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Eric Thomas: Thank God Its Monday

Season 1
Episode 1:
See job as a blessing
See things in positive light
Give, stop complaining
Stop expecting/looking for change, be the change
Episode 2:
Speak into reality
Feel until its real, control emotion, dont stay in a funk
Dont sweat the small stuff its all small stuff
You must not quit poem Edgar Guest
Episode 3:
Put things in perspective
Count your blessings (alive, family, health, if I can look up; I can get up, best
is yet to come)
Dont even talk about it negative things that cant change dont talk about
it, dont listen to it
Its manageable no matter the circumstances, its manageable. Break it up
in pieces
Episode 4:
Are you living or just existing? [theme]
Episode 5:
Go to work, give 120%
Attitude is everything
Use your job as a laboratory
What you are to be, you are now becoming
Faithful over few and you will rule over many
Episode 6:
Work is the key to success
Only thing that comes to a dreamer is sleep
More dreams than work per day, no going to achieve those goals
Sweat equity
Episode 7:
Keep your eyes on the prize
Twenty-four: lock in on 24 hour time frame
Pray as if everything depends on God, Act as if everything depends on you
Draw on faith to get to next level

Episode 8:
You are not a victim
How you handle what happens to you

Take full responsibility of actions and responses

Episode 9:
Its your fault (greatest common denominator)
No more blame game
Stop running
Its going to hurt
Episode 10:
Trust the process
Youre not the first one
The process purifies
Bonus Episode:
Information changes situations
Reading is critical
Bad info in = Bad info out, good info in = good info out, etc.
Episode 11:
Change your perception
Life is less about what people think about you and your situation, life is about
how you see yourself
Episode 12:
Forget about the past, look at future, see it differently
In every pain, there is gain
See into the future
Do not allowed present reality become your perception
Reality does not control future, perception as GPS to future

Season 2
Episode 1:
Live in the forward see yourself in the future, imagination
Embrace faith one day its going to be your day, keep pushing, believe and
see without evidence
Fail forward
Dont quit, dont give up, hold on

Every mistake is a stepping stone, building block

You can have whatever you are willing to struggle for, without struggle there
is no progress

Episode 2:
Dont get bitter, get better
Choose to be happy
Dont talk about the negatives
You cant talk negative and be positive at the same time
Clean up negativity
Episode 3:
Get focused
Focus on one thing, lion focused on four legs is paralyzed
What drives you? What moves you? Whats your reason for getting up?
When you are passionate, you dont have to chase your dreams, they chase
There are no limits only ones that exist are ones you put on yourself
Exposure travel
Once the mind is stretched, it will never return to its original dimensions
Stakeholder in own success
Episode 4:
Cultivate and nourish your dreams
Have an appetite
Hungry for it, want it as bad as you want to breathe
You be you
Stop sleeping with the enemy
Enemy = any cord that binds you to fear and failure
Whats right with it? How does it help with goals?
You decide
Episode 5:
Stop living in the past
Avoid environments that bring up your past
Stay away from past
Replace situations with positivity
Let the past go, press towards mark of higher calling
When you know better, you do better
Episode 6: (+)
Rise above it all, elevate yourself
Re-invent yourself

Dont quit, reinvent yourself

Dont sabotage yourself
Dont push the snooze button

Bonus 2:
Take responsibility
No excuses, no blame game
Make up when you mess up
In full control of destiny
Episode 7:
4th quarter living
Finish strong, its about heart
There is no break in the fourth quarter
How bad do you want it?
A sense of urgency
Success is the only option
Make it a great day, because I said so
Set back is a setup for a comeback
Episode 8:
Beauty in death even in darkest moments, there is beauty
More life can come from death
Reflect on trials and tribulations
Get motivated Spirit that there are no limits, chance to be and do
something never done before
Get back up
If you dont use it, you lose it
Episode 9:
Follow through
Finish strong
What you do today, is going to impact tomorrow
Dont run to the river, run through the river
Show up, cant win the game if you arent in the game
75% of success is showing up
Believe in the dark what the creator told you in the light
Play through it
Episode 10:
No more backpack mentality
Backpack mentality packing pack before class ends
Stop packing up before finishing doing what you were supposed to do before
Be in life to learn
You cannot overcome, until you become
It can work, but before it can work, you have to work it

