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Presentation "Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510 Spring, 2015 Professor Delamater.


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Non-associative Learning: Sensitization

and Dishabituation Compared

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recibe 10%

Dishabituation & Sensitization both increase responding.

Do they have a common underlying substrate, e.g., arousal?
Hypothesis: If they have a common underlying substrate, then whenever one occurs the other
should also occur.
Whitlow (1975) Rabbit Study

Trial Type
Event 1
Event 2
Tone 1
Tone 1
} Same Trials
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Tone 1
Tone 2 } Dierent Trials

Tone 1
Tone 1 x
Tone 1
} Same Trials + distractor
Tone 2 x
Tone 2
Tone 1 x
Tone 2
Dierent Trials + distractor
Tone 2 x
Tone 1
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Results: DishabituaFon can occur without SensiFzaFon, indicaFng that

These two processes must rely on dierent underlying substrates

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Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510

Spring, 2015 Professor Delamater.


Published by Barbra Stevens, Modified 6 months ago

Definition of Learning: In
defining learning we could

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Theories Learning

Language Learning

Human Psychology

Sensory Learning
refer simply to overt
behavior. For ex., if I see you


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riding a bicycle I can assume

that youve learned.

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Chapter 2: Habituation &

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Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510 Spring, 2015

Professor Delamater

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Presentation "Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510 Spring, 2015 Professor Delamater."

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Non-associative Learning Three Types 1.Habituation 2.Dishabituation 3.Sensitization Or, for the most part, changes in
responsiveness to a single stimulus



Slide 3
Last class Definition of
learning Distinction between

Non-associative Learning: Habituation Habituation Decline in responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated exposures,

learning and performance

but arising from central changes. Learning to tune out the radio, or the siren, etc Used to study sensory capacities in

Habituation and Sensitization

human infants, and, more generally, Simple learning processes in other organisms. Major headway in understanding the

Dual-Process Theory S-R

neural mechanisms in memory.

system State system.

Slide 4

Non-associative Learning: Habituation Habituation Decline in responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated exposures,
but arising from central changes. Learning to tune out the radio, or the siren, or background noise, etc Used to study
sensory capacities in human infants, and, more generally, Simple learning processes in other organisms. Major headway

Elicited behavior,
Habituation, and

in understanding the neural mechanisms in memory.

Slide 5

Non-associative Learning: Habituation Habituation Decline in responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated exposures,
but arising from central changes. Learning to tune out the radio, or the siren, or background noise, etc Used to study
sensory capacities in human infants, and, more generally, Simple learning processes in other organisms. Major headway
in understanding the neural mechanisms in memory. Women asked to rate the Pleasantness of a specific Taste stimulus.

PSY 402 Theories of Learning

Chapter 3 Nuts and Bolts of
Conditioning (Mechanisms of
Classical Conditioning)

Also, the amount of Salivation was measured. Steady decreases with repeated exposures suggests habituation.

Slide 6

Non-associative Learning: Habituation Habituation Decline in responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated exposures,
but arising from central changes. How do we know this is due to a central change?

PSY 402 Theories of Learning

Chapter 4 Theories of

Slide 7

Non-associative Learning: Habituation Habituation Decline in responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated exposures,
but arising from central changes. Need to rule out sensory adaptation and motor fatigue (two peripheral change

PSY 402 Theories of Learning

Chapter 3 Nuts and Bolts of

Slide 8

Conditioning (Mechanisms of
Classical Conditioning)

Non-associative Learning: Habituation Habituation Decline in responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated exposures,
but arising from central changes. Need to rule out sensory adaptation and motor fatigue (two peripheral change
mechanisms). But notice that Habituation is Stimulus-Specific!!! This rules out Motor Fatigue as an explanation of the
decrease in responding. But what about Sensory Adaptation???
PSY 402 Theories of Learning

Slide 9

Chapter 4 Theories of

Non-associative Learning: Dishabituation Dishabituation Recovery in responsiveness to an already habituated stimulus.

Presenting a Tone stimulus causes the rat to startle. But repeated presentations of this Tone results in progressively less
startle responding. Michael Davis: Studied Startle responding in the rat

Slide 10

Psychology 2250 Last Class

Characteristics of Habituation

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Presentation "Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510 Spring, 2015 Professor Delamater."

22/04/16 2:21 p.m.

and Sensitization -time

course -stimulus-specificity

Non-associative Learning: Dishabituation Dishabituation Recovery in responsiveness to an already habituated stimulus.

