (chuckles) probably the first trip youve ever been asked NOT to pack for!
The best way to learn to live in the Now? When you rise each day, make a mental
commitment to enjoy yourself, no matter what happens. Sounds silly and too simple,
right? Well, thats our trademark! Keeping it simple allows you to stay flexible to all
the myriad choices around you. Metaphysics is a non-religion that replaces religion in
that you are asked to believe in yourself! Strange concept? Yet it erases the separation
between human and divine, which has been in your way for thousands of years. The
idea that you are "lesser than" God allows you to avoid taking responsibility for all of
your thoughts and deeds. Being born "evil" and needing absolution from another
human being acting as an intermediary for God is part of the old, fear-based paradigm
of faith. Any religions that preach fear and punishment, or advocate killing as just
retribution, have strayed far from Gods true will: Give and receive only Love.
Do you understand why these lessons are now being played out at the global
level? Yes, all levels of the human consciousness must be cleansed, from the
personal-individual to the societal-cultural-global levels. If every man, woman and
child were to begin some kind of meditative practice, how quickly the world would
We have often been asked if the Circle of Grace would extend the human lifespan. Yes, indeed, yes! Teach a small child how to clear and re-energize him/herself,
and that child will easily live an extra fifty years. Once whole societies adopt the
thorough clearing of their auras, your lifespan will jump to an average of two hundred
years. This will become clearly evident over your next three generations!
So much will change once 5D is fully reached. Your sciences will quickly change,

because many things wont work, or work differently in the new energies! You will
make "astounding" advances in medicine, math, etc all led by the expansion of
quantum physics. Yes, we chuckle with delight that you are absorbing the concept of
"11 possible dimensions", for that will open the way to all the rest. Dear ones, why
does space seem so vast and empty to you? Because you are only looking from and
into the 3rd dimension! You are searching with equipment only calibrated to receive
one small bandwidth of frequencies! Its akin to looking in the AM band for a music
station, while all the music is being broadcast from the FM band!
Now that the Internet has spread a web of true interpersonal communication around
the globe, you are all living in each others backyards. You share in all the news as its
happening, and life has gotten much more complex. That is why we keep urging you
to simplify, simplify, because the complexities around you will keep increasing. Pick
your battles carefully, decide where your energy will be best spent, and know to stop
and rest when your body tells you it has had enough. What slips away first for all
people is the precious, quiet "me" time, the rest time, the time you need to care of
yourself. Despite the increasing demands of daily life, you must take time to care for
your own vehicle!
Remember, if you are divine Be-ings incarnate in flesh, that body is the temple
that houses your piece of God. How are you caring for your divine vehicle? In
energetic terms, the body naturally clears itself at night, while you sleep, in the
releasing patterns of the Circle of Grace flows we have outlined. All the "debris" or
"excreta" of your auric layers is designed to be flushed out through the physical core.
At night, your relaxed, even breathing and slack jaw allows the body to release
internal pressure (stress and pain) down through the body, the arms and legs, and out
the hands and feet. We are teaching you this process to hasten your progress, at all
levels. Yes, the body must pee and poop, and the aura must cleanse itself, too!
(Chuckles, that is why we call you children!)
Dear angels, when you first came down onto this planet, you were much lighter
etheric beings. You breathed in energy through the crown chakra for all your body
layers. Once this planet passes through the peak ascension energies, much of that
memory, and more, will come back to you. You will be fully connected, both physical
and auric, and there will be no more need for the Veil of Forgetfulness. There will be
no more need for judgment, for conditional love, for fear. You fear the unknown, and
that is part of your hard-core wiring, yes, so that you would stay "in body" for the full
journey. Once you have fully merged with 5D, the unknown will become known!
Your fears will be revealed as empty posturing, so many lessons will be instantly
resolved. And we will joyously step forward to greet you, finally, in the True Reality
of Spirit, and give you a big hug hello!

We would like to offer you one last idea to chew on, to work out and make your
own. Why do we, and many other metaphysical sources, focus so much on "being in
the Now"? There are so many levels to each concept, dear ones. Superficially, you are
asked to keep your awareness focused on what is going on around you. That is so you
may keep all of your energies converged on a point of focus, rather than scattered as
people normally are. Those mental loops that capture your attention, old fights and
frustrations, current worries and future fears, all take so much energy that you cannot
be in the Now until you break those negative mind habits. Those loops take you from
your conscious mind into the subconscious, where all your faulty belief systems are
programmed. Yes, you can be driving down the road and replaying an old argument in
your head with so-and-so. Or you can drive and be enjoying the trip, the weather, the
flowers, and looking forward to where you are going.
All of those negative loops cause your body chemistry to shift into a less effective
state. Get angry at your mother-in-law, though she died five years ago, and your body
chemistry will be adversely affected for six hours. Find a happy focus for your
awareness, and you boost that same body chemistry into higher function for six hours.
Until you have created better mental habits, you will constantly see-saw back and
forth emotionally. This will not allow you to access and sustain a higher physical
So, a simple phrase like "being in the Now" has many layers of meaning. Yes, you
could even assign it physical, emotional, mental and spiritual meanings! (Chuckles.)
At the physical level, it means keeping your conscious awareness and all of your
senses focused on the current moment. At the emotional level, it means a conscious
choice that you make to pick lighter, brighter, happier feelings, and disallow negative
feelings to take control. At the mental level, it means both training your awareness to
remain present, (rather than dwelling on past or future) and choosing a higher
perspective from which to view all that is happening around you. At the spiritual level,
it means appreciating all that is around you as being perfect, a second-by-second gift
of life from Creator Source.
Do you follow?
We hope you will!
We are, in All Love, the Brotherhood of Light.
Copyright 2005 by Edna G. Frankel

Edna G. Frankel
P.O. Box 62, Blue Bell, PA 19422
Phone: 215-653-0339

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