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468 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:468–473

Bacterial meningitis associated with lumbar

drains: a retrospective cohort study
William M Coplin, Anthony M Avellino, D K Kim, H Richard Winn, M Sean Grady

Abstract risk of meningitis to consider when using this

Objectives—The infective potential of modality, and the infective potential of lumbar
lumbar drainage is an important topic drainage is an important topic deserving
deserving particular study. The aetiology, particular study. We conducted a retrospective
incidence, and clinical findings associated cohort study of patients with positive CSF cul-
with bacterial meningitis are described in tures after lumbar drain placement to ascertain
patients having continuous lumbar CSF the possible aetiologies of meningitis. Our
drainage to treat communicating hydro- objectives included defining the incidence of
cephalus after subarachnoid haemor- meningitis after lumbar drain placement,
rhage or CSF leaks after traumatic dural describing the association of positive CSF cul-
rents. tures with the clinical signs and laboratory
Methods—Retrospective review of the values considered diagnostic of meningitis, and
records of patients with a positive CSF describing potential risk factors for contracting
bacterial culture who underwent lumbar lumbar drain associated meningitis.
drain placement over a 39 month period.
Results—Thirteen cases of bacterial men-
Patients and methods
ingitis occurred subsequent to the use of
312 lumbar drain kits (4.2%). All menin-
The method of patient selection was identifica-
gitic patients had CSF pleocytosis, but not
tion of all cases of bacterial meningitis. Cases
all had peripheral leukocytosis. Fever,
established by culture were identified from a
peripheral leukocytosis, and CSF pleocy- list of all positive CSF cultures at Harborview
tosis did not help to diVerentiate the pres- Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA between
ence of bacterial meningitis from other June 1992 and December 1995. Hospital
infections. Eight patients had prior CSF charts were then screened for those who
drainage procedures, including ventricu- received a lumbar drain. We reviewed in detail
lostomy (n=5) or lumbar drain (n=5) the records of those patients who underwent
placements; two patients received both lumbar drainage. Patients’ charts were used to
procedures. Six of 13 patients developed confirm information from other data sources
their CSF infection within 24 hours of (for example, microbiology laboratory
lumbar drain insertion. Six of 13 patients records). Diagnoses treated by lumbar drains
developed meningitis while receiving anti- included communicating hydrocephalus after
biotics for other reasons. subarachnoid haemorrhage and traumatic cra-
Conclusions—External lumbar drainage nial CSF leak. The degree of hydrocephalus or
Departments of seems to carry a low risk of infectious CSF leak and the patient’s clinical condition
Neurological Surgery meningitis and oVers a safe alternative to determined the duration of drainage. We
and Neurology, ventriculostomy or serial lumbar punc- obtained our denominator (the number of
Division of Pulmonary tures. Antibiotics do not seem to protect
and Critical Care
lumbar drain placements over this time) from
completely against developing the infec- intrahospital usage of lumbar drain kits. The
Medicine, Harborview
Medical Center,
tion. The infection happens most often number of kits used was likely higher than the
University of with skin organisms. The meningitis often number of patients treated as there were
Washington, Seattle, appears within 24 hours after lumbar patients who had more than one drain placed
WA, USA drain placement. Daily CSF samples during their stays in hospital. The Human
W M Coplin should include bacterial cultures but cell
A M Avellino
Subjects Review Committee of the University
counts may not oVer any additional useful of Washington approved this research activity.
D K Kim
H R Winn information in diagnosing the complica-
M S Grady tion. Lumbar drain insertion and man- LUMBAR DRAIN TECHNIQUE
agement need not be confined to the After shave (if necessary), skin preparation
Correspondence to: intensive care unit.
Dr William M Coplin, (povidone-iodine solution), and draping of the
(J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1999;67:468–473)
Departments of Neurology lumbosacral area, 1% lidocaine was infiltrated
and Neurological Surgery, between the palpated spinous processes of the
Wayne State University, 4201 Keywords: cerebrospinal fluid; lumbar drainage;
St Antoine, 8D-UHC, meningitis lower lumbar vertebrae. A 16G Tuohy spinal
Detroit, MI 48201, USA. needle was advanced until it punctured the
Telephone 001 313 577 meninges. A CSF sample was sent for routine
1242; fax 001 313 745 4216;
Continuous lumbar CSF drainage may serve as studies (cell count and diVerential, glucose, a temporising measure in treating communi- protein, gram stain, and culture). The lumbar
cating hydrocephalus caused by aneurysmal drain was threaded into the subarachnoid
Received 6 July 1998 and in subarachnoid haemorrhage1 2 and is one treat- space. The needle was withdrawn and the drain
revised form
25 March 1999 ment for correcting CSF leaks (spinal or attached to a drainage bag. A silk tie secured
Accepted 24 April 1999 cranial). Similarly to ventriculostomy, there is a the adapter connecting the intraspinal catheter
Bacterial meningitis associated with lumbar drains 469

and the external drainage system. Sterile gauze protein, Gram stain, culture, and sensitivities of
dressed the skin wound. A transparent adhesive organisms isolated (if any).
