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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...

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Getting Started


An Overview of Controls
Gnomoria > Guides > emazo's Guides

Breaking Ground!
Keeping the Bad Out

Note on Walls
Your First Spring: A Gnomoria Guide For ANew
More Digging
Building Buildings
By emazo

Farming Farms

This is a guide for new gnoministrators, who are taking their first steps into building a new
This guid er..
intended to show you how to play the game, and take you through your first season, to Again
your Into
Deep Dark Woods
your merchant visit on the 5th day of summer.
Catching Up

The Great Hall and Kingdom Worth

Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
Feels like Summer's Coming


Still More Workshops

Gnomads Have Arrived!

Congratulations! You've been fortunate enough to be granted the lucky task of expanding the glorious
Gnomepire! To accomplish this most illustrious of deeds, you are given your own band of merry
gnomes, all skilled in the art of .. something or other. It's up to you to guide the development of this
new kingdom and bring much wealth and power to the wonderful Gnomes! But how to start..?

A Merchant Has Arrived!

Some Tips for Gnoministrators
Where To Go From Here

This is a guide for new gnoministrators, who are taking their first steps into building a new kingdom.
This guide is intended to show you how to play the game, and take you through your first season, to
your first gnomad arrival, and your merchant visit on the 5th day of summer. This guide generally takes
a pacifist angle in order to help teach the basics of playing this somewhat complex game. There are
certainly more efficient or more dangerous ways to go about your settlement. The best way to use this
guide, would be to read it through first, then follow along in your own game.


Some things to consider when playing Gnomoria - This game can be quite hard; it can also be quite
easy - what you make of it is your own. It is a sandbox simulation, where you are given free reign to
design and build your kingdom as you see fit. But you aren't given direct control of your gnomes, oh
no, you can only influence their actions. Fortunately, they want to work - it's up to you to give them
jobs. But each gnome is driven by their own personal desires, for food, rest, and work. When they get
hungry, they'll go eat. When they get tired, they'll go sleep. Pretty neat, eh? It is, until your settlement is
out of beer, and they'd rather haul wood and take naps instead of building that cursed well! It's quite
likely gnomes will die on your watch, and in all honesty, you're likely to have quite a few complete
failures before getting the hang of it. But persevere! It's certainly worth it. And that's the beauty of
Gnomoria, really. You have all these different gnomes, goblins, and monsters, each with their own
needs and desires, all banging against and fighting each other. Your goal is to make it work, and form a
new, functioning society in spite of all that, and you get to watch how it all plays out. Sometimes it's just
as exciting when it all goes spectacularly bad..



24 Mar, 2013 @ 7:07pm

Updated 14 Jun, 2013 @ 4:23pm

23,617 Unique Visitors

Current Favorites

Note: This guide is based off of version 0.8.42, updated June 11th. This guide includes the new
crafting system, established in March 2013. (As such, some things may be incorrect, or lack foresight
into later game strategy). Also, please keep in mind that this is a game currently in development. This
means there are bugs, you will find them, and it is entirely possible (though rare) that you will lose your
entire game save. This is an accepted fact of game testing, and when bad things happen, you need to
take it stride. File a bug report as needed, take a break, then roll up your sleeves and start again,
knowing that each update makes the game better.
Important Links: - main page of the game - Main forums for the game; RoboB0b is the main (only?) developer
for Gnomoria, and is quite open and active with the community. If you are having troubles, the
searching the forums is a great first start. - the (unofficial) wiki

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...



Getting Started


Getting Started

e you've downloaded up the game, and patiently waited for Steam to install .Net,
ou're on the main menu, let's start a New Game. You are presented with a small
e options to name your kingdom, and to set a kingdom size. Set you kingdom
'd like, and set the size to Tiny. This will help keep things tight, and easier to
difficulty if you'd like, I'm a fan of playing games on Normal.

