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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Regina McFarland

Activity Title: Zoo Animals

Number of children participating at one time: 13 children

AGE: 4

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the
Ohio Early
Learning &


List at least 1
standard that
is addressed
by this
activity. Write
out each
and exactly,
as published
in ELDS.


Strand: Language and Literacy

Topic: Zoo animals
Standard Statement: Students will be working on fine motor, comprehension and
skills. With modeling and support, remembers, and use information for a variety

of purpose.


Our class will be learning about zoo animals and the different sounds that they
make. We will be learning from what they eat, to where they live, their skin or fur
color and how many legs that animal have.


Our lesson will be 30 minutes long from Monday- Thursday, on Friday we will be
planning our field trip to the Columbus Zoo to learn more about animals in their
habitat. Our lesson will total around 250 minutes.


What preparation is needed? We will need time to prepare different craft activities, time for
our letter chart, Getting stories ready for reading, time to prepare our class for a positive
learning environment.
What materials will be used? Construction paper for crafts, printouts for animal counting,
elephants costumes, animal cookies, songs about animals.
How will the learning environment be set up? Our class will have a rug where that the kids
will come to when I am reading or giving directions about our class work. I will have a
pocket chart set up for children to come up and place their animal card. I will have tables
where each child will have their own space to work.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
On Monday for the first 10 minutes I will be reading The View at the Zoo, by Kathleen Long
Bostron. For the next 20 minutes, after our story I will have each child give me the first
letter/sound of an animal. Once the child can clearly identify both they will come up and place
that letter in the pocket chart. As a class we will go over each letter and sound together. We will
practice more about animal and their sounds on
Our class will be working on letter and letter sounds of animals.

Day 2:
On Tuesday for the first 10 minutes I will be reading Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathman.
For the next 20 minutes, after our story I will have the kids go back to their seat. I will pass out a
printout graph chart of different animals. I will give each child a cup of animal iced animal
cookies. Each child will graph the different animals on their paper then count how many bears,
monkeys, etc. I will have the kids write the number of animal that they graphed the most of and
write that number at the bottom of each graphed animals. This activity will be helpful with
number identification and identifying different animals. Our class will be learning more about zoo
animals on SAN DIEGO
During this activity I will be walking around watching the class graph the different
zoo animals.

Day 3:
On Wednesday for the first 10 minutes I will read Miss Mary Mack by Mary Ann Hoberman.
Today we will be learning about words that rhyme. During, our story if the class hear words that
rhyme I want ask them to clap twice. For the next 20 minutes we will be working on a printout of
words that rhyme with animal names. Each child will color the animals only and draw a line to
the word that it rhyme with. We will be working more about rhyming words at Rhyme
I will be walking around helping kids with words that rhyme with bear/hair, etc.

Day 4:
On Thursday for the first 10 minutes I will read Baby elephants at the Zoo by Eustacia Moldov.
For the next 20 minutes, after our story our class will be putting on a small performance. I will
have 6 kids dress up like elephants for this part. The rest of the class will be at the carpet waiting
on the 6 elephants to enter our classroom. The kids at the carpet will be singing The Elephants

Are Here! (Tune of The farmer in the Dell) by Narita Roady. As our elephants enter the room
we will begin singing. We will continue learning about zoo animals on
I will help each child get into costume so that the entire class gets a chance to play an
Day 5
On Friday our class will come into class ready for our field trip to the zoo. I will call each child to
the carpet to put their name tag on them and let them know what group they will be in. Before
our trip I will read Z is for zookeeper: A Zoo Alphabet by Roland Smith. We will go over the
different zoo animals we are planning to see on our trip. Our class will sing songs on our bus ride
to the zoo (Five Little Monkeys).
Once we arrive back at school our class will do a graph about the animals that they saw, color,
how many legs, if it is nocturnal or not. I will have the children go back to their seat to draw a
picture of their favorite animal. I will ask each child to give me the letter that begin with their
animal name and have them write an uppercase letter under the animals that they are drawing.
We will be learning more about zoo animals on
I will be walking around with a book of our zoo animals to give them ideas of how
their animals look if needed.

Extension: San DIEGO ZOO.KIDS

Kids can find their favorite animal by clicking on the picture, they can play games, and different
activities. They can watch a live cam and videos of animals at the zoo.
Differentiated Instructional Support: This online activity would contain multi-syllable zoo
animal words to help build
the student literacy skills.
This online activity with help students with animal letters/sound on a smart board.


Literacy - ability to read and write.

Standards an idea or thing.
Comprehension Used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluation.
Modeling- Approach to learning and students learn by observing.
Smart board developed to provide individuals with a fast and easy way to purchase


Secure all your audiovisual needs.

Ipad - network without a keyboard.

For teachers

I will need a smart board, ipads, picture cards with oversized letters on the back
of them, dry erase markers. Each student will be working on the spelling of zoo
words online. The game will break down the syllable of each zoo word that the
student is working on. Once the spelling is correctly spelled out the animal would
appear if its a bear it would growl one the spelling is correct. This game will
help with blending sounds.

For students

Each student will need an ipad, using a smart board, zoo animal cards with letter
on the back (oversized). The student will be using a smart board for this activity.
Each child will be given a picture card with a letter on the back of it. I will have
each child place their letter on the beginning of that animal sound.

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