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Article A single: The Einstein Visualization Formula

Article One
Quantum Brain Information
A Series of Articles for the Quantum Theory of Spirit and Mind Progression
The Einstein Visualization Formula
With yesterday's science the pendulum of mankind's beliefs in any God, had swung to a dogmatic
lack of any belief beyond particles.
Even a few years back men and girl of science dared not really publish any opinion not really
embraced mainly because particle scientific dogma for fear of losing their positions. If you believe
this is far-fetched do a small research: for it is only a couple of decades since String Theorists
discovered themselves ostracized by mainline science who regarded as string theory as too
philosophical rather than scientific enough, and so the students of this interesting mathematical selfdiscipline discovered it difficult to obtain positions.
String Theory is 'in' today, things have got changed again and everyone is scrambling to get on the
String theory band wagon. Perhaps the pendulum of mankind's values is at last swinging somewhat
less widely?
"The philosophy of science... the online Wikipedia tells us, ... can be involved with the assumptions,
foundations, implications and methods of research. Additionally it is concerned with rubber part the
use and merit of research and occasionally overlaps metaphysics..."
Will Durant composing in: 'The Pleasures of Idea': (1953) told us: "Education is why we behave like
humans. We have been given birth to individual hardly; we have been born malodorous and
ridiculous animals; we become individual ... we have our humanity thrust upon us ..."
So Philosophical discussion humanizes science even as it does make us human?
I think which the story of how the young Albert Einstein's 'visualizing in mind' formula helped him to
create his extraordinarily outstanding conceptions from the world in the early years of the last
century illustrates this admirably.
Yet had Einstein basically published his 'fantasies' regarding the universe, of how he'd imagined
himself soaring at the rate of light to find out in his mind what was happening all around him, he
probably would have been ridiculed out of existence rather than placed on the high pedestal he
But Albert was intelligent enough to get assist in the early times of his scientific career since he
wasn't a scientist but a clerk inside a patents office - in transposing his "fantasies" into mathematical
conditions and that made all the difference to the results.
Mathematics is persuasive to mathematicians and so String Theory, at first violently rejected, is now
becoming the mainstay of Physics and by the same token Einstein's ideas were also accepted.

Of course to many folks 'ordinary' folk medical math means as much as Egyptian hieroglyphics does;
so in order to describe to the man and girl in the street the actual mathematics actually does
suggest, science manufacturers and authors drop back on visualizations. In a single such they
stretched a rubber sheet out which was marked in squares and lowered a large metal ball in the
centre to represent the sun and rolled an inferior metal ball around it to represent the planet earth.
Just about everyone has noticed this on Television. It's as close as they could go to describing
Einstein's amazing warping of space theory.
Others carry out the same and their very own visualizations about space and period and how exactly
we all fit into a universe, getting so dissimilar to conventional science, can only be only end up being
classified as science fiction. The strange thing is that the majority of what research fiction writers
published about a hundred years ago has become research fact. Why? Is it because writers of sci-fi
apply the 'Einstein's Visualization Method' to known technology in order to arrive at new
suggestions of where that technology might take us in the foreseeable future? If so this is great, for
they 'humanize' technology by composing great tales around it.
My own theory arrived at using the 'Einstein Visualization Formulation', presented me with
'Quantum Mind and Soul Evolution'. This theory, I would state, dwells, in medical philosophy terms,
somewhere around the medical left of the low centre from the pendulum golf swing; but firmly for
the technological side of what we contact metaphysics, nudging or even overlapping quantum
mechanics and string theory gently. My theory being about brain and soul progression is I really
believe the quantum technicians and string theory half of Darwin's physical theory of evolution, so
producing his theory whole.
So do we all possess quantum souls and thoughts that evolve and survive death? That is the trillion
money question. Lots of people believe therefore and the numbers are steadily growing and maybe
the person or girl who truly answers that in scientific mathematical terms would be the next
Yet it is those very people, the quantum physics theoretical mathematicians , who are looking into
black openings, event horizons, quantum mechanics and string theory, who are composing the math,
unknowing perhaps, of quantum mind and spirit advancement.
There is something they're uncovering approximately energy that tells us that people tend to be
more than flesh and blood. Something deeply inserted in the way that every among the countless
numbers of particles which makes in the physical universe also has a low profile counterpart. This
means that completely one half from the universe is invisible, which leads those nimble minds to
speculate and visualize around it in mathematical terms.
If, scientifically, everything isn't matter once we used to think of it, remembering the actual famous
physicist Potential Planck said back in the 1940's that '...there is absolutely no matter as such...",
what exactly are we? Are we solid bodies existing in an accidental 'useless' world as old science
thought? Or are we quantum consciousness, body mind and soul, growing as energies existing
across at least a two-part universe?
The future will be certainly be exciting as delve into it with open thoughts and find to more and

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