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Now available from Ashgate Publishing

Nationalism and Architecture

Edited by Raymond Quek, Bond University, Australia,
Darren Deane, Manchester School of Architecture, UK
and Sarah Butler, The New School for Design, New York, USA
Architecture is shaped by national traditions but also deployed in the pursuit of national projects of identity,
modernity, power, and prestige. This terrific collection breaks new ground and will be of interest to
specialists on both architecture and nationalism and indeed all who care about how we build identity as we
build buildings.
Craig Calhoun, President, Social Science Research Council, USA
Nationalism and Architecture is a very good collection of essays that covers a wide range of historical
issues and geographies around the world. Not only do the essays revisit earlier discourses on nationalism
and its manifestation in Architecture but also they provide new interpretations that question the meaning of
nationalism today.
Nezar Alsayyad, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Bringing together case studies from Europe, North and South America,

The Pohjola building: reconciling contradictions in Finnish

the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia, this book provides a

architecture around 1900, Charlotte Ashby; Louis Kahns fairy tales

truly global exploration of the relationship between architecture and

of American institutions, Darren R. Deane; Post-colonial nation-

nationalism, via the themes of regionalism and representation, various

building and symbolic structures in South Africa, Estelle Alma Mar;

national building projects, ethnic and trans-national expression,

Looking-up: nationalism and internationalism in ceilings,

national identities and histories of nationalist architecture and the

18502000, Manfredo di Robilant; Jrn Utzons radical

philosophies and sociological studies of nationalism.

internationalism: Nordic grounding and the emulation of China,

Chen-Yu, Chiu; Constructing national identity through the

Contents: Nationalism and architecture: an introduction,

international style: Alvar Aalto and Finland, Eva Eylers; From

Raymond Quek; The sources of architectural nationalism,

nationalist to critical regionalist architecture, Alexander Tzonis;

Mitchell Schwarzer; Religion and nation: the architecture and

A discipline without a country: Geert Bekaert and universal

symbolism of Irish identity in the post-war British Catholic Church,

architecture (in Belgium), Christophe Van Gerrewey; How national

Robert Proctor; Exporting architectural national expertise: Arieh

is a national canon? Questions of heritage construction in Swedish

Sharons Ife University campus in West-Nigeria (19621976),

architecture, Victor Edman; Architecting the cosmos: EXPO 2010,

Ayala Levin; Lewis Mumford and the quest for Jewish architecture,

Sarah Butler; Architectural koin and trans-national Spanish

Anat Falbel; Power, nationalism and national representation in

architecture, M. Concepcion Diez-Pastor; Architecture as a medium of

modern architecture and exhibition design at Expo 58, Rika Devos;

trans-national (post)memory, Zuzanna Dziuban; The cloak of a nation:

Conceptualizing national architectures: architectural histories and

Republic of China/Taiwan/Chinese Taipei, questions for the pursuit of

national ideologies among the South Slavs, Tanja D. Conley;

nationalism in architecture, Raymond Quek; Bibliography; Index.

William A. Scott (18711921) and Irish nationalism,

James McQuillan; The building without a shadow: national identity
and the international style, Mark Crinson;

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November 2012
346 pages

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