An Overview of Controls
Breaking Ground!
Keeping the Bad Out
A Note on Walls
More Digging
Building Buildings
Farming Farms
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
Catching Up
The Great Hall and Kingdom Worth
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
Feels like Summer's Coming
Still More Workshops
Gnomads Have Arrived!
A Merchant Has Arrived!
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
Where To Go From Here

. This may be a bit weird for beginners, but it will help us a lot here in a
three main sliders on the left hand side - these determine the type of land
Gnomoria will generate for you. Generally, the farther right a slider is, the "harder" the map will be for
you to develop on. I suggest sliding these to the left, to produce a flatter map to get started on. Hit
Preview to see the map. You want a map that is generally flat, with easy access to some water (but
not a lot of water). You can also change the numerical Kingdom Seed to make a different map. You
don't really need to spend a lot of time here, just make sure you have some water, and a generally flat
map. Once you've gotten something you like, hit Generate.

An Overview of Controls
Huzzah! We are finally in game! You should be looking at something similar to what I have here. First
things, the game is paused, so you are free to poke around a bit, and look at your map.
First things, moving the camera about:

Left Ctrl+(-) to zoom out, Left Ctrl+(=) to zoom back in

W A S D to move camera around
, (comma), . (period) to rotate the camera
- (minus), = (equals, plus) to move up or down 1 Z-Level
Project: Move around the map, see what kinds of trees you have access to (you should see pines,
birch and apple trees), the various types of native plants (strawberries and cotton), and get familiar with
moving the camera up and down (into the air, and under the ground) - When you move the camera
underground, the terrain will all be a general gray colored grid. This will clear up as we go. You can
also left click on objects to identify them, and right click to go directly to the most relevant menu, or
bring up the all actions menu.
In General, there are three ways to interact with Gnomoria :

The Buttons : These include the main buttons at the top, the time control buttons, and the buttons
at the bottom
Time Control : Probably your most used button. The Space Button will pause the game if it's
running, or unpause if paused. As you are learning, I suggest pausing the game while

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...



Getting Started

the later seasons of the game, and you are more familiar with the game as a
lation is important fairly early on, so we'll discuss that later.
This is a hotbar, similar to make you'd see in other games. Most of these buttons
s, that lead to more buttons/actions. If you hover over the button, you'll be given
hat the button action is. Your terrain actions are under 1 (mining, digging), then
ctions (farming, chopping down trees, foraging), building (placing workshops,
ilding terrain), stockpiles, and then Deconstruct, Remove Designation, and Cancel

An Overview of Controls

Food and Drink Stores on the top left hand side of the screen, and the

Breaking Ground!
can right click an empty space to bring up a right click menu that also has all of
the button bar. Generally every command is in the Right Click menu, and moves
A Note on Walls
r as development continues. If you can't find something in the Action Bar, look in
More Digging
enu. I find that it's easier to Designate Areas with the right mouse button menu.
ht Click a build to go directly into that particular building's menu. You can also
Building Buildings
the map to move it around with your mouse.
Farming Farms
y far your best option to control Gnomoria. There are a number of presets, and
any action to a key, for ease of use. Here are some important keys you
Keeping the Bad Out

Again Into the Deep Dark

se/ Woods
Unpause the game
Catching Up

+(=) to zoom back in

The Great Hall and Kingdom

to rotate the camera
(equals, plus) to move up or down 1 Z-Level, or your mouse scroll wheel
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
alls; this makes it easier to see the floor in tight rooms
Feels like Summer's Coming
building before placing it
arkness (the darker red it is, the more likely a monster will spawn there)
Still More Workshops
ction needs to be bound to a key in the Controls Menu, via the Esc key, in order
Gnomads Have Arrived!
A Merchant Has Arrived!
eys that I've set up, that may help you :
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
Where To Go From Here
I - Build Wall
L - Build Floor
I encourage you to set up hot keys that reflect the actions you are using regularly, in order to help
speed things along, and make thing more pleasant to work with. This isn't important now, but will
be as your kingdom advances.
Also of note, I like to set my auto-save to every 1 day (via the Gameplay menu), in case of bugs/errors.
If you save more often, you'll lose less work when accidents happen..

