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Marcel Vogel Video @ library

Use 4 sided vogel cut crystal double terminated
number of sides = amount of energy a crystal will hold
one end pyramid angle (input) (negative)
other end is designed to release the energy in the coil (output) (positive)

Clear the crystal

of vibrations
1. Dominant hand hold both tips with thumb
and middle finger
1a pyramid point down long point up

2. Hold opposing faces with thumb and

index finger of non dominant hand
3. Raises the crystal up out of the path of
the breath
4. Focus on the crystal and Think with
INTENT to Clear it

"I am going to clear you"

(Teachers Note) Simultaneously, Think of your bodys
energy structure. Think of the major intersecting points. If
you believe in the 7 chakra system think of those chakras
saying all at once with words and sounds and images I am
going to clear you"

5. Draw in the breath and force the breath

out through the nostrils
Breathe the crystals energy into you. If you believe in the 7
chakra system, visualize the 7 chakras establish 7
simultaneous bands of light to the crystal, or send the
bands from the major points of your energy structure all
simultaneously at the crystal) When you shoot out the
breath, visualize all the energy points Send the vibratory
emission of CLEAR along the band to the crystal

6. Rotate the crystal

7. Hold the next set of opposing faces while
continuing to hold the tips
8. Repeat the breathing and visualization
steps for every pair of faces on the crystal
8a this clears the crystal. this clarity can be measured on the Omega5 radionic unit the
the base vibrational rate of a crystal: 454

9. Take the crystal in the hand (long tip
facing up) and roll it clockwise to the right
until you feel the crystal feeling sticky in
your hand (when you feel an increase of
friction between your fingers and the crystal
then stop
10. Hold the crystal in the hand with the
index finger on the slope on one of the
faces of the long point
the opposite point is facing into the palm,
supporting the sides with the mmiddle
finger and thumb
11. Focus on the crystal and Think with
INTENT to Feel Love and Send Love to it

Think an an ultimate vibratory expression of love:

sound, a picture, a smell. Think of the crystal. Visualize it
and think "I will program you with (Love
sound/picture/smell/word etc)"

12. Draw the breath in. Do not fill from the

belly, fill from the diaphram, and fill air in the
cavities by the collar bones and armpits.
This is where the power comes.
Visualize the energy comming from the
crystal into you as you inhale.
Think "I will program you with (Love
sound/picture/smell/word etc)"
(Teachers Note) Simultaneously, Think of your bodys
energy structure. Think of the major intersecting points. If
you believe in the 7 chakra system think of those chakras.
Imagine the points Activating and Singing and emitting
that vibratory expression of love you made earlier.

13. Snap the crystal down while forcing the

breath through the nostrils
Breathe the crystals energy into you. If you believe in

the 7 chakra system, visualize the 7 chakras establish 7

simultaneous bands of light to the crystal, or send the
bands from the major points of your energy structure all
simultaneously at the crystal) When you shoot out the
breath, visualize all the energy points Send the vibratory
emission of LOVE along the band to the crystal
the sensitives will feel a pulsation in the crystal

14. Take the crystal and hold it horizontally

15. Look at the crystal
16. Move a finger along the side of the
crystal and draw your breath in and the
finger will slide across the crystal. draw your
breath out and the finger will get stuck to
the surface of the crystal
When you detach from your intention and focus the crystal
operates on its own, and you can work with the charge
through your finger (against the slope of the long point of
the crystal)
When you focus your INTENT onto the crystal, you can
draw the charge out of the crystal with the inhalation and

with the exhalation you apply the charge

BREATHING WITH INTENTION, you build the charge and
create the patterns that are necessary to release balance
and heal the body of an individual
The movement on the index finger up and down the slope of the crystal works like a
shutter control, causing the field to broaden or narrow. finger comes the the tip, the field
gets narrower, bringing the finger back the field gets narrower
The other use for the finger is a sensor of the charge when healing an individual

The middle finger and thumb act as governors of the

energy you wish to release or draw from the person

17. When you draw your breathe in you

squeeze the crystal with your middle finger
and thumb (while the index finger is on the
18. Create an image of the crystal in your
when the body perspires

19. Force the air out of your nostrils, and a

jerking action is done to the crystal. the
fingers convulse and squeeze harder on the

crystal. this creates an additional charge.

quartz has a quality of piezoelectricity

Healing Procedure
1. The primary point of entry in working with
the crystals is the thymus glad.
You find the thymus gland by visualizing a line across
the shoulders and go down a hand's width.
To activate the thymus gland you thump on it with your
When you hear a hollow sound, that is the location of
the thymus gland

2. Hold the crystal in the dominant hand

with the middle finger and the thumb on the
sides of the crystal ant the index fine on the
3. Hold the non dominant hand 1 1/2 - 2
inches behind the body, on the opposite

side of the body from the crystal

4. Take a breath and let it out slowly, and
hold at 1/2 breath capacity
5 .Go in counter clockwise towards the
thymus and stop at 1 1/2 - 2 inches away
you want to find the correct spacing between the physical body and the subtle/aetheric
body (1/2 inch is too close)

