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My opponents boys indeed need an enabling person.

There are different stages of right in the homes the mothers and the fathers are
the main role models . In the school were the teachers are there guidance . In
the work place were the boss is the mentor and the co-worker is your enabling
hand .
Boys need motivation, boys need guidance, boys need help in developing there god
giving talents.
To successfully go through the stages of development and ultimately contribute
positively towards nation building
Being a boy can be a serious liability in todays classroom. As a group, boys are
noisy, rowdy and hard to manage. As my first speaker pointed out it is due to
serotonin, that causes many are messy, disorganized and difficult to sit still, leads
teachers to underestimate their intellectual and academic abilities. Don't u think
boys need help? Girl behavior is the gold standard in schools, says psychologist
Michael Thompson. Boys are treated like defective girls. These defective girls
are not faring well academically Most females are performing better than boys
without assistance.....
Also the females can conform to rules and regulations outlined to them.... While
the boys most time find it hard as my team mate mention earlier girls mature faster
than boys.....this goes to show that they need guidance ......
Compared with girls, boys earn lower grades, win fewer honors and are less likely
to go to college. Some might say that there are some boys will get, it right but a
very few. One education expert Wintery Knight has remarked that if current trends
continue, the last male will graduate from college in 2068. In todays knowledgebased economy, success in the classroom has never been more crucial to a young

persons life prospects. Women are adapting; men are not. 62% of the work force
is made up of women .Females are now perusing male oriented careers while men
are smoking, drinking, not going to class and the Majority are in prison while,
Between the ages of 17 and 26 are killed .....Prime university years.

35% of boys don't graduate from high school.... It is quite evident that boys have
fell down in the guts of educational and social status. Evidence is shown for as low
as our basic school to as far as our tertiary institution....
Some may say, Too bad for the boys. The ability to regulate ones impulses, sit
and pay attention are building blocks of success in school and in life. As one critic
said, the classroom is no more rigged against boys than workplaces are rigged
against lazy or unfocused workers. That is absurd: unproductive workers are adults
not 5- and 6-year-old boys who depend on us to learn how to become
Productive men. If boys are restless and unfocused, we must look for ways to help
them do better. Boys need help to get it right. Look at our Jamaica men that got
help in getting it right for example Usain Bolt sprinter, how had received help from
both his parents. If boys are constantly subject to disapproval for their interests and
enthusiasms, they are likely to become disengaged and lag further behind. Our
schools need to work with, not against, the kinetic imaginations of boys to move
them toward becoming educated young men, Say Dr. Christian Hoff Sommers .
Yohan Blake sprinter. Jimmy Cliff the musician. P.J. Patterson the politician.
Marcus Garvey our national hero how had his family . Victor Stafford Reid author,
borack obama when it was his mother All world class successful men.
Boys need help to be successful.

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