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book is written for and dedicated to my children the eldest of whom turns eighteen in March. It is for BASAJ. To help them recall our
truest form

Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform the reader. All
contents copyright C 2014 by Wayne Hilborn (The Savvy Sorcerer). All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.
The Savvy Sorcerer

The Savvy Sorcerer

Chapter 4

Quantum Mechanics of God Magik

Some of the magik I teach can be dangerous to you and loved ones. This does not compare to the
danger many of you cause for yourselves and loved ones on a regular basis.

If you think your mother has moved into a bad neighborhood, then she could be attacked just to satisfy
your faith/belief/expectation that something bad might happen there.

It is as if you prayed for the attack, as every thought is a prayer, and every word is a spell.

Law of Attraction aficionados are now on every street corner not realizing they have inferior rules
and training. A senseless Law of Attraction user would happily put your mansion on their vision
board not caring that it is causing you financial hardships, illness, or even death so you may vacate
that home in time for their deadline. They do not even know they can kill others with such
irresponsible thoughts. I have seen many Law of Attraction books and movies advising such black
magik. Killing folks is bad for your karma whether intentional or not.

Another Law of Attraction aficionado might lose an arm in an auto accident after affirming for an
hour that they would quickly lose 10 pounds. Losing a ten pound arm manifested that for them.

This book will show you how to create miracles with ease. The first lessons however are to control
your own negative thoughts with a series of tips and tricks. This book will prove to you that even your
own family could be hurting you with their expectations/faith (as in bad neighborhood example

I hope you will want to buy this book for everyone you deal with daily. If only to keep yourself safer.
To see what I mean, please visit The dangers of Law of Attraction and Magik chapter BEFORE
reading the rest of the book. It is the first Chapter for a reason.

PLEASE NOTE: This purchase is of Chapter 4 of The Savvy Sorcerer and the aforementioned The
Dangers of Law of Attraction and Magik chapter is not included in this purchase.

This warning is imperative and in italics at the start of every chapter. A little magik knowledge is
more dangerous than a lot, as we can see by the Law of Attraction crowd messing up their karma
and sometimes their lives.

The Savvy Sorcerer
Chapter 4
Quantum Mechanics of God Magik

The science and conclusions will be in favor of pseudoscience as you shall soon see. This is the true
nature of our reality on an intellectual level, and this chapter may not be understood by some not already
keen about science.

Okay. So now you are about to learn some rudimentary science that is common knowledge to physicists,
but not stuff you learn without an interest. Nothing too complicated (for now). If you are a physicist then
this is merely a review to make some points.

First of all; I want everyone to learn or think upon the FACT that the universe is mind-boggingly empty.

Lets start with Atoms. Atoms are the building blocks of everything. They can combine to create
molecules and everything you can touch is made from atoms as the root building block.

Note: If you do not know what an atom is then maybe the science Chapter is not for you, as we will be
discussing some very heavy concepts. Knowing the science of life is not necessary to alter it with
your mind. I think this is a decent convincer though for any sitting on the fence about mind power
and religion. The Double Slit Experiment has converted many scientists to religion.

Okay. So lets look at an atom.

If you were to enlarge an atom to the size of a baseball field, the nucleus would be a tiny one millimeter
thick. This should give you some perspective as to how little actual matter is contained in an atom. An
Atom is 99.999999999999% empty space.

You could compare it to a solar system that has an incredibly tiny sun as its center point.

Atoms are also very tiny and invisible to ordinary microscopes. To add some perspective it has been
suggested that there is 10 trillion atoms on average in a human cell, living in a body that averages 37
trillion cells.

Nobody has actually counted atoms or cells, but those are educated guesses that dont have a lot to do
with the subject other than to demonstrate that atoms are very tiny and make up our physical universe.

Wait! If everything in the Universe is constructed of atoms and atoms are mostly MIND-BOGGINGLY
EMPTY SPACE, then how much REAL matter exists in the universe?

Now this is a start. Imagine if we could remove ALL of the empty space in the observable universe.
There are many scientists who have done such imaginings, and this is their conclusion.

Do not take my word for anything in this section. Look up Universe can fit into a green pea or Earth
can fit into a sugar cube for a wide variety of opinions and speculations, but the FACT is many scientists
will tell you that the universe is MIND-BOGGINGLY EMPTY.

