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Martin Jerome G.

EDL 201
Prof. Cordova
Teaching grammar effectively in a multilingual context or bilingual context
Chapter 1
My humble experience for teaching language is being an online EFL
(English as Foreign Language) teacher. I teach EFL students ages 10 to 25
years old they came from different countries: China, Japan, Korea, Thailand,
Turkey and Vietnam. Mostly our medium of communication is through the
internet in front of a camera or popularly known as Skype, for private classes
we sometimes meet face to face in a caf or private classroom for our
English lessons. I have been a part time EFL teacher for about a year now. I
received my formal training to become an EFL teacher from a certificate
course in TESOL. Through my experience in teaching EFL students is limited.
I observed many problems on English language learning specifically in
grammar. Though most if is rooted on their negative attitudes and
perceptions towards learning English. I can attest that EFL teaching is a
challenging job because you do not have the formal classroom setup and you
do not have control on the learning environment of your student. From my
professional experience without personal human proximity in positive
language learning attitudes can be hindered because there is no personal
connection between the teacher and the student. Thou, the English online
teaching is an alternative part-time job for some Filipinos it still plays a big
role as a growing industry for around in Asia.
Being an EFL teacher you need to work double on gaining attention
span and motivating students to learn because your are miles away from
each other and you know that for them learning English is forced upon by
their parents and the society. That is my position in making this research I
want to seek new methods and ways on how to gain positive attitudes
towards learning English grammar. I also want to explore on different
learning materials on how to explain Basic English grammar for EFL students
for both online and offline classes. I also want to discover how integration of
ICT can helpful to learning a language. The research aims to answer the
question based on the data gather from previous studies: First, what are the
methods and ways how to positive attitudes towards learning English
grammar? Second, what are the effective materials EFL teachers can use to
transfer grammar lessons for EFL Learners?

Chapter 2
This first part of this chapter is dedicate for journal article review from Asian
EFL journal that would explore methods and ways on creating positive
attitudes towards learning English Grammar. The second are unpublished
dissertation from doctoral graduates of UP College of Education specializing
in Language studies. The researcher also included analysis and insights on
how the information gathered can be useful in teaching ESL, grammar and
creating positive attitude towards learning the English.
Foreign Studies
Effective Communication
According to the study on regarding Language anxiety that was
entitled an Investigation on the Language Anxiety and Fear of Negative
Evaluation among Turkish. The study introduced that negative attitudes
towards learning a foreign language can create foreign language anxiety that
can cause Communication apprehension where learners lack mature
communication skills. Language anxiety can be relieved through effective
communication between teacher and students.
The study was composed of 112 participant all are foreign advanced
language learners of English, 19 are male and 93 are female. The researcher
used questionnaires for gathering information. He also used a foreign
language anxiety scale (FLAS) adapted from the FLAS developed by Horwitz
et al. (1986); and a scale for fear of negative evaluation (FNE) developed by
Leary (1983). The research also used statistical analysis in order to his
organize data. The results showed that most of the participants suffer from
language anxiety and fear of negative evaluation.
Foreign language
learners have stronger fear in negative evaluation that become language
anxiety. In the studys review of literature previous studies show that there
are also other factors that emanate towards language learning anxiety or
negative attitudes some of this difficulty of language course, language skills,
motivation , proficiency, teachers , test and cultural differences. The study
suggest that learning situation and context should be made less stressful to
students so that learning attitudes towards learning different English lesson
can be successful. (Aydin, 2008)