6. Rotate slowly in a clockwise direction

until you feel a resistance
Tilt up and down and side to side at the thymus area,
feeling for a point of resistance (which defines the subtle

7. Hold the crystal steady and rotate hand

until you arrive at the maximum point of
resistance (feeling of pulsing in the non
dominant hand)
When needed let the breath out of the mouth, and in
with the nostrils
In the holding of breath- the charge in the crystal
builds up and links to the person
When a charge or flow takes place, the crystal
vibrates in exact rhythm with what you feel in i your non

dominant hand
This may take a few seconds or it may take minutes,
you must be patient

8. Wait for a person to acknowledge they

feel an energy flow going into their body
9. Tell the person to breathe in and when to
breathe out
You breathe in exact synchronization to their breath

10. You are thinking the thought of

wellbeing, love and peace be to you
11. Begin moving the crystal and the non
dominant hand behind them up and down
their midline
12. When you are ready for the next phase
say out loud, softly to the person, peace be
to you, may your mind, heart and spirit
become 1
13. You begin to rotate the crystal and the
non dominate hand in a synchronized

clockwise spiral motion. slow steady and

constant. this acts like an energetic
14. Tell the person to breathe now, and go
with their mind and heart to the area in their
body that needs to be treated, and visualize
the root, the cause, the source of the
discomfort that they are feeling in that area
15 .You tell them to let the breath out
Draw the breath IN
(increase the power and tempo of your voice and

16 .Again tell the person to go in and focus

on it
Rate of the spiral is increasing

17. The non dominant hand closes and

drops down and simultaneously the
dominant hand goes up and SNAPS
downwards (do not drop the crystal)

It is the simultaneous act of voice, intention pulling

with the non dominant hand and snap of the dominant
hand, that you break up a pattern that is locked into the
bone, the tissue, the psyche of an individual

18. Normally do this 3 times


The Closing and

Healing Process
19. Begin moving the crystal up and down
the midline
20. Tell them "breathe in, see the clear light,
and think well of yourself"
21. Breathe in again and become at 1 with
your body your mind and your spirit
22. Continue the up and down motion until
you see the body completely relax
23. You begin making large clockwise

circular motions of the crystal and non

dominant hand over all of the chakras
Breathe in, and out
Linking the energies into a large ovoid egg

24. you do this 2 or 3 times and you come

back to the thymus
25.You place the crystal lengthwise in
contact with the thymus and the non
dominant hand in contact with the back
26. Press lightly on that area in palpitation.
27. slowly breathe back and forth thinking
well of the person,
when the tissue goes from being soft and lacking in vitality
to being firm and toned

28. bring the breathe in

29. hold and release and snap the crystal
30. give a final expression of love
give them a hug and say your a wonderful person and i

give you my love

Using It On Yourself
1. Hold the crystal horizontally with the
index and thumb on opposite faces on each
side of the crystal
2. Align one face so you can look directly
onto it
3. Take a deep breath
4. Shoot air out of the nostrils
5. Rotate for each pair of faces
6. Another deep breath
7. Shoot out the breath through the nostrils
8. Rotate the crystal so the fingers are
holding the opposite points
9. Take a deep breath
10. Shoot the breath out through the nostrils

11. Rotate to the next pair of faces

12. Take a breath
13. Shoot it out the nostrils
this gives a movement of charge
this builds a balancing of the force within the body

14. Hold the crystal with the thumb and

middle finger on the sides, index finger on
the slope
15. Look at the crystal with the face
opposite the index finger facing you
16. Take a deep breath
17. Close your eyes
18. See the tip of the crystal in your mind
19. Slowly let your breath out
20. Hold the image of the crystal in your
21. Through the crystal, draw your breath in
22. Go from the crystal to the area in your

body that needs to be treated

23. Visualize it
24. Your hand will start to oscillate
25. Bring your other hand up so it faces the
26. See what needs to be done, if there is a
block, just mentally break the block up
27. Breathe in
28. Bring in light bring in clear white light
29. Release it through the crystal into that
area while shooting air out your nose
30. Breathe in
31. Release it lovingly, slowly
32. You will feel your body begin to vibrate
and balance
33. Your hands will synchronize together
34. Breathe in
35. Release close your hands and SNAP

Clear the Crystal

hold the crystal with the thumb and middle finger on the sides, index finger on the slope
facing your other open palm
rotate the crystal along its axis away from your face
until you can feel the field and just hold it there
move your open hand around with slightly different angles until you can feel the field
move the the crystal up and down with your wrist
just practice . this is one of the primary practicing tools
draw your breath in
feel the effect
and let your breath out

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