dressing covered the external part of the
intraspinal catheter to prevent dislodgment. DEFINING VARIABLES
Patients did not receive specific antibiotic Meningitis associated with lumbar drains was
prophylaxis for the procedure. defined before starting the review. Among
Samples of CSF were obtained from a sam- other variables, the review sought to explore
pling port along the drainage catheter. This the possible association of leukocytosis, fever,
port lies just distal to the junction of the and pleocytosis (predominance of segmented
indwelling catheter and its connection to the neutrophils) with meningitis diagnosed by
remainder of the drainage system leading to the positive CSF culture. These definitions were
collection bag. This site has a three way port derived from a prior study of infections related
that was closed to the drainage bag side for to ventriculostomy.3 The incidence of ventricu-
sampling. Also, before sampling, the mem- lostomy infections was beyond the scope of this
brane over the sampling port was swabbed with study.
a povidone-iodine solution that was allowed to The diagnosis of meningitis associated with
dry completely before a sterile needle was lumbar drains required the following criteria:
introduced through the membrane to obtain (1) no previous meningitis before lumbar drain
the CSF sample. insertion; (2) sterile CSF culture at the time of
lumbar drain insertion; (3) continuous lumbar
drainage>24 hours before the positive culture
CLINICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA was aspirated; and (4) positive culture of a CSF
ABSTRACTION specimen collected from the lumbar drain or
The following demographic data came from from a lumbar puncture.
the charts of patients who had a positive bacte- Fever was defined as a temperature>38.5°C.
rial CSF culture and a lumbar drain: age, hos- Association of fever with meningitis required
pital admission date, admitting neurological the following criteria: (1) fever within 48 hours
diagnosis (for example, subarachnoid haemor- of the positive CSF culture; (2) no other
rhage, traumatic CSF leak), and if the patient concurrent infection; (3) if the patient had
had a history of diabetes mellitus. Operations fever within 48 hours before the positive CSF
were recorded (including if the surgeon entered culture, then a temperature rise>0.6°C within
the ventricles) as well as neurological instru- 48 hours of the positive CSF culture; or (4)
mentation (for example, placement of intracra- fever lasting for 3 days.
nial pressure monitors or ventriculostomies). Peripheral leukocytosis was defined as
Other clinical data were gathered—namely, >10 000 white blood cells (WBC)/mm3 of
other positive CSF cultures (lumbar puncture, blood. The attribution of the leukocytosis to
ventriculostomy); other microbiological cul- meningitis required: (1) leukocytosis occurring
ture results (for example, blood, urine, sputum, within 48 hours of the positive CSF culture; (2)
wound); CSF cell counts for 48 hours before no other concurrent infection; (3) if the WBC
and after drawing the culture positive sample; count was>10 000 48 hours before the positive
temperatures for 48 hours before and after CSF culture, then an increase in WBC>1000/
drawing the culture positive sample; signs of mm3 within 48 hours of the positive culture; or
drain site infection (for example, leaking CSF, (4) leukocytosis lasting for 3 days.
purulence, erythema, induration); duration of Pleocytosis in CSF was defined as a CSF
lumbar drainage; peripheral white blood cell WBC count>11 cells/mm3. Attributing CSF
count; intracranial and CSF opening pressures; pleocytosis to acute bacterial meningitis re-
antibiotic use before identification of infection; quired: (1) >50% of the WBC were segmented
CT findings (for example, presence of hydro- neutrophils; (2) pleocytosis occurring within
cephalus or intraventricular or intraparenchy- 48 hours of the positive CSF culture; (3) if
mal haemorrhage); and most recent chest there was pleocytosis 48 hours before the posi-
radiography findings. tive culture, then an increase of>50 WBC/mm3
The location in the hospital at which the within 48 hours of the positive culture; or (4)
physician placed the lumbar drain (for exam- pleocytosis lasting at least 3 days.
