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In the earlier post we covered the best house from Lagna in a chart for each planet.

In another earlier post we also covered the good houses for a planet based on its
relationship with it the house karaka, backup karaka and the natural ruler. That post
covered other things as well like Ascendant Type was brought into the picture and
hence the planet's sign placement etc.
This post is to extend the principle above by saying combining the concepts of the
two above posts, we can insert it into the system of using Planets as Ascendants.
What do I mean?
Take Venus.
Venus does best in 12th accoring to the concept of the 1st post mentioned or even
the concept of the 2nd post. Using the concept of the second post, we know Venus
does well also in 2nd (it is the natural ruler), 3rd (it is the friend of the natural ruler
ie. Mercury), 4th (it is a water planet like the Moon and it is Digbala there), 5th
(pleasures and enjoyment of the 5th is similar to what Venus stands for as
Karakatwa), 6th (Venus is friendly to Mercury which is the natural ruler and backup
karaka for the 6th), 7th (Venus is karaka, backup karaka and natural ruler of the
7th), 8th (Venus is friendly to Saturn which is the karaka and backup karaka for the
8th), 9th (Venus is Brahmin planet just like Jupiter where it is the natural ruler and
karaka here), 10th (Benefics give good repurtation on the 10th and on top of that
Venus is friendly to Merucyr the karak and the natural ruler here which is Saturn although Venus is opposite Digbala here which makes it less powerful), 11th (Venus
is friendly to Saturn which is a natural ruler here and gains feeds the 2nd house of
money so Venus is very much at home here).
So as you can see above other factors also come in besides the concepts of the two
aforesaidmentioned posts. Venus DOES WELL IN ALL HOUSES.
So we can say anywhere where Venus is placed in the chart, it will give that kind of
benefits as stated above, with respect to the specialised signification signified by
the relative position of the specific planet used as an Ascendant. What do I mean?
Take an example of the Sun. 2nd to Sun rules reading. Let's say Venus is placed
there. 2nd house to Venus means money. So we can say a person with Venus in the
2nd house to the Sun reads a lot.
Or Venus is placed in the 3rd house of Mars. 3rd of Mars rules courage. And let's say
Venus is placed there. Venus in 3rd is related to strategy. So one can say the person
who has Venus in the 3rd of Mars has courage but he uses it wisely, in tandem with
his strategy.

Another example. Venus is placed in the 6th of Sautrn. 6th of Saturn rules slogging.
But Venus in 6th rules someone who does his work with perfection and usually with
much effort but not much with sweat in the brow. So a person with Venus in the 6th
of Saturn is a real power worker.
In the above three examples two points must be noted :
(1) The relationship between the planets counts. Since Venus is friendly with
Sauturn, neutral with Mars and enemy with Sun, we can say that the significations
above is in increaing order of magnitude.
(2) Notice the singiifcation is from the planet used as Ascendant. Venust jus ADD TO
THE ATTRIBUTES of the signification. The attributes which Venus add to the
signification include its Karakatwa properties but more importantly and strongly the
attribute with respect to its position from that planet taken as an Ascendant.
So there you have it. Another way of looking at the chart.
Two more additional insights : (I will name it as (3) and (4))
If you look at point (4) of this post, you can look in the reverse direction and get
additional insight to a chart.
So in your case about Venus and the Sun, you can say that you idolise (Sun is in
12th postion from Venus) the merits (like achievements of any sort) that you obtain
- 12th to Venus has to do with easy merits.
So any praises, medals, trophies, good word of you etcc., you are very proud of
When I first talked about Planets as Ascendants in this forum, I mentioned that
planets brought up from Navamsa onto the Rasi, the planet only has Karakatwa
effects on the house where it is alloted to in the Rasi based on the sign in the
Navamsa. We should not use that position of the planet as an Ascendant to get
further delineations.
But it seems that this work as well.
My Jupiter is in Pisces in Rasi when brought up from the Navamsa. My Mars is in
Scorpio in Rasi when brought up from the Navamsa. Moon and Saturn in Capricorn
in Rasi. Mars in Aires in Rasi. Mercury in Taurus in Rasi. Venus in Cancer in Rasi. Let's
take these planetary positions (only a subset and see what kind of delineations we
can get.
Mars in Scorpio brought up from Navamsa is 8th to my Mars in Aires in Rasi in the

