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There are a lot of things we take for granted in ministry & I

am prompted this is one of them.
If you want to be set free from family traits, sins, etc This
will help, read & pray as listed below.

Subject: Nehemia's prayer

While we were doing our Besorah reading & teaching this morning I
felt prompted to send this so could you please forward it to "D" or
show him.
I feel to explain how to get set free from the sins of our fathers & our
past in as simple a form as possible, since we are quite aways apart
& its not about "me" doing the ministry, but it is about YAH being
willing to set free anyone with an open heart who is willing to walk
HIS way.
The other advantage of course is that you both are then able to
minister this to others as YAH leads them to you or across your

One very important note before we start is that this must be done
with a believer as if its done with an unbeliever the end result could
be as the sons of skeva, but definatly that when the house is swept
clean & nothing put back in its place, ( not following Torah ) then the
evil spirits go & find 7 other spirits - worse than themselves - & they
come back & take up residence again & the end result is that the
person is 7 times + worse off than they were before. So if you are
dealing with unbelievers who want help, lead them in the prayer of
repentance first, asking forgiveness for not following Torah &
obeying YAHs Word.

Something else I feel to point out is how the sins of the fathers can
actually cost the lives of our children & loved ones.

YAH bought to mind Korah from the children who did not repent &
the ground swallowed him & his family.

Also when they took Jericho aichan took some clothes & silver etc
that caught his eyes, & both he & his whole family were stoned &
burnt with fire afterwards! Plus some of the Israelite army were
killed when they attacked Ai before they found out about Achins sin.
So it doesnt just affect our immediate family but it can affect others
around us if they get caught in the crossfire so to speak.
This is something the church life overlooked badly because they
majored on "grace". Well YAHs grace is such that we havent
already been killed or destroyed, that HE really has given us room to
repent! Thankyou Father.
I will teach you as if you were going to teach/minister this to others.
In fact you could minister this to D. Now why didnt I think of that?
Thankyou Father!

First up get them to read Duet 28: 1-14 for the blessings.
Then get them to read Duet 28: 15-68 for the curses.
Then ask them which group best describes their greater family?
Also do they want that to change?

Its best if they read it out loud with you as something happens when
they hear themselves reading the words. The Word has power to
break down strongholds.
Next read Nehemia chap 1. Notice how they took responsability for
not only their sins but the sins of their father, grandfathers & greater
Also read lev 26 where they do the same. Note; just not following
YAH makes themselves & their desires, etc idols as it is putting
themselves before YAH & HIS Word, will, & way!

Read/pray out loud Nehemia's prayer in Yahushua's wonderful

name, asking Father for forgiviness.
Next get the person to write out all the sins of themselves, their
greater family, & all the traits they see/remember ( ie; alcohol,
homosexuality, lying, stealing , etc, etc. )- This may take pages of
full scap paper so give them time. No one else needs to see or know
about the list as it is between them & YHWH.
When they have finished get them to fold it up so you cant see it. If
you can then find some way to burn the list safely & we used to use
the image of the smoke rising upwards as an example that the
prayers also have gone up to Father, as you see fit.

Go with Ruach on all this as HE knows best for each situation.

Get them to pray forgiveness to all the others who hurt or missused
them etc etc.
Then lead them in the prayer of repentance for all these sins & any
unkown sins etc,

Then get them to pray out psalm 85 out loud as a prayer. Then get
into warfare as you are led. Basically just take authority over all the
forces of darkness & all the unrighteous & ungodly soul ties & all
hereditry ties & cut them off & SEND

THEM BACK TO THE PIT!!! Forbid them to touch or

influence your children/their children, in
Yahushua's name .
Do not just send them away. Pray specifically & tell them where they
are to go & declare the freedom of Ruach ha Quodesh over them &
ask YAH to fill up every part of their being with HIS Ruach ha
Quodesh. ( if you dont tell them to go back to the pit they can go &
find someone else who is open! So send them directly back to the
pit & tell them they are not to touch or harm anyone on the way.
Encourage them to pray in the spirit as well, since you have just
asked YAH to fill them full of HIM & HIS spirit.

Reminding them that Yehushua payed the price for them.

Then pray & annoint them with oil & seal them for HIS service & that
they would fullfill their destiny & callings in HIM.

We used to take communion with them at the end, but YAH has just
convicted us of that as it is of pagan origin. So, as we did this
morning, we pray & annoint them with oil like we did with our

Ask YAH to undertake & overule in every situation & apply/plead the
Blood of Yahushua over all your households, children etc & put the
bloodline and know that you are covered by the Name of Elohim that
is our Strong Tower, around your house & theirs so the enemy cant
cause any problems.

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