ple, intensive care unit, intermediate care unit,
or ward), and on which ward the patient was at DATA ANALYSIS
the time of positive CSF culture were noted. A Data were entered into a computerised data-
nursing documentation sheet was used to base (SPSS for Macintosh, version 6.1.1, SPSS
determine dressing and drainage system Inc, Chicago, IL, USA) University of Washing-
change frequencies; the amount, colour (for ton computer resources were used to analyse
example, xanthachromic v colourless), and the data. Analysis consisted of Fisher’s exact
clarity (for example, cloudy v clear) of CSF test (two sided) along with the descriptive sta-
drained; and the vertical position of the drain in tistics.
relation to the patients’ head. This record
included the presence of CSF leaking from the Results
drain insertion site and drain manipulations. The initial review identified 24 patients with
The profile of the culture positive CSF (cell positive CSF cultures and a case record of
count and diVerential, glucose, protein, and lumbar drain insertion. Excluded from detailed
gram stain) was recorded. Standard lumbar review were 11 of these 24 patients whose CSF
drain protocol included daily collection of CSF cultures were considered to be plate contami-
samples for cell count and diVerential, glucose, nation (for example, colony count of 1; n=8),
470 Coplin, Avellino, Kim, et al

Table 1 Clinical characteristics of 13 patients with lumbar drain-associated bacterial patient had positive cultures both from lumbar
meningitis drain and lumbar puncture samples; the same
Neurological Prior Drainage Concurrent
organism grew from both CSF samples.
Patient Age (y) problem surgeries duration* antibiotics Organism(s) Other infections (bacteraemia, pneumonia,
1 47 SAH None 7 No K pneumoniae
or urinary tract or wound infections) occurred
2 53 SAH V, C 3 Yes CNS in five of 13 cases of lumbar drain associated
3 64 SAH V, C 4 Yes CNS meningitis. Five of the patients became bacter-
4 34 SAH C 1 No CNS
5 69 see below† C, L 9 No P aeruginosa
aemic within 48 hours of the positive CSF cul-
6 53 SAH V, C 3 No Actinobacter calcoaceticus ture sample; only one of these patients
7 24 BSF None 1 No group A Streptococcus developed bacteraemia with an organism with
8 84 SAH None‡ 1 No CNS
9 48 SAH V, C 1 No S aureus
the same antibiotic sensitivity pattern as that
10 61 SAH V, C§ 2 Yes CNS, Corynebacterium isolated from CSF (coagulase negative staphy-
species lococci). Five patients had positive sputum cul-
11 25 BSF M 1 Yes Enterobacter cloacae
12 42 AVM R, L 1 Yes CNS tures within 48 hours of the positive CSF cul-
13 50 SAH None 6 Yes S aureus ture; three of these grew mixed flora and the
other two grew organisms diVerent from the
*This number does not count the day of lumbar drain placement but does count the day the cul-
ture positive sample was taken. one causing meningitis. Only one of the 13
†Patient 5 had a CSF leak after sinus surgery. patients met clinical criteria for the diagnosis of
‡All patients had prior intracranial pressure monitors, except this one. pneumonia (leukocytosis, fever, purulent spu-
§Two separate craniotomies.
SAH=subarachnoid haemorrhage; BSF=basilar skull fracture; AVM=arteriovenous malforma- tum, and new progressive chest infiltrate on
tion; V=ventriculostomy; C=aneurysm clipping; L=CSF leak repair; M=repair of mandibular radiography). Four patients had positive urine
fracture; R=resection; CNS=coagulase negative staphylococci. cultures within 48 hours of drawing the
Table 2 Relation of fever, peripheral leukocytosis, and CSF pleocytosis to lumbar drain positive CSF sample; in one of these cases the
associated bacterial meningitis same organism grew from blood and from CSF
(coagulase negative staphylococci). One patient
Patients without other infection Patients with other infection had a positive culture taken from the lumbar
(n=8) (n=5)
drain insertion site; this sample grew two
Sign present Sign absent Sign present Sign absent p Value* organisms, one of which was the same as that
causing the meningitis (coagulase negative sta-
Fever 4 4 4 1 0.56
Peripheral leukocytosis 6 2 3 2 1.00 phylococci). One patient had a positive culture
CSF pleocytosis 8 0 5 0 1.00 of an intravenous catheter tip; this organism
was diVerent from the one associated with
*By Fisher’s exact test (two sided).
meningitis. In one patient the culture of the
and those who had a proved prior CSF intracutaneous part of the lumbar drain
infection (n=3). By the study’s criteria, bacte- resulted in growth of the same organisms as
rial meningitis complicated 13 of 312 lumbar that from CSF (Corynebacterium minutissimum
drains (4.2%) inserted during the study period. and S epidermidis).
