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User research + Service design

Quantitative and Qualitative research

The quantitative research is a method used to structurally and numerically quantify a certain phenomenon,
where the numbers can generate useable statistics. The method targets a high number of subjects, who express quantifiable opinions, attitudes, behaviors and other variables which can be later on used to define facts
and discover patterns. In order to conduct a quantitative research one can use the following methods: surveys
(online, telephone and paper), online polls, longitudinal studies, online interceptors (websites), and systematic
The qualitative research provides a better understanding through the investigation/exploration of ones underlying opinions, thoughts, motivations and reasons. As opposed to the previous method, this type of research
analyses a small number of individuals and digs deeper into the problem, where trends of thoughts and opinions can be discovered. The same method can aid the building of a strong quantitative research. In order
to achieve qualitative data one can use techniques such as: individual interviews, focus group analysis and

Formative and Evaluative research

The formative research is a method used at the beginning of project or after a pilot has been released, in order
to identify the problems which may occur. Whereas the evaluative research is used to assess the performance
of a project at the end of a cycle.

Use of user research methods

A project process can be split into 3 phases: strategizing phase, execution phase and assessing phase.
The strategizing phase is the beginning of product development. It is the moment when one can decide how to
approach and solve the project. The user research methods used in this phase can vary but one may consider:
desktop research, field research, surveys and analytics.
In the second phase, execution, when the project is already at the point where the core decisions have been
taken, the research methods used are part of the formative research. Here is the moment when improvements
can be done in order to tackle the problems which may occur. Thus the next methods are beneficial for this
stage: individual interviews, focus group, usability study and card sorting.
The last phase is subject of the evaluative research because this is the stage when the end result of the project
is being tested. The user research methods used at this stage are quantitative mostly: usability benchmarking,
surveys and online interceptors.

Used method - interviewing expert

As stated before, different research techniques can be grouped in quantitative
and qualitative research methods. Interviewing subjects is mostly part of the
qualitative research, because those who interview can gain in depth knowledge of how the subjects reason, their opinions and experiences. An interview
consists of two or more individuals, where one is the interviewer and the rest
are the interviewee. During this process the interviewer asks a set questions
and the other part answers them.
Expert is an individual who poses extensive knowledge within a certain field
or subject. The extensive knowledge is gained through research, occupation
or experience.
The necessity of interviewing an expert comes with the need of understanding
complex and narrow aspects within a field.

An interview requires research and different technical tools, in order to gain a positive result. The first phase of
an interview starts with research, in order to understand the subject, one has to deal with, and what are the
possible questions which could be asked during the interview. This research includes the search for a right
candidate as well.
This type of research might require an agreement which acts as a proof for the terms the parties agreed on.
Such as rights over disclosing the results and agreement on recording and documenting the process.
Other aspects to be taken into account are: interview duration, equipment (video/photo camera, audio recorders) and costs (remunerations or costs of equipment).

Execution and results

The whole process started with the desktop research in order to understand the concept of food service for
elderly. This way we managed to create a set of questions meant to prove our findings and gain more knowledge about the existent services, and how it can be improved. The interview included other relevant questions
in order to understand who the subject is and to create an informal environment, so it wouldnt be perceived
as an interrogation.
Weve been advised to consider Betty as the expert to interview. So we did, because shes an expert based
on her experience (part of the target group for 19 years).
The interview consisted of a written agreement, as well, between us (the group) and the subject (Betty). The
agreement required a signature, which would have served as acceptance for recording her, documentation
and using her name + the answers.
We used a mobile to record the whole interview, which was processed and used to draw conclusions.
The interview lasted for approx. 1 hour as planned. And the only costs were associated with a small gift we
gave to hour subject.

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