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Gravimetric analysis is a technique through which the amount of an analyte (the ion
being analyzed) can be determined through the measurement of mass. Gravimetric analyses
depend on comparing the masses of two compounds containing the analyte. The principle behind
gravimetric analysis is the mass of an ion in a pure compound can be determined and then used
to find the mass percent of the same ion in a known quantity of an impure compound.
The term total solids refers to matter suspended or dissolved in water or wastewater , and
is related to both specific conductance and turbidity. Total solid includes both total suspended
solid, the portion of total solid retained by a filter and total dissolved solid, the portion that
passes through a filter (American Public Health Association, 1998) .
In this experiment, part I was to determine the suspended solids in a water sample. A
well-mixed sample is filtered through a weighed standard glass-fiber filter and the residue
retained on the filter is dried to a constant weight at 103C to 150C. The increase in weight of
the filter represents the total suspended solids. If the suspended material clogs the filter and
prolongs filtration, it may be necessary to increase the diameter of the filter or decrease the
sample volume. To obtain an estimate of total suspended solids, the difference between total
dissolved solids and total solids were calculated.
In part IA, we determine the dissolved solids, the water sample was filtered and then
pipette a 25 mL portion of the filtrate into one of the evaporating dishes. If the sample filtrate is
to be used for total dissolved solids test, the filter flask must be clean and free of any soluble
residue. The evaporating dish and sample were weighted to determine the mass. After weighted,
the sample will heat slowly and do not boil the sample. The purpose we need to heat the sample
slowly is to prevent further spattering because it will cause the result of the mass of dissolved
solids will not be defined.

Total suspended solid are solids in water that can be trapped by a filter. Total suspended
solid can include a wide variety of material, such as silt , decaying plant and animal matter,

industrial wastes and sewage. High concentration of suspended solid can cause many problems
for stream health and aquatic life. (Sheila Murphy, 2007)
According to Science Direct ,(2007), physical alteration caused by suspended solid include
reduced penetration of light , temperature changes, and infilling of channels and reservoirs when
solid are deposited.
In this experiment , the mass of dissolved solid is 1700.04 g and the mass of suspended
solid is 5.84 g . High total suspended solid in water implies by higher grouping of microbes,
supplements, pesticides and metal. These poisons might append to silt particles on the area and
be conveyed into water bodies with tempest water. In the water, the toxins might be discharged
from the dregs or travel more remote downstream. Suspended solids can come about because of
disintegration from urban overflow and farming area, modern squanders, bank disintegration,
scavengers, (for example, carp), green growth development or wastewater releases.
In last part IC, the data will compare with three other groups in our laboratory who analyzed
the same water sample. In the result show that, our group result 2.97 g/kg while, group 2 get 0.82
g/kg , group 3 was get 0.17 g/kg and group 4 was get 0.08 g/kg for dissolved solids. Therefore,
we assume that during the filtered process, we did not properly filtered the water sample. The
precautions that we need during filtered process were, do not handle the glass fiber filters and we
need to use the forceps to remove filters from storage bos and to insert in filtration apparatus.
Besides that, we need to discard any filters that are torn or contain holes. Lastly, if samle filtrate
is to be used for the total dissolved solids test, the filter flask must be clean and free of any
soluble residue.

In this part, we need to find the suspended solids. To find the suspended solids ,we need
to find the difference between the total of solids and dissolved solids. Therefore, we can find the
average of suspended solids which is the value is 1.788 g/kg. In addition, we need to calculate
the standard deviation of the suspended solids from the four analyses on the water sample. The
value of standard deviation is 2.71. The standard deviation can calculate by using formula that
shown below:

In other part II , we determine of dissolved oxygen in a water sample. In this experiment,

the dissolved oxygen is determined based on the iodine/thiosulfate method. Oxygen in the water
sample oxidizes iodine ion (I-) to iodine (I2) quantitatively. The amount of iodine generated is
then determined by titration with a standard thiosulfate solution. The endpoint is determined by
using starch as a visual indicator. The amount of oxygen can then be computed from the titrate:
one mole oxygen reacts with four moles of thiosulfate.
All the reactants and products in this reaction are light yellow and a few drop of an
indicator, starch solution, were added to each sample in conical flask then being titrated by
Na2S2O3 solution.
According to Mitch Andre Gracia (2011), the starch is likely acting as an indicator for the
presence of triiodide ion. Starch and triiodide form a complex which gives the solution a deep
blue-black color.
The dissolved oxygen (DO) is oxygen that is dissolved in water. The oxygen dissolves by
diffusion from the surrounding air; aeration of water that has tumbled over falls and rapids; and
as a waste product of photosynthesis (Lenntech, 2016).

In this part we will find the volume of (S 2O3 )-2 . Trial 1 we got 0.4 mL, trial 3 we got 0.2
mL, while trial 3 we got 0.5 mL. The calculation of concentration of sample (M) is by using this
formula M1V1 = M2V2 , by using that formula we can find the concentration of oxygen. The mean
of the concentration of sample (M) is 0.0007 M.
Naturally, in every experiment, there might be a small error done. This might be either
due to systematic error or random error. In this experiment, some minor error that we
overestimate the colour of the indicator near the end point which is intrinsic error and misreading
the volume which is an parallax error. This will lead to inaccurate in reading the end point and
the volume of Na2S2O3 used. To avoid this error, we should alert the changes of colour of the
solution and eyes should be perpendicular while take a reading. Thus, accurate reading of the
volume of Na2S2O3 in the burette will achieved.

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