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SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol – is the hottest thing in XML development right now. It
has a major role to play in Microsoft’s next generation of Visual Studio, and it is the basis of
their “.NET” strategy. If you’re looking to write a bullet-proof SOAP service now, in VB6, then
look no further than Microsoft’s SOAP toolkit for VB; but if you really want to understand
what SOAP is all about, then you need to get under the hood, and start building your own
objects around the SOAP standard. This article aims to get you started.

In the article, we will create a simple SOAP service, and a client to access that service. The
service will be in the form of an Active Server Page, which I have called soap.asp - it will
need to live in the root directory of your Personal Web Service (by default
c:\inetpub\wwwroot) Our service will accept and process SOAP requests made by our
client – a VB exe, with a single module, and a start-up Sub Main().

Step by Step »

Step by Step

As we know, SOAP is a call-response mechanism, which operates in a client-server paradigm.

The client (your application) makes a call to the server (a web server, somewhere on the
internet), passing in parameters; and the server provides a response. Both call and response
are transported in the form of XML documents. Therefore, to build our own example SOAP
system, we need both a client and a server – a caller and a responder.

The example we will follow is a very simple one: we will build a service that will calculate the
tax due on a sales transaction. In traditional VB terms well will create a function with the
following definition:

Public Function GetSalesTax(ByVal pSalesTotal As Double) as Double

GetSalesTax = pSalesTotal * 0.04

End Function

Crude, but effective (if you live in a state where the sales tax rate is 4%!)

This function defines a method name (GetSalesTax), a parameter (pSalesTotal – representing

the total value of the sale) and a return value (the result of the function). In more traditional
object-oriented terms, we might think of pSalesTotal as an “IN” parameter, and the
GetSalesTax result as an “OUT” parameter. Quite straightforwardly: sales-total in; sales-tax
out. A SOAP service can be thought of in terms of “IN” and “OUT” parameters – the client
passes “IN” parameters to the server, and then receives the “OUT” parameters in return. So,
in order to create our SOAP service, we need a server that will listen for requests to
GetSalesTax, accompanied by “IN” parameters, and which will respond with “OUT”
parameters, indicating the correct tax amount. Let’s start with the client – the caller. How do
we call the SOAP service to make our request.

The Client
In traditional VB terms, our request to the GetSalesTax function described above, would be
something such as:

dblSalesTax = GetSalesTax(100)

Returning a value of $4.

If the GetSalesTax function was contained within an external object, such as an MTS server,
then the call would need to reference the server DLL:

Dim objTax As New CTaxCalc

dblSalesTax = objTax.GetSalesTax(100)

In a SOAP system the call is little different, only the request is formatted as an XML document,
which is passed up to the server. The appropriate document contains the same details as the
MTS call –a method to call, and the parameter name and value.


In order to ensure that the server can correctly identify and decrypt this method call, it is
wrapped up in a larger document, called a SOAP envelope, which references the universal
name-space of the SOAP envelope standard.

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1">

Finally, to complete our SOAP request document, we will add a name-space reference to our
method call, which points to the object which contains the method – the equivalent of the
object declaration (Dim objTax As New CTaxCalc) in our MTS method call.

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1">
<m:GetSalesTax xmlns:m="urn:myserver/soap:TaxCalc">

Now that we have built our SOAP request document, we are ready to send it to the server. The
request is a simple HTTP post - just like posting a web form in your internet browser. Of
course, your internet browser masks all the complexity of sending a form to a server; and in
the longer-term .NET will mask this process from your VB code too. But for now, we need to
do the job ourselves; and I have been using Microsoft's XML HTTP Request object to give me a
helping hand. (The XMLHTTPRequest is an object within the MSXML class library (MSXML.DLL),
and it comes with IE5.) Assuming that strEnvelope contains the XML document described
above, the request is formatted thus:



Dim strEnvelope As String

'Set up to post to our localhost server "post", "http://localhost/soap/soap.asp"

'Set a standard SOAP/ XML header for the content-type

objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"

'Set a header for the method to be called

objHTTP.setRequestHeader "SOAPMethodName", _

'Make the SOAP call

objHTTP.send strEnvelope

'Get the return value

strReturn = objHTTP.responseBody


MSXML.XMLHTTPReques t ob jHTTP = new MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest();

string strEnvelope;
// Set up to post to our localhost server;
// Get the return value
strReturn = objHTTP.responseBody;

Now that we have sent our request, we move to the server, to see how we set up a SOAP
service to listen and respond to our calls.

« Step by Step | The Server »

The Server

Our server needs to be configured to accept the HTTP post sent by the client. It will be noted
that we direct the client’s post to a URL on our local server – http://localhost/soap.asp. So our
first job is to create this page, to listen for, and process, SOAP calls to our server. We know
that our ASP will receive an XML document, in the form of an HTTP post, with a method name
(GetSalesTax), and a parameter (SalesTotal). So, to write our basic listener service, all we
need do is deconstruct the body of the request (the SOAP envelope) and pull out the value of
the SalesTotal parameter.