Breaking Ground!
Alright, let's dive in! First, find a large section of dirt you can dig into. You can either Mine right into the
side of the mountain like I did, or Dig a Ramp into the ground first. Be sure to watch out for water, if
you open the lake into the ground, you're likely to flood your settlement! A good area to start with would
be an ~ 15x15 area - this gives us room to line the cavern with workshops, and gives us a large area
for a storeroom.
After you've set up your first mining job, it's time to start chopping wood and foraging for food - the
supplies your gnomes brought along won't last forever. In addition to this, we also want to consider a
wall to keep the baddies out, but we need to clear the area first, so let's kill two birds with one stone,
and start by clearing the woods and shrubs from all sides of the map. I like to go 3 squares in. If your
map has a lot of tree or shrubs on the outside of your map, I'd suggest marking trees to chop down in
small groups, so as not to overwhelm your gnomes.
Finally, Designate an Area for your yaks, and build a Pasture. 1 yak takes 6 pasture squares, so I like
to make my pastures 6x6 (this fits 6 yaks). When navigating this menu, be aware that back/x (close)
will keep your settings.
At this point, everyone should have a job... hit Space to unpause the game, and watch your gnomes
go! Or, more likely, watch the game save, and pause the game again! Hit Space after it's done saving
to start the game again.

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...

Ratethe Bad Out



While your gnomes are digging and chopping and such, lets talk about bad guys. There are a lot of
ant to kill and eat gnomes. Fortunately none of them will know about your
mmer, so you've got 12 days to get a safe zone set up. You'll need a large area
s, groves and pastures, and you'll need to keep track of the light levels
as the caverns full of monsters you are likely to encounter underground.
asy to deal with, with a little planning. For the overland, I suggest walling yourself
Getting Started
t of denying new gnomes and traders. Generally enemies will only spawn on
rows) at the edge of the map. I suggest building a wall around your map, one
An Overview of Controls
iously easier on a tiny map than it is on a large map, and spending so much time
Breaking Ground!
her construction projects take longer. For starting out and learning the game, I
Keeping the Bad Out to build a wall, as I detail below.

A Note on Walls
More Digging

en you have more gnomes about, I encourage you to look into Squads and
u'll need a military for the dangers that lurk below..

Building Buildings
Farming Farms
can be
er..a tricky thing. Some players feel that building a wall is a "cheap" tactic,
vading enemies such as goblins, ogres and mants are unable to bypass walls or
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
lso possible to build a wall around your map in such a way that no enemies (or
Catching Up
suggest this at ALL, as the new gnomes are incredibly
nce earned
The Great Hall and Kingdom
Worthby your gnomes while fighting makes them better soldiers against the
come from under the mountain. However, you are NOT REQUIRED to build a
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
freeform (sandbox) game, you should play how you want.
Feels like Summer's Coming
Still More Workshops

is, Gnomoria is a dangerous world, and your gnomes will die. As it is now, any
tary will run away from enemies, so they have some sort of survival instinct - the
Gnomads Have Arrived!
A Merchant Has Arrived!
Some Tips for Gnoministrators

(or, "an inverse wall"). This will allow you to take pot-shots over the
To do dig a moat, go to Terrain > Dig > Dig Ramp and dig 1-2 rows of dirt. Once
Where To Go From Here
, and remove all the ramps, except for one, so your gnome
be noted here that it is very easy for gnomes to get stuck in holes, so be sure to
leave an exit for your gnome, or else they will get stuck, and possibly die.) Later in the game, you'll get
access to Mechanisms, which will let you build Mechanical Walls to act as doors or drawbridges.
Use the land to your advantage. If you aren't building on a flat map, use the surrounding terrain.
Enemies (and gnomes) can't "jump", and are limited to using stairs and ramps. They also can't breathe
underwater, though they can move in and out of it if there is a ramp. Use Remove Ramps to create cliff
walls, so enemy movement is limited. Look for, or build, choke points to control your enemy movement.
A Training Grounds with a Military Squad training in it (yes, at all times) makes for a good guard point
if it is built in your entranceway, so that enemies have to pass through it to get to your Civilian gnomes.
Also make use of the Guard Area designation, to create stationary guard points, or Patrol Routes for
mobile ones.

More Digging

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...





omes should have dug out your first empty space to make plenty of dirt for the
e room to build that isn't in the rain. Now those gnomes need to find Stone. I like
of 2 with stairs as shown below (you only really need a 1x1 square, I like to have
ics). You should start seeing stone around depth -7 to -10.