-effects of strong extraneous

Is this due to Habituation, Sensory Adaptation, or Motor Fatigue? The Startle response recovers on a test trial when Light

stimuli (dishabituation)

is presented just before the Tone. The Light stimulus dishabituates the rats startle response to Tone. This rules out
sensory adaptation, as well as motor fatigue. Michael Davis: Studied Startle responding in the rat

Slide 11
Lecture 20: Extinction
(Pavlovian & Instrumental)

Non-associative Learning: Short vs Long- Term Habituation Dishabituation Recovery in responsiveness to an already
habituated stimulus. Tones presented once a day produces lasting long term habituation. Tones presented every 3 s
produces deeper habituation. But this does not last until the next day short term habituation (shows spontaneous

Learning, Psychology 5310

Spring, 2015 Professor

recovery). Short ISI leads to good short term habituation, but long ISI leads to good long term habituation. Leaton (1976)
Experiment: Studied Startle responding in the rat FIGURE 2.10 Startle response of rats to a tone presented once a day in
Phase 1, every 3 seconds in Phase 2, and once a day in Phase 3. (Based on Long-Term Retention of the Habituation of
Lick Suppression and Startle Response Produced by a Single Auditory Stimulus, by R.N. Leaton, 1976, Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 2, pp. 248 259.)
PSY402 Theories of Learning

Slide 12

Monday January 13, 2003.

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization Sensitization Increase in responsiveness to a stimulus when the stimulus is
presented in an arousing context. Tones presented in a relatively quite environment undergo habituation. Tones
presented in a noisy environment undergoes sensitization. Davis (1974) Experiment: Studied Startle responding in the
rat FIGURE 2.11 Magnitude of the startle response of rats to successive presentations of a tone with a background noise

Learning Part I Learning

of 60 or 80 dB. (Based on Sensitization of the Rat Startle Response by Noise, by M. Davis, 1974, Journal of Comparative

Classical Conditioning. Study

and Physiological Psychology, 87, pp. 571581.)

of learning Learning:
process by which long-

Slide 13

lasting changes occur in

knowledge/behavior as a

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization Sensitization Increase in responsiveness to a stimulus when the stimulus is
presented in an arousing context. The Tone produces more startle responding when it follows a Shock than when
presented alone. The shock potentiates the startle response to the Tone probably because it arouses the rat. Davis:
Studied Potentiated Startle responding in the rat Experimental Procedure: Present Tone and measure startle responding
Present Foot Shock, then Tone and measure startle responding

1 Learning. 2 A relatively
permanent change in
behavior due to experience.
This definition has three

Slide 14

aspects: 1)It is a change in

behavior for better.

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization Habituation & Sensitization processes both can affect responding at the same
time. Habituation in the human infant Experimental Procedure: Present visual stimuli that vary in complexity and
measure Looking time.
PSY 402 Theories of Learning

Slide 15

Chapter 3 Nuts and Bolts of

Conditioning (Mechanisms of
Classical Conditioning)

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization Habituation & Sensitization processes both can affect responding at the same
time. Looking time steadily decreases over trials as the infant habituates to the visual stimulus. Looking time first
increases to the complex stimulus (sensitization) before it decreases (habituation). Habituation in the human infant
(Bashinski, Werner, & Rudy, 1985) Experimental Procedure: Present visual stimuli that vary in complexity and measure
Looking time.
Eric Kandel Irving

Slide 16

Kupfermann Susan Iversen.

Learning is the process by
which we acquire knowledge
about the world Memory is

Non-associative Learning: Dual Process Theory (Groves & Thompson, 1970) Habituation & Sensitization processes both

the process by which.

can affect responding at the same time. S-R System:Habituation (processing of information from sensory to motor
neurons) State System:Sensitization (general process that can influence many neural pathways) Habituation should be
stimulus specific Sensitization should be stimulus general because it relies on a general state system

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Presentation "Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510 Spring, 2015 Professor Delamater."

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22/04/16 2:21 p.m.

Siegel, 1976 Demonstration

of addiction, tolerance and
withdrawal or Cues are

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization and Dishabituation Compared Dishabituation & Sensitization both increase
responding. Do they have a common underlying substrate, e.g., arousal? Hypothesis: If they have a common underlying
substrate, then whenever one occurs the other should also occur. Marcus, Nolen, Rankin, & Carew (1988) Aplysia Study
Gill Withdrawal Response habituates, Dishabituates, and sensitizes But they have different developmental onsets That
means dishabituation can occur without sensitization, so they must rely on different underlying substrates.

