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Paper 5
- When answering, read the question and all information given carefully. Make
sure that you understand the experiment given and know what the question is
asking for. Answer the questions based on the experiment and its observations
and results. You may need to apply your Biology experimental skills to answer
some questions. Certain questions may require your knowledge and
understanding in Biology to answer them. You may also need to give your own
opinions. For all questions, your answer must be specific and not too general.
Give the most suitable answer according to the question.
- You should use the correct biological and experimental terms in your answer. Do
not replace them with other terms that are inappropriate, even if their meaning
are the same. You should spell all biological and experimental terms correctly. If
you can't do so, try to spell it in such a way where it sounds the same as the
actual term when read out. Marks are usually not deducted for spelling errors in
biological and experimental terms as long as it still sounds the same and that it
is not easily confused with other terms. If you spell other terms wrongly or if you
make grammatical errors in your answer, marks will not be deducted for as long
as the examiner can understand what you are writing. You are allowed to use
suitable short forms in your answer, such as formula for chemical substances and
symbols for units of physical quantities.
- It is not compulsory to answer in continuous writing form. You are allowed to
answer in table form, point form or other suitable forms. In suitable cases, you
can also use diagrams, equations or graphs in your answer.
- For any questions involving calculation, the number of significant figures of your
answer should be equal to the number of significant figures of the raw value
used in the calculation with the least number of significant figures. You should
show all workings and do not skip any important steps. You must also write the
correct unit for the final answer if it is not provided. You are not allowed to write
extra solutions or answers. If you do so and any of the answers or solutions is
wrong, marks will be deducted. For a calculation question which requires you to
use your answer from the previous question, even if your answer for the previous
question is wrong and you use it for this question causing your answer for this
question to be wrong, usually you will still get full marks for this question as long
as your calculation for this question is correct. This is known as 'error carried
- For questions that require explanation or description, your answer must be very
detailed. You are advised to answer in complete sentences so that your answer
can be easily understood. The number of marks allocated for the question
usually shows the number of points needed in your answer. 1 mark is given for
each correct point. Do not miss out any important points in your answer. You are
allowed to write extra points in your answer, but you must be careful not to write
any points that contradict one another. Marks will only be given for the correct
points. For points that are not acceptable, whether they contain wrong facts or
not, no mark will be given or deducted. However, for points that contradict one
another, no mark will be given for both the points, even if one of them is correct.
You are advised to write extra points if you are not completely sure of what the
question is asking for.
- For questions that do not require explanation or description, write the answer
straight away. You need not answer in complete sentences. The number of marks

allocated for the question usually shows the number of answers needed. You are
allowed to write extra answers, but you must be careful not to write answers that
contradict one another. Marks will only be given for the correct answers. For
answers that are not acceptable, whether they contain wrong facts or not, no
mark will be given or deducted. However, for answers that contradict one
another, no mark will be given for both the answers, even if one of them is
- When drawing diagrams, make sure that all important details are included in
the diagram you draw. You have to label correctly all parts in the diagram. Your
diagram should be clear and neat.
- When plotting graph, draw both the horizontal and vertical axis on the graph
paper correctly. You should plot the independent variable on the x-axis and
dependent variable on the y-axis. Label both axis correctly and state the unit (if
any). Use a suitable scale for both axis and do not use any odd scales such as
3:10. Both the x-axis and y-axis need not start from 0 (unless otherwise stated
by the question). The scales should be chosen such that the graph cover at least
half of the graph paper. For line graphs, the markings on the scales should be
2cm apart, plot all points on the graph accurate to half a small square and the
diameter of each point should not be larger than half a small square, then draw a
curve or straight line that passes through all points on the graph if it is possible
to do so, or if it is not possible, you can just use straight lines to join them pointto-point, and in all cases never extrapolate the line. For bar charts, draw blocks
with equal width accurate to half a small square, where there must be space
between the blocks and the distance between adjacent blocks should be equal,
then label every block. After that, draw the error bars based on the standard
error or standard deviation if required by the question.
- For the question on planning experiment, when writing the procedure, you must
include the steps to change the independent variable, measure the dependent
variable and control the constant variable, as well as other steps required to set
up the apparatus. You should also state the potential safety hazards when
carrying out the experiment and the ways to avoid them. If there is no significant
safety hazard, just state in your answer 'This is a low risk experiment'. Besides,
you have to state the ways to improve the reliability of the experiment such as
repeating the experiment and calculating the mean or identifying anomalies. In
the procedure, you should state the amount and concentration of the substances
used. You are advised to answer in complete sentences so that your answer can
be easily understood. You do not need to draw the diagram of set-up apparatus

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