Getting Started

for stone, keep an eye on your woodcutters and farmers. Once they've gotten a
An Overview of Controls
p sides cleared, start putting up your wall. On a tiny map, which is 64x64
Breaking Ground!

dirt wall in each corner, and then 2 dirt walls every 6 squares. This gives you an

Keeping the Bad Out

A Note on Walls
More Digging

block outlines, it means you aren't on the same level as the ground below what
. To fix this, adjust your Z level by hitting - or using the mouse wheel to scroll

Building Buildings
Farming Farms

s in those 3 rows we are clearing, light the one highlighted in green here, it's best
Remove Ramp action.
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
Catching Up

Right-Click > Designate Area > Stockpile). Once you set the

The Great Hall and Kingdom Worth

Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
Feels like Summer's Coming
ns, and select "soil" (it will be X'd when all options are selected, or squared if
Still More Workshops cted, or blank if none). I set the priority on this to 4... I like a clean fort..
Gnomads Have Arrived!
gnomes idling too much, or hauling more dirt than you'd like, start them cutting
ke Clipping before cutting down.
A Merchant Has Arrived!
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
miners digging down, we need stone!
Where To Go From Here
When you assign tasks for gnomes, the task goes into an internal lists of tasks, which is filtered to
gnomes based on their assigned jobs. When you start out, you don't need to worry about what job
each gnome is assigned to, just be aware each gnome currently has a job, based on their internal
skills. In order to complete a job, a gnome will need to appropriate skills, job, and materials. You will
need to make sure that your wood, ore, coal and stones stocks are well supplied, through tasks you set
up, as your gnomes won't dig without your instruction. If your gnomes seem to be idling a lot, check
you stocks, that's the first (of many) possible problems.
With the new Crafting update, when you request a building or item to be made, the game checks and
see what materials it needs, what's already made, and what needs to be made, and then queues that
all up automagically. This is helpful in getting your production going, but can cause frustrating delays in
production. You can turn this option off, but I encourage you to leave it on for now, and learn how it
works. It's easy to "short-circuit" the built in production queues if you are prepared, and your
preparation with the queue system will make things go smoother as you go. I'll point out the things I
like to do to help grease the wheels a bit, as we go.

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...





need a stockpile, to store all our stone and wood in close proximity to our
then mark out a square area in the middle of the room. If you
9x9 square is a good size.

Getting Started
An Overview of Controls
set this one to All Stone, All Wood, All Coal, All Metal, and All Cloth. Priority 4, I
Breaking Ground!

ked, so the workers don't need to go as far.

Keeping the Bad Out

A Note on Walls
More Digging
Building Buildings
Farming Farms
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
Catching Up
The Great Hall and Kingdom Worth
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
Feels like Summer's Coming
Still More Workshops
Gnomads Have Arrived!
A Merchant Has Arrived!
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
Where To Go From Here
I also like to build a separate area for a food stockpile.
You can also set the priority of your stockpiles in these menus - the lower the number, the more often
gnomes will stock that stockpile. It's best to keep these numbers above 4, as to not screw with the
gnome priority lists too much, and end up with too much haulin', and not enough buildin'.
After you have your first stockpile set, it's time to build our first building, the Crude Workbench. This
building requires a log, and a raw stone, so you should have these sitting about somewhere. Drop the
building next to your stockpile, and your gnomes will find the log and rock, and get started. If it takes
them too long to start building the workshop, you may have set up too many wall sections for your
builders. You'll notice the workshop turn green when someone is interacting with it. This workshop will
turn logs into planks, planks into chairs and workbenches, and stone into chisels. While you're
waiting, start farming.

Farming Farms
While waiting for your workshop to be built, look for areas that you can set up for easy farming, and
start clearing those areas of shrubs and removing trees. You'll also need to remove clay (the dark
patches of ground) by using the Terrain > Replace Floor action, making sure you use "dirt clumps",
and not "clay clumps". Once you have an area cleared, Designate Area > Farm, and set your first
farm to strawberries. Build another for wheat. Be sure to leave room for cotton, but we won't need
that just yet. Don't make your farms too big, or else you'll overwhelm your farmers, who have other
work to do too. I also like to move my pastures by my farms, so I'll set that up now.
After that, look at areas good for tree groves. We'll want a lot of birch and apples, one for fancy tables,
the other for fancy wine. Key things to do here now would be to replace clay plots, and removing more
scrubs. Any pines can be cut down or, alternately be clipped then cut, birch trees should have Take
Clipping assigned before being chopped down, and apple trees should avoid being chopped down at
all costs, as their fruit is quite valuable for food and drink (but do take clippings as needed).
Remember to keep your wall development going as well, this is important! After you've gotten all your
dirt "sections" up, it's time to start building the wall. I like to build this in sections as well, just one
square in.