98% of the observable universe is already empty, and if we could shrink all the remaining suns, planets,
moons, and lifeforms into a sphere the size of a pea, soccer ball, or sugar cube (various theories and
comparisons), then we might realize how little matter actually exists in our universe.

Smart scientists around the world would agree 100% that you could condense the Rocky Mountains into a
speck invisible to a normal microscope.

I do not need to discuss the orbit of electrons, quarks, or gluons to make this point.

Side note: If someone is interested in telekinesis then this understanding would go a long way. It might
be easier to bend a spoon if you know that truthfully the spoon is only composed of matter not even
visible to a normal microscope. I do not spoon bend, but am merely using this as an example of how
spiritual that spoon actually is as opposed to material.

It is important to realize that nothing is real. I contend that we are all imaginary living together in our
group mind of perfect imagination. This is an aid towards such thinking.

Everything is energy. This is also a known scientific FACT.

E=MC : Energy equals Mass times the speed of light squared. It is Albert Einsteins Theory of

So far we have established two scientific truths in our discussion. Lets review.

a) The Observable Universe is Mind-Bogglingly Empty.
b) Everything is Energy. Mass and energy are interchangeable.

If you have an issue with those two FACTS, then please study them until you agree. So far I am not going
astray from our current scientific understanding.

Speed can increase the density of mass.

Can a spider web cut a brick?

Yes! Of Course! What if you could speed that spider web up so it was travelling at a few million miles
per hour?
Would the spider web cut the brick then? Like a hot knife through butter.


This is presuming that the atoms - electrons, protons, quarks, gluons have substance themselves, but even
an electron microscope cannot yet reveal what compromises what.

It could be scientifically possible that even the Soccer Ball, Green Pea, or Sugar Cube size of all the
matter in our universe could further be reduced. WE SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW.

This is fact. We are basically almost pure energy, living among other energy.

Even Skeptics must admit to this being factual so far. I am only teaching accepted science thus far in this

Now imagine what you imagine a spirit or ghost to be. You imagine them as some kind of energy being.

Well wake up people YOU ARE SPIRITUAL. LITERALLY! This is not some clich meaning
you are in tune with the universe. I MEAN LITERALLY YOU ARE MADE OF 99.999999999999%
EMPTY SPACE. (Figure derived from empty space percentage within an atom which is our core building

Okay. That is point one. You are LITERALLY spiritual. Like a friendly ghost living in a ghost world
with ghost friends and ghost family.

Now lets examine Quantum Physics.

Enter Albert Einstein

Lets start with Albert Einstein. Mr. Einstein was most famous for postulating a Theory of Gravity that
involved the bending of space. To prove such a crazy claim they waited until a solar eclipse and then
measured the stars positions closest to the sun. His theory proved correct when they overlaid the solar
eclipse photographs against photographs without the sun. They did not match proving space could

Poof! Einstein was famous overnight after that proof. What else was he known for? Relativity and
Special Relativity.

To imagine relativity simply sit as still as possible. Freeze every muscle in your body.

All set?

Okay. It may seem like you are still, but to someone who was actually still you would wiz past them at a
minimum speed of over a million miles per hour.

Let me explain.

A person standing on the equator must be moving at 1000 miles an hour just to complete one earth rotation
in 24 hours. Our planet is also travelling around our sun at 66 000 miles per hour. Our solar system is
travelling around our galaxy at 483 000 miles per hour. Our galaxy revolves around the universe at 1
300 000 miles per hour. Etc.

So how still are you? You can relax now. I was just making a point.

I will go off topic for a second and tell you that the mechanisms of Astrology are directly related to our
speed/realism/energy. For instance when we travel around our sun in the SAME direction as the sun
travels then our speed is decreased, and if we travel in the opposite direction our relative speed is
increased. That is another chapter. I have read many astrology books, and none of them will tell you the
mechanism behind astrology as I just did. I am not going to use it to predict how your Aunt Martha will
do at Bingo, as I do not study the art form/craft. I am just telling you the mechanics of how it works in a
moving universe of almost pure energy.

So speed is relative. You feel like you are still, when you are moving at great speeds.

