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Homework 1

Homework Format
For all theoretical answer (answer the questions or short report) type them all in word file
For all calculation, you can use just hand written (must scan and upload the pdf file on
wyocourse), or Mathcad, or MATLAB, or Excel. No matter what format you choose at the
end, you have to:
Show your work clearly
Box or highline the answer
Put your work in the order
Place the page number if you do your work by hand
Up load all your files (word, Mathcad, MATLAB, Excel) under the exact assignment, for
example in this HW, you will go to Assignment tab then click on HW1 and submit and
upload all your file
Do not be late, the HW and Exam will only be visible up to the deadline. If you have some
excuse to be late, make sure to email me and I will evaluate your request
All problems without any problem statement just number, for example problem 3.8 which
means it is the problem at the end of chapter 3 in your textbook
I will use zoom for office hours and if you need to meet with me in person, please email
me to schedule an appointment
All of the work in HW or Exam must reflect your own work, DO NOT COPY

Problem 1
What are the issued involved in a country definition of reserve? Write a short report that
discusses the issues and how a country might be affected by the issues.
Problem 2
The use of hydraulic fracturing has increased the production of oil and gas from tight sands, but it
also has become a debatable topic. What are the issues that are involved in the debate? Write a
short report that contains a description of both side of the argument.
Problem 3
The continued development of horizontal drilling technique has increased the production of oil
and gas from certain reservoirs. Conduct a search on the web for applications of horizontal drilling.
Identify three reservoirs in which this technique has increased the production of hydrocarbon and
discuss the increase on both costs and production

Problem 4
A 50 ft3 tank contains gas at 50 psia and 50oF. It is connected to another tank that contains gas at
25psia and 50oF. When the valve between the two is opened, the pressure equalizes at 35psia at
50oF. What is the volume of the second tank?
Problem 5
The bulk density of a clean, sandy interval saturated with water was measured by the density
logging tool to be 2.4 g/cm3. Assuming that the density of the formation water is 1.04 g/cm3 and the
density of the matrix is 2.67 g/cm3, calculate the density porosity of this interval.
Problem 6
The transit time for a well-consolidated sandstone interval saturated with brine was measured to be
82x10-6 sec/ft and the brine transit time is 189x10-6 sec/ft. Calculate the sonic porosity for the
Problem 7
Do problem 3.2
Problem 8
Do problem 3.3
Problem 9
Do problem 3.5
Problem 10
Do problem 3.8
Problem 11
Do problem 4.3
Problem 12
Do problem 4.4

Problem 13
Do problem 4.5
Problem 14
Do problem 4.6
Problem 15
Do problem 4.7
Problem 16
Do problem 4.8

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