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LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 1
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


1. Stretching cervical flexion

Sit tall and clasp your hands behind your head.

With your hands, move your head down to bring your head towards your chest until
you feel a stretch behind your neck and upper back.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

2. Shoulder self-mobilization

Sit in a chair and hook your fingers under the edge.

Gently lean away from the stabilized arm until a stretch is felt.
Use your body weight and keep the arm relaxed.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

3. Neck/UB stretching

Standing or seated, give yourself a hug.

Gently bring your chin to your chest.
You should feel a nice stretch, not pain.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Sit up straight in a chair and look directly ahead of you.

Tuck your chin in without tilting your head down.
Return your head to the original position.

4. Chin tuck

Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

5. Shoulder mob./strength.

Stand upright and move the shoulders upward, downward, forward and backward.
Hold the contraction for the prescribed time.
Do not move the head as you do the movements.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 2
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


6. Passive shoulder ext. rot.

Stand in a doorway with your elbow against your body and your hand against the
edge of the wall.
Pull the tip of your shoulder backwards and turn your body the opposite way until
you feel a stretch in your shoulder.
Maintain the position, keeping your elbow against your body and relax.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Stand or sit on the floor with back and buttocks against the wall. Place your head
(chin in), your shoulders, elbows and wrists against the wall with shoulders and
elbows at 90 degrees.
Keeping the entire body in contact with the wall, slowly slide your arms upward
along the wall.
Breath normally during movement and slowly return to the initial position.

7. Wall slide

Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

8. Assisted shoulder abduction

Stand and hold a stick with both of your hands, keeping your arms at your sides.
Pull the tip of your shoulders backwards and raise your arm to the side by using the
unaffected arm to swing the stick upwards and sideways away from your body.
Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

9. Assisted shoulder ext., stick

Stand straight with your chin tucked in holding a stick.

Place your affected arm along your side and the other arm straight in front.
Pull the tip of your shoulder backward and push on the stick to raise your injured
arm back as high as you can.
Maintain the position, lower your arm and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

10. Assisted shoulder flexion

Stand with a stick in both hands, palms up.

With the uninjured arm, assist the injured arm up towards the ceiling,
keeping the arm perpendicular to the body.
Move through the full range of motion.
Return and repeat.
Make sure all movement is coming from lifting the uninjured arm.

Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 3
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


11. Assisted shoulder extension

Stand and hold a stick behind your back with both hands.
Pull the tip of your shoulder backwards and lift the stick up towards your shoulders
by bending your elbows.
The strongest arm can assist the affected arm.
Lower the stick slowly and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

12. Lower trapezius activation

Lying prone, arms abducted 90 degrees, squeeze the scapula back and down
towards your opposite back pocket.
Keep your upper back (trapezius/rhomboids) relaxed and your thumbs toward the
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

13. Elastic pull down

Stand in a good upright posture, knees slightly bent, lower core engaged,
breastbone lifted, chin tucked to neutral, and hold this posture throughout the
exercise. Do not let the chin poke.
Hold the ends of the elastic, with the elbows straight and palms facing down.
Initiate the motion with the shoulder blades, opening up through the front of the
shoulders, drawing the blades backward. Do not shrug.
Then slowly pull the arms down to your sides, not behind.
Pause at the end of the movement, then slowly return to the starting position.
Concentrate on the pattern of the movement controlling your head and neck posture
before increasing the resistance.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

14. Extension in 45 abd. with ER

Sit on a Swiss ball, holding both ends of a resistance band that is anchored in front
of you.
With the arms in a 45 degree angle from the body, row the band and externally
rotate the arms at the end of the row.
Keep the posture tall and neck relaxed.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

15. External rotation with band

Stand and hold the ends of an elastic in your hands, tuck your elbows in by your
sides and bend your elbows 90.
Have no slack in the theraband.
Rotate the shoulders by moving your hands away from each other, keeping your
elbows tucked in by your sides.
Return and repeat.
Pull symmetrically. You can use a mirror to monitor the movement.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 4
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


16. Flexion in scaption

Stand with an elastic in your hands, arms at your sides, elbows straight and thumb
With your shoulders down and back, raise your arm diagonally between your side
and front to shoulder level.
Return to the starting position.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

17. High row with band

Sit on a chair.
Secure a theraband in front of you and hold both ends in your hands.
Keeping your elbows high and palms facing each other, row the band, retracting
your scapulas.
Do not poke your head/chin forward as you pull.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

