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A person with herpetic keratoconjunctivitis, anxious

disposition, nervous diarrhea, and marked craving for

sugar might require a remedy called
Argentum nitricum;
Individual who has a violent temper, a tendency to recurrent
ulcers in the mouth, with craving for ice and icy cold drinks
with the same herpetic keratoconjunctivitis could probably
require a remedy called Mercurius solubilis.
Person with herpes labialis and keratoconjunctivitis but with a
reserved disposition, craving for salt, severe constipation and
sun headaches would mostly need a few doses of Natrum
muriaticum to treat the malady.
Herpes simplex in men
In men, herpes simplex manifests in the form of
balanoposthitis, i.e . the inflammation of the glans penis and
prepuce. The outbreaks are typically circumscribed lesions
with burning, itching, tingling, and dull pain or irritation. If
the lesions are very close to the urethra, there could be pain
and burning even during the passage of urine. Secondary
bacterial infections may lead to pus formation also. In the case
of homosexual men, anorectal lesions are produced due to the
practice of anal sex.
Homeopathic remedies in men
Homeopathic remedies like Nitric acidum, Mezereum, and
Cinnabaris are specifics. Even the nosodes prepared from the
Herpes simplex viruses themselves are very useful and act as
microvaccines to boost the immunity against these viruses.
Herpes simplex in women
This infection manifests frequently as vulvovaginitis with
itching, burning, irritation and leucorrheal discharge. It rarely

leads to dysplastic changes within the cervix of the uterus,

which is considered precancerous.
Homeopathic remedies in women
In such cases, homeopathic remedies like Vespa and
Kreosotum. Women have to be very careful if they are
pregnant. In fact having genital lesions at around the time of
delivery is one of the indications to go in for a caesarian
section in order to prevent the spread of the infection to the
baby. In any case, constitutional treatment is advisable even
along with specific medications as it is known to remove many
of the hindrances to recovery.
Combination therapies for the treatment of herpes simplex
Combination therapies consisting of Homeopathics,
naturopathics, ayurvedics, and Tibetan herbs can be used in
various formulations so as to raise the immune status on one
side whilst relieving the symptoms simultaneously.
HE, the ALMIGHTY who cures
Alternative non-medicinal healing methods like Reiki, Yoga,
Accupressure, Accupuncture, Sintergetica healing, and many
such techniques along with the right diet and regimen can
help to a very great extent and potentiate the therapeutic
powers of any medicine. I believe that all diseases can be
cured but not all people can be cured because every disease is
karmic in nature and every suffering is predestined. We
doctors can only treat, whereas, it is HE, the ALMIGHTY who
cures. We have to put in our best efforts and leave the rest to
For cold sores: HSV-1

Avoiding kissing people with visible core sores

Don't share personal items
Wash your hands frequently
If you have HSV-1, be careful touching your eyes and
genitals; don't perform oral sex on your partner
Use sunscreen


Reduce stress

Natrum muriaticum for eruptions at the corners of the

mouth that occur during periods of emotional stress and tend
to worsen in the daytime
Rhus toxicodendron for eruptions consisting of many small
blisters that itch intensely at night
Mercurius for children who drool and may have a fever
Sepia for outbreaks that do not improve with other
homeopathic remedies; this remedy is most appropriate for
individuals who tend to have a lack of energy and don't
tolerate cold weather

For genital lesions: HSV-2

1. Avoid having sex if you or your partner has an outbreak
(active infection) of herpes. Herpes outbreaks are not
always obvious and your partner may be contagious
without you knowing it. Anyone involved in an ongoing
sexual relationship with a partner infected with HSV-2
should get counseling from a healthcare practitioner on
how to best keep yourself safe.
2. Avoid touching the sores
3. Use or have your partner use a latex condom (even when
sores are not visible)
4. Limit the number of sex partners

Graphites for large, itchy lesions in individuals who are

Natrum muriaticum for eruptions that occur during periods
of emotional stress and symptoms that tend to worsen in the

Petroleum for lesions that spread to anus and thighs;

symptoms tend to worsen in winter and improve in summer
Sepia for outbreaks that do not improve with other
homeopathic remedies; this remedy is most appropriate for
individuals who tend to have a lack of energy and don't
tolerate cold weather.

Dietary Regime;
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, refined foods, sugars, saturated fats,
and arginine-containing foods (seeds, grains, nuts, nut
butters, chocolate).
Increase intake of high lysine-containing foods (fish, chicken,
eggs, potatoes, and dairy products) during active herpes
Vitamin C (250 to 500 mg twice per day) and acidophilus (one
capsule with meals) may reduce the length of outbreaks.
Beta-carotene (50,000 to 100,000 IU per day) slows viral
Zinc (30 mg per day) slows viral reproduction.
L-lysine (500 to 1,000 mg per day for prevention, 2,000 mg two
to four times per day during an outbreak)
Thymus extract can help strengthen the immune system.

Selenium (250 mcg per day) may reduce length and frequency.
Vitamin A (200,000 IU per day for 3 days at onset of outbreak)
can help decrease length and severity of symptoms. Pregnant
women and those with liver disease should not take these
doses of vitamin A.
Other drugs;
Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox) is useful when blisters emerge
that are not only painful but very itchy, and warmth brings
relief. The pain is worse at night and less noticeable when
moving about.
Arsenicum album is indicated for shingles with red, burning
lesions that are relieved by warmth and are worse at night,
causing great restless anxiety.
Mezereum is indicated if there is severe pain, if the skin burns
and itches and forms brown scabs, or if the is person middleaged or elderly. Lasting neuralgic pains that shoot along the
nerve after the skin has healed are often helped by this
Ranunculus is useful if there are nerve pains and itching, or
the slightest touch, movement or eating makes the symptoms
Lachesis is prescribed if the left side of the body is affected,
plus some swelling, which is aggravated by wan-nth but is
relieved by cold
Apis is used when the swelling and stinging pains
predominate, improve with cold and become aggravated by
The best homeopathic remedy for shingles is Ranunculus
bulbosus, especially when the shingles are on the trunk of the
body. It is indicated for severe burning and itching, which gets
worse from touching the skin, moving about or eating. Take a

6C dose up to four times a day as needed for pain.

Improvement may be noticed within a couple of days. If not,
see your medical doctor or homeopath.
Other remedies that may be useful: Sepia, Natrum mur, Hepar
sulph. Caladium, acidum nit.

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