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...

this all around
enough. Watch out for g
est to cancel the job, let them come back in, and re-set the task, or else you'll
of the wall to let them back in. If you forget about them, and leave them on the
y to die of thirst/hunger, or by get mauled by a bear/pack of goblins.
Getting Started

Crude Workbench should be finished. To start, plot your next

. After you plot it, the needed supplies will queue up in the Crude
cutter workshop will turn stone into blocks. Once built, queue up 10 blocks.
Breaking Ground!
mmand, your gnomes will always make sure to have at least 10 blocks on hand
Keeping the Bad Out if there is stone for it!) This will make making other, more complex objects slightly
these materials "on hand". Also keep in mind that your workshops can only hold
A Note on Walls
d lose 5% efficiency for every object in the shop. So a cluttered shop is bad
More Digging
10 blocks, your workshop will be at 50% efficiency, until the blocks are removed,
Building Buildings
tockpile. If your workshop turns red, this is likely why!
An Overview of Controls

Farming Farms

g, check your wall, farm plots, and groves, setting them up as soon as you can. If
consider making them Builders, by going to Population > Profession tab,
Again Into the Deep Dark
ling Woods
to the bottom of the tasks list, and Selecting All under Misc (specifically
ber to turn this off again later, before you need them to start Masonry work in the
Catching Up
rt to run low on dirt clumps for your wall, dig out more dirt
The Great Hall and Kingdom Worth
r is built, queue up 10 blocks (Select block > Build > Craft To: 10 - this will keep
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
ettlement) you'll want a Stonemason (1 workbench, 1 chair and 1 chisel) which
Feels like Summer's Coming
into all sorts of neat things, including sawblades, knives, tables, and chairs.
Still More Workshops
Gnomads Have Arrived!
A Merchant Has Arrived!
re going up, be sure to watch your woodcutters and farmers, and to keep
y. Once you have large enough regions set up, Designate some groves - these
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
ees. I like to set up a small pine tree grove for coal and other misc wood, a birch
Where To Go From Here
iture, and an apple grove for apples. Again, don't make these regions too big to
ave room for expansion. When you set up the grove you'll notice this screen
ou delegate how your woodsgnomes will handle the trees in the grove. This is
handy for apple groves, where you can turn off Fell Trees, so they produce more apples quicker. When
your woodsgnomes don't have a better task to handle, they will work in the grove, first planting trees,
then taking saplings, and finally cutting down trees, and again replanting. This will enable you to keep a
stock of wood on hand.
While these things are happening, don't forget about your wall either! Be sure to continuing queuing
build jobs until your wall goes completely around your map.
By now you should have some wheat growing in your farms. Carve out some space underground, (an
area for 4-8 beds is good) and Designate Area as a Dormitory. Place some straw beds in there, and
your gnomes will start sleeping in beds, which will improve their demeanor all around.

Catching Up
By now, you should have your stonecutter and stonemason ready to go, your wall built around your
map, and your groves and farms started.
Now we are going to need a sawblade from the Stonemason, but if you have enough stone and
blocks, consider making a few tables, chairs, and doors as well. After the Stonemason is done, Build
a Sawmill (1 workbench, 1 chair and 1 sawblade), and Carpenter (1 workbench, 1 chair and 1 chisel).
You'll notice we've been queuing these buildings one at a time - this helps the gnomes to not get
overwhelmed, and do odd things, like try and build multiple building at the same time, while stealing
materials from each other!

The Great Hall and Kingdom Worth

While these buildings are going up, you'll want to carve out a space for your Great Hall. This is a
special Dining Room, that your gnomes will hang out in, as well as encourage new Gnomads to come
join your settlement. As you progress, you'll want to decorate your Great Hall with statues, pillars,
tables and chairs. The better the quality of the items, the more your Great Hall will be worth, and the
more attractive it is to Gnomads. But be careful! it also makes you more attractive to various

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...

If you find yourself being

order toRate
be a less attrac
future attacks.