Episode 11:
You have to live with the consequences
Do decisions line up with goals?
What decisions are you making today? Where are they taking you?
Dont just talk about it, be about it
Dont give up, you dont know what a new day will bring
Episode 12: (+)
You have to want it, have the desire, its from within
Every day is a chance to make dreams possible
Only things stopping dreams from becoming reality is self
Get out of lottery mentality
Stop waiting for circumstances to change and change your circumstance
Fortune teller is you
Identify things that hold you back, things not proud of
Nobody can stop you
Identify things you want

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the
world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not
a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential.
Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.
Season 3
Episode 1:
Dream it up
Stop overwhelming yourself
Miracle territory
Never stop dreaming
Get to the right spot
If you can think you can, you can. If you think you cant, you cant
Focus on the vision
Episode 2:
Get up, get out and get something
Seed what you need
Dont look for results, do what you are supposed to do
1st Quarter living take advantage of the 1st quarter, dont wait till last
quarter, may be too far behind
Strong start, easy to catch
Take advantage of the seasons
Episode 3:

Clear picture, GPS to where youre going

Day to day process
Luck is for leprechauns and you arent green
Go where you are celebrated not tolerated
Cant put good seed into bad soil
There is no mistake you cant bounce back from

Episode 4:
Time is a commodity
Stop cheating yourself and start treating yourself
Use time wisely
Even when you cant see it, you gotta believe it
See what you cant see
Sometimes its not about skill, its about will
Make the best of your life, the rest of your life
Episode 5:
Get out of comfort zones
Environment that will reinforce dreams
Do what you always done, going to get what you always got
Be true to yourself
Be the right person
Episode 6:
Be you
When you are not you, you will never be happy
Operate at 120%
Be who you gotta be
It isnt easy but its simple
Episode 7: (+)
Start strong so you can finish strong
Take the first step stop talking about, then take one step forward everyday
Find your value
Invest in yourself time
Invest in your mind
Every day you have options
Episode 8:
Dream no matter the conditions
Get rid of all fear, cant have faith and fear at the same time
Push the unaffected button
Have heart, believe

Give it all you got

Be the right person
Ground is no place for a champion, get up and get busy
Different perspective, different attitude

Episode 9:
Take the fight to them
Embrace the trials and tribulations
No shame in thinking about quitting, no shame in getting tired, dont let the
thought become a reality
Believe against all odds
Pace yourself
Where am i? What do I know? What dont I know? How much more do I need
to know? What abilities do/do I not have? What information do/dont I have?
What information do I need to get?
Champion is afraid of losing, everybody else is afraid of winning
If you believe it, conceive it, you can achieve it
Episode 10:
Stop whining, stop complaining and start counting your blessings
2nd quarter living Maximize momentum from 1st quarter
Forward thinking, forecasting
What did you do wrong in 1st quarter?
Forest living (unmanaged, wild) to garden living (structured, managed)
Learn to say no
Stay humble
Understand order
Episode 11:
Name your harvest (1st quarter living)
Walk into your season (2nd quarter living)
Get in the dream and do something different, look at something different
Make a fool of yourself
Time to claim whats yours
When going through darkest moments, that is the path to summer. You will
Go get your harvest
Look at your harvest from a different perspective
Episode 12:
Laser focus, eye on the prize
Who are you representing?
Is no shame to get help
Swallow pride and get help
Episode 13 Bonus 1

Didnt get where you are overnight

Make changes, dont focus on results. Do the work
Hold onto necessities, become a necessity
Do something different to get to the next level
Put more in to get more out

