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Lima, May 2.- Last Thursday, April 28, the Program Integrity in Climate Finances presented the
study "REDD+ safeguards implementation in Peru: FCPF, FIP and JDI1 with Norway and Germany
study case", this study aims to analyze Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) safeguards
standards with the safeguards presented by the Peruvian government to the FCPF, FIP and JDI-
Norway and Germany funds. In addition, REDD+ safeguards implementation status in Peru was
evaluated like REDD+ funds processes interaction in the country.
The meeting was attended by Gustavo Suarez de Freitas, Director of the National Forests
Conservation Program (PNBCC for its abbreviation in Spanish), agency responsible for REDD+ in
the country; Lucas Doujoreani, in charge of REDD+ safeguards, Jorge Torres, in charge of the
financial mechanism for REDD+; Roxana Ramos, in charge of the project support JDI-Norway;
Liliana Lozano, in charge of the project DGM2 SAWETO (FIP indigenous peoples mechanism) and
Dave Pogois, in charge of UN-REDD at the Peruvian UNDP office.
As part of the conclusions of the study it is mentioned that the ER-PIN, R-PP and PI-FIP documents
show a lack of interaction among safeguards instruments. In addition, we have outdated
schedules, unclear processes of participation and actors involvement. Likewise the study
mentions the documents that address very generally the safeguards instrument concepts of SESA3,
ESMF4 and SIP5, although these concepts framework can be found in the FCPF and FIP
implementation guide.

Joint Declaration of Intend.

Dedicated Grant Mechanism.
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment.
Environmental and Social Management Framework.
Stakeholder Involvement Plan.

The study's main recommendations:
- Creation of a REDD+ and Forest Management Working Group, which works as a space of decision
making and has the presence of public institutions representatives with decision-making power
from the following Ministries: Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Ministry of Environment
(MINAM), Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI), Vice Ministry of Culture (VIC), the
National Audit Office (CGR), Office of the Ombudsman (DP) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(MRREE). Furthermore, it should involve decision-makers of indigenous organizations like AIDESEP,
CONAP, two representatives of regional REDD+ roundtables, a representative of the REDD+ Group
and a representative of the private sector.
-Promoting public access information mechanisms on the PNCBB website to show the progress or
to help redesign REDD+ funds processes. Clarity in the spending, disaggregate by REDD+ funds
component and by product requested and / or paid under the execution of these. Consider a
biannual update.
- Updating FCPF and PI-FIP documents; especially regarding the SESA and ESMF that should be
done in an open space of discussion involving different actors of civil society, public sector and
indigenous peoples. In addition, the SESA and ESMF should serve not only for funds applications
but to support the identification of solutions to activities that put pressure on forests.
This study is part of the Integrity in Climate Finances program which aims to improve governance
in climate funds for REDD+ by identifying corruption risks during the design and implementation of
documents and / or instruments requested by the JDI with Norway and Germany and the National
Strategy for Forests and Climate Change.

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