18. Incline push-up

Start in a plank position against a table or a piece of stable furniture with your hands
shoulder width apart.
Your body should be at a 45 degree angle with the ground.
With your body stable and completely straight, bend the arms to bring the chest
close to the table.
Push-back to the starting position.
Keep your chin tucked during the exercise.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

19. Shoulder abduction 90 degrees

Stand and step on one end of an elastic and grab the other end with your hand.
Tuck your chin in, pull the tip of your shoulder backwards and turn your hand so
your thumb is facing up while you slowly raise your arm straight out to the side to 90
degrees, keeping your elbow straight and your head still.
Slowly lower your arm and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

20. Shoulder flexion+horiz. add.

Stand and tie an elastic to an object on your affected side at knee level.
Hold one end of the elastic with your hand, palm facing forward.
With your shoulder back and your chin tucked in, lift your arm up and across to the
opposite shoulder ending with your palm facing in.
Return to the starting position and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 5
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


21. Shoulder internal rotation

Stand and tie an elastic on the side of the injured arm at elbow level.
Hold the end of the elastic and bend your elbow to 90 degrees.
Tuck your chin in and pull the tip of your shoulder backwards while you pull the
elastic towards your belly.
Keep your chin in and your elbow bent and against your body at all times.
Slowly return to starting position and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

22. Shoulders abduction, weight

Stand with your chin tucked in and hold a weight in both hands.
Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and pull the tip of your shoulders backwards before
you raise both arms out to your side to 90 degrees, keeping your elbows bent and
your head still.
Slowly lower your arms and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

23. Side lying external rotation

Lie on your side with a weight in your top hand, elbow bent to 90 degrees.
Place a rolled towel between your arm and your side.
Rest your head on your free arm.
Externally rotate the arm to lift the weight up.
Keep your body still; do not turn the trunk to assist the movement.

Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

24. Internal rotation

Lie on your side with a weight in your hand resting on the bed.
Bend the elbow to 90 degrees and place it against the body.
Slowly rotate the arm upwards as high as possible without moving the shoulder.
Return and repeat.

Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

25. Strengthening supra-spinatus

Stand, pull the tip of your shoulder backward and turn your hand so your thumb is
facing backward and your palm outward.
Raise your arm sideways to 90 degrees, keeping it straight.
Lower your arm slowly and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 6
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


26. Stretching side bending

Lift one arm and bring it up and across your head.

Sit straight and place the palm of your hand on your head.
Use your hand to pull your head gently down towards your shoulder until a stretch is
felt on the opposite side of the neck.
Maintain the position.
Do not turn your head or tilt it forward or backwards while you perform this stretch.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

27. Biceps stretch

Place your hand on a table with your palm facing up and shoulder your back.
With bent knees, square step forward with the opposite leg until you feel a stretch in
your biceps.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

28. Stretching Levator Scapulae

Place one hand behind buttock to lower your shoulder (to start it is fine to place you
hand at your side but focus on bringing your shoulder down *Make sure it is not
hiked into a "shrug" position*).
Turn your head to opposite side and look down.
Gently pull down on your head (you can use your uneffected arm to do this or do it
unassisted if you do use your arm to assist, make sure you are doing so gently.
Maintain the position when you feel a stretching sensation. Repeat.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

29. Pectoral stretch

Stand up in front of an open doorway.

Place your forearm along the wall.
Lean your body forward until you feel a stretch across your chest and the front of
your arm.
To emphasize the upper chest, place the arm lower than horizontal, to stretch more
the middle portion, place the arm perpendicular and to stretch the lower portion,
place the arm higher than parallel.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

30. Interior cuff stretch

Stand straight and bring one arm overhead with your elbow bent and your hand
behind your back.
Use the opposite arm to lightly pull on your elbow to accentuate the stretch.
Hold the position when you feel a comfortable stretch under your arm.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 7
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


31. Passive ROM Internal rot.

Stand with affected arm behind back and each hand grabbing either end of the
Pull the tip of your shoulder backwards and lift your arm behind your back as high
as you can by pulling the towel over shoulder with unaffected arm.
Slowly return to initial position and repeat.
Note: affected arm should not be doing any of the work.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

