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Hr planning, recruitment and selection



2. JOB ANALYSISthe process of systematicallydetermining the essentialcomponents of a job the duties,skills and
qualifications required ofthe employee. Such data may begathered through interviews with theemployees and their
respectivesupervisors, job observations, andthe use of a questionnaire
3. 3. JOB DESCRIPTIONrefers to the following: job title,division and department, nature ofthe job, duties and
responsibilities,methods and tools used, hours ofwork, the person to whom theemployee is accountable, funds
orproperties responsible for,compensation, benefits andprivileges, hazards and risks, andpotentials for promotion.
4. 4. JOB SPECIFICATIONSspecification list the neededqualifications of the employee who issupposed to be appointed for
the jobdescribed. It specifies theeducational qualifications, workexperience, psychological traitsparticularly the mental
andpersonality characteristics, healthstatus, special qualification like age,sex, status and special skills.
6. 6. RANK CLASSIFICATION SYTEM POSITION CLASSIFICATIONit is the person or incumbent of the Each rank
requires certainposition or job who is classified. credentials such as masters orThe persons official rank in the doctorates
degree, experience andorganization will depend on seniority.educational qualifications, training, The faculty maintains
his/her rankexperiences, achievements and regardless of the discipline he/sheseniority. specializes in and regardless of
theThe employee is paid in accordance courses he/she teaches, whetherwith the rank and not according to graduate or
undergraduate courses.the kind of work that is actually it is the position that is classifiedperformed. and not the person or
theThis means that the rank is incumbent. The classification isattached to the person and that is based on the duties
andcarried to wherever the person is responsibilities required by theassigned including the salary grade position or the
functions that areattached to the rank required to be performed by the incumbents.
7. 7. Uses of Job Analysis provides critical inputs to management decision- making particularly in relation to the recruitment
and selection of personnel analysis reveals the areas in which the new employee has to be trained to successfully perform
the tasks in the assigned job. provide critical information about work relationships in a particular unit or department as well
as among departments in the whole organization. assist management in coming up with standards for work performance
also serve as a tool for evaluating jobs in the organization management can be guided to determine the movement of
employees by promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff, or resignation.
8. 8. In this technique, you have to interview the employees orworkers to ascertain which of the activities they performcould
be considered critical in the effective performance intheir jobs. Rather than identify you have to interview the employees
or workers toascertain which of the activities they perform could beconsidered critical in the effective performance in their
jobs.Rather than identifying all the relevant employee activitiesas is done in the functional job language technique, you
willidentify only those crucial to effective performanceThe Critical Incident TechniqueMethods of Job AnalysisThe
Functional Job Language all the relevant employeeactivities as is done in the functional job
languagetechnique, you will identify only those crucial to effectiveperformance.
9. 9. To use this technique, you have to prepare a standardquestionnaire which will be used to build a profile of any job
andrank it relative to others based on certain broad categories aswork relationship, work environment or job situation.
more of a quantitative procedure used to question a panel ofexpert about the important activities of the employee. You
willask each expert about an element to determine its importancein the job to be done. Job element usually human
qualities ortraits and not behaviors. The expert panel is selected bymanagement. This panel usually composed of
employees andsupervisors performing the same job or within the same jobcategory.The Positive Analysis Questionnaire
TechniqueThe Job Element Technique
10. 10. Job Designthe process of determining thecontent, functions, and relationships of jobs in away which meets the goals
and interests of theorganization and the employee. The content of ajob includes the various tasks to be carriedout, the
autonomy of the job holder, the routinesof the tasks performed, the difficulty of the taskscarried out, and the identity of the
job holder.The functions of a job include the work methodsemployed and the coordination of thework, responsibility,
information flow, andauthority of the job. The relationships of the jobrefer to the shared work between and
amongemployees in the agency
11. 11. Approaches to Job DesignJob rotationA technique used to enhance employeemotivation is job rotation. This
involvesperiodically assigning employees to alternatingjobs or tasksJob enlargementThe main purpose of this technique is
also toreduce boredom through job enlargement whichincreases the scope of the work. In other words,the tasks being
performed are enlarged suchthat the methods of operation are changed andin turn, the pace of the work is changed
12. 12. Employee-centered work designEmployees are encouraged to be involved inredesigning their work to make their work
moresatisfying. The work changes to be introduced shouldbe designed to accomplish the over-all objectives/goalsof the








department or unit.Job enrichmentjobs are redesigned in scope and in depth. Scope refersto the dimension of the job
concerned with the lengthof time an employee takes to complete the jobReengineeringinvolves the processes of
restructuring, downsizing, orautomating the organization to make it more productiveand efficient. Included in the process is
the applicationof new technology to allow employees to work moreefficiently and effectively.
13. Job Evaluation is a systematic process of comparingjobs to determine their relative worth to the organization. This kind
of job analysis is the basis of a job hierarchy and pay range. The result of this is a pay system with the pay rate for eachjob
commensurate with its status within the job hierarchy
15. HR Planning Begins with a review of the human resources needs in the light of organizational goals and plans for
ensuring the employment of competent, qualified and stable work force Closely related to staffing process where an
analysis of the skills level among employees is done in addition to an analysis of the external labor market
16. HR Planning Forecast the need for the additional personnel over some future period of time(Estimates the future
human resources needs of the organization based on personnel turnover, retirement, promotion and expansion) Survey
the skills levels among the employees and in the job market (Estimates of future labor supply based on economic
projections, population movement, trends in education, and rate of promotion w/in the organization ) Decide on ways to
meet the need
17. The Human Resource Planning Process EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Strategic Planning
Human Resource Planning Forecasting Comparison of ForecastingHuman Resource Requirements Human Resource
Requirements and Availability Availability Demand Surplus Shortage of = of Workers Supply Workers Restricted Hiring,
Recruitment No Reduced Hours; Action Early Retirement Selection Layoff
18. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESSRECRUITMENT- refers to the process of attractingapplications from
peopleSELECTION- process of measuring andassessing the characteristics ofapplicants and choosing thosepersons who
are most likely tosucceed on the job
organization- Growth opportunities- Reward system- Leadership and management styleEXTERNAL FACTORS- Supply
and Demand of Labor- Social attributes on particular type of employmentRECRUITMENT W/IN & OUTSIDE
20. SELECTION PROCESSSelecting the best candidates among theapplicants on the basis of certain factors whichrange
from the concrete and measurable to theabstract and personal like leadership andpotential.SELECTION TEST- Measures
of Proficiency, achievement or knowledge- Measures of aptitude or potential- Measures of mental ability- Measures of
interest- Measures of personality- Measures of substance abuse

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