Slide 18

Chapter 4 Classical
Conditioning: Mechanisms
What makes effective
conditioned and

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization and Dishabituation Compared Dishabituation & Sensitization both increase

unconditioned stimuli? What

responding. Do they have a common underlying substrate, e.g., arousal? Hypothesis: If they have a common underlying

determines the nature of the

substrate, then whenever one occurs the other should also occur. Whitlow (1975) Rabbit Study Vasoconstriction


measured in response to different tone stimuli Less responding to Event 2 on Same than Different trials indicates
habituation Trial TypeEvent 1Event 2 A ATone 1Tone 1 B BTone 2Tone 2 A BTone 1Tone 2 B ATone 2Tone 1 }
Same Trials } Different Trials

Slide 19

LEARNING Have to start here!.

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization and Dishabituation Compared Dishabituation & Sensitization both increase
responding. Do they have a common underlying substrate, e.g., arousal? Hypothesis: If they have a common underlying
substrate, then whenever one occurs the other should also occur. Whitlow (1975) Rabbit Study Vasoconstriction
measured in response to different tone stimuli Less responding to Event 2 on Same than Different trials indicates
habituation More responding to Event 2 on Same + distractor than Same trials indicates dishabituation Equal responding
to Event 2 on Diff + distractor and Diff trials shows NO sensitization Trial TypeEvent 1Event 2 A ATone 1Tone 1 B
BTone 2Tone 2 A BTone 1Tone 2 B ATone 2Tone 1 A-x-ATone 1xTone 1 B-x-BTone 2xTone 2 A-x-BTone 1xTone 2
B-x-ATone 2xTone 1 } Same Trials } Different Trials } Same Trials + distractor } Different Trials + distractor

Chapter 2: Elicited behavior,

Habituation, and
sensitization Elicited Behavior
behavior is a reaction to a
stimulus in the environment.
Food salivation.

Slide 20

Non-associative Learning: Sensitization and Dishabituation Compared Dishabituation & Sensitization both increase
responding. Do they have a common underlying substrate, e.g., arousal? Hypothesis: If they have a common underlying

Dr. Steven I. Dworkin Elicited

substrate, then whenever one occurs the other should also occur. Whitlow (1975) Rabbit Study Results: Dishabituation

Behavior and Classical

can occur without Sensitization, indicating that These two processes must rely on different underlying substrates Trial

Conditioning Chapter 3.

TypeEvent 1Event 2 A ATone 1Tone 1 B BTone 2Tone 2 A BTone 1Tone 2 B ATone 2Tone 1 A-x-ATone 1xTone 1
B-x-BTone 2xTone 2 A-x-BTone 1xTone 2 B-x-ATone 2xTone 1 } Same Trials } Different Trials } Same Trials +
distractor } Different Trials + distractor

Slide 21
6.1 What are the three ways
we learn? 6.2 How do we

Non-associative Learning Involving Complex Emotional Stimuli Solomon and Corbit (1974): Opponent Process Theory

learn by classical

Two opposing processes combine to produce an overall emotional effect, but one of these processes (the opponent b

conditioning? 6.3 How do we

process) change over time and the other (a process) does not. This leads to a decreased emotional response when

learn by operant

stimulus occurs, but a lasting opponent response when the stimulus is removed. Initial Exposure to DrugAfter Repeated

conditioning? 6.4 How do we

Exposures to Drug

learn by.

Download "Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510 Spring, 2015 Professor Delamater."

Lecture 6 LEARNING Visiting
Assistant PROFESSOR YEESAN TEOH Department of
Psychology National Taiwan
University Unless noted, the

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Presentation "Lecture 3: Non-associative Learning Learning, Psychology 3510 Spring, 2015 Professor Delamater."

22/04/16 2:21 p.m.

Lecture 18&19: Stimulus

Control (Pavlovian &
Instrumental) Learning,
Psychology 5310 Spring,
2015 Professor Delamater.

Learning A relatively
permanent change in
knowledge or behavior that
results from experience.

Chapter 6 Non-Associative
Learning: Learning about
Repeated Events.

The Modification of
Instinctive Behavior Chapter

PSY 402 Theories of Learning

Chapter 9 Motivation.

Lectures 5&6: Pavlovian

Conditioning (Basic Concepts
& Generality) Learning,
Psychology 5310 Spring,
2015 Professor Delamater.

Chapter 6 Learning 2014

W. W. Norton & Company,
Inc. Sarah Grison Todd
Heatherton Michael
Gazzaniga Psychology in

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