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Choose a company and then try to find out what is the most important Islamic ethical

value that such company needs to follow ? and Why? support your answer with an
Islamic verse or Hadith (Al-Quran or Sunnah).

Work to devote himself to God, To realize and appreciate that humans are God's
servants, then it is only natural for any human being to devote himself to Allah by
following the Nila and stay away from all prohibitions in accordance with the word of
God Almighty, which means: "O mankind, worship your Lord who created you and
those before you so that you may guard against evil. " Next submitted another the
word of God, which means: "O you who have knowledge, obey Allah and obey the
Messenger and those who are in power among you."This verse also tells us to obey
not only God but also the Messenger of Allah and the government because the
government is what is meant by 'the authority among you'. To obey Allah and the
Messenger then every human being must have a lawful right. For the government to
obey every public employee must carry out their duties with full awareness that it is
the office of trust on him. If he does not fulfill his duties as well as possible, it means
that the employee has violated the trust of God. By understanding the evidence
before it is only appropriate for each employee strives to fulfill its duties as well as
possible for the sake of happiness in this world and the hereafter.

Work diligently and efficiently, Perseverance is a trait that is needed by an

employee. Each employee will be able to improve the efficiency of their duties if they
persevere. Rasulullah saw which means: "Allah loves when someone is doing with
diligence." Malay proverb also have said "Back machetes sharpened even if there
would be sharp." This goes to show that with perseverance, something that hard
work would be resolved and that in itself can increase the efficiency of the employee.
When we want to evaluate an employee, the most important feature is its efficiency.
The quality of a person's efficiency will continue to rise if workers itusanggup learn or
improve their knowledge in connection with their duty continuously. Islamic teachings
have stressed "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave". In the field of science
and technology in particular, lifelong pursuit of knowledge becomes an important
thing if we do not want outdated because of too rapid development of knowledge in
both areas. Apart from that, the Prophet said in connection with the employee for the
purpose: "When the (job) is given to people who are not experts so watch its
destruction." This hadith clearly shows the importance of the skill or competence of
an employee in the eyes of Islam. If the efficiency of an employee increases, with its
own revenue also increased.

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