Kingdom button on the Main Menu, and your Worth is displayed

tab. You can also see the worth of your Great Hall, under the Rooms

Getting Started

kingdom wealth, consider these:

gs, stone, metal) has an inherent base value. When you build an object out of
An Overview of Controls
erials, a table made of pine will be less valuable than a table made of silver. In
Breaking Ground!
e of materials, from least valuable to most, is Pine Logs, (all) Stone Blocks,
Keeping the Bad Out h Logs/Apple Logs, Birch Blanks/Pine Planks, and Metals (ranging from
m). The value of workshops is also increased by the value of the objects used in
A Note on Walls
More Digging
stored into stockpiles will be calculated in your Stock Value, so having a large pile
ossibly to sell to the merchant.. will increase your Kingdom Worth.
nd gems all count, but will fluctuate when gnomes eat or otherwise use your
Farming Farms
irt, clay, and stone do not have any inherent value, but clay and stone blocks do.
bject will increase it's value even more, with Doors, Chairs, Tables, and Beds
and Statues being the most valuable (by far).
Again Into the Deep Dark
he object's craftsgnome will also increase the value of an object, usually depicted
Catching Up
's name, such as "poor", or "masterful".
The Great Hall and Kingdom
pick which
"grade" of object to use when placing it, so use more valuable objects
reat Hall or Personal Quarters for better effect on these rooms.
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
luable weapons and armor generally deal or block more damage from an enemy,
Feels like Summer's Coming
at Steel - the valuable metals aren't particularly useful in combat.
Building Buildings

Still More Workshops d by Monsters and Invaders will also count toward your Kingdom Worth, so use
Gnomads Have Arrived!
A Merchant Has Arrived!
Dining Rooms, Personal Quarters and Dormitories, and the
hange the value of your kingdom accordingly. If these places are built with raw
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
will have a lower value than the same space using Stone or Metal Walls.
Where To Go From Here
Personal Quarters is, the less often it's occupant needs to sleep.
cially important for your soldiers, who you'll need to be active the most.
counts double when attracting Gnomads, Invaders, and Merchants.
There are diminishing returns on Kingdom Worth in regards to Gnomads, and attracting more than
~45 will require more and more Kingdom Worth.

Into a Well, Stocked, Pile

After your Sawmill is running, you can deconstruct your Crude Workbench, as it the Stonemason,
Stonecutter, Sawmill, and Carpenter replace what the Crude Workbench makes, and a lot faster at
that. Remove it so your gnomes don't go to that workshop when they are trying to build.
Now we need to find a spot for the Well. This is an important last resort for drinks, as your gnomes will
go to the well if they are thirsty and nothing else is available. You'll need 4 planks, and 4 blocks to build
it, and it needs to be directly over water. If you see these pale gray outlines, you are too far above the
area you are trying to put the well.
If your stockpiles are getting full, you can Build > Storage and place crates, barrels, and bags into
your stockpiles, in order to store even more items in a square. Generally, hard objects like food, wood,
and blocks are stored in crates, liquids like milk and beer are stored in barrels, and cotton and seeds
are stored in bags. Ore and Stone are stored in piles of 64, on the ground. Placing these containers will
queue up jobs if you don't have any built already, and will allow you to store 64 items in one square.

Feels like Summer's Coming

We're are starting to get a handle on our settlement, and the season is about to change, but we've got
even more workshops to talk about. These buildings are important, but the order you build them is up
to you. I'd suggest building a Merchant Stall first, so you can buy anything you are lacking from the

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...




Getting Started
An Overview of Controls
Breaking Ground!
Keeping the Bad Out
A Note on Walls
More Digging
Building Buildings
Farming Farms
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
ts: Merchants will visit your settlement on the 5th day of Spring, Summer, and
Catching Up
e in the winter, and more will come in the Summer, if you have multiple stalls
The Great Hall and Kingdom
Worth arrive on your 5th day of playing, but that requires a fair about of
ve a Merchant
ou'll need something to sell to them in order to buy from them, (We'll talk crafts
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
rchant can really help your settlement get a jump start, by buying a Bone Needle
Feels like Summer's Coming
Still More Workshops