Albert Einstein suggested that if you were travelling at light speed and then turned on your headlights,
what would occur? Your headlights would go on. The light would be relative to you who would
perceive yourself as standing still as you do now.

So Albert Einstein was a pretty clever chap, and science follows his notions about gravity and relativity
to this day. He obviously has won a Nobel Prize for Physics. I am quite sure most everyone has heard of

Lets move on

Long before quantum mechanics was even thought of, a man by the name of Thomas Young invented an
experiment that would change the course of history and baffle the greatest thinkers even today. It was the
greatest mystery of our time. (This book has the final solution for the first time ever, and in the next few

THE DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT! (Study this now on YouTube if possible).

The Double Slit Experiment is the core root of Quantum Mechanics and String Theory.

NOTE: If you have access to the internet I suggest you look up the following YouTube video. The Fred
Alan Wolf (Dr.Quantum) 5 minute cartoon video of the Double Slit Experiment. I will describe it below,
but this video is a must see in my opinion to grasp the enormity of the topic, and it does the topic justice.

If you can now watch that video then skip the following Double slit description below up until the bolded
line (-------)

This experiment has turned many scientists to religion. It is not overly complicated to grasp the
experiment, but do we agree with the results or say the experiment is flawed as the Einstein crowd does?

The experiment involves shining a light at two equal vertical slits in the side of a cardboard box. If you
fire a large sequence of spitballs through the slits you would find two slit-shaped designs on the back
wall forming, comprised of spitballs.

The spitballs are just large particles.

Now what occurs when you shine a flashlight through the slits? This is something you can do on the
kitchen table in front of your kids.

If light were made up of particles then you should expect it to create an illuminated back wall with two
slits similar to the spitball scenario. THIS DOES NOT OCCUR.

Now imagine you put this two slit box inside your bathtub. Instead of firing spitballs at the slits you
instead plunge your hand into the water creating a wave heading towards the two slits. When the wave
enters the two slits, what do you think occurs? It is as if you dropped a pebble near both slits because the
wave sets out from both slits as if that was the originating source.

Now imagine how those two sets of waves would hit the back wall

Wait! You must first imagine or remember that waves can cancel each other out when out of phase. If the
top of one wave meets the bottom of another wave it then cancels out that portion of the wave.

So instead of getting a band of two slits similar to these Is ( I I ), You get an interference pattern that
stretches along the back wall in an intermittent design that is most intense at the center. Similar to this
( I I I I I I I I ) with the interior getting more intense waves.

So you can visualize the difference between waves and particles in this experiment.

If you are not clear or cannot grasp what I am saying about The Double Slit Experiment then please watch
The Dr Quantum Double Slit Experiment on YouTube.

So our ancestors could not decide whether light was a wave or a particle. This experiment proved it
was a wave. WAIT! This experiment proved light was a particle! WAIT! This experiment proved light
is a wave! WAIT! It proves light is a particle! WAIT!.....

According to modern science, and what is taught in every grade 11 physics textbook is that The Double
Slit Experiment proves light can act as both a PARTICLE AND A WAVE.

Note: In actuality nothing is EVER particle. They are just illusions we project.

If you shine a flashlight against two slits in a cardboard box you will get an interference pattern like a
wave. Try it at home or look online.

So why does science say light can act like a particle, when it gives us an interference pattern?

The Inventor of the experiment used it to PROVE light was simply a wave. You have proof with the
flashlight in your hands and a paper with two slits in it. 100% proof Right? Not exactly!

Many years later they did this experiment firing small atomic particles such as electrons and photons at
the slits. However they fired them one at a time.

Okay. So now they are firing particles like the spitballs used as an example earlier. What prediction
should we make for the back wall pattern?

The scientists expected a pattern with two slits mirrored on the back wall, but were surprised that they got
an interference pattern.

How could firing one electron at a time in the general direction of the two slits cause an interference
pattern? This seems a bit ridiculous. Implausible. Yet true.

The electron had gone through the slit and somehow interfered with itself. This seemed puzzling,
mysterious, baffling. What could these electrons be doing to cause this reaction? Were they splitting and
reintegrating on the other side Nothing made sense.

So they decided to set a measuring device beside one slit. This way they would know what slit the
electrons went through. But the results were even more baffling.