10th house to Lagna, my house of profession. Mars related professions cause

serious injury to my reputation. All the more so the Navamsa Mars brought up to
Rais is 8th to Mars - doubly strong. But it is 9th to Jupiter in Pisces brought up from
the Navamsa. It is actually a blessing in disguise as it solves some misconceptions.
Jupiter in Pisces brought up from Navamsa - its 11th is where my Moon and Saturn is
placed in Rasi. This is also the 7th to my Venus in Cancer in the Ascendant in Rasi. I
gain (11th to Jupiter in Pisces brought up from Navamsa) through like an infant (1st
of Moon). Anything I want, I just opened my mouth. Who satisfies my need? 7th to
Venus shows my close mate which is Saturn the PiK which is my father. In his own
sign, in 7th and Digbala, he is doubly healthy. He satisfies my wants.
Jupiter in Pisces brought up from Navamsa, is 3rd to where my Mercury in Rasi is
placed. My writing shows quality of thought indicated by 3rd to Mercury and 3rd to
my Navamsa Jupiter brought up to Rasi respectively. Now we know that this Mercury
is a focal point of gains in my chart, it disposits Rahu and both Mercury and Rahu
rules my 9th to Moon and 9th to Sun respectively. If this Mercury in Rasi had been
11th to my Jupiter in Pisces Rasi brought up from Navamsa, then there will be
double connotation of gains. As it is ie. as it stands, Jupiter in Pisces brought up from
Navamsa is 11th to my Mercury Rasi. Group communications offer me some gains.
Note that Sun,Moon 11th to Jupiter or Jupiter 11th to Sun,Moon also says the same
thing ie. double gains. So one can use the general karakatwas in the appropriate
positions (Sun, Moon and Jupiter in our example for gains) or one can use the
planets ruling the appropriate relative houses from the karakatwas (Mercury in our
example) with respect to the OTHER karakatwas (Jupiter brought up from Navamsa
in our example) for delineation.
So a lot of plug and play in reading a chart.
So to sum it all, planets brought up from Navamsa onto the Rasi further adds to the
combinatorial possibilities by taking them as Ascendants. They do not just have
karakatwa effects on the houses they occupy.
the concept of Maraka Kana Stanth means the nature of the planet clashes with the
nature of the affairs ruled by the house. There is no natural affinity; no easy flow. So
Mercury and Mars have affinity with the 6th house dealing with work - Mercury for
details and Mars for energy. But Venus being a planet for pleasure is at odds with
the 6th house for what it stands for.
Yet Venus in 6th makes a person foeless (which is true). A natural benefic gives out
good aspects effects to natural malefics so there is no enmity engendered. Venus is
also a karaka for good relationship.

Venus is a planet of perfection and so is 6th so there is some affinity. The perfection
is because of Venus eye for beauty and form and this is transferred to work althugh
Venus as a planet does not signify work. So sometimes the domain ruled by a planet
which is the antithesis of the domain covered by that house is no natural fit - one
work, one pleasure in this case. But planets can transfer some attributes from one
domain to another sometimes and get perfect results!
Also Venus being a friend of Mercury, meaning that Mercury being the host of the
6th house, will always stand on hand to help Venus in his objectives as well as
assiting in his work - remember the Panchagmi relationship of planets (besides the
natural friendship of planets) which I talk about in my earlier post and also
mentioned in Saravani Chintamani.
(Sorry about my Sanskrit or Hindi spelling).
Other factors like the Sun in 12th is also Marka Kana Stanth - one dealing with
dissolving of boundaries and the other on ego and authority, so it does not match.
Yet Sun is well placed in 12th because all the specialised significations of Sun in a
relative position from Sun in the 12th falls into appropriate houses like the 10th of
Sun ruling authority and commitment to work falls into the 9th house of Dharma.
This is another factor overtaking the Maraka Kana Stanth reason but this factor is
not much applicable when analysing the goodness of venus in the 6th. The factors
enunciated above will suffice.
So Maraka Kana Stanth does not cover everything.

(3) This way of looking at planets one can look in different directions and come up
with two different insights. For example my Mars is in Aires and Jupiter is in
Aquarius. This means
(a) Mars being 3rd to Jupiter means my quality of thought (3rd of Jupiter) is boosted
by my courage in exloring new concepts (Mars being in 3rd position denotes
(b) Jupiter bieng 11th Mars means my revolutionary actions (11th to Mars) results in
some gains (Jupiter being 11th position denotes gains).
(4) If a significator or backup significator is placed from the other planet's relative
house position and that relative number is the house number for which the two
planets are signficator and backup significator, then that specialised signification is
very strong. An example will clarify what I mean.

My Jupiter is in Aquarius and Moon is in Capricorn. Moon is thus 2nd to Jupiter. This
means my wealth is full of wealth, literally speaking. So I am very wealthy.

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