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May 2016 & friend us on facebook at John-Paul Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran and St. John Lutheran, Lakeside-Marblehead, Ohio

From Pastor Chris Celebrating Successes

Sometimes I get so focused on what I need to tackle next on my To Do list, that I forget to take a moment to
breathe and be thankful for what has been accomplished. Celebrating Successes was the theme I was given for our
last Home Run Parenting session. What I found in my preparation is that we have a God who loves to celebrate and
be celebrated.
The Bible is full of festivals and commands from God to take time to celebrate and rejoice.
Psalm 118:24 - 24This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Luke 15:6 - 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.
Luke 15:32 - But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost
and has been found.'"
Romans 12:12 - 12Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
Rejoicing and celebrating isnt always easy. Its hard to find something to celebrate when we are overwhelmed and falling
short in our responsibilities. It is hard to rejoice when we are the recipients of someones anger or abuse. It is hard to smile
and give thanks when we face a terminal illness or the death of a loved one. And yet, God is clear in his call to us to trust, in
the midst of difficulties, this Savior who gives everything for our sake, so that we all might find joy on the other side of the
cross. And that is where we stand today. In the grace and mercy and love and joy and reconciliation of Christ, our risen
Lord. What deserves more celebrating than that?
Sodont miss it. Dont miss celebrating both the big and the small stuffgraduations, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays,
and also, a smile from your grandchild, a hug from a friend, laundry done and folded, the car washed, a flower in bloom, a
meal shared, Sunday worship, the air we breathe, running water, a sunset, a sunrise. Take time to celebrate by flying a kite,
going fishing, sharing a popsicle, chasing bubbles, eating jelly beans, coloring a picture together, a cup of mocha latte, a silent prayer, a dance of praise, an anonymous gift, a visit to a shut-in, digging in the dirt of a garden. Amen

Couple Check-Up (Enriching Marriage)

In a society where families are being pulled from every direction, there is a great stress on
couples, and it becomes more and more difficult to live in a healthy relationship centered in
faith. The church is in a position to offer opportunities to strengthen and grow relationships in
hope that families can remain intact, and faith in God can lead the way to joy in life.
Goals are to provide opportunity for strengthening personal and family relationship with
God; provide opportunity for strengthening a couples relationship with each other (Keep healthy
relationships healthy, give hope to relationships that are struggling). Pastor Chris is looking for 35 couples that would be interested in being part of a small group enrichment. This would involve
reading the book Couple Check-Up, taking an on-line survey, and participating in 6-8 one-hour
sessions with the group. Please contact Pastor Chris if you would like more information. or 419-635-6062)


May 2016

Special Events
All Sons and
Pentecost Monday Sunset Cruise

Daughters Banquet

Monday, May 16th, 6-8 pm

The Banquet will be held on Sunday,

May 1st at 5 pm at St. Paul. Women
from St. John and St. Paul and their
guests are welcome. The program
will be The Edison Sound Dimension
Show Choir. The dinner will be
served by Averys in Marblehead.
The menu is Ham, Smoked Gouda
Cheese Potatoes, Peas, Garden Salad, Roll and Butter, Beverages,
Cookies and Cupcakes. Tickets are
$10.00 and are available.

Tibbels Marina, $10 each, limited space

Sign up on the events board or call the church office to
reserve your place. Many thanks to Kay Tibbels and
family for helping us revive an old local tradition found
by our Archive Committee in a newspaper article dated
June 2, 1884, which read in part, The steamer Hayes
appeared on her route again Thursday with a new coat
of paint. She will probably have a large crowd of Danburians on board today as it is Pentecost Monday ...



We will celebrate confirmation at St. Paul on

Sunday, May 15th, at 10:30 worship.
Reception to follow.

Wednesday, May 18th,

7:00 pm, at St. Paul
Lutheran, Danbury.

Graduation Reception

Blessing Cup Team Training and Update Dinner

Monday, May 23, 5:00 pm at St. Paul
All current team members and new team members are invited
to come celebrate the visitation ministry we do together, to
pray for Gods vision, and to share ideas for upcoming visits.
Please let Marge Bridgett or Pastor Chris know if you can come,
or if you have any questions.

Graduates are invited to be

present for special recognition on May 22nd, at St. John
and St. Paul Sunday worship. Please let the church
offices know about any
graduates from the congregations and their families,
including both high school
and college.