In this study the researcher focused on negative insights given by teachers

that resulted in foreign language anxiety of students. I inserted this article
because the article gave ideas on the how the effects of negative evaluation
of teachers can cause language anxiety and negative attitudes in learning
English. In teaching foreign language students the teacher should always be
sensitive in students emotions in giving feedback especially if they are just
beginners. Motivating students and creating a good learning relationship
between teachers and students should always be guided in learning
language especially grammar and communication and towards creating
positive attitudes in learning an ESL and EFL.
The use L1 in teaching Language Grammar for EFL learners
According to findings of research regarding attitudes on the use L1
(First Language or Mother Tongue) in EFL Classroom at Korean School in
Vietnam. The researchers had predicted that use of L1 can impede English
language learning because the students may rely on translation method. The
studys respondents were 6 Native English Speaking Teachers (NESTs) and 6
Korean native speakers (Non-NESTs) and 30 secondary students from 3
different levels, each level represented by 10 students. For interviews 6
teachers and 9 students were interviewed which were chosen randomly. The
study used a mixed method in gathering the data. The researchers also used
observations and statistical data analysis in organizing data.
The results displayed that L1 played a supportive role in English
Language classroom. The researchers argued that L1 provides for a more
comfortable and motivating environment and it creates motivation to
students. It was evident that the use of L1 was important in making student
understand meanings of words and grammar explanations. The study
recommend that the use of L1 in multilingual and multilevel language
classroom. (Yuri Kim, 2009) In creative positive attitudes toward learning
English grammar the use L1 should be employed in beginning stages of the
lesson to build good foundation of motivation for EFL students.
In this article the researcher focused on the use of L1 in teaching
grammar for EFL. Learners. I inserted this article because I believe that the
use L1 in learning a new language is important especially if you are a
beginner, because most the students are still adjusting to understanding
meanings and adapting to speaking the language. I teaching grammar
students should understand first the context of the sentence so that he will
able identify the problem or the correct grammar. I also think that the use L1
in learning creates confidence on students and in teaching grammar to ESL
learners there should indication that there is student progress.

Adaptation of Curriculum based of students needs

In accordance with Mosers study regarding curriculum change in the
general English program for non-majors in Japanese university that was
entitled Not a language lesson but a language workout: organizing a lesson
around discrete learning activities in order to help students learn and
concentrate. He suggested that reducing task based learning strand and
dividing individual lesson into mostly discrete receptive learning activities.
The research consist of four question survey to investigate students
attitudes towards the new curriculum. There are 411 students participant
from Japanese university. The results was half of participant gave positive
feedback on the new curriculum that was implemented in the class. The
other half is not sure and gave negative feedback on the new curriculum. In
the study the researcher change the TBL (task based learning) strand. The
research detected that if you are break up or chunking the lessons into short
discrete learning activities that students will appreciate more the lesson.
The also organized the lesson students vocabulary would be enrich and the
use EIKEN proficiency test. (Jason Moser, 2014) This discover was
breakthrough if you are a teacher that is organizing lesson plans to develop
positive attitude towards learning English Grammar. The simple idea of
breaking your lesson into short activities and reducing lectures and making
the class more interactive.
In this study the research focused on the how adaptation of curriculum
should be based of students needs. In his study the teacher customized the
curriculum based on the students needs. In teaching langue teachers should
always see to it every lesson fit the personality of the class and if there
should be variations of lesson and activities that would entice students to
learn not just traditional grammar but also communicative grammar which is
more practical. The study gave insights on teachers can create learning
atmosphere that innovation of lesson should imposed in ESL classes.
Teachers Well Being
In additional Ocampos study was about English teachers different
stress types and how it affects their teaching. The study focused on ESL
teacher in Japan. In this study the researcher discussed coping strategies
teachers use to relieve stress. The participants of the study are divided into
two Native Speaking English Teachers (NEST) and Non- native English
Speaking teachers (NNEST). The study was qualitative in nature were the
research administered questionnaire manually or electronically. There are
total of 23 participant, 13 are NNEST and 10 NEST. Participants included
teachers from America, Australia , New Zealand , Philippines, Japan and