Episode 14 Bonus 2
3rd quarter living
Opportunity to seize the moment takes blood, sweat and tears
Write down opportunities
What you need to do every single day
Put up or shut up
Episode 15 Bonus 3
Want it as bad as you want to breathe
Good is enemy to great
Place self around people that will stretch and push you
Give up immediate pleasures for future success
Give up some stuff to get to the next level
What would life look like if you operated at the highest level?
Episode 16 Bonus 4
3rd quarter living point of no return, strapped into a rollercoaster at the
peak, its about the momentum now
Somethings in life come after regulation
Wrestle, fight, not going to let go until you get your blessing
Take the prize home
Step back and look from different angles, different perspective
Episode 17 Bonus 5
What you are to be, you are now becoming
Use part of today to prepare for tomorrow
Set goals, begin with end in mind
All men are created equal, some work harder in preseason
Birds of a feather flock together surround self with right people
Episode 18 Bonus 6
Fail to plan then plan to fail
Get up, get out
When you do something, do it good
Grow up and mature

Episode 19 Bonus 7 (+, end)

You are the captain of your ship
Life is more about the decisions you make, than the decisions other people
Think about your day, internalize [morning]
Think about your decisions [morning]
Reflect on decisions made [night]
Study up on what you want, study up on successful people in field
Dont ever have to talk about your goals, let them speak for themselves
Episode 20 Bonus 8
Every dream and goal, have the promise and the prize
Dont worry about the prize, focus on the process
Think big beyond your boundaries
Expect big dont limit yourself
Act big
Episode 21 Bonus 9
Fatigue is part of greatness
Push yourself
Just because you have a dream/goal, does not mean it is always going to
If its going to happen, you have to push yourself
Push yourself until something happens
Push until something happens, start over and push again
Whats next?
Have you ever pushed yourself to the limit?
Episode 22 Bonus 10
Play big - No excuses or good reasons
Play hard For 30 days play as hard as you can
Play smart
Study become an expert, give yourself an edge
If you do right, everything is going to work out in the end
Episode 23 Bonus 11
Change your mindset, change your thinking
Somethings you cant outsource
Somethings arent going to happen without your thoughts and heart
Pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you
Be your biggest advocate CEO of you, own biggest fan
Focus on what you can change, focus on you
Episode 24 Bonus 12

Never ever ever ever give up on your dreams

Never ever ever ever let somebodys reality of you become you
Believe in your dreams, stop listening to others
Never ever ever ever try to do it alone no man is an island
Nothing succeeds like success
Surround self with people that will breathe life, not death

Episode 25 Bonus 13
Never rest until you good is better and your better is best
Keep pushing, dont just be content
Happy new year in august
By September next years model better be out
Episode 26 Bonus 14
Window of opportunity/life closes quickly
Get busy living
Decide the quality of your life, control all the stuff inbetween life and death
Legacy what are you going to leave behind?
Stop being a spectator
Episode 27 Bonus 15
4th Quarter living
Its not too late, still have time
Get sick and tired of defeat
Enough is enough - no more excuses or good reasons
Win or go home
Stop talking about it, get it done
Follow through
Episode 28 Bonus 16
Mind and attitude is all you need to be successful
Get in the zone
Be consistent
Airplane enough space and take off
Train pick up momentum, gets going cant be stopped
Stop starting and stopping, be consistent
Past is in the past, forget about it
Life is your classroom
It aint failure if you learn from it
Episode 29 Bonus 17
Your work will work for you, in the zone
Toothpaste, get more out of life
Know where you are, be honest with yourself
What am i?
Know your limits, know who you are
Test your limits, hit that wall

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable

Squeeze it, get anything and everything you can get out of it
If you still in the game, you can win the game