The age range of patients with meningitis was
24 to 84 years (median 50). Table 1 presents ASSOCIATION OF MENINGITIS WITH CSF
demographic data for the 13 patients. Five PLEOCYTOSIS, FEVER, AND PERIPHERAL
patients had previous ventriculostomy. Twelve LEUKOCYTOSIS
patients had a prior intracranial pressure Table 2 shows the relation of fever, peripheral
monitor. Three patients had subarachnoid leukocytosis, and CSF pleocytosis with 13
haemorrhage without angiographic identifica- cases of bacterial meningitis. Fever and periph-
tion of a source. Eight patients had a total of 11 eral leukocytosis are not specific clinical signs
intracranial operations; seven of these patients for bacterial meningitis associated with lumbar
underwent eight aneurysm clippings after pre- drainage. All of the patients with meningitis
senting with subarachnoid haemorrhage; two had CSF pleocytosis. Although the presence of
patients required repair of CSF leaks; one CSF pleocytosis seemed to be an insensitive
patient had resection of an arteriovenous mal- marker for bacterial meningitis, a rising CSF
formation. One patient’s only surgery was polymorph count may have heralded the infec-
repair of a mandible fracture. Three patients tion. Of the seven patients with meningitis for
had cranial CSF leaks before lumbar drain whom preinfection WBC counts in CSF were
insertion. Not all patients had daily CSF sam- available, all seven had CSF WBC counts>11
ples sent from their lumbar drains. cells/mm3; these counts increased to as high as
2208 cells/mm3.
A positive CSF culture aspirated from the POSSIBLE RISKS FOR CONTRACTING BACTERIAL
lumbar drain confirmed all cases. Table 1 MENINGITIS ASSOCIATED WITH LUMBAR DRAINS
shows the culture results. The most common Table 3 describes the association of several
organisms isolated were coagulase negative sta- putative risks for contracting bacterial menin-
phylococci (n=7/13). Eleven of the 15 isolates gitis associated with lumbar drains. A major
found in the 13 patients were gram positive problem of this uncontrolled analysis is that
organisms. Four patients had meningitis from a few infections occurred over these 39 months;
gram negative bacillus. One patient had CSF therefore, the associations investigated were
infection with multiple skin organisms. Two not found to be significant.
patients had positive cultures from CSF speci- There were some potential associations
mens collected over 3 consecutive days; one between continuous lumbar CSF drainage and
patient had positive cultures from CSF speci- the subsequent development of bacterial men-
mens collected over 4 consecutive days. One ingitis. Table 1 shows that bacterial meningitis
Bacterial meningitis associated with lumbar drains 471

Table 3 Description of putative risks for developing rates per ventriculostomy placement (0% of
lumbar drain associated bacterial meningitis 116 and 30,7 4.5% of 65,8 8.9% of 213,3 and
No of patients 10.3% of 299). Another series compared
Risk (%) tunnelled ventriculostomy (10% infection rate
Neurological diagnosis (based on CT) for 70 placements) with the standard Rickham
Subarachnoid haemorrhage 9 (69) reservoir (27% infected after 66 placements).10
Intraparenchymal haemorrhage 3 (23)
Intraventricular haemorrhage 7(54)
In a comparison of the eVect of antibiotic
Hydrocephalus 8 (61) prophylaxis, others found infection rates of 9%
Underlying diabetes 1 (7) (44 placements with antibiotics) to 27% (26
Neurosurgical operation 8 (61)
Ventricles entered 0 (0) placements without antibiotics).11 A prospec-
Drain placed out of intensive care unit 6 (46) tive study did not find a reduced risk with anti-
Antibiotics 6 (46)
Opening CSF pressure>20 mm Hg 4 (57)* biotic use.3 Our rate may diVer from that of the
Intracranial pressure>20 mm Hg 3 (23) ventricular CSF drainage studies because of
Drain duration >5 days 3 (23) the diVerent technique or definitions. Other
Leaks 5 (38) investigators have defined meningitis associ-
Disconnections 1 (7) ated with CSF drainage diVerently in studying
System changes 7 (54)
Dressing changes 13 (100) ventricular drainage systems.3 6 9–11
Gross blood 0 (0) As to possible risk factors, most patients had
Prior ventriculostomy 5 (38)
Prior intracranial pressure monitor 12 (92)
subarachnoid haemorrhage (nine of 13) or
intraventricular haemorrhage (seven of 13),
Risk set=13. but not intraparenchymal haemorrhage
*Data not available for 6 patients; this risk set=7.