Vietnam. The results are the symptoms of stress were identified All of the
NEST participants feel that Stomach upset and felt nervous around people,
while 13 NNEST participants feel stress when the forget something relevant ,
lost interest , and experience chest pain. Some NNEST participant also burst
into tears due emotional tension. Most of the participants feel burnout when
the watch the clock and some claimed that they avoid conversation with coworkers. They felt overloaded with work and lacking in access to social and
professional support groups.
The study explained that for teacher to cope with stress they need to
have enough sleep and put trust into their own religious belief and prevent
other from interfering with their effort. The study concluded that work
related stress is a significant problem for ESL teachers in Japan. Most of the
stress comes from three major factors physical, psychological/ emotional and
behavioral categories. The study also argued the there is no magic bullet
that is effective with all kinds of stress. Therefore teachers should flexible
and adaptable to any situation that learners may bring. (Merissa Braza
Ocampo, 2014)
The study of Ocampo brings a good perspective on how health factor
of teachers can affect the ESL classroom and may cause negative attitudes
of learners for English grammar. The study invokes that if teacher feel
burnout or stress the teacher might not be able to teach well in ESL
classroom and the wellbeing of the teacher is also big factor in creating
positive attitudes towards learning English grammar.
The use of graphic organizers and teachers gesture in learning literature
Consequently, the study of John Unger and Lauren Walter explained the
effectivity of teachers gestures can related to oral speech, written language
and graphic display of language during summarization activity and
understanding literature. The study has two-case analysis of two students
from Thailand.
There are nine student participants they are different
countries: United States, Thailand, China, Turkey and Netherlands. Two
students from Thailand were chosen to be part of the analysis of graphic
organizers. The study used flow charts and concept map as visual aids in
order to understand academically- oriented readings. The researchers used
virtual documentation of experiments and transcription in order to organize
data. The results are the use of new media like cameras, videos, teachers
gesture, actions and graphic organizers can benefit in learning and
understand meaning of literature. The study concluded that the study of
gesture and the suggested applications for the classroom demonstrate how
gesture can be used to make judgments about language and cognition and

enhance literacy learning across a number of multilingual/multicultural

contexts. (John A. Unger, Lauren Walter, 2010)
In this study the research focused on the use creative graphic
organizers in teaching literature. The use of graphic organizers can be a good
tool in teaching grammar because it easy to do and because students are
motivated to do it. Graphic organizer are creative outputs that are helpful in
grammar lesson regarding verbs and nouns. It can be also be used in reading
lesson and speech. The activity of graphic organizer that was based on this
study is a good method in for learning English grammar in EFL Classroom but
is also a good for student to be motivated in learning English.
Skill integration: Conversational analysis for teachers
Moreover, the study or Olcay explored the method of conversational analysis
for teacher in his study entitled A Proposal for a CA-Integrated English
Language Teacher Education Program in Turkey. The aims to propose
comprehensive framework for a conversation analysis informed English
teacher Education program in Turkey. The reason behind this proposal is
written exam in English consist of 100 multiple choice question and there is
no assessment done for candidates for listening and speaking skills in
English. Therefore, student focus on learning grammar and vocabulary to
guarantee them entrance in good universities. Through the observation of
the researcher most of the students in undergraduate degree ELT lack skills
in speaking and it affect their conversational skills of students. According to
study the problem with English programs in turkey lack good teachers and
materials and school have crowded classes. The results of the study gained
insight that conversation analysis is important in preparation of materials for
EFL classroom. The researcher argued that there should be competent
teachers in Turkey that should be trained on basics of conversational analysis
and the use of new media such a multiple video recorders for student
classroom activities. Teachers should observe the needs of their students
and teachers should always plan on how manage second language
classroom through different kinds of activities and not focus only in one
aspect of Language. (Sert, Olcay, 2010)
The study gave insights that conversation analysis is beneficiary to
learn for ESL teachers because through the information gather in the
analysis teacher would be able to pin point grammar problems of students.
Information that was gather can also be useful in making learning materials
that will suit the students needs. Teaching grammar is difficulty if the teacher