As soon as they started to watch/observe the slit, the electrons went back to behaving like particles and
created two particle type slits on the back wall instead of an interference pattern like waves give.

a greater understanding of it, then please continue from here.

I would like to say here and now that the reason for this is simple, and it is because time flows in two
directions. The past changing is a fact of life that will also be demonstrated in the next few pages to
come. You heard it here first.

So scientists currently believe light has dual characteristics of being both a particle and a wave. THIS IS

Wave/Particle Duality is quite famous. You can search the term and find thousands upon thousands of
scientific papers concerning the validity of this.

This is widely accepted science I am stating here. No scientist alive would tell you that Wave/Particle
Duality is not a widely known concept.

Explaining it is another matter entirely.

Enter Niels Bohr.

Niels Bohr was also a Nobel Laureate made famous for giving us our current model of the atom. This is a
man who devoted a great deal of time imagining the workings of sub-atomic particles, and was correct
enough to design the atomic model in use in 2015.

We will weigh him against Einstein, a man who spent a great deal of time imagining space and time on a
much larger scale.

Niels Bohr gave the duality of light topic a great deal of thought, and with Heisenberg drafted The
Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Sadly the Interpretation was never set in stone, and
various interpretations of the interpretations exist. For that reason I will not discuss The Copenhagen
Interpretation much more here as opposed to teaching the underlying thought currents of Niels Bohr.

Niels Bohr explained that the singly shot electrons were behaving like particles when the observing
mechanisms were in place. He deduced that it was the observation by conscious humans that caused the


Here we have the worlds foremost expert on atoms. A guy who designed the model of the atom used and





Please absorb that! This is not something most people are taught because it just SEEMS ridiculous. If
you have never heard of the double slit experiment then this could vastly aid in your belief as this is a
glimpse at our first understanding of magik. Matter does not exist unless it is observed

This would mean that if NOBODY LOOKED AT THE MOON IT WOULD CEASE TO EXIST except in
the form of possibility waves.


Look this up or study it before continuing. Im not blowing smoke out of my butt. This is what Niels Bohr
was telling the world!

Albert Einstein thought this idea was ridiculous. Look up the following quote if you have internet access.

Albert Einstein I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.

This started a FAMOUS (research Bohr/Einstein Debates) argument that lasted the remainder of their
lives. Look it up please.

NOTE: Some of this may seem hard to believe. Could a Nobel Prize winning sub-atomic scientist be

Please look up and study Matter does not exist unless it is observed. We applied it to the moon, but
what does that mean to you while you are inside your home? If true; this concept would mean that if you
leave your bathroom then it ceases to exist except in probabilistic wave form.


Okay... so we have two sides to this debate now.

We have the Bohr side telling us consciousness must be present for matter to appear, and we have the
Einstein crowd telling us that is utterly ridiculous.

Einsteins scientific reasoning RIDICULOUS!

We should imagine Einstein denying light even had Particle abilities as the Double Slit Experiment
clearly shows waves, with particles only appearing in what must be a measurement flaw causing the

collapse according to most determinists. Einstein did have his own Photon Hypothesis based upon the
photoelectric effect. This is a separate topic and Im only mentioning it in case anyone thought he
supported the particle theory as a result of The Double Slit Experiment.

Enter Erwin Schrodinger.

Schrodinger was on the Einstein side of the debate and he asked the question of how life could exist as a
probability wave. I mean if your bathroom ceases to exist when not observed then what about people or
animals that are outside of your view. Wouldnt it seem ridiculous for a living animal to be merely a
possibility wave?

So Schrodinger came up with a Thought Experiment. A thought experiment is just that. It exists only in
your mind as a way to consider something. NO CATS WERE HARMED.


Schrodinger imagined a scenario where a cat was sealed inside an opaque, soundproof box. A killing
mechanism inside the box had a 50/50 chance of going off and killing the cat

Now according to Bohr; the cat or killing mechanism would not even exist until observed by the
supervising scientist. Then as soon as the door was open the probabilities would fall into place and we
would only see a cat that was either dead or alive depending on the coin toss of the mechanism.

Einstein and Schrodinger used The Cat in The Box Thought Experiment to RIDICULE BOHR. They were
Determinists. They believed everything is always as it was and should be, and that everything should
be calculable if given enough data.