32. PNF Subscapularis stretch

Stand with one arm bent to 90, elbow tucked into your side.
With the hand against a door-jamb or wall corner, actively press forward to internally
rotate the arm (without any actual movement) for 10 seconds.
Next, exhale and walk forward slightly to stretch the shoulder.
Do not lean, keep the shoulder square.
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

33. Pec minor stretch

Lie down lengthwise on a foam roller with your head supported and knees bent, feet
flat on the floor.
Clasp your fingers behind your head and let the elbows fall down toward the floor.
Hold the position when you feel a comfortable stretch in your chest/front of the
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3 Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec. Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 8
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


Exercise#1 : Page 1 XGEN535 Sitting, neck stretching in passive cervical flexion (overpressure with hands)
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#2 : Page 1 GEN44481 Shoulder self-mobilization, arm anchored

Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#3 : Page 1 GEN87702 Rhomboids/neck extensors stretching

Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#4 : Page 1 XGEN26 Sitting, neck retraction/chin tuck

Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#5 : Page 1 GEN94108 Four way shoulder mobilization and strengthening

Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#6 : Page 2 GEN15446 Passive shoulder external rotation in door frame (pectorals stretch)
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#7 : Page 2 XGEN1453 Scapular stabilization in wall slide

Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#8 : Page 2 XGEN1554 Standing, active assisted shoulder abduction with stick (to 90 degrees)
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#9 : Page 2 GEN23688 Standing, active assisted shoulder extension with stick
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#10 : Page 2 GEN87068 Standing active shoulder flexion with stick/cane
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#11 : Page 3 XGEN1555 Standing active assisted shoulder extension with stick
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#12 : Page 3 GEN43449 Prone, lower trapezius activation, arms abducted 90 degrees
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#13 : Page 3 GEN98191 Elastic scapular pull down limb load challenge
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#14 : Page 3 GEN191690 Shoulder extension in 45 degrees of abduction with external rotation
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#15 : Page 3 XGEN460 Bilateral shoulder external rotation with band
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 9
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


Exercise#16 : Page 4 GEN2543 Standing resisted shoulder scaption w/ elastic (to 90 degrees)
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#17 : Page 4 GEN104075 High row with band seated on a chair
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#18 : Page 4 GEN13184 45 degrs push-up against table
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#19 : Page 4 XGEN2152 Standing, shoulder abduction strengthening with elastic (to 90 degrees)
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#20 : Page 4 XGEN1537 Standing, resisted shoulder diagonal flexion and horizontal adduction with elastic (PNF)
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#21 : Page 5 XGEN1545 Standing, shoulder internal rotation strengthening with elastic
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#22 : Page 5 GEN15453 Standing, shoulder abduction strengthening to 90 degrees, elbow bent with weight
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#23 : Page 5 XGEN2135 Side lying shoulder external rotation with weight
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#24 : Page 5 XGEN2138 Side lying resisted shoulder internal rotation with weight
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#25 : Page 5 GEN15452 Standing, supra-spinatus strengthening in abduction to 90 degrees with weight (empty can)
Sets: 2-3 Repetition: 10
Exercise#26 : Page 6 XGEN33 Neck stretching in side bending (scalenes, upper trapezius) with overpressure
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#27 : Page 6 XGEN1523 Standing shoulder depression with elbow extension stretch with table/countertop
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#28 : Page 6 GEN13736 Levator scapulae stretching (shoulder down and opposite rotation and side bending)
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#29 : Page 6 GEN191767 Pectoralis major stretch in doorframe, unilateral

Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#30 : Page 6 GEN104634 Interior cuff stretch

Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

LifeMark Calgary NE

January 19 2016

2121 29th Stree NE

Calgary, AB, T1Y 7H8 T1Y 7H8

Lee Anderson

Page: 10
User: pathikit Pswd: nzsojyqh


Exercise#31 : Page 7 XGEN135 Standing, passive shoulder internal rotation with towel (hand behind back)
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#32 : Page 7 GEN191771 Internal rotation PNF stretch: subscapularis stretch in door frame
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

Exercise#33 : Page 7 GEN98323 Pectoralis minor stretching on foam roller, star gazer stretch
Sets: 1 Repetition: 3

Prepared by:

Jennifer Hodder

Frequency: 1-2 Hold: 10 sec.

Rest: 10 seconds sec.

(403) 297-9500

Physiotec 1996-2016. All rights reserved.

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