May 2016

Listening Post You are invited to our second Listening Post for congregational input on the marriage policy
for our congregations (facilitator, Cathy Schibler, Assistant to the Bishop) on May 25, 6:30, at St. Paul. Our first
Listening Post was well received with 25 in attendance. The atmosphere was open and safe, and welcoming of all
thoughts. Our current marriage policy reads:
C9.03 Each ordained minister shall, within the congregation, offer instruction, confirm, marry, visit the sick and distressed, and bury the dead
Because the current policy in our constitutions denotes one should be within meaning a member of the congregation for the Pastor to preside, and it does not specify gender, there is some thought the policy may not need to be
changed. (The council is currently required to approve any weddings of non-members, which is something many, including the Pastor, did not realize.) Our third and last Listening Post will be held June 1, 6:30, and will also include a
congregational meeting and vote on policy. You must be present to vote. If a quorum is not present, the vote will be
moved to another date, to be determined.

Bible & Discipleship Studies

1.) Adult Bible Study, St. Paul, Sundays at 9 am. We are studying The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg. Helen Stines, teacher.
2). Womens Bible Studies (WELCA All women are invited to participate! )
St. John Women meet on Wednesday, May 11th, 2:00 pm
St. Paul Women will meet Thursday, May 19th at 1:00 pm
3.) Weekly Wednesday Bible Study Meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am at St. Paul. All Ladies are welcome. We are continuing our study of the Gospel of John. In the fall we are planning to study Honoring our Neighbors Faith.
4.) Mens Bible Study Unusual Questions starting at 8:00 am Saturday May 7th at St Paul and May 21st at St. John. Breakfast,
fellowship, and Bible study f or all the guys and your friends. We will study how the Gospel of John is different from the other three
5.) Daniel Plan Meets every Wednesday at 5:30 pm at St. Paul. We will not be meeting May 18th.

Directory Updates
St John


St Paul




Goff, Amanda


3859 Oak Harbor Rd Fremont OH 43420-9381

Mangus, Bob


2392 Hearth Hill Ln Wadsworth OH 44281-7831

White, Nate/Jullian Miles


First name is Jullian


May 2016

Side-by-Side Youth Page

Youth Mission Trip

Graduation Plans

Camp Friendship @ Peace Luth. Church

June 11-14

If you have a son or daughter graduating from High School or

College, please let us know at the church office so they can
be listed in the next newsletter. All parents, grandparents,
aunts, uncles, and anyone else may contact us to give us their
names, where they are graduating from, and their degree.
Can you tell us what their plans are also? (By May 15th)

Home Run Parenting

Monday, May 16, 6-8 pm at Ida Rupp Library
OutfieldPreparing for the Future
Come for a family meal, children and family activities, growth and learning for parents. This
session will be led by Ida Rupp Library staff and
offer ways to make reading an exciting part of
your family. To register, please call Heartbeat at


Gahanna, Ohio
Cost $50 each
Youth 14 years and older are invited to
accompany children with handicaps in
their camp experience. Let Pastor Chris
know ASAP if you are interested.

Sunday School News and Picnic

Breakfast will be served to all Sunday School youth
attending Sunday School on May 8th. We hope to see
everyone there!
May 22nd will be the last day of Sunday School. During Sunday School time we will have a fun morning,
playing games and celebrating the end of a very successful Sunday School year. Following worship Sunday
School will be hosting the end of the month meal. Families are invited to stay for worship and help with the
picnic after Sunday service. Hot dogs, hamburgers,
buns, drinks and paper products will be provided. Desserts and side dishes are requested for our picnic!

VBS 2016 - Something New & Exciting

Summer Bible Camp will be held the week of
June 27 July 1st! We will be joining St. John
Lutheran Church in Port Clinton for a fun filled
week of learning! This is the one week of the
summer where there is programming for all
ages from the youngest through high school.
Ages 2entering Kindergarten in the fall, 9
Grades completed Kindergarten5th, 9 am
3 pm.
Middle School and Older, 5 pm8 pm, Monday through Thursday, Includes Free Supper!
Please contact Chrissy French or Church Office
for registration, or see flyer included in this

Confirmation Class
Classes meet Sundays at 9:00 a.m.,
Wednesdays May 4 and 11 at 6:00-7:00 pm:
Side-by-Side Jr. High Youth
Wednesdays at 7:00-7:30 pm
***Sunday. May 15th, Confirmation and Pentecost
Those affirming their baptism through confirmation include
Abby Cameron, Nicki Geller, Larisa Kerik, Maddie Harris,
Daniel Lambert, Natalie Lambert, Brendon Mullins, and
Matthew Seamon.