The Bohr explanation factored in the results of The Double Slit Experiment, while Einstein basically says
the experiment is flawed during measurement. That is the stance of most scientists to this very day.
Einstein determinists claim measurement causes a flaw in the experiment.

Lets quickly review some unquestionable science so far in this chapter
a) The observable Universe is mind-boggingly EMPTY!
b) Everything is energy!
c) Niels Bohr has told us Matter does not exist unless it is observed
d) Einstein and Schrodinger tell us Bohr is just silly as can be.
e) That light has a dual wave/particle nature.

These above facts are not questionable in our history of science. If you disagree with any of the above
four statements then you need to refresh your education, there are great lectures online these days.

Now lets go back to The Cat in the Box Thought Experiment. Bohr suggests that the cat lives only in
waves of probability until a supervising scientist collapses those probability waves into particle reality.

There is a continuation of the Thought Experiment where we contemplate the notion that both The CAT
AND THE SUPERVISING SCIENTIST are alone inside another box called a laboratory. For simplicity


However we already have a name for that. It is The Wigners Friend Thought Experiment put forth by
Scientist Eugene Wigner. WIGNER sided with Niels Bohr and BELIEVED CONSCIOUSNESS MUST

Lets come back to real world here for a minute. Do you realize that there are a large number of
scientists out there arguing that matter does not exist unless it is observed? Is this not crazy in itself? I

Could matter only appear based upon probabilities when a consciousness observes it?

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear, does it make a sound? According to Niels Bohr
the tree would not physically exist, but the probabilities of what will occur will manifest upon conscious
observation. It would be like in a video game where the environment was just a lot of binary ones and
zeros until a consciousness (game monitor) observed.

RELIGION, AND MAGIK (including the lesser Law of Attraction).

You do not need to know advanced calculus to understand their reasonings. The core argument is very
simple. It is simply two varying interpretations of The Double Slit Experiment where one person gives an
analysis and another says it is flawed.

Nobody alive today can tell you that the double-slit experiment is flawed factually. They can say
why and show convincing pictures, but we have a successful experiment to use. They can only offer
an interpretation which is not fact. Science should be factual.

Einstein determinism makes real everything we see, hear, feel, and touch. Many of you have not
considered Bohrs viewpoint because his view SEEMS RIDICULOUS and thus is not taught with a
straight face by many teachers.

Could you look your child in the eye and tell them that when they close the fridge, all the food inside
vanishes from reality? I could and would. This is a far cry from your belief that maybe the light shuts
off. Everything in your fridge literally vanishes from existence (according to Niels Bohr and me).

Part of this chapter is meant to make you aware that The BOHR/EINSTEIN DEBATES were never
resolved. There is a line drawn in the sand. Pick a side.

If you side with the Einstein determinists then reread this chapter and then try experiments in my
Cloudbusting and Telepathy Chapters. Put your scientific reasoning to the test...

For those of you hearing this topic for the first time, it must sound very strange, so I encourage you to
study The Double-Slit Experiment, The Bohr-Einstein Debates, The Copenhagen Interpretation, Quantum
Entanglement, for starters... These are not notions I am plucking out of the air, they are well known
mysteries of the world.

Now I will show you the true quantum nature of our existence.

Hint: It involves replacing the Bohr Waves of probability with waves collapsed into reality based
upon expectation. It is my contribution to Quantum Physics that the Cat inside Schrodingers Box will
live or die based upon THE EXPECTATION/FAITH/KNOWING of the supervising scientist(s) and the
cats own expectation/faith. It explains everything from Religion to Telepathy.

Read on, and prepare to learn the secrets that will teach you life mastery.

So according to Einstein Light has Wave/Particle Duality.
And according to Bohr EVERYTHING has a wave/particle duality that is dependent upon consciousness.

Weird huh? A Nobel Prize winning physicist that gave us our current atom model arguing that nothing is
real unless observed by consciousness.

Above these lines is mostly accepted mainstream scientific history. Below these lines I will continue
and alter Bohrs thinking to fit with the reality of our existence. Translation for skeptics. Science
above/woo below It is the truth though, and needs to be recognized as such. THIS CHAPTER HAS
SOME WEIRD CLAIMS. So far all of them are 100% true and factual.