Episode 30 Bonus 18
People love to watch a fire burn
Change is inevitable
Be aware, dont get taken off guard
Life is going to throw some serious obstacles. Learn to turn and look at every
obstacle as an opportunity
Rope-a-Dope have a strategy
Spontaneous combustion get in an environment thats on fire
Stuff happens dont let it bother
Episode 31 Bonus 19
Speed up Dont do more, optimize what you are doing, take it to the next
Dont run to it, run through it
Bad week let it go, dont let it turn into two weeks
Find a way to get that extra .5
Episode 32 Bonus 20
For the heart whats your seed worth to you
What is the value? What has it cost you?
Hope see when it cant be seen
Speak victory
If you can speak it, if you can say it, it will eventually become a reality
Residence surrender to it, possess it
Stop playin with it, put your all into it
What do I lose by not doing what I am supposed to?
What is at stake?
Be afraid of what you are losing by not becoming what you are supposed to
Episode 33 Bonus 21
You gotta believe that one day itll be your day
Stop embracing your reality now
Today is the day
You can do it, you dont have to be perfect
Have to be willing
Easier to fix mistakes than it is to get started
One step at a time, but you gotta get started somewhere
Episode 34 Bonus 22

Look in the mirror you deserve better

Stop settling
How would life be different if lived by faith instead of fear?
What life look like if you werent afraid? If you werent a scaredy cat?
What would life look like if you followed your heart? Your passion?
Stop listening to other people. Its not about what they think

Episode 35 Bonus 23 (+)

Let not your heart be trouble he could not bring you to it, if was not going
to bring you through it
Not about excuses, its about making adjustments
Do what you can, when you can
Window of opportunity opens and closes
As often as you can
Use whats in your hand
Do not settle for less, you deserve the best
Forget about the past, get over it
Make the rest of your life, the best of your life

Season 4
Episode 1:
Theme Accept the challenge
Artist is only as good as his last piece, get to that masterpiece
Outlast pain, discomfort, you will find success
Change how you see pain, welcome it
Bring it to the next level
Become excellent
Someone that wants your spot, not the only one.
Gotta embody excellence, do one extra something. Go a little further than the
man trying to get the spot you wanna get
You cannot cheat success
Do things youve never done before.
Episode 2:
Willing to make the sacrifices

Not where you are now, where you believe you can be
Operate and find your level of performance, now push towards peak
Peak performance to elite effort, blow your own mind
Dont cheat yourself, particularly with time
Whatever you want in January, based on what you did the whole year before
What I did yesterday got me to where I am today, but what I do today will
determine how long I stay where I am today and how far I go tomorrow
Dont get out of life what you want, you get what you earn
People invest in you because you invest in yourself even more

Episode 3:
Do you believe? Do you believe that one day you will stop living in the world
given to you and starting living in the world that you dream of?
Think big, dream big
Start small, no one is an overnight success
Do it well or dont do it
Do it right the first time or dont do it
Give small a chance

Episode 4:
Look at every opportunity, small ones, like its a big opportunity
Everything you do is big, give 120%
Invest big
Seize the moment
Episode 5: (+)
The will to succeed is important
The will to prepare is as important
Get information he has
Hes making decisions you arent making
They doing stuff you arent doing
Perfect small
Smarter not harder
Persevere Storm shall pass, hold on and hold out, do not quit. Keep on
keeping on
Episode 6:
Success demands you take risks
Success demands you have an insatiable appetite for knowledge

Never give up
Believe in yourself, in your dreams even when in the dark
Impossible is just a big word, thrown around by small men, who find it easier
to live in the world they have been given then to explore the power they have
to change it
Impossible is only an opinion, impossible is temporary, impossible is nothing

Episode 7:
Be moves ahead, like a master chess player 25 moves ahead
Settle down
Laser focus if you try to chase two rabbits, you wont catch either one
Master one thing
Cant be on potential for the rest of your life
Potential has to become achievement

Episode 8:
Information changes situation be effective, get the right information
Ill Pass
Stop planning
Dont gotta be perfect
Gotta pass up on good to get to great
Gotta do what works for you, dont eat every dessert on the dinner table, pick
a couple
Forest living vs Garden living
Be focused, deliberate and intentional
Everything thats good to you, is good for you
List of things to pass on
Episode 9: (+)
Dont have to be perfect, but perfect the day
Try to do what you didnt do the day before, didnt do the year before
Perfect the now
Fall in love with small
Make the adjustments
Episode 10: (+)
Dont plan for events
Plan as if its going to happen
Plan for the future