May 2016

Letter from Trinitity Lutheran Seminary, Re: Internship

Dear Pastor Young and members of St John & St Paul Lutheran Churches,
I value your partnership in the Gospel and the task of mentoring new leaders for the church. Trinitys ongoing relationship
through internship is something we treasure as you provide a setting for the important process of contextualizing a students learning and formation as a future rostered public minister of the church at work in the world. Your application for
an intern to serve and learn with you 2016/18 was received with appreciation and recognition of the value of the setting
and leadership you could provide. We regret that we were unable to match an intern with your congregation for this coming year. Realizing the value of your ministry and your interest in partnering with Trinity Lutheran Seminary in the contextual education process, it is my prayerful hope and expectation that we will work together in the future in the internship program. As was mentioned at the Meet & Greet, we had a few more Supervisors and sites in the process than students who
needed placements. This was true across all the ELCA seminaries, where there were fifty more sites than there were students to place. This was a closer ratio than the 2015-2016 cohorts but still a significant imbalance. I shared your applications with Contextual Education colleagues from the other seminaries and you will be contacted by them if they see a potential match for one of their students. Please accept my sincerest apologies for the delay of this information.
In Christs service with you, Sister Becky Swanson, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Director of Contextual Education

Serving in Christs Name

Noisy Offering on May 8St. John Lutheran Church, Port Clinton, for VBS, to which we have been invited. Thank you!
Blessing Cup Teams All team members and others who are interested in joining the blessing of being part of our visitation ministry, please come to a dinner and information session on Monday, May 23rd, 5:00 pm at St. Paul. Our team has a vision of growing in
number and lowering the number of visits each group currently makes. The next visits will be in June, with consecration of communion elements on May 29th.

Celebration Chorus - Practice each Wednesday at 7 pm. All are welcome! Last practice before summer is May 4th.
Community Garden - We will be planting the Shared Crops of the garden Tuesday May 10th (9 am1pm) and Saturday
May 14th (9am2pm). All are welcome to help. There is still family garden space available. Please contact Emily Kihlken
for further information; 314-517-2402 or

All Council NightCouncil Meeting will be held on the third Thursday, May 19th at St. Paul. pm, St. Paul Council meets at 6:15 pm,
and St. John Council meets at 7:00 pm.
Prayer Shawl Ministry for St. Paul and St. John Will meet Wednesday, May 4th at 10:00 am at St. Paul.
Prayer ChainPlease contact St. Paul office (419-734-1662), and information will be forwarded to prayer chains. God promises that
our prayers are heard! If you would like to be added to the prayer chain, please contact Deb at St. Paul.
Outreach Ministry(Supporting Native African Pastors) For info. go to (Welcome. to Home).
Not Older, Just Better The "Not Older just Better" lunch is meeting at 11:30 am at "P.J.'s" (at Firelands) on May 9th.
Call Marge at 419-798-8816 if you have questions or need a ride.
Danbury Food PantryIf you would like to volunteer at the Pantry, come to St. Paul at 8 AM on Saturday, May 21st. If you have any
questions call Jan Hirt 419-732-2703 or Rev. Janine Dress 419-265-7298. This month St. Paul is to donate macaroni & cheese, and
St. John is to donate canned soup.

LawnmowersThank you for all who responded to help with this service. Steve has a schedule posted.
NWO Synod AssemblyMay 19-21 in Bowling Green. St. John delegates are Linda Otermat and Bill Smith. St. Paul delegates
are Chris and Helmi Freeh. Please keep our Synods work together in prayer, as we answer the call to be Gods Work. Our Hands.


May 2016

St. john beacon light

For MAY, 2016
St. John Council Highlights
Council met at St. Paul with 7 in attendance.
The officers reports were read and approved.
We had thank you letters from Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio and the NOW Synod for our monetary support this past year.
Council voted to participate in the Christmas Child project again this year.
We learned that we will not be getting an intern for the upcoming year.
We will be having Sundaes on Saturday again this year.
It was discovered that our annual meeting date is conflicting with Synod Assembly so we changed it to May
22nd. Committee reports will be due for that meeting. Save the date!

General Operating Fund


$ 3,924.00
$ 5,373.16
$ (1,449.16)
Special dates:



Russ & Linda Merckens



Jim Ruth


Patrice Lee


Jason & Julianne Lee


Jane Kemp


Ann Rust


Paul & Patrice Lee


Jackson Lee


Shannon Prokop


Ron & Sue DeWalt


Samantha Lee

c. The treasurer, who keeps a record of the financial transactions.