Lets go back and have another look at the Schrodinger Cat in the Box Thought Experiment meant to
ridicule Niels Bohr.

The cat has a 50% chance of survival by experiment design. Is it 50/50 chance that determines if the cat
comes out alive? I will say NO. The 50% statistic only helps the supervising scientist form his
opinion/expectation/belief of the outcome.

It is not the 50% chance of the kill trigger going off inside the cage that matters as much as the
EXPECTATION/FAITH/KNOWING/BELIEF of the supervising scientist, who himself believes the cat
has a 50/50 chance of survival. Thus it gives the cat a 50/50 chance of survival based upon that belief.
The mechanism trigger is not even relevant, although to get technical we would need to factor in the
opinions of everyone who has ever seen, heard of, or touched a timer throughout the evolution of timers.
Lets try to ease up on technicalities during instruction as long as the main points are understood. The
weakest of mages could force a 50/50 outcome in their favor (in most cases), as is proved by the Global
Consciousness Project and their digital random coin flip generators.

NOTE: When I say proved in the last paragraph, it is with the knowledge that a person expecting it
to fail would also see that result. A skeptic will never run a successful psychic test, and even their
presence can pollute and/or cancel your magik. As this is a science chapter I should not use the term
proof so lightly, but I back up all my science with experiments.

NOTE: Why is your body so complex if you are just a spirit? Even in our wildest imaginings we
could not envision a world that operates with the synchronicity and complexity we have literally
evolved into. Without evolving (even if we are only spiritual and imaginary) with a start at the
Amoeba phase, then imagining us as two-cell organisms would have been too much of a stretch. So

The Savvy Sorcerer is a book that endorses Creative Evolution in a universal mind, and so does this

Imagine the scientist was told the cat had a 75% chance at life, and a 25% chance of death, but the
mechanism inside was rigged for a coin flip 50/50 chance of either. In this case the scientist would see
that cat come out alive a lot more EXCEPT we must weigh in the beliefs of the engineer who set the
trigger mechanism at 50%. So if the scientist and the trigger engineer both have their minds in on this,
and they are both equally expecting different outcomes, then the difference in outcomes might be split. In
this case you might expect the cat to live 62.5% of the time halving the expectations of both scientist and
engineer (if we ignored the cats own faith).


So now we have a scientist that opens the box expecting a live cat and gets a live cat.

Now imagine that outside this laboratory is a group of 12 scientists who were told the exact opposite, and
that the trigger mechanism had a 75% chance of killing the cat.

As soon as the live cat/happy scientist appear in the next room surrounded by this group of 12
colleagues who have a different expectation their thought forms are more powerful as a group and revamp
the live cat/happy scientist into a dead cat/sad scientist. THE PAST CHANGED AND AFFECTED




Did I mention the past changed?

We do not live in a set timeline. You could change from someone with a University Education into a High
School dropout or vice versa and back again without ever knowing.

This is a deep subject that I have suggested some people skip past. Quantum Mechanics is not for
everyone. I have another chapter about changing the past, but I will also discuss that here while

Imagine you are drowning in the Ocean. Do not really imagine it or you risk creating it, but we need a
visual here. You can cancel out your thoughts afterwards with opposite thinking.

Okay but for this story.

Imagine you are drowning in the ocean. You pray or do affirmations for a rescue ship to appear and save
you. Prayers and affirmation both operate under the same principles and it is your EXPECTATION and
FAITH that will determine if a rescue is forthcoming

You have read this book, so you know you are a portion of god AND you have FAITH!

SUDDENLY! A storm warning comes across the radio for a cruise ship with 3000 passengers who then
diverts its course A DAY BEFORE (IN THE PAST) to meet answer your prayer/magik (before you even
pray). Effect precedes cause. In a world that is truly imaginary, we should be able to alter our past in
the same way we can recall things differently than they occurred. Oversimplified, but true.

A skeptic or pessimist would simply drown. Sorry Yall (if applicable).

Imagine the ship is Schrodingers Box and all 3000 passengers and crew are the Cat in the Box.
The you floating in the ocean is the supervising scientist. The 3000 passengers and crew are in no set
ocean location aside from probabilities, and your prayer for a rescue suddenly revamps the ship into a
location where it rescues you shortly after your confident prayer.