Look into the future, come back to the present and start planning for the

Episode 11: (+)

Pain is temporary, pain is your friend, pain will take you to the next level
Work through pain, on the other side is reward
Episode 12:
Closer core values are to work, closer to success
Core values have to match with what you do
Two types of people: Got tos and the get tos
Got tos there because society dictates but they dont want to be there
What can I do?
Be your brand. Be the best brand you can be
Never stop perfecting yourself, believing in yourself, giving 120%

Episode 13:
Use your head
Think deeply
Have heart - Perseverance
Be resilient
Episode 14:
Fight your way through
Fight the fear
Fear isnt bigger than you
Its not impossible, its past possible no way you cant do it, odds are for you
Have to get started
Live your vision
How would life be different if you were living your dreams?
Enough is enough
Show up Do what you have to do
Sleep is for suckers
Starts with a vision

Season 6(5):
Episode 1:
Impossible is nothing
What do you want? [keypoint]
Create own luck
What are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want?
Cant stay where you are and go where you want to go
How far will your will take you? Somethings you cant just earn, have to will
to get it
Work on your will stop giving up, stop quitting, stop giving in
Life will break you, if your will is not strong
Get out of your way
Be phenomenal or be forgotten
Episode 2:
What steps do you have to take? What skills and knowledge?
Do the impossible
First, do what is possible
Drive the possible consistently do the possible, every day, routine
Perfect possible
Every day matters
Episode 3:
There are going to be disappointments
Only things thats going to get to up and through that wall is what you see
Keep writing what you want, keep seeing it
What you want to clear you wake up in the morning and step into your dream
Will not operate at the apex if you cannot see clearly
Its for your eyes only nobody else has to see what you see, only yourself
See it, believe in it with all your heart
Stop begging
Invest in yourself
Every single day matters, dont know what the big day is

Episode 4: (+ quote)
DG = Discover gift If you want to blow up, gotta discover own gifts, cant be
like nobody else
PG = Perfect gift Average to good to great to phenomenal
GG = Give gift What you reap you sow
Legacy or currency
Episode 5:
Stay thirsty, stay hungry
Alligator most vulnerable after eating, cant be like that, got to be hungry
Dont ever get satisfied, dont ever get content
Power 21 Do something for 21 straight days
30 day extended version
Power in practice
Win this day, forget the past
Episode 6: (+)
You matter
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure, its our light not our darkness that most
frightens us, who am I to be brilliant, to be gorgeous, to be talented, to be
fabulous, Who are you not to be? You are a child of God and your playing
small does not serve the world, there is nothing enlightened about in
shrinking so that others wont feel insecure about you, we are all meant to
shine as children do, we were born to make manifest the glory of God that is
within us, it is not in some of us, its in all of us and as we let our light shine,
we unconsciously gives others permission to do the same, when we are
liberated from our own fear, a presence automatically liberates us.
Episode 7:
You are powerful beyond measure
Knowing is half that battle, now apply
Activate the real you, tell yourself I am powerful beyond measure, Dont
just say it SEE it
Nobody can do it the way you do
Embrace you are powerful beyond measure
Invaluable, unstoppable
You have a particular set of skills
You have an experience like nobody else has ever experienced
Walk it, live it, see it, speak it
Stop settling
Be phenomenal because you are

Episode 8:
Average is so average that most dont recognize they are operating at
Transform change in character or condition
You are phenomenal ACT like it, get in the game
Need to care
Get in the game and give everything you got, A game
Episode 9:
Attracted to greatness
Easier to watch greatness
Monday is the day you are supposed to mold and shape greatness
When you become great, its not enough to just write it down and plan
When great, you are will to put in the time, effort, energy
Stop being average, it suffocates the life out of you
Episode 10
Correlation between time and success, have a sense of urgency
Keep climbing, keeping going
2nd Quarter living bring it to a new level
Run from average like the plague
In good for a short moment and get to great
From great work to phenomenal