does not know how to identify the problem that needs to be correct and
conversational analysis is one method that can be very useful method in
English in Action Method (EIA)
Similarly, the study entitled Exploring Changes in English Teaching
Techniques and Learners Response by Sabiha Sultana suggest the use of
English in Action teaching learning techniques in Bangladesh. The study
compose of 205 respondents, five are English teachers. The research tools
used were interviews, and different types of questionnaire. The researcher
used both qualitative and quantitative data analysis in order to organize
data. Hollistic analysis was also used for open ended question. EIA ( English
In Action) project focus on developing students speaking skills. Some of the
activities in EIA are Repeating word practice , Group work and pair work, Role
play , Brainstorming ,
Fill in the blanks, Question and answer, Choral
dialogue practicing , Vocabulary game, Audio recording listening. The
researcher discussed that in the past they use GTM (Grammar Translation
Method) in teaching English they found out that most of the students do not
participate in class and dont know how to speak English, so they adapted
CLT (Communicative Language Teaching). The researcher also defined that
change of teachers role in the classroom in the past teacher are the
lecturers that only give information to students, but in EIA teachers role
became the facilitators of learning. Classroom environment became friendlier
and student are more motivated in participating in activities in class. The
results of the study was success the researcher saw the effectivity in EIA in
Bangladesh English Classes. The reason is that teacher are happier in the
new method rather than the traditional method in teaching English grammar.
The mixed activities in EIA did not just develop students proficiency in
speaking but it also develop their creativity and critical thinking skills. Based
on research the students are more comfortable in this method because they
have freedom expression and they are able to use different kind of media to
learn English. The study concluded that EIA program has elevated both
reading, listening, speaking and writing skills of students. (Sultana, Sabiha,
I inserted this article because it gave good ideas on how EIA program
can be effective in teaching ESL classroom for beginners. It has various of
activities that student would be able to have fun while learning different
kinds of lesson in English that can integrated to various lesson in grammar. I
also love how EIA program emphasize on peer communication in learning the

language and how freedom of expression, creative activities entice students

to learn from this program.
ICT Integration
Furthermore, Lucas Kohnkes enlightens teachers, administrators and
students to use ICT for English language teaching in his study entitled
Facilitating the Implementation of ICT to Teachers. In his study he discussed
concrete implementation plan of using ICT in language learning.
explained that the progress of ICT development continue to go into new
pedagogical developments. ICT has the potential to improve education
method and the quality of teaching and learning. He discussed that largest
obstacles in implementing technology is the negative attitude teachers have
towards technology in the classroom. The research article also impose on
discussing how institutions teachers can best implement and transform their
teaching environment into a digital one. He also explained that there are
four practical competent in integration of ICT in the classroom, shared vision,
access, technical assistance, teacher training. For ICT to be developed in the
English classroom there should be a long action plan. ICT can instruct
teachers and learners to communicate and work with one another in new
ways which may better suit their style of learning. (Kohnke, 2012)
In Kohnkes study he inspires new English teachers for ICT integration
in teaching English Grammar is future of teaching. He gave positive feedback
and some methods on how to implement it and he also gave logical reasons
why teachers need to adapt to new learning materials that is needed for the
new age of learners. ICT became an integral instrument for learning and
communication because we now live in technology based world where
computer is as small as a notebook and technology is easily accessible to
most student population around the world.
Local Studies (Unpublished Dissertations)
Peer Oral Feedback Method in Composition Writing
Following for this further, the study of Satoquia gave new strategies for
giving feedback on students composition in his study entitled Peer Oral
Feedback and revisions of students compositions. His study focus on
influence of peer oral feedback improving the revision of students
compositions. The study compose of 10 student writers randomly selected
among two freshman English classes and 3 student editors that are selected
by the researcher. The study used mixed qualitative and quantitative
method in organizing data the research also used survey method,
questionnaire, probing question instrument, in data gathering. In creating

the graphical representation of the results the researcher used T-Test in

scoring drafts of students composition. The results are peer oral feedback
improves students & editor content, organization and grammar in making
composition for English classes. Four student writers agree that they felt that
editors were reliable and peer oral feedback were effective. The study gave
exemplar results because students did not reject feedback by student
editors. While student editors were able to learn how to organize feedback
for their classmates. (Satoquia, 2010 )
The use of integration of communication based approach and structured
On the other hand, Florence study establish the effects of expressive and
integrated approaches in English language teaching and writing proficiency
of freshman college student. Participants were 60 freshman college students,
that divided in two types expressive and the integrated syllabi both have
different syllabi to follow. The research focused on second language learning
grammar forms and structures, while the other concentrated on
communicative function of target language. The research conducted pre-test,
lecture and post-test and analyzed all results were evaluated using analytic
marking scheme and evaluation of composition by James F. Lee and Bill Van
Patten. The pretest is 100 item test and the comparable writing test are
visual image of comic strip regarding snatching incident. When all data were
evaluated and scored the researcher used Pearson Product Movement
Correlation, T-Test. The results concluded that there are significant
relationship between language competences in writing proficiency. According
to the study both groups and that gender and writing proficiency show a
degree of relatedness. However academic course as a variable did not
indicate that it was viable factor that would determine its relation to writing
proficiency. The study concluded that balance of teaching approaches
expressive should be used as much as the meaning focus approaches. The
research recommended that L2 teachers should aware of the unlimited
possibilities of utilizing comprehensible inputs in the classroom which
facilitate language learning. (Florence, 2006 )