need, are the Furnace, Kitchen, and Distillery. The Furnace turns logs into coal,
Gnomads Have Arrived!Craft To 10 coal, using pine in particular. Watch your coal and wood supplies
ce, it's entirely possible to burn your entire wood pile without realizing it. Using
A Merchant Has Arrived!
nd is better, so be sure to take advantage of that when you can. In order to have
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
ing coal, you need to turn on Smelting for one of your jobs - go to the Population
cting a job (I used Miner here, since I'm not digging to much yet), open the
Where To Go From Here
electing Smelting. Once you are making coal, start placing torches in the dark
d otherwise. Remember to hit D to check for the dark regions in your settlement
(Red is Dead). The Kitchen will turn wheat into bread, meat into sausage, and bread and sausage into
sandwiches. The more steps it takes to make, the better it is for your gnomes, and the more they'll
work after eating it. Once your Kitchen is up, start turning some wheat into bread, using the Craft To
option. Finally, the Distillery will turn fruit into wine, and wheat into beer. The Distillery is another great
way to completely screw your settlement, and turn all your food into beer, so watch out, and use the
Craft To function, rather than the Repeat function.

I set up a small Great Hall off to the side, where I had dug out some dirt, and put my kitchen and
distillery here. This ended up a (somewhat) good spot, as my workers don't have to go as far in order
to eat. I filled it with some tables and chairs before the 12th day of Spring, so as to attract more

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...

gnomes on the first day



Still More Workshops


ur Merchant Stall and food producers sorted, You'll want a Butcher, Bonecarver,
Woodcarver. The Butcher will turn animals (and corpses!)
, the Bonecarver will make your first Bone Needle, the Loom turns cotton into
bandages, bags, and mattresses, and the Carvers will make fancy
) or sell (statuettes, pet rocks). Once your Butcher is ready,
Getting Started
a yak (but only if you have more than one male and one female!) to get the
An Overview of Controls
e a bone needle at the bone carver. After your Tailor is available, start making
ages, and start making beds at the Carpenter. If you get a Carvers up soon
Breaking Ground!
omething to sell to the merchants when they show up.
Keeping the Bad Out

A Note on Walls
More Digging
Building Buildings

Population > Overview window, and check that you have

e actions of the workshops, like Bonecarving, for example. If you don't have
to a particular skill, that job won't ever get done, so you'll need to adjust a
d (Bonecarving is under Misc Crafts, and will need to be assigned to a

Farming Farms
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
Catching Up

ld be fairly close to the end of spring, or at the start of summer (each season is
is greatWorth
news, because that means more gnomes will be coming! Once they
The Great Hall and Kingdom
tified in the events area of the screen. If you've built your wall, you'll have to find
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
the wall (mine it out) and let them in. Be sure to fill in the hole again!
Feels like Summer's Coming
Still More Workshops ads are safe inside the walls, you're going to want to find out what they are good
on window from the top menu, then go to the Status tab, and find your new
Gnomads Have Arrived!
at the bottom of the list). Click the button with their name on it, and then go to the
A Merchant Has Arrived!
indow. Look and see what their highest skills are, particularly in regards to stone
orking skills, farming, etc. Usually they will have some skill that is a stand out, but
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
ated use of the same skill will make them better. Once you've decided on a job,
Where To Go From Here

ions: You can give individual gnomes specific job tasks, as well as a profession,
but I find this makes keeping track of your gnome skills a bit harder. Rather, I prefer to change the
profession as a whole, which you can see in the Population > Profession tab. You can also set up new
professions here. This early in the game however, there is little need to vary outside the stock jobs, so
don't worry about it too much.
Now that your new gnomes have new professions, we need to start thinking about where these guys
are going to sleep, because all this floor sleeping just won't do. Hopefully you are building some beds
at your Carpenter (and Tailor). Once you have time and space for it, you'll want to start giving them
Personal Quarters, so they can sleep in their own rooms. Sleeping in a bed will give a gnome far
more energy than sleeping on the floor, and sleeping in a well appointed bedroom is even better.

A Merchant Has Arrived!

Once the first merchant has arrived, let him in as you did your gnomes, and wait for him to get set up in
your Merchant Stall. Right click your Merchant Stall to bring up the trading menu. You probably won't
have too much to trade with the merchant just yet, but trade what you can, and make sure your trade
values match. You don't want to give the merchant more than you get!