The officers shall serve for one year; not more than two
consecutive terms in one office.

The following is a continuation from the 1959 Altar Guild

Constitution of St. John Lutheran Church, Marblehead,
Ottawa County, Ohio

Section 5: The Rules

Section 2: The officers

b. To launder and care for communion and altar linens.

The officers shall consist of a president and secretary/


c. To prepare the altar and chancel for worship.

a. The president, who supervises the work of the guild.

a. Two members shall serve each week; serving from Saturday thru Friday.

Section 6: Meetings

The Guild shall conduct monthly meeting on the first Monb. The secretary, who keeps a record of the work and pro- day of the month at 7:30 pm.


May 2016

St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger

March 2016 budget highlights: General Funds Income $14,320.31 Restricted Funds Income $1,727.98
Expense $11,133.23
Expense $303.02
Highlights of April 21 Council meeting:
-Matt Seamon motioned for St. Paul to participate in Operation Christmas Child in 2016. We will be a collection site for this, overseen by Jean Rhodes. Seconded by Kirk Gangl. Motion Carried.
-Natalie Lambert presented her faith story to council. She chose Exodus 14:14. Daniel Lambert also presented his faith story. He
chose Philippians 4:13. Kirk Gangl motioned to recommend Natalie Lambert and Daniel Lambert as confirmed members of St. Paul
Lutheran Church. Seconded by Crystal Chapman. Motion Carried.
-St. Paul Council will meet with the remaining confirmation students following worship on April 24, 2016 to hear their faith stories
and make recommendations for confirmation. St. Paul Council met with the following confirmation students who presented their
faith stories: Larissa Kerik chose the Bible verse Ecclesiastes 3:2-8. Abby Cameron chose the Bible verse Psalm 46:1. Matt Seamon chose a Bible verse from Deuteronomy. Maddie Harris chose two Bible verses, Luke 1:37 and Philippians 4:13. Nicki Geller
chose the Bible verse Romans 5:8. Brendon Mullins was unable to attend and his faith story was read by Nicki Geller. Shirley
LaCumsky motioned to recommend the above mentioned youth as confirmed members of St. Paul Lutheran Church. Seconded by
Jim Deer. Motion Carried.
-Matt Seamon motioned for a lease to be required for all renters that live in the parsonage. The lease will be presented for council
approval on April 24, 2016. Once a lease is approved by council, outlining the terms of the rental agreement, Wendy Eller, current
tenant of the parsonage, will need to sign the lease. Seconded by Kirk Gangl. Motion Carried.
-St. Paul is in need of a Sunday School Superintendent and a minimum of two teachers for fall. Ideally, three teachers are needed
to effectively divide the students into age groups. May 22nd will be St. Pauls Sunday School last day for the year. A potluck picnic
will follow worship on this day.
-A congregational meeting will be held on May 15th to discuss funding options for Sanctuary Renovations.
-Louise Rogers invites council and any members of the congregation to take a tour of the organ. This will take place on June 5,
2016 following worship.

Please remember in your prayers:

Barb Agne, Barb Batcha, Cleo Bodi, SuAnn
Boss, Karen Carpenter, Gary Cover, Carole
Covey, Rebecca Dress, Betty Dubbert, Joan
Harris, David Heinzl, Bill Hirt, Nelf Kimerline,
Joyce Linder, Rev. Sarah MacDonald, Alice
Peroni, Kathy Stine, Sarah Tanner, Pat Thursby, Gordon Wahlers, Sally Willis. We pray for
family and friends in the armed forces.
June 5, 2016. Organ Tour. Have you ever
wondered how the pipe organ works? After
worship on June 5th Louise Rogers is conducting an organ tour. Stay after worship in
the Sanctuary, and we will begin with the
blower in the basement. Then come up to
the organ chamber. Louise will explain how
it works and try to answer any questions you
might have.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

May 1stAll Daughters and Sons Dinner at 5 pm. A Ham dinner is on the
menu. Tickets $10 by April 24th. The Edison Sound Dimension Show Choir
will provide the program.
May 15thA cake in recognition of Confirmands after church.
May 19thThe regular meeting and Bible Study will be at 1:00 pm. The
Bible study will be from the Gather magazine. Mary Sennich will be hostess. All women are invited.
May 22ndA cake in recognition of graduates after church.
-The Monthly Project Contributions for May are: Macaroni & cheese
the Food Pantry; Pencil sharpeners, 30 cent. rulers for the School kits; and
Baby sweaters, jackets or sweatshirts with hood or cap the Baby Care kits.

