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mostly caused by a process of chewing reflex chewing. The presence of a bolus of

food in the mouth initially causing reflex inhibition of muscles - the muscles of mastication,
which causes the lower jaw dropped down. This then led to a decrease in the stretch reflex in
the muscles - lower jaw muscle contractions that cause rebound. This situation automatically
lift that raises the lower jaw clenched teeth, but also suppress the bolus in the oral mucosa,
which inhibits the muscles - the muscles of the lower jaw again, causing the lower jaw down
and rebound at other times, and this happened repeatedly.
generally swallowing can be divided into stages that trigger voluntary ingestion,
pharyngeal stages that are involuntary and help the course of food through the pharynx into
the esophagus, and oesofagial phase, namely the phase involuntary another transporting food
from the pharynx to the stomach
1. The voluntary phase, when the food is ready to swallow food consciously suppressed or
pushed posteriorly into the pharynx by the tongue upward and backward pressure on the
2. Stage pharyngeal, closed trachea, esophagus open, and a rapid peristaltic wave triggered by
the nervous system of the pharynx push the food into the upper esophagus, the entire process
occurs in kuarang time of 2 seconds.
3. Phase oesofageal, normal esophageal peristalsis showed two types: primary and secondary
peristalsis. Peristeltik primer is a continuation of a peristaltic wave that started in the pharynx
and spread to the esophagus during the pharyngeal stage of swallowing process. If the
primary peristaltic wave fails to encourage all the food that has been entered into the
esophagus into the stomach, occurs secondary peristaltic waves generated from stretching the
esophagus enumerated by eating restrained, this wave continues until all the food is emptied
into the stomach.
Gastric motor function
gastric motor function there are 3: storage of large amounts of food until the food can
be processed in the stomach, mixing the food with secretions from the stomach, emptying
kimus slowly from the stomach.
Bowel movements
bowel movements, like other movements in the GI tract can be divided into a
contraction mixing and propulsive contractions (push).
The main function of the colon movement of the colon is absorption of water by elektrolyte
kimus to form a solid and accumulation of faeces and faecal material to be removed.
Reflex defeksikasi
Typically, defeksikasi caused by reflex defeksikasi, when stool enters the rectum,
causing distention of the rectum wall signal - a signal that propagates through plexus afaren
mienterikus for peristaltic waves in the descending colon, sigmoid and rectum, pushing the
stool toward the rectum. By the time the peristaltic wave approaches the anus, the internal
anal sphincter relaxation with signal - signal inhibitor of plexus mienterikus, if the external

anal sphincter is also consciously and voluntary relaxation at the same time, there was

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