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Article appeared Friday, May 20th, 2016 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (427)

yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

Do we ever wonder about the universe? For example, when or how did it all start? Why does
the earth happen to rotate on its axis so precisely, or even why does it rotate or revolve around
the sun at all? Or even why does the Moon have the same phases, year in and year out? For a
person who thinks about the universe, there would be umpteen such questions. Scientists
obviously work on these and similar questions. They have come up with answers that surprise.
They have discovered that the universe came into being with an engineering and mathematical
precision a precision that can only result from a pre-calculated deliberate design, a
phenomenon that they call fine-tuning of the universe {1}. Let us look at what some scientists
say about this.
Fine-tuning refers to the surprising precision of natures physical constants and the
beginning state of the universe. Both of these features converge as potential pointers to
a Creator. To explain the present state of the universe, scientific theories require that the
physical constants of nature like the strength of gravity and the beginning state of
the Universe like its density have extremely precise values. The slightest variation
from their actual values results in an early universe that never becomes capable of
hosting life. For this reason, the universe seems finely-tuned for life... {2}
For example, taking the strength of gravity into consideration,
Consider also the strength of gravity. When the Big Bang occurred billions of years ago,
the matter in the universe was randomly distributed. There were no stars, planets or
galaxiesjust atoms floating about in the dark void of space. As the universe expanded
outwards from the Big Bang, gravity pulled ever so gently on the atoms, gathering them
into clumps that eventually became stars and galaxies. But gravity had to have just the
right forceif it was a bit stronger, it would have pulled all the atoms together into one
big ball. The Big Bangand our prospectswould have ended quickly in a Big Crunch.
And if gravity was a bit weaker, the expanding universe would have distributed the atoms
so widely that they would never have been gathered into stars and galaxies. The
strength of gravity has to be exactly for stars to form. But what do we mean by exactly?
Well, it turns out that if we change gravity by even a tiny fraction of a percentenough
so that you would be, say, one billionth of a gram heavier or lighterthe universe
becomes so different that there are no stars, galaxies, or planets. And without planets,
there would be no life {2}
The question that begs to be asked at this point is, why or how did the force of gravity, whatever
its precise value, suddenly come into being at the initiation point of the Big Bang as scientists
call it? What compelled gravity to come into existence and become a force at this particular
time? At best, science can only hypothesize that gravitational pull cannot randomly come into
existence by itself. So, to confirm we need to look elsewhere. What do the Holy Scriptures say
about the initial stages of the universe? For example, in Chapter 41 of the Holy Quran we find
the following verse,
(According to His Design) He directed Himself to the sky while it was smoke. He said to
it and to the earth, "Come together willingly or unwillingly." They responded, "We do
come (together) in willing obedience." [41.11]
So, during the initial stages of the creation of the universe, the smoke or scattered atoms were
pulled together by a force that God created a force or law that we now call gravity.
Willingly would be following the precisely designed/calculated rules or laws that are followed
by all systems in the universe. Scientific research points to the fact that all systems follow laws

or rules, i.e., all things/matter obediently follow these laws to a very high mathematical precision
numbers that science calls constants {2}.
The Holy Scriptures confirm the existence of a highly intelligent and powerful Being who has put
everything in the Universe together. In the face of such corroboration, however, there are
scientists who put forward theories that deny the existence of the Creator. They often come up
with a play of words, e.g., The Universe is not fine-tuned to life; life is fine-tuned to the
Universe {1}. The begging question to such a play of words is what would compel life to begin?
Or why would evolution even start? When life did not exist, what compelled life to initiate?
Can we run away from the fact that the Creator must have a purpose for initiating the universe
and creating human beings who have the choice to acknowledge or to deny Him? How would
He look upon those who propose theories to deny His existence? The Creator calls these
theories evil plots to misguide themselves and other people, and therefore asks,
Do then those who devise evil (plots) feel secure that Allah will not cause the earth to
swallow them up or that the Wrath will not seize them from directions they little perceive?
Or that He may not call them to account in the midst of their goings to and fro without a
chance of their frustrating Him? [16.45- 16.46]
The theories or plots cannot frustrate His purpose. However, He may choose to punish in
whatever way it pleases Him.

16.47 Or that He may not call them to account by a process of slow wastage for
your Lord is indeed full of kindness and mercy.
He may however give time to help people realize their mistakes. During this time, He may
introduce a process of slow wastage, i.e., reduction of power or control, poor health, loss of
status or fame, etc. To help us understand, He asks us to contemplate on how He initiated life
and created everything.

16.48 Have they not considered what Allah has created, and that (even) among
(inanimate) things how their (very) shadows turn round from the right and the left
prostrating themselves to Allah and that in the humblest manner?
Shadows also follow the laws and rules set by Him.

16.49 And to Allah prostrates whatever is in the heavens and on earth whether
moving (living) creatures or the angels: for none are arrogant (before their Lord).
16.50 They fear their Lord above them and they do all that they are commanded.
16.51 Allah has said, "Take not for yourself two gods: for Allah is but one God:
then fear Me (alone)."
Coming up with concocted theories means that our status or ego has preference over the
Creator, i.e., we have made our ego or status into a god or more important than Him. By virtue
of the fact that He has created us, we need to remind ourselves that He owns everything that
He has created.

16.52 To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth and to Him is duty
due always: then will you fear other than Allah?

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