The SOAP envelope posted by the client is contained in the body of the request, or in ASP
terms the Request object; and because it is XML, we can load it into an instance of Microsoft’s
XMLDOM in our ASP. Soap.asp begins like this:

Set objReq = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

objReq.Load Request

Thus objReq contains the SOAP envelope we created on the client, and we can extract the
value of the SalesTotal parameter by running an XSL pattern query, using the
SelectSingleNode method of the XML DOM object :

strQuery = "SOAP:Envelope/SOAP:Body/m:GetSalesTax/SalesTotal"
varSalesTotal = objReq.SelectSingleNode(strQuery).Text

With the parameter extracted, we can make our calculation to get the sales-tax:

varSalesTax = varSalesTotal * 0.04

Now we have the return value for sales-tax – the response - ready to pass back to the client,
but as with the request, we need to format this response correctly, in order to comply with the
SOAP standard. The SOAP response envelope conforms to a format-type identical to the
request. The only difference is that the “IN” parameter (SalesTotal, in our case) is replaced by
an “OUT” parameter – SalesTax, and the method name indicates that the document is a

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1">
<m:GetSalesTaxResponse xmlns:m="urn:myserver/soap:TaxCalc">

We can build up this document, either by string-concatenation, or by creating a new instance

of a DOM, and appending the appropriate nodes.

Back on the client, the response is received, and can be decoded by extracting the appropriate
node from the Envelope document:

Dim objReturn As New MSXML.DomDocument

objReturn.LoadXML strReturn
strQuery = _
dblTax = objReturn.SelectSingleNode(strQuery).Text

And that’s it! A functional, compliant SOAP service in a few easy steps. Of course, the service
that we have provided is far from sophisticated, but that is to miss the point. In the not-too-
distant future, Visual Studio 7 will completely mask the implementation of SOAP; but I believe
that there is value in understanding the way the engine turns beneath the hood. SOAP itself is
a very simple protocol; and I hope you leave this article with a better understanding the
infrastructure that lies behind SOAP, and the methodology through which SOAP-based
component services are going to be provided in the future.

« The Client | VB Client Code »

VB Client Code

Sub Main()
Dim strEnvelope As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim objReturn As New MSXML.DOMDocument
Dim dblTax As Double
Dim strQuery As String

'Create the SOAP Envelope

strEnvelope = _
"<soap:envelope xmlns:soap=""urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1"">" & _
"<soap:header></soap:header>" & _
"<soap:body>" & _
"<m:getsalestax xmlns:m=""urn:myserver/soap:TaxCalculator"">" & _
"<salestotal>100</salestotal>" & _
"</m:getsalestax>" & _
"</soap:body>" & _

'Set up to post to our local server "post", "http://localhost/soap.asp", False

'Set a standard SOAP/ XML header for the content-type

objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"

'Set a header for the method to be called

objHTTP.setRequestHeader "SOAPMethodName", _

'Make the SOAP call

objHTTP.send strEnvelope

'Get the return envelope

strReturn = objHTTP.responseText

'Load the return envelope into a DOM

objReturn.loadXML strReturn

'Query the return envelope

strQuery = _
dblTax = objReturn.selectSingleNode(strQuery).Text

Debug.Print dblTax
End Sub

void Main() {
string strEnvelope;
string strReturn;
MSXML.DOMDocument objReturn = new MSXML.DOMDocument();
double dblTax;
string strQuery;
// Create the SOAP Envelope
strEnvelope = ("<soap:envelope xmlns:soap=\"urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1\">" +
("<soap:header></soap:header>" + ("<soap:body>" + ("<m:getsalestax xmlns:m=\"urn:mys
erver/soap:TaxCalculator\">" + ("<salestotal>100</salestotal>" + ("</m:getsalestax>" + ("</
soap:body>" + "</soap:envelope>")))))));;
// Get the return envelope
strReturn = objHTTP.responseText;
// Load the return envelope into a DOM
// Query the return envelope
strQuery = "SOAP:Envelope/SOAP:Body/m:GetSalesTaxResponse/SalesTax";
dblTax = objReturn.selectSingleNode(strQuery).Text;

« The Server | ASP Server Code »

ASP Server Code

This code resides in an ASP – Soap.asp, in the root directory of the web server.

Set objReq = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

'Load the request into XML DOM

objReq.Load Request

'Query the DOM for the input parameter

strQuery = "SOAP:Envelope/SOAP:Body/m:GetSalesTax/SalesTotal"
varSalesTotal = objReq.SelectSingleNode(strQuery).Text

'Calculate the sales tax

varSalesTax = varSalesTotal * 0.04

'Prepare the return envelope

strTmp = _
"<soap:envelope xmlns:soap=""urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1"">" & _
"<soap:header></soap:header>" & _
"<soap:body>" & _
"<m:getsalestaxresponse xmlns:m=""urn:myserver/soap:TaxCalc"">" & _
"<salestax>" & varSalesTax & "</salestax>" & _
"</m:getsalestaxresponse>" & _
"</soap:body>" & _

'Write the return envelope

Response.Write strTmp

<Percen tSe tob jReq= Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
// Load the request into XML DOM
// Query the DOM for the input parameter
strQuery = "SOAP:Envelope/SOAP:Body/m:GetSalesTax/SalesTotal";
varSalesTotal = objReq.SelectSingleNode(strQuery).Text;
// Calculate the sales tax
varSalesTax = (varSalesTotal * 0.04);
// Prepare the return envelope
strTmp = ("<soap:envelope xmlns:soap=\"urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1\">" +
("<soap:header></soap:header>" + ("<soap:body>" + ("<m:getsalestaxresponse xmlns:m=\
"urn:myserver/soap:TaxCalc\">" + ("<salestax>"
+ (varSalesTax + ("</salestax>" + ("</m:getsalestaxresponse>" + ("</soap:body>" +

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