Some Tips for Gnoministrators

You Did What?! Why Are You Doing That?!
Sometimes it seems you've been saddled with a group of mouth-breathing inbred gnomes who could
drown in a foot of water. While that's entirely true, it's also likely you haven't considered the Chain O'
Command each gnome follows.
From the wiki, here is the order gnomes will do things, or priority (remember, a lower number priority
makes that task more important)
Anything placed with the cursor (mining, foraging, etc)
Workshop jobs (in priority order)
Farming (in priority order)

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Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...




to a higher priority than a workshop, the gnomes will fill that stockpile before

Getting Started

drink: The more steps it takes to make, the more energy it will provide you
An Overview of Controls
ffective to most effective, food is ranked as Meat; Fruit/Egg; Sausage/Bread;
are ranked Water; Milk; Wine/Beer.

Breaking Ground!
Keeping the Bad Out
A Note on Walls

unds are left untreated. Most wounds are healed via bandages, so make sure to
stockpiles around your fort.

More Digging

One of the goals of many Gnoministrators is the optimization of workflows, and

stockpiles in ways that increase production time. Just remember that the further
r a gnome, the more time he has to spend walking, instead of working. There is
Farming Farms
said for making something that appeals to you as well, as it's not all about
lement, design it your way.
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
Building Buildings

t of gnomes hanging around your Great Hall, they are probably idle, and need
u want to focus on certain projects, (like groves, or farming) consider adding
The Great Hall and Kingdom
Worthof your job tasks, so you can get your groves and farms sorted out
ing to some
d food to carry you through the winter. Yaks and other animals are good for this
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
get a good breeding stock of yaks before you start regularly butchering them.
Feels like Summer's Coming
Catching Up

Still More Workshops

Gnomads Have Arrived!
hed the surface of what you can accomplish in Gnomoria, but what do to now?
A Merchant Has Arrived!soon, so your injured gnomes have a place to rest. Building a Kiln is a great
goods to sell at the Merchant, and to get rid of your clay piles. A Leatherworker
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
hides into armor, and will create good starter armor for your soldiers, which can
Where To Go From Here
ers when you upgrade to metal armors. Before you can do that however, you'll
metal industry. As you get more gnomads each season,
raining Ground to train soldiers, as well as forming them into Squads and setting
up Patrol Routes. You can also explore the various traps and mechanisms, so you can let in
Merchants and Gnomads into your walls easier, and even set up automated goblin killing traps, in front
of your magnificence castle. All for the greater glory of Gnomekind!


Collin Forsecs

1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 12


15 Feb, 2014 @ 8:52pm

great guide... really helped me start out


15 Feb, 2014 @ 3:33pm

Great guide! Any chance it might be kept updated for newer versions?


5 Feb, 2014 @ 1:39pm

Great guide - I knew I would like this game, but just couldn't "get" it. This guide has gone a long way
to breaking that en passe. Thank you.


30 Jan, 2014 @ 9:51am

Great! Thank you!

Wildcat Hendricks

19 Jan, 2014 @ 11:47pm



13 Jan, 2014 @ 7:28am

By the way. The guide pretty good.

Sorry for my english :)


13 Jan, 2014 @ 7:27am

I don't know if somebody told that. The "remove floor" operation may be used insead of building wall.


29 Dec, 2013 @ 7:56pm

Loving the guide. Thanks.

No sound | Touchpad | Blindfold

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28 Dec, 2013 @ 12:08pm

13/05/2016, 3:25 PM

Steam Community :: Guide :: Your First Spring: A Gnomoria...


25 Dec, 2013 @ 8:17pm



- Thanks for all the great comments, I'm glad this is helping players learn the game. I'll
s guide soon, since a number of things have been added/changed for early play, as
it clearer in some spots.. Stay Tuned!



Getting Started

1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 12


An Overview of Controls
Breaking Ground!
Keeping the Bad Out

ve Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
geospatial data on this website is provided by

A Note on Walls

Steam Subscriber Agreement

More Digging
Building Buildings
Farming Farms
Again Into the Deep Dark Woods
Catching Up
The Great Hall and Kingdom Worth
Into a Well, Stocked, Pile
Feels like Summer's Coming
Still More Workshops
Gnomads Have Arrived!
A Merchant Has Arrived!
Some Tips for Gnoministrators
Where To Go From Here

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13/05/2016, 3:25 PM

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