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BAMTP Assessment Feedback Form


Zoe Hollowell


Skills and Techniques 2

Level of Study: 5







Application and Engagements

consistent physical and mental stamina


promote safe, efficient and healthy

vocal practice
evidence of professional conduct

Vocal work demonstrates safe and healthy practice.

employ good vocal health practices
and good technical foundations
produce a well-placed, consistent vocal
sound appropriate to the demands of
the material
work with effective breath control, body
alignment, centering and support.
use dynamic range and tone variation
to serve the text

Some good support and some occasional very good notes - glimpses of real quality
here: you could have made more use of the longer open vowels to let that quality
sound out more. That being said, it is a conversational song and you perhaps
focused more on getting the words across (which you did well). You need to continue
to find more tone colour and dynamic range: make more use of loud/soft contrasts.
Sometimes comes across as under-energised and restrained. You started to push a
bit sharp during the first I want it the way that it was section: youre right that she is
getting angrier/more frustrated, but you have to balance this emotional underpinning
with good vocal control: you started to get a bit shouty here: you need to control and
support your voice better at these moments. Your breath use and control needs to be
really good at these moments: you tend not to breath enough and then use the breath
too quickly rather than using the breath itself to support the sound.

Performance Qualities and Skills

establish and maintain clear character
choices that serve the text and music
clarity of Focus and Performance
perform with confidence
awareness of, and response to the
musical accompaniment

Character choices clear and reasonably specific. Some good story telling with
commitment; reasonably good journey but you could have made more of this, raising
the stakes and making a bigger difference between how she feels at the beginning and
the end; you could have made much more of the switch in music/emotion from the 1st
Old Friends section into Charlie. You could have used your physicality more: you did
move a bit, but I felt she wanted to move more, to express herself physically as well as
vocally: that might also have helped the support issue.

Un-assessed Feedback:
All marks are provisional and module grades are confirmed only after Examination Board
The performance indicators used here cannot be aggregated to constitute a final numerical grade. Please arrange to see
your tutor if you wish to discuss your feedback further

Tony Castro


26 Mar. 2015

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