(present in three of 13). Although four
occurred in 10 of our 13 cases by day 4, and all ventriculostomy series have discussed neuro-
cases appeared by day 9 of continuous lumbar logical diagnosis3 8 10 11 only one explored the
drainage; however, six of 13 infections oc- association of intraventricular haemorrhage
curred with catheters in place for 1 day. As with CSF infection.3 Blood products may be a
outlined in table 3, intraventricular haemor- good medium for culture and may block CSF
rhage and subarachnoid haemorrhage resorption, preventing clearance of debris.
had>50% coincidence in our cohort, and these Patients with intracranial hypertension or
may be important, but significance could not intraventricular haemorrhage may require pro-
be determined because of our small sample longed CSF drainage. We found intracranial
hypertension at hospital presentation in only
The meningitis was treated in all patients,
three of 13 patients; lumbar drain placement
except for one whose family decided to
withdraw supportive measures. This patient CSF opening pressure was raised in four of
was the only one with meningitis associated seven patients for whom these data were avail-
with lumbar drain as a cause of death. able. Others have noted an association between
Otherwise, the drain was removed, appropriate intracranial hypertension and the development
intravenous antibiotics started, and, later, a of ventriculostomy related meningitis, inde-
decision made as to whether to reinstitute lum- pendent of drainage duration.3
bar drainage. Neurosurgical procedures are reported to
precede ventriculostomy related meningitis
Discussion cases,12 and intracranial surgery preceded lum-
INCIDENCE AND RISK OF BACTERIAL MENINGITIS bar drain insertion in eight of our 13 patients,
ASSOCIATED WITH LUMBAR DRAINS but none had their ventricles breached in that
Smaller series have considered the meningitis surgery.
risk with lumbar drain use. One reported 7 Ten of 13 patients contracted meningitis
days of lumbar drainage in 39 patients to treat within 4 days of lumbar drain placement, and
CSF leaks after skull base surgeries; none six did so within the first day of lumbar drain-
received antibiotic prophylaxis. Ten developed age. Five series have considered the association
infectious meningitis (25.6%). The authors of duration of ventriculostomy with the inci-
concluded that concomitant antibiotic prophy- dence of meningitis,3 8 10–12 two describing a
laxis is unnecessary.4 In a series reviewing seven direct relation between risk of infection and
years of experience with continuous lumbar
duration of drainage. The present data do not
CSF drainage for 48 patients with CSF leaks at
support an optimal interval for routine lumbar
operative sites (11 of 48) or CSF rhinorrhea
drain change. In patients requiring continued
(37 of 48), none developed infectious
meningitis.5 In our cohort, the incidence of drainage, a fresh drain can be inserted or serial
lumbar drain bacterial meningitis was 4.2%, lumbar puncture can be used. Five of the 13
which included nine patients with subarach- patients underwent prior ventriculostomy; 12
noid haemorrhage and four patients with trau- received an intracranial pressure monitor, and
matic or iatrogenic CSF leaks. From our five patients were treated with a previous
cohort and others, it seems that placement of (uninfected) lumbar drain.
lumbar drains is safe, with minimal risk of Only one patient had disconnection of the
infection. external CSF drainage system. Others have
The incidence of bacterial meningitis of described a relation between infection and
4.2% in this series is as might be predicted ventriculostomy irrigation.3 11 Opening the sys-
from the ventriculostomy infection data. Oth- tem can allow bacterial passage into the
ers have found a wide range of CSF infection subarachnoid space.
472 Coplin, Avellino, Kim, et al

ASSOCIATION WITH OTHER INFECTIONS concerning the incidence of meningitis per

This study defined bacterial meningitis as a diagnostic CSF examination.