Season 7
Episode 1:
Will you work just as hard when the stage and empty and the seats are
cleared, as you did when you first saw your dream?
If you are alive, you have not reached your best yet
If life was amazing, what would it look like?
If you know what amazing looks like, why havent you gotten there yet? Take
personal responsibility
Look in the mirror, Vow to be amazing, start applying
Do what you have to do
Episode 2:
Talk less, grind more
Let your work speak for you
Know is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do
Stop talking about your dreams, get to work
Not going to happen just because you said it
Wished enough, Lets get to work
If it was easy, everyone would do it
Episode 3:
Work on your work
Want more? Upgrade your work, increase performance
Study your work
Critique your work
Reflect on your work how you do what you do
Increase performance
How bad do you want it?
Episode 4:
Are you serious?
Have you earned it?
Have you out worked your competitions, the person next to you?
Work while your working lock in, focus, be all in
Time on task [1] Full effort for full time, Working for 4 hours but only really
working for 2 = bad
Effort [2] Giving 120% every day, every play?
Attitude Love it, passion, heart

Episode 5:
No more excuses
What legacy will you leave?

Step your game up

Cant change the hands of time, but can create a new legacy

Episode 6:
Nobody owns you anything
Invest in your dream
Enough might not be enough, so dig deep and find more
It takes energy + effort
Put more energy in than anybody else
Put in more effort than anybody else
Revise, revise, make adjustments, go at it again
Episode 7:
Impose your will
Past writing, past talking, time to leave your mark
Seize the opportunity, seize the moment
Be where youre supposed to be
Who are you destined to be?
Be where youre supposed to be to become who you are supposed to be
Be who are you supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing,
you are superman
Get to the sweet spot
Episode 8:
Your life is going to be amazing
Question is not, is it possible?
Have you made the decision? And gone all in?
Have a sense of urgency
Spend time on your dreams, no time to waste
Relentless follow up, make it happen

Episode 9: (+)
Great expectations
Make the decision, expect the outcome
Expect the win, expect to pass, know you got it
Live in your own reality
Confidence, not cockiness or arrogance
Expect the outcomes

Activate your faith see it in heart and mind

Expect BIG
I expect, know
Failure is not an option

Episode 10: (+)

You cant make a difference, until you make a decision
Want things to change? Make a decision
Life is a sum total of your decisions, not others
Make a decision that in a year from now, I will be _____.
See how much you want to make it.
Decide in your heart
Make a decision
Episode 11:
There that special moment, when figuratively tapped on the shoulder to a
very special things, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy of
that moment finds him unprepared and unqualified for the work which would
be his finest hour Winston Churchill
Stop embracing fail, dont except lack, failure, defeat
Be prepared
Chart: Decisions (left) and Actions (right) that its going to take to make that
decision happen
Got evoked, stirred up, now respond, take action
Episode 12: (+)
Dont worry about whats happening later this year or month or week, get
through today
I can, I will, I must Speak life into it
When feeling like you cant Speak life into death I CAN, I WILL, I WILL get
through this, I must.
I can beat it, I will beat, I must, I can make it, I can get through this, Outlast it
I am a survivor, just work a little harder, press a little deeper
Make up your mind not to quit, not to give up
Just because you failed, doesnt mean youre a failure. Because you lose
doesnt make you a loser. Do not give up
Season 10
Episode 1: Hobby Hustle
Apply principle
Goal must be your priority, success wont come if your dreams remain your
List priorities and start to shut things down, optimize
Say No to that which does not apply to priorities

Episode 2: Write it down & Shut it down

Enough is enough
Someone has been in the same shoes as myself, if they can do it, I can do it
Shut down the noise, the distractions
Write down distractions to milestones and shut them down
Episode 3: Sacrifice good for great
Give up something, sacrifice
Give up current blessing, that which is in your hand
To be great, requires great sacrifice
Episode 4: Id rather die trying: Face your fear
Get past fear
On the other side of the fear and doubt, it your breakthrough, your milestone
Episode 5: Iron sharpens iron
Repetition deepens the impression
Power of two, no man is an island
Commit to dreams


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