For those of you that believe in SYNCHRONICITY, MANIFESTING then this might be a new
perspective, but it makes logical sense if you think upon it.

Imagine you are at home visualizing your spouse bringing you a flavoured coffee from Starbucks. Just
then a Starbucks commercial comes on the screen.

Imagine you are discussing something obscure like Water babies born into pools. That night all three
of the television shows you watch regularly has some reference to Water babies.

You worry about your cousins drinking habits and an Alcoholics Anonymous commercial pops on the

These are common synchronicities. They match your thinking, when you think it.

Now something to think upon

When was that Starbucks commercial SCHEDULED? Certainly not AFTER you started visualizing

When were those Water Baby episodes Written, filmed, and scheduled? Certainly long before your
lengthy conversation at work about Water Babies.

When was that Alcoholics Anonymous commercial scheduled?

Now lets look at manifesting

Imagine you are visualizing a red scooter and then a loved one gives you one. You might be surprised to
find you started visualizing for it after it was already purchased.

Imagine you are visualizing for a car spot to open at the grocers. SUDDENLY! 15 minutes ago (in the
past) Brenda remembers she is late for her Pilates and vacates the spot just as you drive into the mall and
start visualizing.

Niels Bohr suggests that matter collapses into reality based upon probability waves.



Maybe if I submit this book chapter as Wrote Scientific Theory to the Scientific Journal Nature they will
publish it and I will win a Nobel Prize for this concept in physics. I think this revelation is worthy of a
Nobel Prize in Physics.

I will not hold my breath for it though. I guarantee that this is in fact how life works on a quantum level.


If we accept that Niels Bohr was correct, and that I am also right about the underlying mechanism of
probability actually being steered by belief/faith/expectation, then we can explain our entire reality

PROOF! Look at the cloudbusting and telepathy chapters. These are easy additional proofs you can
perform on your own, and you will join me in this truth.

i.e. If you can easily perform telepathy with a friend as per my instructions, then you may also think that if
two people can communicate then perhaps mass psychic communication takes place. Then try to explain
that by any current scientific theory. I assure you scientific theories involving mass consciousness
psychic experiences are at a minimum. All logical thinking involving telepathy should realize that if
two minds can connect, then we must all be connected.

This book is imaginary and merely a psychic link between us. Do you think your computer is real? Do
you think you are real? Is that air you are breathing?

This information is key to working Magik and Miracles.

I hope I have made this clear and plain for most everyone. My goal is to be clear and concise in this
book, and entire Law of Attraction books have been written on information I discuss in a few simple
paragraphs. I am not a huge fan of many of the current Law of Attraction books or movies. IT IS NOT

We Create. We do not attract things. If you imagine a future you are creating that future with mental
building blocks. If a dozen people oppose that belief then the resulting interference pattern could knock
out your creation.

i.e. A 5 year old could affirm/magik/pray for a college diploma within a few months. Do you believe a
5 year old could get a college diploma at that age? No. Well neither can a lot of people so their
combined negative belief in his dream will cancel it out. WE DO NOT CREATE OUR OWN
REALITY. WE ONLY CO-CREATE and MUST include the thoughts of all.

Law of Attraction is a misnomer.

You could say this is a version of The Virtual Reality Theory, although again I must add that expectation
rules over probabilities. My explanation explains everything from telepathy and aliens, to reincarnation
and MAGIK. You now understand exactly how the universe works, and how it can be bent in your favor.

HISTORY OF MAN WORKING IN YOUR FAVOR. The knowledge that you are living in an imaginary
world, and that your imaginings can control past, present, and future events. You are truly God; as are we

For the science crowd that is unaware. This chapter is a part of a book (The Savvy Sorcerer) that
teaches Hermetic Magik which is based on the Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan, Egyptian, and ancient Atlantis
(according to Thoth/Hermes (who is the name in Hermetic Magik)) philosophy that we live in a giant and
perfect high-definition imagination of a deity of which all of us are a portion of. This chapter is standalone.

(If you have suggestions, comments, testimonials, or questions regarding this chapter or book please
contact me at Wizardry@Hotmail(dot)ca)

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