positive culture from a CSF sample withdrawn A patient’s own infected blood contaminat-
from a lumbar drain. Eight of the initially iden- ing a spinal needle can directly introduce
tified 24 patients did not have lumbar drain bacteria.28 A retrospective series found an inci-
associated meningitis, but had contaminated dence of meningitis of 2.1% (three of 140) in
CSF samples. Additionally, there were three patients receiving lumbar puncture while
patients with bacterial meningitis before inser- bacteraemic. This was not a significant diVer-
tion of the lumbar drain. ence from the expected 0.8% (seven of 924)
Five of 13 patients had an infection other incidence of meningitis in patients similarly
than meningitis, as shown in table 2. The lack bacteraemic who did not receive lumbar
of a relation between clinical findings and hav- puncture.29
ing meningitis versus another infection may
reflect the small sample size. POTENTIAL ERROR
Having pleocytosis was not statistically The denominator in our record review (drain
related to having meningitis. All patients had kits used) may not accurately reflect the
CSF pleocytosis in response to culture estab- number of patients receiving drains or the
lished infections. Given the potentially serious actual number of drains placed. For practical
consequences of delayed diagnosis, it is of con- reasons, we were unable to look at all the
cern that CSF cell counts do not oVer a reliable patients treated with lumbar drainage. Our
method of diagnosis before culture results are denominator assumes that hospital inventory
available. We did not ascertain the likelihood of records are accurate and that all kits are
the converse—that is, patients with pleocytosis actually used for the specific purpose (and
without culture proved infection. Pleocytosis none lost or discarded because of contamina-
could result from non-infectious meningeal tion or technical diYculties, etc). It is likely that
inflammation, such as to a foreign body (the some patients had more than one kit used. This
lumbar drain). Others have shown CSF might underestimate the incidence of infection;
pleocytosis after ventriculostomy with sterile however, while the incidence seen in our review
cultures.3 8 13 Thus, pleocytosis alone may not may be lower than the actual incidence, it still
suYce in diagnosing lumbar drain associated falls well within the reported range for
bacterial meningitis, and the diagnostic “gold ventriculostomy related infections.
standard” remains CSF culture obtained from Data for this retrospective cohort study came
either the drain or from lumbar puncture. We from three related but diVerent sources (micro-
cannot comment further on the subject of a biological records, patient charts, and hospital
rising polymorph count in the CSF as a inventories for lumbar drain kits). We used the
harbinger of culture proved meningitis. Clini- data from one source (the patient chart) to
cal judgment must dictate individual decisions cross check the others. Data from the microbi-
regarding drain removal and initiation of ology laboratory were used to select the study
therapy before having culture results. cohort.
This is by contrast with identifying patients
RELEVANCE AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE TO with lumbar drains and reviewing those records
LUMBAR DRAIN USE to calculate an infection rate. A prospective
There are three main temporising measures for study could identify patients in whom meningi-
patients requiring continual CSF drainage: tis was thought to have existed (either on clini-
serial lumbar puncture, lumbar drainage, and cal grounds or CSF findings) and treatment
ventriculostomy. Hydrocephalus occurs in instituted even in the absence of positive
20%-31% of patients with subarachnoid haem- cultures or where organisms were seen on CSF
orrhage, 40% improving within 24 hours with- examination and the cultures failed to grow.
out intervention.14 15 Others need their com- Many patients undergoing lumbar drainage
municating hydrocephalus treated only with receive antibiotic therapy for other reasons (as
transient CSF drainage, either by continuous in the present study), possibly giving falsely
external catheter or by serial lumbar puncture. negative cultures in the face of true CSF
Using long tunnelled ventriculostomy, and giv- infection.
ing only perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis,
the incidence of infectious meningitis is Conclusions
reported to be 4%, similar to the rate in the Continual external lumbar CSF drainage seems
present study.16 Using serial lumbar puncture to carry a low risk of culture proved bacterial
to treat symptomatic hydrocephalus after meningitis (4.2%). Lacking obstruction to CSF
subarachnoid haemorrhage, none of 17 pa- outflow, a lumbar drain may pose less infectious
tients developed infectious meningitis.15 risk than a ventriculostomy. Skin organisms
Serial lumbar puncture carries a risk of most commonly cause this infection, which
infection and causes repeated patient discom- often appears within 24 hours of drain place-
fort. Infection complicating lumbar puncture ment. Concomitant antibiotic use does not seem
can happen after diagnostic or therapeutic to oVer protection; however, we examined the
drainage of CSF,17–24 epidural anaesthesia,25 concurrent use of antibiotics as a group of agents
myelography,26 27 or intrathecal infiltration (for and not the particular agent used. Thus, we
example, chemotherapy administration). cannot assert that what protection, if any, antibi-
Causative organisms include Staphylococcus otics may oVer; such a determination awaits
aureus, and streptococci (S pneumoniae, S prospective evaluation. From our findings, we
salivarius, etc).17 18 24 26 There are no clear data suggest: (1) Using a sterile technique, lumbar
Bacterial meningitis associated with lumbar drains 473

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