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05sr"^istian Friends,
the name of our Lord and Saviour. I am hannv to sav
tn ta> i-v!?'"

not hfln TT.V


at Casfl

getting back into the swing of things."'I'd like

thank all of you who put Sp wiL me

K 4? states and for the beautiful meals that did

enjoyed any way.

Also, a big thank vou

which allowed me to present the Lord's work here

eLh and Leivo;. ^

who are stm

getting ^fknof

there are many neople

keepup the^goofwork}'



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she lias%uffIrerpsycholoIicllly^since\er
^flteve how much prices have gone un here in "Mexico



In His Love,

'' !"






Dear Christian Friends,

Greeting's in the name of ou"" Lord and Saviour Hope this letter finds you
all well and workin^^ hard to over-populate His kingdom,
real happy to report that v/e finally found a place in a secondary school

(hijjh school) for our oldest boy, GrOjjoriOa Praise the Lord, he is now in

school and seems to be enjoyin^; it He has to leave the house at 6;15 A,M,
to catch the bus and arrive at school by 7:00 A.M. when glasses start. Tiion
he <3ets out of school about 2:00 PoM.

Things around here are getting back to normal, if there is such a thing as
normal. The children are all back in school, it sure seems odd to have such
peace and quiet for a few hours in the morning. But I think we can get use

to it. This year we have five different schools, three in kindergarten,

fourteen in elementary school, Miguel in the school for the Blind, Jonathan
in a special education school, and Gregorio in Secondary school.

Last night at church all of our children sang a special. Believe it or not
they sounded pretty good. Of course, Pat and I sat there like proud pea,
cocksJ It gives us great joy to see them growing up and growing closer to

tne Lord. This past sunjmer we had five children, Adrian, Silvia, Martin,
Licha, and Leticia (now living with her mother) to accept the Lord and be

baptized. Eight of our children, who are nev; babes in Christ are attending
a special class for new Christians, at the church on Sunday afternoon.
Please keep these children in your prayers as they start their new Chistian

Two of the teachers at the Bible College here in San Luis, Miguel Ayala, Ned
Benton, and ourselves, have begun a new project. Vi/e are having Bible stuaies
here at our house on Friday nights. Miguel and Ned along with our older ^jOing to visit house to house to invite people to Bible study,
hopefully, the Lord willing, this work will grow and eventually become a now
congregation. It's also a very good 0|)portunity for our children to learn to
witness and carry out the great comiscion. We feel this is a much needed

work in this area. The people in our area are some what fanatical. But,
many are searching for what we have, so vi/e need to share Him v/ith others.

Remember this project in your prayers, the Lord's will bo done.

I'd like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of you for your c.on^i^ked concern, sujiport, and most of all your prayers. These prayers are
greatly needed and appreciated. Praise the Lord for people like you who
malte Casa de Ninos possible.
In His Love,



" - ^930





Dear CJiristian Friends,

"And day by day continue

witii one mind in the topple, and

breaking; bread from hou .;o to house tiioy were takinj^ their
meals to^etiierwith gladness and sincorl y of heart, praisj.nj
God and havino favor with a.l 1 the people. And tne Lord was
adding to their number day by day those v;ho were beinc saved,"
(Acts 2:if6'.A7)

The new conp-reipation here has only just be^un, but the Lord is blessiJiE
us every dayi

We have been meetin^i here in Casa de Nines for two months

now# We have an attendance of approximately 37, and last wciok a psycho

logy student who has been attending services accepted the Lord and was
baptized. PRAISE THE L0RL3

Another thins which is divin^p us c^e&t jjDy is to see the way our child
ren are takin/j; an active ijart in the services. They really seem to be
Lrowin^ spiritually. Also, we are seeing r-iany opii-ortunities opening
for us to witness to others about God's wonderful love. Fortunately
we are ^ettinL too larL'O for our small living roomso we are looking for

a place in this area to rent. Please make this a matter of prayer,

A couple of weeks a^o, a.,y3Qij3hbor of ours came to us and asked if v/e

v/ould be interested in purchasing tlie piece of i^roporty directly behind

us. The lot is about 90 X ^3 meters and Is connoctod to our back wall.
Needless to say, this is an excellent opportunity for us to expand.
Since the children are i^rowinc our bedrooms need to ;row tooi They
arc asld-np' $2,000,CC for the lot which is very reasonable for the loca
tion, They are willing to hold the land for $200,00 for one month at

which time it must be pai^ in full. So, if any of you would like to
take this on as a Christmas projpct, we won't object. Of course if you
would lilvB to contribute, please send your contribution to my forwarding
a^ent desicnatod "Land Project",


This is an opportunity to crovj, Lord

Remember this project in your prayers.


rather cold here and we have had a lot of badly needed raiUi
Unfortunately it's also time for runny noses and colds, Hipht now the
children are all well and happy, PTLl

The other nipht while I was havinp devotions v/ith the older boys before
LOinc to bed. We wore talkinj about what heaven will be lilte. As most
of you know our oldest boy, Gre^orio, hasn't made his commitment as a
Christian but he was aoliinp many questions about heaven. One of his
questions was, "Arc we join^ to cat in heaven?" Adrian replied, "What
do you care, you aren't poinp anywayJ" Needless to say everyone was
shocked, but maybe that's the way we should approach more peoj)le. They
need to know what they are missinp.

T^anlii you so much for your part ii ELs work here at Casa de Nines.
depend on God who depends on you, : Gol gives
each of us a challenge

iieo We need only ask purSelvesJ "A


May tlie Lord bless and. keep you and

we meeting that challenge?"



'"ours during the lioi:.iday season.


His Son,


P.S. If you wish to send packpjesi

them to:

Casa de Nines

C/^0. Clinton Lceneyj1218 0itr uf! 3?6rr ace

Harlingen, TX 78^50


.^as m

the time/ send

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