I would like to thank everyone for the cake and card reception after Church
on April 17th. Thank you for all your well wishes, kind words and gifts. It's
always good to know when you are appreciated. Actually I lied IN CHURCH
when I said that Deb would do fine. Actually she will be outstanding as
church secretary. Please give her your support. Again Thanks, Louise


May 2016

St. Paul May Special Dates


Wedding Anniversary

1 Nicky Upson, Charles Fannin

1 Joel & Dawn Lowien, Kurri & Chantel Lewis

2 Zachery Rayle, DJ Coles

7 Michael & Stephanie Kovach

4 Gerald Mahler, Cassandra Warren,

15 Robert & Randi Miller

Abbey Schwartz

21 Todd & Stacey Johannsen

5 Kelley Sotak, Alandra Willis, Candace Geller

22 Joseph & Kelley Sotak, Charles & Beth DeLuca

7 Louise Rogers, Makenzie Wheeler, Ruth Scott,

28 Bill & Crystal Chapman

Mary Sennich

Baptismal Anniversary

8 Cassandra Mullins

1 Sheila Dress

9 Amanda Goff

2 Bradley Biers, Mason Kihlken

10 Coni Ann Limpert

6 Valo Lewis

12 Mike Kovach

8 Courtney KIhlken

13 Kaitlyn Mackey, Sophia Glovinsky

12 Emmett Mackey

16 Emilie Salyers

23 Addison Urban

14 Brett Pahl

17 Patric Uhinck

24 Natalie Carraway

17 Evelyn Bodi, Lydia Lammers

18 Dawn Lowien

25 David Heinzl, Erin Steinbrick

18 Ryan French, Dakota Mackey

19 Janet Strauss

Kennedy Goff, Parker Boss

20 Benjamin Lowien

25 Jase Covey

20 Jon Koch

26 Lisa Dayton, Kayla Lucas

21 Sarah Boss

26 Matthew Seamon

21 Mike Beasley

27 Marian Sandvick, Jane Sandvick

23 Denise Coles

30 Jackie Grosswiler

22 Lori Urban, Chris Steinbrick

29 Rachel Fannin

Laker 5K Glow Run/Walk

From Mothers
Day through
Fathers Day

June 18 at dusk beginning and ending at Danbury

High School. Cost to run or walk is $20. For more
information on participating or if you would like
to volunteer, see Crystal Chapman. This event is
to benefit the Danbury Laker Athletic Boosters.


May 2016

Mutual Ministries
May 1

May 8

May 15

May 22

May 29


Nicki Geller

Nicki Geller

Betsy Deer

Nicki Geller

Nicki Geller


Shirley LaCumsky

Jim Deer

Chrissy French

Chris Freeh

Helen Stines


Shirley LaCumsky

Nicki Geller

Chrissy French

Tammy Davis Shirley

ConiAnn Limpert

Candace Geller

Tammy Davis

Deb White


Mike Hamann


Zeke French

Nolan Chapman

Heather Lambert

Abby Walker

Larisa Kerik

Ginny Cameron

Justin Tibbels

Mason French

Will Tibbels

Nicki Geller

Confirmation Reception

Grad Rec & SS Picnic


Steeple Lighting
Perpetual Light
Assisting Minister Jim Deer
Chrissy French
Altar Guild

Trish Ahrens
Betsy Deer


Tammy Davis
Fran Chapman

Family Care Team

St. John and St. Paul have approved the organization of a Family Care Team to assist Pastor Chris in watching over the needs of our congregations. An on-call staff list of 2-3 people will be created which may include
both ordained clergy and qualified lay persons. Pastor Chris may call on this staff as the need arises for extra
help. This on-call staff will be called on for help with hospital and other visitation of the sick, and also for
help with the care of families during times of death, including the actual funeral service, if necessary. The
councils are working hard to ensure that Pastor begins to receive the equivalent of 2 days off per week,
which is not possible without extra help. The councils have set a maximum budget of $1,800, paid by the
congregation for which the needs arise. Other ways of supporting Pastor Chris and our congregations will
continue to be actively researched. Your thoughts are welcome. See a member of our Pastor Support Team
which includes Ruth Scott, Jim Deer, Maryanne Laubner, and Glenn Beachy.


May 2016


May 2016

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