Chapter 3
Based on the journal articles reviewed by the researcher there are
many ways in developing positive attitudes towards learning English
Both foreign and local sources of the study gave helpful,
innovative and concrete methods on how to attain positive attitudes towards
learners. Some authors focused on the teachers wellbeing, some gave new
methods based on their experiments, and some integrated two methods so
that students would be able to learn both skills in grammar and
communication. The topic integration ICT is also gave focus on its
importance as learning tools that future researcher need to explore. ICT for
transferring grammar lesson for EFL learners online and offline is effective
tool in learning because students are now inclined and motivated towards
using new technology in communication and for learning.
The study was a success because there is valuable that data gathered
and organized so that future readers of this article would be able to gain
ideas on how to create positive attitudes towards teaching EFL learners:
online or offline. Furthermore the study gave insights on new learning
materials, methods and how modern technology, ICT would be able to help
improve teacher competency in teaching English grammar and

Aquino, L. F. (2005, April ). The Effect of Bilingual Instruction on the literary
skills of Preschools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Retrieved from
University of the Philippines, Diliman
Aydin, D. S. (2008, October). An Investigation on the Language Anxiety and
Fear of Negative Evaluation among Turkish. (P. Roberstson, Ed.) Asian
EFL Journal, 4, 19-35. Retrieved November 24, 2014, from
Florence, E. E. (2006 , May ). Writing Proficiency as focus of expressive and
integrated language teaching approaches. Unpublished doctoral
Jason Moser. (2014, August). Not a language lesson but a language workout:
organizing a lesson around discrete learning activities in order to help
students learn and concentrate. Asian EFL Journal(78), 4-15 . Retrieved
November 24, 2014
John A. Unger, Lauren Walter. (2010, November). Gesture, Speech, and
Graphic Organizers as Semiotic Resources for Summarizing: A TwoCase Analysis of the Genesis of Meaning. (D. P. Robertson, Ed.) Asian
EFL Journal, 13-54. Retrieved November 25, 2014
Kato, S. (2009, Decemer ). Interaction Between Processing and Maintenance
in Online L2 Sentence Comprehension: Implications for Linguistic
Threshold Hypothesis. Asian EFl Journal, 4(11), 235-273. Retrieved
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Kohnke, L. (2012, November ). Facilitating the Implementation of ICT to
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Merissa Braza Ocampo, K. R. (2014). Perceived Stress, Burnout and Coping

Strategies of Native and. Asian EFL Journal(78), 16-26. Retrieved
November 24, 2014
Satoquia, N. M. (2010 , June ). Peer Oral Feedback and Revisions of students
Compositions. (D. University of the Philippines, Ed.) Unpublished
doctoral dissertation .
Sert, Olcay. (2010, September ). A Proposal for a CA-Integrated English
Language Teacher Education Program in Turkey. (P. Robertson, Ed.)
Asian EFL Journal, 62-97. Retrieved November 25, 2014
Sultana, Sabiha. (2012, November 22). Exploring Changes in English
Teaching Techniques. Asian EFL Journal, 64(Cebu), 27-39. Retrieved
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Yuri Kim, E. P. (2009). Students and Teachers Use of and Attitudes to L1 in
the EFL Classroom. (D. P. Roberstson, Ed.) Asian EFL Journal, 11(4), 5889. doi:ISSN : 1738-1460

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